1925 JUL 03 CC MINB-424
�)eo-,undo, Cal. July .ird, 1925.
h reTalar Meetinu; of the Board of Trustees of the City of .:1 - egundo,
California, vas called to order at 7 :00 o'clock P. i:. on the :rove date In the
Council Ch=ber of the City all of said City by Peter .:. - Ander, i'resident
of the 3oard.
..ustees Present: Anderson, Gerow and --index.
Trustees absent: Cannon and Love.
H:1.ftiI1:v OF : -*IM TM OF P:s::VIGUS
The minutes of the reb lr meetin;; hel(f on the 26th day of Jung /were
read. 7.7o errors or omissions appearin , it vras roved by :'rustee &era', seconded
by Trustee Anderson, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried.
The minutes of the adjourned regular neeting, held on July 1st, 1925,
were read without error or omission beinG noted and were approved as read upon
motion by Trustee Cerovi, seconded by Trustee Anderson, :hick carried.
0&u. CC11-;u;.ICA210N3.
Or CUo 12�J.
1'he City Clerk reported that the ::1 Segundo Herald had advised him
durir.- the week that it could provide the raps heretofore ordered by the board
of Trustees, but that he had been unable to investigate the matter sufficiently
to make co.- marisons and recom. endations to the 3oard and he sugj;ested that in
as :much as he is going; away or. a vacation the matter be left to :.7r. Hutchins
for investigation and further report to the Board. By general consent this
was agreed to.
,,H--of-Way Agent Dale reported having; had a conference ,dth Yr.
Tom .all with respect to the purc. -.se of his acre, :.ot i.o. 1, Block 139
Tract 1685 and the dwelling house thereon and that i :r. Hall asks 1W`6500.00 for
the same. iu o action taken.
'...r. Dale reported also having interviewed Liecsrs. Zivalic and Franisch
;;'..th respect to compensati,:n to be paid then for dc. ^age to 6-rape vines during
se•,ver construction and that the former would be sLtisfied with an award of
'25.00 for twenty -five vines to be dar:aged and that the latter believed that
tvent -j -five vines on his property were worth '160.00. 3y general consent the
ri_ ^`•- of- :vat.* agent vv s instructed to submit to these 6,entleren propositions
agreeing to reimburse ther_. in the sum of X2.00 each for each vine destroyed on
their respective premises durinC sewer construction.
Lbr I:. I3uLD BU61:. !J
he following demands, havin;, had the approval of the Committee on
Finance andiiecords, were read:
?250 -
Jessie 1'. Neale
Standard Garage
ilido hovacevich
y. Z.0 a. "'nOr
,�. Freese
General Fund
D. L. aaynor
_�. :'rae se
J. Vohs
G. C. -lder
Street Ir_+nr. Fund
.".'.oved by ' rustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Anderson, that the demands be
allowed and warrants drawn on the respective funds coverins the same. Carried
by the following vote:
Ayes: trustees eindarson, Gerow and Binder.
i;oes: None.
Absent: trustees Cannon and Love.
Moved by T rustee Anderson, seconded b-Trustee Cerow, that the fo:lowir_g
resolution be adopted:
w,i:;dEAS, it appears to the :Board of :rus tees that it will be o£
advantage to said City to enter into contract with the lectric
anop, -1 Segundo, California, for furnishing; said city with electric
lamps during the year beginning July 10th, 1925, at standard prices
quoted by 3eneral .:lectric Company in accordance with their price
list on file with the City Clerk,
NO`.7 -=Zr �OHO, 3: IT ::. SOWV:;D, that the = resident of the Board of
^rustees be and he is hereby authorized to execute the agreement
presented to this Board this date for the furnishing of lamps as
afore said..
;tarried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Anderson, Gerow and 3inder.
.toes: None.
Absent: Trustees Cannon and Love.
The 1arshal announced the appoiiitnent of :carve,-., S. Lourning as a Deputy
are requested the 3oard's %pproval. Un motion of Trustee Gerow, seconded by
Trustee Anderson, which carried, this appointment was approved.
Moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Anderson, that I. I:. Sumner
be granted a two weeks vacation beginning July 6th, 1925. Carried.
Attention of the Board of Trustees havinE been called to the fact that
the County Department of Charities has been dilatory in rendering assistance to
a needy family within the City of ::1 SeZ;undo following a report made to then:
on April 14th, 1925, and subsequent telephone calls, it vras moved by Trustee
Gerow, seconded by Trustee Anderson and unanimously carried, that the City Clerk
be and hr: is hereby instructed to communicate the facts in the case to the
Chairman of the 3oard of supervisors .pith the request that he use his best
efforts in urgin-- the County Department of Charity to give i- nediate relief to
the said family.
,.o further business appearin; to be transacted at this meeting, it was
moved by -rustee Gero.r. seconded b--,r Trustee .,nderson. that the meeting adjourn.
:tai ried.
Approv d:
President, 3oard of Trustees.
espectfully submi ted,
City C le r .
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