1925 JUL 01 CC MIN���4 :1 Sagundo, Cal. July 1st, 1925. n a'"o;:rned regular noetin,; of the 3oarc of ^rustees of the City of 1 3e,rundo, California, was called to order at =_:40 c'clocl, on the above date in the Council Chamber of the City 'a l of sa Ci 3' City 1 i d t�•, by Peter _:. inder, President of the Board. ::GLL C- .L.,.,. Trustees Eresert: � ndersc :, Carson, serow, L07e and 3inder. "rustees r sent: ::one. . :oved by :rustee Cannon, seccnded b-,- Trustee -ovc, ,,._ t t'_:c crier cr business be dispersed -ith. Carried. :.'owed by ^rustee Love, seconded b,s Trustee "erc::, that Do Sicl-.ler bo 4::d he . 13 `erc ;;ra_nt ed the -st o^ar; annu; -1 two sees vacat i or. be -Inni^ 3t'_:1 19?5. Carried. Trustee Nero :-; of th e ,Pub liC 7.'CrkS CO=-ittee reT:Crt °,7 t'':at he 4.rid _nd;;rson had invest.- �'_-'_ted Vne v'a-mzG to t'_'e,.s ro- -o tcd by * r• r'• E ". ri ^ =cr- at the last regular `___ :geed that the trees should be replace ar." t five trees . :oil: be necessary. It wx s ` ^ereupon mo'.-cci jar .-rustee =.ove, seccnded by :rustee that the i7arc ?vase of five trc -s .. 1 cost not to e ceec.w3.00, to r-j --Iaoe an equivalent nun"oer of trees, the :rJndrt' of J. rcce..ti;, (i; �l on his premises by e^:nlo-eas of the Street Le artnent of the City cf =1 -.Oebundo, he and the sam"- i.> __ ro authorized and the :.treet is '.ereby instructed tc t:.c s m"- 1r _en thew sr-re received. Car: ied by "lie fclloti :ins; vote: eyes., Trustees Anderso-n, ;:annon, erow, Love and :cinder. itioes: Tone. ebsen' i;one* _he follo,:in" der.^a nds, havin- had the approval of the Committee or. r'inance and ecords, were read: ;rater -Morns and &er:era i Fund 3iznnar 175.00 Lrs. Frank I.roboth 3.18 :. To Hutchins 125.00 L. C. 6mitn 3.24 1:ary :.:arson 125.00 «rarew Anderson 25.00 Hutchins 33.41 Wilfred C. Cannon 25.00 J. ,d• -.rnoirl 81.00 Peter L. - inder 25.00 3. :. Smi th 44.64 John A. 3er ^.r 25.00 E:I 3e5undo herald 45.50 jeor�;e ••ove 25.00 srir..es- 3tassforth Stat. Co. 11.22 7ictor y. 1' --C arthy 250.00 Layne a :.o-. ler Corporation 3.75 ::eve I.I. - %lse;r 150.00 c:outhern Cal. ::cii son Co. 3.2irir es- 3tassforth. Slat. Co. 1.94 - 647.73 Los e:k;eles iiubber stamp Co. 3.10 ::1 Se_;u-ndo erald 70.92 "::; .3eSando Herald 75.00 Street lmrr. Fund : :inta Ciirtz;,,i1er 75.00 C. �. tinsworth 83.00 Clyae aoodwort}: 125.00 ::filler 67.60 Lon u. r'u';itt 50.00 :. 3. renry 64.46 P. .a. :;ardner 100.00 n. Breen 59.52 a. =I. Jreen 4.96 lily 64.48 .:io:_eer = +ursery of :.Ionrovia 7.00 .. " „o:dyard 62.40 Southern Gal. Cas Cor,, n - 2.0: ?. ,. �.:,ijht 54.56 F. '.. '. :dirt 9.92 �. ,.. r -Mier 59.52 r tiller 4.96 ;. C. rider 34.56 C. ..-der 9.92 64.48 .i. J one s 175.00 J. - claauch lin 4y.60 .. 3. .c.rauchiin 13.96 crease 64.48 V. C. :cCaslin 175.00 ,�,. L. dinsworth 51.77 A. L. Ainsworth 12.71 J. ,,. Powers S'.92 Powers 54.56 �. y. :tickler 4.96 �1. Do Sicl:ler 59.52 L. L. itasnor 3 °.68 :.:. :;. Sto -dill 210.00 anion zLack :;ompanw 59.45 J. e. Cu* inks 48.00 PI-_cific :;iectric ::o. 29.73 soody ghop Cafe 2.90 942.19 !*2 .4.8°: ;rich 3udelier C. K. L:cConnell Harold r. Dale C. G. with Re C. Campbell A. Soeuto Lennon i. s. Dinwiddie F. G. Hope J. C. � <ixler C. A. isrittain L. ::. Loe A. Schleuniger 7. H• 1'eterson J. Cairns G• .1. =odd :.. T. Hutchins J D. B. Nancher Gibbs 21.00 21.00 Robertson :. S. Crocker Company, n. a. uann J• C • :✓ans C. y. Dare General Fund General Fund Inc. Southern Cal. .di son Co. 60ut:.err. Cal. :;di s on Co. mo 4.76 J. C. Wjshier 150.00 13.00 :�illia^' _i. :.ennon 5.011. 35.00 City o; :1 6eaando loc_ter Dept.45.30 21.00 A. Soeuto 21.00 21.00 :. fir. :fierce 21.00 21.00 C. H. Barber 21.00 21.00 Dessert 21.00 2i.00 George 1:c- a.uchlin 21.00 21.00 H. A. Cosbey 21.00 7.00 �. C. Grimes 21.00 21.00 r . A. "..:acdonald 21.00 21.00 D. B. Nancher 21.00 21.00 J. :�. Biller 2i.00 21.00 .;. G. 31air 21.00 21.00 C. K- LeConrell 21.00 155.00 G. F. Peasnall 200.00 175.00 F. G. Mavis 76.00 52.31 :Ilectric Blue Print Co. 119.21 11.05 El Segundo Furniture Co. 6.00 210.00 Harold D. Dale 250.00 10.00 iictor D. ZcGarthy 11. -r1 45.50 Southern Cal. Ldison Co. 37.85 29.51 Southern Cal. ::dison Co. 12Y.07 111.04 v;40:,2.7a loved by Trustee Uannon, seconded by Trustee Love, that the demands be allor:e3 and warrants drav4n on the respective funds covering the same. ►harried by the fo lowin; vote: Ayes: trustees dnderson, lvzannon, Gerowq Love and Binder. .; oe s: .gone • absent: None. .:o further business appearin; to be transacted at this rieetino, it was moved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Gerow, that the neeting adjourn. Carried. .respectfully submitted, approved: i erii. President, -oar of Trustees.