1925 FEB 13 CC MIN1-1 Segundo, Cal. February 13th, 1925. A regular meeting of the 3oard of Trustees of the City of El Segundo, California, was called to order at 7 :00 o'clock P. :S. on the above date, in the Council Chamber of the City 'fall of said City by Peter ". 3inder, :Ireoident. of the 3oard. ROLL CALL. Trustees Present: Anderson, Gerow, love and 3inder. Trustees Ibsent: Cannon. RaID I2; G 3 OF : _ TOL?: L,T G,, The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 6th day of rebruary, 1925, were read. No errors or omissions appearing, it was ^-oved by 'trustee .ove, seconded by Trustee Gerow, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried. T -:::, The following communications were read and dis_3osed of as indicated: PACIFIC T.:L !'HOiTi & T 3GiL1P:I CO., advising that the *utter of the re^�oval of a guy pole and anchor in front of the - unicipal park on the north side of Franklin Avenue, between Concord Street and the alley -:ast thereof, is being investigated, and the City will '�e advised later of the Company's findings. Ordered filed. ORAL CO'IS1IIICATIONS. Mr. A. H. Koebig, Jr., of the firm of Koebig _� Koebig, Consulting ynginders, addressed the 3oard relative to the terms of the contract for the employment of his firm as consulting engineers in the matter of the construction of a sewer system and disposal plant for the City of M Segundo, which said con - tract had been heretofore approved by the 3oard. After lengthy discussion, an understanding was had and by general consent the City Attorney was instructed to mare a few minor changes in the document. None. R!?ORTS OF STANDING COIXTITl''''.'.E . R'CRTS OF OFF IC RS SFHCII;I. COI: ^, ?I. T_. -.5. In accordance with previous instructions of the 3oard, the City Clerk reported that prices on new desks ranged from y52.50 to Y150.00, but that he felt that a suitable desk could be procured for in the neighborhood of `80.00. Moved by Trustee Love, seconded by Trustee Gerow, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to purchase a flat -top desk for the City of Ll Segundo at a cost not to exceed 880.00. Carried by the follo, -ing vote: Ayes: Trustees Anderson, Gerow, Love and 31nder. Noes: ;lone. Absent: Trustee Cannon. no Sumerirtendent of the ,,ater Department advised having received a letter from R. ',9. Sparling, dealer in irrigation and power machinery, quoting X140.00 each on two 10" complete meter heads and saddles to be used on 10" pipe at the munici ^al reservoir site for the purpose of measuring water pumped and distributed, as previously discussed by this 3oard of Trustees. Considering, the cost too great for the benefits to be derived from this installation at this time, action in the matter was deferred. Reporting with reference to the form of contract submitted by the County of Los Angeles respecting the support and maintenance in the County Jail of arsons convicted of violation of ity ordinances, which was referred to him at hee last regular meeting of the 3oard, the City Attorney stated that the cities rs Pq 3;.,f of Burbank and '4ontebello had signed the same, that Santa 1_onica refused to sign because it does not send prisoners to the County Jail, that the City of Venice has referred the matter to its Chief of Police, that the rate stated in the agreement is uniform to all cities, but that since the contract was submitted, the Board of Supervisors had changed the same to an even w1.00 instead of y1.05. There appearing to be no immediate necessity for action in the matter, by general consent it was laid over for further consideration. Reporting on the matter of the taking of an official census, the City Attorney explained that it would be necessary for the Board of Trustees to pass a certain resolution, in which would be indicated the extent of the work to be performed and information to be gathered. Upon motion of Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Love, which carried, the City Attorney was instructed to prepare resolution necessary to permit the City of 1 Segundo to take an official census as prescribed by law. UL'FII;ISH D BUZ-I. �'SS. The City Engineer presented plan and profile for the improvement of Bayonne Street from Palm Avenue to Maple Avenue, in the City of .i Segundo, by grading and construction of sidewalk and curb. After examination of said plan and profile, it was moved by Trustee Love, seconded by Trustee Anderson and unanimously carried, that the said plan and profile be and the same are hereby approved and adopted for the work or improvement of Bayonne Street from Palm Avenue to Maple Avenue within the said City and the City Engineer of the City of F•1 Segundo, California, is hereby directed to place them on file in his office and designate them as Plan and Profile No. P- 25114. The City /3ngineer then presented plan and profile for the improvement of the a.st side of Bonita Vista Avenue from Walnut Avenue to Collirgzo od Street in the City of F.1 Segundo, California, by grading and construction of sidwalk and curb. After examination of said plan and profile, it was moved by Trustee Love, seconded by Trustee Anderson, and unanimously carried, that the same plan and profile be and the same are hereby approved and adopted for the work or improvement of the last side of Bonita Vista Avenue between Vialnut Avenue and Collingwood Street within the said City, and the City :,Ingineer of the City of 1 Segundo, California, is hereby directed to place them on file in his office and designate them as Plan and Profile No. P- 25120. The City. Engineer then presented a certain map prepared by him, designated as Plat No. 111-25122 and entitled: "Map of District to be assessed for the improvement of a portion of Bonita Vista Avenue and Bayonne Street, City of 21 Segundo, Cal." , which said map delineates the property to be benefited by and to be assessed for the costs and expenses of the work or improvement of Bayonne Street from Palm Avenue to Maple Avenue, and the Last side of Bonita Vista Avenue from Nalnut Avenue,to Collingwood Street, within the City of El Segundo, California. After examination of same, it was moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Love, and unanimously carried, that the said map or plat be approved, and that the same is hereby approved and adopted for the work or improvement of Bayonne Street from Palm Avenue to 11aple Avenue, and the.:ast side of Bonita Vista Avenue from 1alnut Avenue to Collingswood Street within the said City, and the City Engineer of the Cite of 21 Segundo, California, is hereby directed to place the same on file in his office and designate it as Plat No. M- 25122, 1111ap of District to be assessed for the improvement of a portion of Bonita Vista Avenue and Bayonne Street, City of ,1 Segundo, Cal." Parae�raoh marked r omitted here. See below. It was then moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Anderson, that Resolution of Intention Eo. 85, entitled: -- 'SOLUTION OAF TIE; 30A3D OF TRUST —"'S OF 1+11: CITY OF EL S GI1R'D0, C :.I_OIEMIA, D3CLARI :ys THE I :".- TION OF SAID BOARD TO ORD.�'.i THE I1.iPR0V s:l :T OF A C:12TE.IN PORTION OF B."YOMITE STRZ:-'T AID OF A CZiTAI =: P01iTIO1 OF 30:;ITA VISTA. AVLNU3, .;'ITHIiT SAID CITY; Drr C LA.H LTG T?i V702K OR I1,TRO V :.T=7: T TO B OF ? "OR:: T7,41,' LOCAL OR 03DINARY PUBLIC BMT 2IT; THAT TIHE COST OF SAID M3K 03 ILTROV '..i :::T S'.ALL 3E ':;33SS:D UPON A DISTRICT, AlNND D: ='.'.IRIITG THAT DS S1L4.LL 3L ISSU ED TO REPR1 -- =,T THE.: COST =.;RMF, which was read, be adopted. Carried by the following vote: ;1 Omitted above. The City LYigineer then submitted and filed his written estimate for the work or improvement of the Enst side of Bonita Vista Avenue from Walnut Avenue to Collingwood Street, and Bayonne zitreet from Palm Avenue to Maple Avenue, said estimate being w3362.30. X34 1 Ayes: Trustees Anderson, Gerow, Love and Linder. Noes: none. Absent: Trustee Cannon. Miss Bli SI1 S3. Trustee 3erow suggested that some measures be taken to insure proper illumination of the post in the intersection of Vain Street and Grand avenue at all times between sunrise and sunset, or when weather or atmospheric conditions are such that said post is not plainly discernible for a reasonable distance. Thereupon, by general consent, the City Clerk was instructed to request the Southern Cal. Edison Company to change the time clock controlling the lighting of said pole, so that it will not trip off until approximately 6 :30 A. 11%, and the City Larshal was instructed to direct the might "atchran to affix red lanterns to the pole at any time during the night that power might be shut off. By general consent, and until the further order of this Board, the Chamber of Commerce vr,s granted permission to display a sib in front of the City Nall, designating its office, provided that some is erected in such manner and placed in such position as not to be unsatisfactory to the 3oard of Trustees. On motion of Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Love, Which carried, Yrs. J. Sanko was granted permission to borrow fifty of the city's cups and fifty collapsible chairs on February 19th, 1925, it being understood that the cost of transportation between the City Nall and her residence and return be borne by ''rs. Sanko, and that the City be reimbursed for any loss or damage sustained through such use. '.'cued by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Anderson, that the 6uperintendent of the "pater Department be empowered to expend not to exceed w5.00 for flower seed to be sown adjacent to the municipal reservoir site. Carried by the follo wino voto: Lyes: Trustees Anderson, Gerow, Love 1�oes: ybsent: Trustee Cannon. Trustee Anderson drew attention to a recent automobile collision at the inter- section of Palm Avenue and Virginia Street, and ensuin~ discussion revealed a similar acc.idezi at "arinosa Avenue and Virginia Street. After consideration, it was moved by Trustee Anderson, seconded by Trustee Gerow, that parc::,-:rt to provisions of Ordinance 1:o. 108 of the City of .il Segundo, the City 1arshal is hereby directed to cause boulevard stops to be created on Virginia street at Palm Avenue, so that motor vehicles proceeding north and south on Virginia Street shall be required to come to a full stop before entering the intersection of Virginia Street and Palm Avenue; also to create a boulevard stop on Virginia Street at iariposa Avenue, so that vehicles proceeding north on Virginia Street will be required to come to a full stop before entering the intersection o° l:ariposa Avenue and Virginia Street; also to cause white lines to be painted or placed at such places upon such streets as to him shall seem proper, and to cause "Boulevard Stop" signs to be erected adjacent to these points. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: -Trustees Anderson, Gerow, Love and Binder. Noes: None . Absent: Trustee Cannon. 1;o further business appearing to be transacted at this session, it was moved by Trustee Anderson, seconded b- Trustee Love, that the meeting adjourn until :sonda;, the 16th day of February, 192 , at the hour of 5:00 o'clock P. M. Carried. Approved: President, Board of Trustees* Respectfully submitted, v City .