1924 SEP 12 CC MIN?3S
7. Segundo, Calif. September 12th, 1924.
A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of M Segundo, California,
was called to order at 7 :00 o'clock P..:. on the above date in the Council Chamber
of the City Hall of said City by Peter Es Binder, President of the Board.
Trustees Present: Anderson, Love and Binder.
Trustees Absent: Cannon and Gerow.
Trustee Gerow appeared during the reading of the minutes, the hour being 7 :05
o'clock P. ?S. and immediately took his seat.
The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 5th day of September, 1924,
were read. No errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by Trustee Love,
seconded by Trustee Anderson, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried.
Trustee Cannon appeared after the reading of the minutes, the hour being;
7 :10 o'clock P. L. and took his seat.
'he follo-aing communications were read and disposed of as indicated:
CITY OF BEACH, inquiring if there is any possibility of the City
of yl Segundo improving the =northerly half of Rosecrans Avenue. Following discussion
it tirzs Moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Love, that the City Clerk be and
he is hereby instructed to inform the Board of Trustees of the City of i:a.nhattan .
Bdach that action twoard the improvement of that portion of Rosecrans Avenue within .
the City of Ll Segundo is not contemplated. Carried.
PETITION OF C. F. TRACY and others, requesting the planting and maintaining,
at the expense of the City of yl Segundo, of ornamental shade trees in the parkings
of ..lain Street between 1, ariposa Avenue and Collingvood street. On motion of Trustee
Gerow, seconded by Trustee Cannon, vihich carried, the City Engineer was instructed
to make a survey of the situation for the pnrpose of determining the number of trees
necessary and to report back to the Board.
iy::LSCi: L. YULT.3G and others, a petition entitled: "I1 THE .UT12M OF A Pi'OPOSM
TO - .� FRC "' n?� T T 01.. F - CITY OF M SyGUT:DU, IS; mE COU ?;TY OF
--- �... TIE; i,..� PO:t Imo.: 0_
LOWS ;`* -,,� ��'+f ntth�-. n + rmT,` CALIF-OR-1111A, nF_L -', Sn POiIT IO1.. OF SAID CITY _�;D II:
LOWS � 7+idLU, I1 2IT-1 S1t1aL OF CO 1 +L1 +
r ^0 ' ^n 3LOCX 0 �?t:= ' =.::D Or a =ZD CZTY" protesting ao inst any action
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by the Board of Trustees looking toward the opening of any street through any part of
Block 100 of the City of =:1 Segundo and asking that action heretofore taken by this
Soard of Trustees :rith respect to the opening of mast and 'rest streets through
certain blocks I+orth of Balm avenue be reconsidered and that said 3lock 100 be
ex-pressly excepted from the operation of any resolution or proceedings having for
its object the openir. of any street throe ji such 2lock. "loved by Trustee Gerow,
seconded by Trustee 21=on, that this petition be filed. Carried.
Oj" CO,--.T-'Y I C –' T
+ IC.
+ ..r. J sees ::'.. 7.'-onrce addressed the Board as one of a Committee from the
Chamber of Coerce appointed to urge this 1oard of = rustces to consider the purchase
o° Blocks 75, 76, 77 and 85 of the City of J'l Segundo for public park rurposes only
and that the Board also be urged to arrange for a bond election at a»n early date.
TT notior. cf T2^astee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Gerow, which carried, the City
i:ngineer ,,,as instructed to prepare a map showir g the descriptions of the lots within
the district include: in 3locks 75, 76, 77 and 85, and present the same to this Beard
for such further use as it may deem expedient.
J U!
L.r. X. C. Smith of the American Legion inquired whether or not the
Cite co._te^ elate,-, havinz its piano tuned in the near future, the object being that
the American Legion could have its piano tuned at the same time. ''he City Clerk
Alas instructed to determine whether or not the City's piano needed attention and
if it did, to have the same attended to at the same tine the piano tuner_ is
employed by the American Legion.
REPORTS OF ::> T.:i"DI,, u T _..'.S.
Trustee Gerow of the Public "rlorks Com=ittee reported that infoimation
had some to him that the Pacific l.ectric Railway Coripany desires the removal of
a rock hoist erected near its tracks during; the time that Llain Street was improved:
It appearing that the hoist was erected by the Contractor and not by the City of
El Segundo,and that the hoist does not belong to the City of I1l Segundo,and that the
City might incur liability by interfering with property not its oinn or under its
control, by general consent Trustee Gerow was instructed to so advise his informant.
Trustee Anderson suggested that the City Iligineer prepare a sketch of the
metal flag pole proposed to be erected in the municipal park vest of the City Hall
Annex, believing that if such a sketch was submitted to L:'r. H. C. ?canna of the
'Standard Oil Company, arrangements could be made with said Company to make the
pole for the City. r1rhe Board concurred in this opinion and it was moved by
Trustee Anderson, seconded by Trustee Gerow that the City -E�ngineer be and he is
hereby instructed to make a sketch of the proposed metal flag pole to be erected
in the municipal park and to send the same to is. H. C. Hanna of the Standard Oil
Company. Carried.
Trustee Gerow, who had been requested to consult t:r. Arthur Budgen con -
cernin-7 the planting of certain_ shrubbery in the ! municipal park west of the City
'Hall Annex, advised having interviewed 1.r. Bud -&en, who, after examining the plans
and recornendations made by the Beverlaa-��-QQ *n ouxseries, expressed the belief that
the plan :va,s satisfactory, that thgfsO&Iff
ion could not be better, that the price
quoted is reasonable and that the Beverly Hills iurseries is a highly reputable
firm with zinich to do business. In order to enable the American Legion to
consider beautification of the grounds surrounding its Club House in a manner
similar to that proposed for the City, so that if favorable action is taken by
said American Legion all of the work might be done at one time, action on this
matter at the-suggestion of Trustee Gerow was laid over for one week.
The City Marshal announced the revocation of the appointment of F. C.
Calloway as a Deputy '.Tarshal.
The City �gineer delivered to the City Attorney for his approval, the
following: -
Plans for the improvement
Virginia :tree, bntitled
- P -24801
Plans for the improvement
Bonita Vista Avenue, "
- P -24802
Plans for the improvement
Palm Avenue, it
- P -24822
Plans for the improvement
:,i%- iting Street, it
- P -24815
also diagram of the district to be
assessed for the improvement
of portions of
Virginia Street, Bonita Vista Avenue,
Palm avenue and Uhiting Street.
The City Engineer also delivered to the City Clerk estimates of the cost
of ir_provirgr portions of Virginia Street, Bonita Vista avenue, Whiting Street and
Palm Avenue.
The folloviing demands, havini; had the approval of the Committee on Finance
and Records, were read:
Water Works Fund
City of E1 Segundo 211.07
Daniels Hardware Company 26.97
Grimes- Stassforth Stat. Co. 2.61
Crane Company 15.60
.. 0. Nelson Co. 72.34
Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. 11080
S. & M. Transfer Co. 2.64
Southern Cal. Gas Co. 5.00
El Segundo Garage 19.35
Total X367.38
General Fund
Jack Herwick
0. H. Finke
The :lectric mop
United States dubber Co.
Harold D. Dale
Standard Oil Company
E1 Segundo Cafe
H. F. Strombeck
*Marder�s Spartan Cash Store
J. Gilbert
El Segundo Herald
Victor D. EcCarthy
Chas. Moore
Be= Bramlette
The Electric Shop
Mrs. ]Uinta Curtzwiler
Estelle Ipswitch
San Pedro Lodge, B.P.O. Elks
Moved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Love, thAt the demands be
alloyed and warrants drawn on the respective funds covering the same. Carried
by the following vote:
eyes: Trustees Anderson, Gannon, Gerow, Love and Binder.
Noes: None.
Absent: hone.
L.'oved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that the Street
Superintendent be permitted to take his annual two weeks vacation beginning
September 15th, 1924. Carried.
The Street Superintendent advised that Lair. A. T. Miller would assume
charge of his department during his absence.
The janitor having requested that a vacuum cleaner be provided for his
use in the prosecution of his work around the municipal building and it appearing
from the discussion that the same would be a valuable adjunct to the janitor's
equipment, it was moved by Trustee Gerow,, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that the
City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to purchase a vacuum cleaner for the
use of the janitor, the cost of same not to exceed 065.00. Carried by the
following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Anderson, Cannon, Gerow, Love and Binder.
Does: Ilona.
Absent:- Tone.
No ftrther business appearing to be transacted at this session, it was
moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that the meeting adjourn until
Tuesday, the 16th day of September, 1924, at the hour of 4 :30 o'clock P. M. Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
City C
President, Board of Trustees.