1924 NOV 21 CC MINgs8
El Segundo, Cal. ::ov. 21, 192•x.
., re; afar neetin- of the 3oard of Trustees of the City of ::1 6e--undo,
Californ a, was called to order at 7 :00 o'clock P. W'. on the above date in the
Council ChanI >er of the City ?Tall of said City by Peter Binder, ?resident of
the 3osrd.
3GLZ. Cn:.i.
^rustees ?resent: Anderson, uerow, Love and Binder.
7ruste=;s Absent: Cannon.
The minutes of the regular neeting held on the 14th day of lovember, 1924,
,,ere read. No errors or om'.ssions appearing, it was moped_ by .rustee Love,
seconded by rustee :.rderson, that they be approved as read. Carried.
she minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of I:ovenber 17th, 1924,
-,,.,ere read withou'. error or omissicr. '�eir_- noted, and *.he,, were approved as read
;:per ^notion of °'rustee Gero;•:, seconded by Trustee Love, which carried.
:he foilo:rin conr^::nications were read and disposed of as indicated:
- G.,.....YG., Loon,.; : e41.,n Officer, bei..�- c retort of the porgy
or:E :1 Seidc by his dcrtnent during the ^onth of Gctcber, 1924. Orderer:
?U:.LY;:�GD- .::X�:;ljj BOUL::_VaL D .1:. CC �4 -h ::, advising° of the rro -ress bein`;
made in the constructior. cork, of the 'iollywcod- Redondo Boulevard. Crdered filed.
n nrT
I nes food., Tr. asked that a petition be prepared that the l-T'OpeY'ty.
ha.•e the all N- South ir. ;loch 14 nnnrov ed.
c:rners ^;i =':� ey �ar�:ina -.orth and Sou
t• t t + ti, er ''la r tIm a
Sri i. C nn ink his request, the City ,.,y :an -ine d �. v'J�.. Cd .:.�._. e 5 � _,cite Of ,.he
cost cr t ^r'�, ,.rhich it appeared -aould be w209.52 • 79.84 of which the
i(L J �•: �r 1. y Ir
rrcperty owners mould be required to pay. On notion of Trustee Gerow, seconded
by Trustee Love, .-hick carried, the City Clergy .zis instructed to rrepare the
petition s-sked for in accordance with the estirra`e quoted by the Cite ::ngireer.
r. T . 7. Fielder, maser of a _niece of nro oert-- on the :Nest side of
�pi7 i .5` ' :i �`, '��G r_:'e::LiV nr' •,ialyl1 — �C'liE - �i�c:1 w;ll be ir,7o ved
Avarn: e b- t. :ee ,
in the 01:e2:iii of one. of the euStBri" ana wester_" Streeter iri he screage,
a: .ie:. the 3,)nr,' if .,ere poscihle to " v, hi2- :.c'.".G de_ trite 1:nderst_.ndin;. as to
�c`_o : i`, r,i'n`. -�:�e. __fter _rclorge' disa..s: _o:i, ; :hick c. °fered nc s^tis-
r: -.., Usclutiol: to the -_,rc'tlen~ the chair advise:, "r. _:elder th&+ the -card
on the !,4,t -j inst. 1'' 1 �i,re the ^atter esrec181 3tte t10 ?l,
:.'' cf: . :V--1J. e_,1ea••cr t0 a.;1se hir to tr?e ::curse it r"urSle 1 ?1
"h C�* t' announced that he had co ^Acted all of the street
e �„ or:.ey `
dee.._ r. - �`.,° D l , ri 0 ° -� :3� ;ire , .1`h the
-Agee- fer deliver- tc '_r. Dale.
The 3uperintenden`, of t _C -Vater Department file('. w:it': the ind'_vidu.^-.1
nr:^ bens of the scars ..ri t ter r:port of t i s attej.daree at the ^eetin ; c�
the moulder
!'.a^.": field at Po,monn., �+<:.ilfvrrii, ..07E.^.lber 15th, l °24.
••e r:n:.Grte3 P.1SG that, in his i2 :'esti="tio:"_ coroerninl� i21d1.-Stria.l Pater
I:c 'tl._:i so f<r °oL--:1G such a rate in a" or the ":earn;,- Y 7 ties ti:'
2.i_.. C i ��ul ,
t': -.t 'here -.,,,ere se -veral other , r:,_ :ir.. tc '.':E :r from..
'"'e:•^._s-ior tc ,;se the
,,e„ Dece nber 2 h, 1 ✓4 _. T �v _2 :� .,C a "_... `_G S, `. he r
X11' day tine 3:",... _., .,..,.... arm --nn —.-..t l�itt�.r ^ -'•e
re: 1:i3,. rent: cf- the `'�'_ �`_' - ''_•�..'.tc;."�,S 3:^, �.'�'.'u1l' t, '.' -- -
an :.r.�__. -.-•-- .,_ t'—_c % __ _ �6 _;.:1L.. , -� ^"�rer�.l ^o'1Se::'
'' :e;. v_ _.n: S6 3.9 2'. ^i_ t :?2"Jc'_ Ir_i _ '[•` ar'.
••__.1G 0,.1 6 _:v• i��, . • _.• �. =e "); Js _'.t r7-1_..3 tc 71$e
_am on t t
G.1 01: o_ r •��$ se
J ' :7Ji•10 b,, ar..:J �.�f� •�u'i C, .: 1 -:!: .... rY` i P :.i, t!_i .. _ �' 1 $:,_ J:: „ Ul•^ ..E.':.:, `l:l _
at' v t+ r t t t• r a
_7e l. it: :r:jinaer CFitleu Ue .0 ?: t0 lc 1 Z:'_. _ - _Gli v_ 1,}7E �.Oit
is ra11i,i-, ov;in, tv _rtIn, Gr it $.: Grt$ at th-t - 01'_7`„ ^ie"e ~
.,.. :'1.12.1 1111 vv!:_ J � .°. G::'_._..a le S;;ijjc$1.,... .,:1 ?_t 1,._fi beat,- method
_ -_._ :,ent rep�iir 13 the c0astructlo'7 of concrete culvert,
8_ astte wnderso_. for
_lust C, -31 -, sec'J2: a�G'a� b� _ru$t et. tat- iQa.•Ja�21, ti' :fit �.. �. all :L(•i 'l i:l ,�-,
..ove'nber 21� t'?, 19_. -.
e J,
'us, nes :, C ril � to be trans: =cteci ;t t1 is n:eetin_„ ]' ^+aS
se3onu"v� by 1'r'ustee- <:ndersi. : :, the '"eati2 " :" adjourn.
^t _
S::b`::. tt
City Clern
Zoalyd of . :rustees.