1924 NOV 14 CC MIN'l Segundo, Cal. ::ovenber 14th, 192.1. j, regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo, California, was called to order at 7 :00 o'clock P. "L. on the above date in the Council Chamber of the City 4all of said City by Peter —3. Binder, President of the Board. RO:uL CALL, Trustees Present: A_nder. ion, Love and :tinder. Trustees absent: Cannon and Serow. A. U a. The minutes of the rei-rklar mee'ing held on the 7th day of itiocember, 192 were read. Io errors or orissicns appearing, it was moved by Trustee Love, seconded by Trustee Anderson, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried. rustee Cannon appeared at the hour of 7 ;1:i P. 4111. and took his seat. The following communications were read and disposed of as indicated: r'. J. AG :L;, recuesting permission to construct a cement approach to his property, ,anUly, Lot 2, Block 25, ::1 Segundo. Loved by Trustee Love, seconded by Tr-,as'ee Anderson, that F. J. Fag.:.n be and he is hereby granted permission to cu` the curb in front of his rrenises, Lot 2, 3loek 25, —71 Segundo, for the rur -n3se of constr-acting a cement approach t;, said property, providing the work is nerforn.eq in accordance with specifications of the City of Ll Segundo for such work, an0 riroYided further that same is prosecuted and completed to the satisfaction of the ,treet 3uperi' }tendent of the City of ::1 Segundo. Carried. CLL:i OF ;,CL :' :::::1 CAL 1T I , advising that they prefer not to erect a flasher at ?Tariposa Avenue and Concord Street, as requested by this Board, but suogestin;; the erection of a slow sign adjacent to this intersection. By general consent the Clerk was instructed to request the erection of a slow sign as recofi-."ended by-said Automobile Club. BOULDMi DA:.' ASSOC1ATIOh. advising of a meeting; to be held in the City Hall at Pomona, Saturday-, : ;ovember 15th, 1924, at 10 :00 o'clock A. ;�. and requesting that this City have official representation at said meeting. Loved by Trustee Love, seconded by Trustee Anderson, that Yr. R. 1. Hutchins, Superintendent of the ;later Department be and he is hereby authorized to officially represent the City of s,l 3egundo at the meeting of the Boulder Dam association to be held at Pomona, ::ove*nber 15th, 1924, and to file with this Board his demand for actual expenses in connection there,.,Ath. Carried by the followin5 vote: Ayes: trustees ,Lnderson, Cannon, Love and Binder. ., Oe S iiGlie . z,,,b sent Trustee Gerow. Cl" .ry.., C: :Tune. r., OF FFTC7'0- 'he City Clem reported that difficulty is being experienced in the onera tion of the air compressor which suppli es .a x for the oil tank used in co :ractior with the heating plant of the City/6_ tl Segundo, and suggested that i::s`ead f contiirairg the same as a belt driven compressor, that the same be e :Aimed :with gears. .'oved ly Tr::stee C,:nnon, seconded by Trustee —o-.,,e, that the City Clerk be and lie is hereby authorized to have the rotor and air compressor used in cc- inection v-.ith the hea'.ing plant of the City of M `;er,'undo converted into gear driven apparatus, usin fibre gears if possible to obtain the same, "78 ft-!' at s co it not to exceed v 10.00. Carried by the following vote: 'Awes: trustees Anderson, Cannon, Love and :cinder. Goes: hone. Absent. trustee Gerov;. "he City attorney presented to the 3oard the resolution he had ureuared, ,�:ur3:; nt to its instruction, calling an election for the urpose of votini; bonds for a -:uaiie uark. ;he Cit; ,.b�igineer, havin�� reported that probably within four Weeks he r,ould be rea=dy to submit data with res-pect to the cost of constructin; a -public se :tier within the City of :Ll 3e�;undo, it was thouLjht advisable to defer action zlth respect to ar election, so that both bond propositions mii; t be voted on at the same time. Harold y. Dale, right -of -.ray agent, reported continued progress with his work. L'!.ZIIVISHrAD SUS1.LZSj. The 3oard, havins heratofore discussed the matter of establishing the ;.ester rate for industries r:ithin the City of Ll Segundo, and feeling that with the anti- cipated develorment of the Santa Pe Industrial Site, they may be called upon to quote such rates, by general consent the Superintendent of the Water Department was instr;:cted to make an investigation of industrial ;eater rates in other Southern Calif .-rnia cities and report back to this 3oard so that it might make a definite decision in the Natter. further business ar_rearing to be transacted at this session, it was moved by '.:'rustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee :Jove, that the meeting adjourn until Yonday, t'.e 17th dry of i:ovember, 111", at the hour of 4:40 o'clock P. 11. Carried. Approved: ?resident, Board of Trustees. Hespectfully submitted, G