1925 FEB 20 CC MINi,l Segundo, Cal. February 20th, 1925. A regular meeting of the Board of '?rue V i�fR� it�thgf El Segundo, California, was called to order at 7 :00 o'clock P. Y. in City Hal of said City by the City Clerk, the President of the Board being absent. Trustee Gerow was unanimously chosen President pro -tem and he immediately assumed the duties of the President. 'ROLL CALL. Trustees Present: A_derson, Cannon, ' Gerow and Love. Trustees Absent: Binder. OF ITINU= OF 1=1I0LS 77EET LIMS. ��e minutes of-the regular meeting held on the 13th day of February, 1925, were read without error or omission being noted. upon motion of "rustee Love, seconded by Trustee Anderson, which carried, the minutes were approved as read. The minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of February 16th, 1925 were read'* No errors or omissions being noted, it was moved by Trustee Love, seconded by Trustee Anderson, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried. .7iITTM% COT=Vili ICATIUNS. The following communications were read and disposed of as indicated: S: C;;.:DO CH 3L R OF CO:S�.:::C:,, requesting the 3oard of Trustees to express Ilu its attitude toward the perfection of an organization, comprising the presiding officers of all civic, fraternal and other bodies within the City, to be :mown as a "Presiding Officers Association ", for the purpose of discussin; such problems relating to the evelonment of the Community as might come to the notice of or be brought up before the respective organizations. Ordered filed. L S XINDO CIUID:al OF CUM.:-.RC2,, advising that beginning February 25th, , 1925, a free employment bureau will be maintained by the Ll Segundo Chamber of Commerce, where the nublic may register its needs with the Secretary. Ordered filed. P'CIFIC M. CTRIC PUIL"li ►Y COI.TAI:Y, advising that because of one of the conditions in the deed conveying the land for right -of -way to the Pacific Electric Railway Company, it would be unable to grant the request of the City of L1 Segundo for perm4ssion to cross a portion of its right -of -way at Grand Avenue and fain Street. Ordered filed. ?RAILROAD CCiVISSIOT:, State of California, requesting that the copy of its decision covering the application of the Atchison, "opeka & Santa Fe Railrway Company for authority to construct a temporary spur track across Rosecrans Avenue, partly v;ithir_ the City of R1 Segundo and partly within the City of Yanhattan 3each, was was numbered 10504, be changed to read ao. 14504. Ordered filed. „one. ::one. ORAL CObO?L:IICATIG,',S. R:20RT ; OF ST,IL'DINS TO TS 1 & '�CL CO?_'ITT�%i. OF OrFICE2_12: The City Clerk advised the ooard that misunderstanding had been had con - cerning the eouipment which was ordered for use in connection with cesspool pumping service, and that it has been found necessary to return the pump ordered, together ivith some of the equipment and to procure a new puma and additional su -oplies. Or. motion of Trustee Gerov,, seconded by Trustee Love, the City Cler' was instructed to -our chase a diaphram Tmnog together with such fittings and accessories as are necessary to properly equip the Street Lepartment to provide a satisfactory cesspool p,= pink; serv?ce, all at a cost not to exceed W125.00, and to arran e for the issuance of propar credit to the City of 31 3ezundo for the return of the equipment ordered in error. Carried by the follorin, vote: Ayes: Trustees Anderson, Noe s: hone. Absent: Trustee 3inder. Cannon, Gerow and Love. V.t. 7n:; City Clerk advised that he had received wore: from the Pacific - :lectric Rail - wa~ Company that one of its representatives will be in ;:1 aeeundo on Tuesday, February 24th, 1925, to confer with the 3oard of Trustees or its representatives, concerning re- establish -ment of the pre- po-:-er shortage train schedule on its yl 5egurlo- .- a:vthorne line. "he City :4igineer advised that he and the Street :superintendent had made a number of concrete blocks of different .Nixes for the purpose of determining a satisfactory ^'ix for such blocks to be used in cesspool constr-acticn, and that in their opinion 1 to 8 nix would be acceptable. Trustee 3inder appeared at this point, the hour bein- 7 :42 o'clock P. I:. and im~ediately took his seat and assumed his duties as President of the "Board, :rustee Gerow thereafter ceasine to act as = resident pro -ter;. ;:ovcd Trustee 3erow, seconded by 1'rastee Cannon, that Ordinance .:o. 112, er.titie OF "; SDI .,X, C. I.I:O i:: Lam, 78 Or ._:_ :i _ID - I Y 3Y yhich is introduced and read at a re ,ular neetin:; of "he 3oard of Trustees held on the 2-rd d.y of January, 1925, and reread at ti-�i etin:;, be adopted. Carried b- the follo•::ir vote: Ayes: Trustees snderson, Cannon, ; =erovr, Love and 3inder. i :oes: 1:one. Absent: lone. The resolution prepared by the City attorney and presented by him, respecting the taking of a census of the City of `1 aeb-undo, was discussed ^t this point, �.ction thereon cein5 deferred, pending receipt of advice from the �rnerl can Legion as to the names of the n_ersons who , %culd take such census, the City Clerk being instructed to write the American Legion in this connection. ...n amended form of contract between the City of E1 Se undo and .:oebig & Koebi;;, for employment of the latter as consaltino engineers in the matter of the designing, construction and completion of a sewer system and disposal nlant and plants incidental thereto, was presented to the 3oard by the City Attorney. The same was read and approved by the 3oard, with the exception of one paragraph. The City Attorney was thereupon instructed to redraft the dectonent, omitting therefrom the paragraph to which objection was made, and the City "n-ineer was instructed to thereafter deliver the instrument to Yoebi & Koebi= for execution. 'rustee Gerow introduced Ordimnce :%o. 11 "), entitled: OF TH.: CITY OF 2.1 j.: l:;:DO, Ct'�LI: CMUA, 6 DiLH1NG T T L.:YI1M 0171.1 G..D CPA.., 1, .0 1, '11IF UIc- IDIr' GF Y1 2--y FLI:T -J 3:.I C a W ::T .. �'� . I ; I: C I'; Y '20 D., ;; 3: :A`: nisi i �U... ii JYI '�0- .. �.. i ., :: ?T,•. :L. r.. Or .,_I:: :iTi _'I: :; LIi, -:: .._.��: i'r.:��i.L ::L TG iT�y.' :..�I :K)U DA.aY CF TH=: CITY OF LL G GL : ;: , CALIr C.-C.1A . 4.4 'S DI:iTA::T 2rO.75 ��.` ..a�✓L�{ :.n I� �rL:.J . .'�: iL: TH L'S+:+l',�1U1: %Ilr Iii T :ice a� ;Iii CITY, ru'PUI :�TL :' : : -.: CO:^. :I:i IO:: -C 3_3._.. I .3 TO A. ,......,:w :;Up aV I: IU: OF 74 L 3F: A:;D P :w:SC3IBIi :G THEIR P0'17 S LAD DLTI::S, which was read. YEW BUSIIZ: 33. Moved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by '2rustee Love, that Trustee Binder, City :.neineer Hutchins and City Attorney wood-::orth, be and they are hereby authorized to represent the City of ::1 Begundo in conference and negotiations with the City of Los Angeles or its duly authorized representatives, for the purpose of effecting an agreement, which will permit the proposed City of .:1 Segundo sewer to discharge into the City of Los Angeles Hyperion outfall sewer, it being understood, ho-.:ever, that the powers of this Committee shall be limited to negotiations only, final approval and acceptance of any contract or agreement being reserved in this Board of Trustees. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Anderson, noes: 1yone. Absent: Yone. Trustee 3inder not votine. Cannon, uerozy and Love. It appearing that the kitchen and banquet equipment of the City of it Segundo should be enlarged, it was moved by Trustee uerow, seconded by `Trustee Anderson, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to purchase a sufficient number of plates, cups and &aucers, knives, forks and spoons, to provide equipment to serve 150 people, all at a cost not to exceed .,60.00. Carried by the fcllowin^ vote: Ayes: Trustees Anderson, Cannon, uerow and Loveq and Binder. Noes: hone. Ab sent : I:one . +o further business appearin- to be transacted at this meeting, it eras moved by Trustee Cerow, seconded by Trustee Anderson, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. Respectfully submitted, Approved: -122:2� :resident, Board of Trustees. Cit C1 rte.., -1