1925 JUL 10 CC MINX52
M Se .-undo, Cal. July loth, 1925.
The Board of Trustees of the City of L1 Sew ndo, California, convened
in regular session at 7 :00 o'cloc'.". P. I.;. on the abote date in the
Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City. The President of the 3oard
bein absent, it was ^^oved by :- -ustee Love, seconded by Trustee - finder -on, that
Trustee serow be appointed President pro -tem. This was unaninously carried,
and Trustee Cerow immediately assumed the duties of the rresident. The City
Cleric being absent, it was -coved by Trustee Lo-ie, seconded by Trustee Anderson,
that Trustee Cannon be anpointed Clerk pro tem. Carried.
Trustees Present: Anderson, Cannon, Love and Cerow.
Trustees Absent: Binder.
R:u.DI OF ? "IitiTL; OF : "..Ti :.G.
=ne minutes of the reo lar meeting held on the 3rd day of July, 1925,
were read. i:o errors or omissions appearin„ it was roved by Trustee Love, seconded
by Trustee Gerow, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried.
,UITm -. CCj:'Ui.ICi,111CIT"
The follosin;; communications were read and disposed of as indicated:
;: :;;I :;v:� :, advising they will have one o. their
representatives present at a n+eetini; of the Board of Trustees in the near
future tc di33u3s the natter of purchase of sewer bonds. Ordered filed.
Chairman, Board of Supervisors, advising that he will
at cnce take up with the County Department of Charities the -Atter of obtaining
relief for a certain needy family within the City of El jeundo, which matter
v,as referred to rir.. by this Board of Trustees. Ordered filed.
bein- an arplication for ar-oointment as Deputy I'arshal.
Ordered Filed.
u11.�TF0_ ST ::d '. 30I. ;H E.SP -ECT IC: F- _.�: :C CUL:i'A .Y, electrical
Inspection report covering; electrical equig.gent of the City of ::1 -e,--Mdo .jester
Department. Ordered filed.
IL 'ST3iAI. ACCID--I.T CU,"=13SIOiti OF THL ST. T2E OF C_ i.IFO ►.;I6, being a copy
of its "Findings and Award" in the case of S. D. Dare vs. City of Ll Segundo and
State Compensation Insurance Fund. 1''oved by Trustee Love, seconded by T rustee
Anderson that the Findings and Award of the Industrial Accident Commission in
the case of S. Dare vs. City of 31 Se, -undo and State Compensation Insurance
Fund 'oe and the same is hereby approved by this 3oard of Trustees. Carried.
H- ;PORT OF STA: yl:. CU:T.iIT :::. S.
OF CF = IC "` :' :C I.. CC' : :IT 1-
Deed executed by Leon P. 3ishop and :.:bel Bishop, his wife,
Corveyin&- to the City* of .:1 Seo-undo Lot 7, Bloc:L- 34, Sheet :.o. 7, =:1 Sei,,,undo,
the zurc'rase of which lot ;r-s authorized by this Board of Trusters at a regular
meeting held June loth, 1925, was presented to the 3oa,rd at this meetin,;
for acce_atance. 7."riereupon it was moved by Trustee Love, seconded by :rustee
Cam on, that that certain grant deed bearin date the 29th day of June, 192-,
executed b;� Leon, 3i shop ar:d :abel 3ishop, his ..ife, conveying to the
City of Ll Leejmndo title to Lot 7, 31oc!_ 34, Sheet ::o. 7, �l Segundo, iTi the
Co my of Los .ngeles, State of California, as per trap recorded ir. :sock 22
pages 54 and 55 of '.:aps, on file in the office of the County :iecorder of ;-id
Los Angeles County, be and the same is hereby accepted or. behalf of the City of
3ei;undo, and the City Merl: of said City is hereby authorized tc endorse
thereon the city's accept-ince of said deed and th_ property conveyed t'- ereb;,
and to cause the s:id instrument to be filed for record. Carried by the
fcllo:vi -.1, vote:
Ayes: Trustees :.Tiderson, L4 ;T10r,, LQVe vn j erOCJ•
;,gosh .
Absent: :rustee 3ini r.
AIL - -.
rile f011O :rin_' demands, 13Vin ; had the 2,'_�_ „'Oval of the �0^T i� *ee 0
inance and records, were read: y
Ia-le-. .? cc �wnin- Corm ny 1:,.0C
J^ leis 7arLL., _-e 2L.13 8
- ransfer Co. 1.00
:ol. -1 ='e' Co. 51.75
nip Company 100.00
-to La 11 E.10
Street im-or. 2u,,,,
fiC :1-'Ctr1C .
-i t an dar d 011 C c7npany 440.4c
.te ",50o.1.3
erer_al Fund
..illy^_... ?. ,ril3on
100 OC
aedondo- In;le:;ood
:.os =neles Transfer
Standard Oil Company
T. Lindstron Co.
A. Cerdo
Testern �nion 7el. Co.
. '. ..ert
�^ ^^
'13 1 . J'5
Yoved b;- Trustee Love, seconded by Trustee .in iEr,^,C , that the dem —.- :d
} �11G,Jea and ',•Jarrant3 or_ the res;;ective frulds ccverir, the sane.
C:.rrie; ")y -the fcllo: 7- te: r
es: Trustees 2.nderson, Ca on, Love nd ;:ero.r.
:,oes: .,one.
absent: Trustee 3inder.
:OVe t 'ay Tr'a3te ^.4::C::, sec- on.1cd :r:'.._ °C Lov? that
b_- and he is hercb, _- ranitef 7. - :o .Veep = C, ^`iC7 belly .�, _ T�1.. 71141
i t beir- understood _rd ^ fro_.. t:-:7 %t . r. _r_-d-3, 'ecerc:cr G`' y
-.Cr —cz t � C• 'ifO=iL, -7^1'11 act In `. c C'-, cit Cn 'or `he Cit?.
Cf c_ _. cr5er _ t. .�_rried.
_70 °;rt' r Uusiress c,�pearir; .:e transIact_:
movec b;;' lr -tae Candor., sacar :did -- - � •
.,:5., :3t t }le f`iceti"' �Gurr..
nP 'r Q,Tjed:
vl Cle r. oro