1925 FEB 27 CC MINZl Segundo, Cal. February 27th, 1925.
A regular Meeting of the 3oard of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo,
California, was called to order at 7 :00 o'clock P. Y. .on the above date in the
Council Chamber of the City fall of said City by Peter "!;. 3inder, President of
the Board.
Trustees Present: Anderson, Cannon, Gerow, Love and 3inder.
Trustees Absent: !Tone.
r EADIl:G OF L'117= -ES OF 2.;E IUL.;i .'.=7 -1i,G.
The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 20th day of February, 1925,
were read. No errors or omissions appearing, it was moved b;, Trustee Cannon,
seconded by Trustee Love, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried.
The following communications were read and disposed of as indicated:
CLli3 OF presenting a claim for '31.05
on behalf of its member, J. G. Harrington, for damage sustained throui:l
collision cf his autoreobile with the traffic direction si6n post in the center
of the intersection of Lain Street and Grand Avenue, on February 7th, 1925.
ollo:.irg discussion and the hearing of testimony in the matter, it was moved
by Trustee Cannon, seconded by 'Trustee Gerow, that the following resolution be
there has been presented to this 3oard, through the
AutoNcbile Club of Southern California, the claim of J. G.
_Tarrinoton, in the sum of '31.05 for d - ges alleged to have
been suffered by said J. G. Harrington or. account of a certain
accident which occurred at the intersection of Grand Avenue
and '-ain Street in the City of ::1 Segundo, California, on the
7th day of February, 1925;
And Whereas, said Board has received testimony and evidence
with reference to the said accident and is fully advised in
the Natter;
nd 7hereas it appears that the said claimant expects to
refer the said matter for decision to the courts of this County,
in the event his said claim be denied;
And Whereas, this Board feels that the cost and expense
of defending such an action would be more than the amount
necessary to compromise and adjust the sire;
: .ow Therefore, Be it aesolved, that u-pon presentation of a
proper de*iand therefor upon the regular denand blan'_C of the
^ity of "-1 Segundo, California, to be audited in the usual
=inner by the 'Finance Committee of this 3oard, the City of -
Se undo will my to the said claimant, J. G. ? ?arrington, the sum
of nj1.05, in full compromise bf the said ratter, and in full
and complete settlement and discharge of ary and all claims
which: said claimant, or any person claiming by, under or througin
said claimant may have against the said City, whether on account
cf property damage or personal injuries and zhether arising
out cf the said accident or otherwise;
And Be It Further aesolved, that in ta.:irg the action herein -
above set forth, this 3oard does not admit or. behalf of the said
City or any of the officers or officials thereof, any liability
whatsoever for the said accident, but is merely makinZ the
adjuatment hereinabove set forth as being a compromise and the
host economical course for said city to mzrsue in the said matter.
Said resolution was carried by the following vote:
140 �
Ayes: Trustees Anderson, Cannon, Gerow, Love and 3inderc
;10 a s: lione .
Absent: None.
D. C. G , President, 'Joard of Trustees of the City of Imperial, Imperial
County, California, letter concerning the attitude of said 3oard of Trustees toward
the use of the public highways by motor, passenger and Frei &ht carriers, and
enclosin copy of resolution adopted by said Board, making these objections knoAm
to the Honorable Governor of the State of California, and the General asse^�bly of
said State. Ordered filed.
OF C«I.IFOI3.:IA 'ti -iCIPr,LITIES, announcing a meetin of said Lea ;ue
to be held at Sacramento, California, c =noncin criday, :.;arch 6th, 1 925, and
requesting that representation from this cite be sent to said meeting. Ordered filed.
Petition of F. E. 33IDG:;S and others, requesting this 3oard of '.'rustees to
dive consideration to the matter of the annexation to the City of Ll Segundo of
certain inhabited territory within the County of Los Angeles, a'joining the City of
El Segundo on the Southwest. Following discussion it was moved by Trustee 3erow,
seconded by Trustee Ca., non, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and
instructed to notify the .petitioners that they may proceed with the legal steps
necessary- for the calling of an election within their district concerning the
annexation of the sanne to the City of :.1 Jegund0, and the City i:ngineer and the
City Lttorney are hereby instructed to cooperate in the preparation of the necessary
descriptions and papers for use in this connection, which shall, after completion,
be delivered to the petitioners by the City Clerk. Carried by the following vote:
eyes: Trustees Anderson, Cannon, :,erow, Love and Binder.
noes: Lone.
Absent: :; one .
ORAL C012.'L'3�ICA`:'IO:;S.
: +one .
"'Oi1TS OF 5TA1;DI:;G
: +one.
The City Clerk reported that representatives of the Pacific Telephone &
Telegraph Company had conferred with him and indicated their proposed method of
doing away with the anchor pole at present set approximately in the center of the
southerly edge of the municipal park on the Forth side of Franklin Avenue between
Concord Street and the alley Last thereof. It was thereupon moved by Trustee Gerow,
seconded by Trustee Love, that the following resolution be adopted:
R--SOLVED, that the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company
be and it is hereby granted permission to erect one pole and
anchor on the property line on-the westerly side of the alley
between iichmond Street and Concord Street, South of Franklin
Avenue and to install, on the property line, an anchor for the
pole at present erected on the South side of Franklin Avenue
cast of the alley ;ast of Concord Street, all such work to be
prosecuted and completed to the satisfaction of the Street
Superintendent of the City of -1 Segundo.
Carried by the following vote:
ayes: Trustees Anderson, Cannon, Gerow, Love and Linder.
1;00 s: None.
Absent: ::one.
.ne City Attorney delivered to the City Clerk the certificates of appointment
of commissioners in connection with the proceeding *s for the opening of Sycamore
Avenue, together with the form of bond to be executed by such commissioners.
The City.Attorney reported that the Board of Supervisors has authorized
the callin; of a special election for the annexation of certain uninhabited
territory lyin;; southerly of the City of L1 Segundo and at his request the Clerk
of said Board of Liupervisors had prgmised to officially notify this city within
a ferr days of said Board's action.
Me City :�gineer advised having had a conference with the Sanitation
Committee of the Los Angeles City Council, and found that said Committee's
attitude toward permitting the City of it : iegundo to connect its proposed sewer
with the City of Los Angeles ;yperion outfall serer is favorable; also that
they had instructed City :�gineer Knowlton of the City of Los Angeles to prepare
data in connection therewith, for submission to this Board of Trustees as a basis
for an aareer.ent between both cities.
The Right- of- :a;;r Aaent advised having interviewed all of the persons whose
naves had been suZi ested for appointment as Co..=issioners in connection with the
Sycamore avenue opening proceedings, and that v,1th one exception each of the persons
interviewed would accept appointment if made by the Board.
The outcome of the interview bet:�een members of the Board of Trustees and
representatives of the Pacific Electric liailway Company concerning, this Board's
request that said Company re- establish its pre -power shortage passenger train
schedule out of Z1 Segundo was explained to the Board by Trustees Gerow and Hinder,
followin. which it was moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by rustee Love, that the
matter of the proposed substitution of bus service between _1 Segundo and
Hawthorne for the Pacific .:lectric passenger train service as at present furnished,
be re--"erred to the Chamber of Coerce for its attention, in an effort to ascertain
the attitude of the general public concerning such proposed change, vith the
request that said Chamber of Cormnerce advise this Board of Trustees as to its
determination in the matter. Carried.
Moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Love, that Ordinance ido. 113,
CITY TO 3---' D:.:IG : :AT3D 1 :D K110':ti AS SYCAM .: AV: :U::,
J..1 •a;.iu __ „�., _:.cL.,Y LI:,.. OF 3i,:ZZ1 S :.Z_;.:.1 .u1J
P,UALL. '. '20 1111: LEST BOUI;DA ,Y OF Tai CITY OF ::L S::GUNDO,
C'iLIFORI;IA, Ai1D DIST:111T 298.75 F:12T " :,!ZASLii:;D .T RI0,i1T
AI:GLLS &AST:MLY THM C"' ;'Ii 1111 Ti-'v'..' SAID CITY, '�PPCIK T1
Ril COIF :ISSI01 ::::�5 TO ASS:"_:; THE' . +-:. :r ITS A:-:) DAI,'dGLS,
TO L",V rr.:. :' ti?'_:: ;'TI: IG :; OF TH:: ?30PQ3ZD ', ORK AIM P<a:-
SCR I K: i G T1.__;1 i PG i:::t., Al -.D
Which was introduced and read at a regular,meetir_g of.the board of Trustees held
on the 20th day of February, 1925, and reread at this meeting, be adopted. Carried
by the follo:�ing vote:
Ayes: - rustees Anderson, Cannon, Gerow, Love and Binder.
I :oes: hone.
Absent: =*-one .
': "owed by ^rustee -ove, seconded by 'trustee Gerow, that the following
resolution be adopted:
on the 21st day of February, 1925, J. G. Pitney
filed with the Clerk of this Board an application for a permit
to move through the Cit, of •:1 Sewndo one mnall fr, :me building,
destined for =-ermcsa Beach, California,
,:nd ':,nereas, because of intervening legal holidays and for
other reasons satisfactory to this 3oard, it was iTMmractical
to arrange a meetin,: of said : Board to official : rant said permission,
And :,'hereas, the respective members of this 3oard of
Trustees did individuallyassent to the issuance of such
permit by the City Clerk,
.;ow :�iierefore, 1�e it :.esolved, that the issuance of a
permit by the City Clerk to the said J. ;. -- 'itney, for
morin thrcu- �h the City of `1 Segundo, on the 25th day of
February, 1925, one small frame buildin. • destined for
iiermosa :leach, California, be and t':e s -me is hereby rr:tified
and approved.
Carried by the fcllowi.,;' vote:
!I- as: stees .,ndersO ., CE n'::on, - eroJr, 'rove and --cinder.
.;oes: none.
_.)Sent: None.
�he City 'Ierk :;resent0to the City .ttorney for approval deed of ;r'illiar.: L.
Scott and =elen L. ;,coat, conve ,in.� to the City of �1 ae,.;andc certain real property
within said City. she same being approved„by the City __,torr.e - , it was no-red by
--rustee sero;r, se -orded by `fr-,. stee anderson, that the following; resolution be
Zl Segundo Status this date presented to this
3oard a certain deed dated January ;9th, 1925, *jade and executed
','illian L. Scott and Helen L. Scott, husband and wife, of the
City of Los Angeles, Ccunt., of Los 'ingeles, State of California,
to the City of ::1 Sea ndo, California, a municipal corporation
of said County, conveying unto said City that certain real pronerty
Situated in the City Of 11 See;urdo, County of Los s.ngples, Jtate
of California, and more particularly described as follows, to -wit;
Lot --,Wo (2) in �loek `'airty -four (.-)4), of ::1 ae&-undo
.;'':eet 7, in the ',ou ty of LOS ;,n;cles, .;tate of
.:_..iifornia, as ner map recorded in 3ook 22, Pages
54 and 55 of ' -fps, in the office of the "-ecorder of
said County.
. - �;D U g::0 + ' FOR :, 3 v I' . :LJUL i that certain deed conveying
unto the said City of ._'1 c;eg'undo the real property hereinabove
describe-- and set forth, be and the sane is hereby accepted on
behalf of the City of -1 ae�;anao, and the City Clerk of said City
is hereby directed and authorized to cause said deed to be file
for record in the office o:° the Count;r =recorder of Los Angeles
County, California,
that the 'resident of the 3oard of
= rustees and t're City Clerk- of i City be and they are hereby
authorized to endorse the approval of the 'Cit7 of ::l Segundo
upon tae sald deed.
Carried by the foilowin�3 vote:
xyes: Trustees Anderson, Cannon, ero ;;, Love and 3inder.
Noes- ::one.
:.bsent: :one.
.._oved 'ay Trustee Gero ;v, seconded by --rustee Cannon, that the following
resolution 'ae adopted:
on the 19th day of aeptenber, 19241, this 3oard
of ^rustees did go on record as agreein- to cooperate with
a certai property o,rner in the restoration of the curbing
n:.-rallelir_ his pro- oert'T on hand avenue, whenever said
nrc- ^erty owner should give satisfactory evidence to this 3oard
that lie Intends to icroseCµte in food faith the erection and
cOm:Dletion of uildlnE;s upon said property,
:.LUS, said -property o-:,-nor has commenced the erection
of buildiin s and has requested that this curb be replaced,
1.07 TT!::.1�'.'l)i.. , 3:. 1 J:,307 II ED t!1-at the street 6uae ^:rtendei:t
of the City of ::1 Jeb ndo be and he is hereby authorized and
instructed to remove the danaged curbing paralleling katyklx
Lot 15, Mock 49, ;.ithin the City of �i Seu ndo
,and to replace the same with a curb in accordance with
specifications heretofore adonted by this 3oard of Trustees,
all at a cost not to exceed .75.00.
Carries by the followinl- vote:
Ayes: `'rustees Anderson, Cannon, :.ero::, Love and 3inder.
1 "oes: ::one.
Lbsent: ::one.
Discussion arose as to whether or not in addition to the labor charge
to be made for cesspool ounpin , a char!;e should be made for t'he use of the
equipment necessary, includin; the pump and t - -nk wagon; •.liereuloon it was moved
by 'trustee ierow, seconded by Trustee Love that the folloaing rwsol.ition be
a dope a d:
on the 30th day of january, 1925, t - is Board of
Trustees passed a resolution authorized the Street Superintendent
of the City of :-U Segundo to pump cesspools for property owners
~ithin the City of -1 -Y Seg undo when requested, and in said reso-
l;;tion did determine that the charge to be made for such worn
-gould be the actual labor cost plus 10; ')j
.5, some question has arisen as to whether or not an
additional charge should be made for the use of puma, tank wagon
and ot?-,er equi-o -ent to be used in connection r:ith such work;
Aj;- "7717 a, this 3oard of Trustees feels that the 10% hereto-
fore ordered to be added to the actual labor cost is sufficient
to cover the charge for use and depreciation on equipment used;
I that no charge be trade for use
of any municipal equipment in connection with cesspool pumping
other than the charge hereirbefore determined.
Carried by the followin- vote:
Ayes; Trustees Anderson,
%oes: None.
Absent: hone.
Cannon, Gerow, Love and Binder.
:yo further business appearing to be transacted at this session, it was
moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Love, that the meeting adjourn until
Tuesday, the Jrd day of *!arch, 1925, at the hour of 4 :45 o'clock P. L!. Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
��aroved: City Cle rd.
President, 3oard of Trustees.