1924 NOV 07 CC MINd L1 Segundo, Cal. Ilov. 7th, 1924. n rez:lar meetinf, of the Board of Trustees of the City of El 5eg-undo, California, was called to order at 7 :00 o'clock P. on the above date in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City by Peter :,. Binder, President of the Board. ROB, CAI.:.. Trustees Present: Anderson, Cannon, rerow, Love and Binder. Trustees Absent: _one. DIG OF I'.LtiT::i G? ?a.--'VICL-. ::::TI�G. The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 31st day of October, 1924, 'were read. I'o errors or omissions appearing, it vra.s nowed by Trustee Cannon, secorc'ed b-- Trustee Love, that the ninutes be approved as read. Carried. !lone. one. MIT1='T CO: -_'rJI'ICATIO' 3. REPOETJ OF ST Iii ING CO'_".'IT L1 S. R :POTS OF ^FF ICM :L D S?::C IA1, "r?arold D. Dale reported respecting result of his efforts to obtain prices on the individual lots embraced in B1ocI. 85 of the City of :'1 Segundo, the purchase of :;hick, for a rublic nark, is contemplated by the City. Several property oemers are -set to be heard from, but Yr. Dale estimates that the block. can be purchased for not to exceed "'35,000.00. In order to give the rublic an opportunity to express its vie-.;s in the Tatter of the purchase of this property, as well as beautify the s ---me, anc to provide the funds for this nvrpose, it Neas moved by Trustee Anderson and seconded by Trustee Cannon, th -t the City .ittorney be and he is hereby instructed to prepare the necessary proceedings to call an election for the purpose of voting Bunds, I the sum of ' 50,000.00, for acquiring, beautifying and equipping Block 85 of the City of ::l 3eSundo, as a rublic nark. and that the City Attorney be authorized to et:E:age bona counsel. Carried by th _� Dote: ryes: Trustees :ider3on, Cannon, : erov:, Love and Binder. _IT oes: None. Absent: Tone. 1:tFIN1SI1:.D :iLSI:Yl.SS. loved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Gerow, that resolution of Intention 6o. 79, entitled: "A R .SOL10110 OF THE 3UAnD CF TiILS1..:.5 OF m:'7 CITY OF EL SEG*U —j;W, QALIFOii:vlj'� , DECLAH1111 1 'THL I.tT:::wTI0i1 OF a:-ID Bi )AaD TO O,U,'j TH:; 11*12i�O'l­ "'T OF rO:iTI0I:5 O Ylii';IiIIA S'�':3i: �', iG :30iv'Iiri I:i'+ Z":;:,uL, :.:n1L. ii liutJ F., i''rAdIPOSss t►Yrli�ur::.ivD�T I111:I ""Olin. Ulu 1 .0 Y I PALS: AITr..ru:1, ;�i:FiIi� T:i J..ID CI. t; D:;C1,AA1d7fG 21M ,y T TO BL 02 Y0:1:: i LN LOCAL C3 ORDI::AtY lulsL^ILC.•4.�: E I �; �1UT J�_ID C)j'Lll Ci `�:�0 -'- '•:rT ^' S LJL J., A:, �7- iJiJLL L2Ul� A i Ii 11 ll� r .....1' J. �L iiISYu1CY Al. D THAT BONDS SiuiLL 3L ISSL w TO r;-,; ch ::ds read, be adopted. Carried by the following vote- Ayes: Trustees Anderson, Cannon, Gerow, Love and Binder. :oe s: ::one. absent: I:one. .,72 The City Engineer -then presented plan and profile for the improvement of Palm Avenue between Main Street and Hillcrest Avenue in the City of El Segundo, California. After examination of said plan and profile, it was moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Love and unanimously carried, that the said plan and profile be and the same are hereby approved and adopted for the work or dmprovement of Palm Avenue between :Bain Street and Hillcrest avenue within the said City and the City Engineer of the City of Ll Segundo, California, is hereby directed to place them on file in his office and designate them as Plan and Profile I:o. P- 248220. The City r�ineer then presented plan and profile for the improvement of Bonita Vista Avenue between Maple and Walnut Avenue.in the City of Ll Segundo, California. after examination of said plan and profile, it wss moved by Trustee Geror;, seconded by Trustee Love and unanimously carried, that the said plan and profile be and the same are hereby approved and adopted for the work or improves emt of Bonita Vista Avenue between Maple and Walnut Avenue within the said City and the City .n6ineer of the City of ::1 Segundo, California, is hereby directed to place them on file in his office and designate them as Plan and Profile I:o. P- 248020. The City Engineer then presented plan and profile for the improvement of bhiting Street between Palm Avenue and .iariposa Avenue in the City of Segundo, California. After examination of said plan and profile, it was moved b-: Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Love and unanimously carried, that the said plan and profile be and the same are hereby approved and adopted for the work or improvement of '.7hiting Street from Palm to Mariposa Avenue within the said City and the City Engineer of the said City of Ll Segundo, California, is hereby directed to place them on file in his ^ffice and designate them as plan and profile No. P- 248150. The City Engineer then presented plan and profile for the improvement of L "ariposa Avenue between Bonita Vista Avenue and the 7,esterly City Limits in the City of :.1 Segundo, California. After examination of said plan and profile, it was moved by Trustee verow, seconded by Trustee Love and unanimously carried, that the said plan and profile be and the same are hereby approved and adopted for the work or improvement of Liariposa Avenue between Bonita Vista Avenue and the Westerly City Limits within the said City and the City Engineer of the said City of El Segundo, California, is hereby directed to place them on file in his office and designate them as Plan and Profile No. P- 249240. The City Engineer then presented plan and profile for the improvement of East Yaple Avenue between Fain Street and the Fisher Subdivision in the City of E1 Segundo, California. After examination of said plan and profile, it was moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee -ove and unanimously carried, that the said plan and profile be and the same are hereby approved and adopted for the work or improvement of Fast Yaple Avenue between Main Street and the Fisher Subdivision within the said City and the City .Engineer of the said City of E1 Segundo, California, is hereby directed to place them on file in his office.and designate them as Plan and Profile No. P- 24912. The City Engineer then presented plan and profile for the improvement of Virginia Street between Pine Avenue and Collingwood Street in the City of --a Segundo, California. After examination of said plan and profile, it was moved by Trustee serow, seconded by Trustee Love and unanimously carried, that the said plan and profile be and the same are hereby approved and adopted for the work or improvement of Virginia Street between Pine Avenue and Collingwood Street within the said City and the City Engineer of the said City of ::1 Segundo, California, is hereby directed to place them on file in his office and designate them as Plan and Profile No. P- 248010. T he City Attorney advised that the School Board had acquiesced in the improvenent of Virginia Street between Mariposa Avenue and Palm Avenue and the inclusion of school property in the district to be assessed to cover the cost of said improvement. The City Engineer then presented a certain map prepared by him, designated as Drawing ho. M- 249050 and entitled: "Map of District to be assessed for the improve- ment of a portion of Bonita Vista Avenue, Virginia Street, tJhiting Street, Mariposa :venue, Palm Avenue, East Yaple Avenue in the City of F.1 Segundo, California ", which said drawing delineates the property to be benefited by and to be assessed for the costs and expenses .0 of the work or improvement of Palm Avenue between Train Street and Hilletest Avenue, Bonita Vista Avenue between '. raple Avenue and Walnut Avenue, 'Ihiting Street between Palm Avenue and =ariposa Avenue, Mariposa Avenue between Bonita Vista Avenue and the 77esterly City Limits, L%ple Avenue between Lain Street and Fisher Subdivision, Virginia Street between Pine Avenue and Collingwood Street, r:ithin the Ctty of .:1 Segundo. After examination of same, it was moved by Trustee aerow, seconded by Trustee Love, and unanim3usly carries:, that the said map or plat be approved and that the same is hereby approved and adopted for the work or improvement of 3onita Vista Avenue between Maple Avenue and Walnut. Avenue, Palm Avenue between Lain Street and 3illcrest Avenue, Aiting Street between Palm Avenue and Mariposa Avenue, ?.Mariposa Avenue between Bonita Vista Avenue and the Westerly City Limits, '.:aule Avenue between -lain Street and Fisher Subdivision, Virginia Street between Pine Avenue and Collingwood Jt -eet within the said City, and the City Engineer of the City of -7Z Segundo, California, is hereby directed to place the same on file in his office and designate it as Drawing No. 1:- 249050, ";Map of District to be assessed for the Improvement of a Portion of Bonita Vista Avenue, Virginia Street, whiting Street, ?'ariposa Avenue, Palm Avenue and :last Laple Avenue within the said City ". The City Engineer then submitted and filed his written estimate for the work or improvement of Palm Avenue between Main Street and Rillcrest hvenue, Bonita Vista Avenue between Maple Avenue and 'Walnut Avenue, 1+hiting Street between Palm Avenue and Yariposa Avenue, Mariposa Avenue between 3onita Vista Avenue and the Westerly City Limits, I!aple Avenue between ;Main Street and the Fisher Subdivision, and Virginia Street between Pine Avenue and Collingwood Street, said estimate being x34,991.73. PAY=G BILLS. :'he following demands, having had the approval of the COm —Ittee on Finance and Records, were read: ;,later :corks Fund :.:ueller Company 9.18 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. 10.00 Crane Company 1.45 Daniel Hardware Co. 14.67 So. Calif. Edison Co. 194.20 .229.50 Street Impr. Fund U. S. Flexible I.:etallic Tubing Company 14.00 Union Rock Co. 115.55 y129.55 General Fund Neuner Corporation 1.40 Edna E. Harlan 40.47 E1 Segundo Furniture Co. 69.06 �. Co Kelley 225.46 Rich Budelier 15.50 Rich 3udelier 400.00 Amer i can-Lax rance Fire Engine Company 2480.00 Electric Blue Print Co. 14.43 So. Calif. Edison Co. 27.00 So. Calif. Edison Co. 44.72 So. Calif. Edison Co. 28.54 So.,Calif. Edison Co. 140.18 So.'Calif. Edison Co. 102.44 Hawthorne Lumber Yard 1.44 C. M. Webb 1.50 The Electric Shop 10.55 Daniels hardware Co. 39.05 Rodeo Land & 'dater Co. 3.60 ?acific Tel. & Tel. Co. 50024 ,.3695.58 ::.owed by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Love, that the demands be allo :.ed and warrants drawn on t-be respective -tWering the sane. Carried by the follo:;Ing vote: Ares: Trustees Anderson, Can:.on, Gerow, Love and 3inder. :;oes: :;one. Absent; hone. .ne itreet Superintendent requested permission to grade certr-in alleys, which are now difficult for the street department to negotiate in the collection of &:�- -base and the performance o° other municipal functions and after discussing the mattor, it was aSreed that the 3oard would reef at the City Fall, Sunday, F74 'ove^iber 9th, 1924, at 9;00 A. F., for the purpose of viewing the conditions referred to. No further business appearing to be transacted at this meetin-, it was moved by Trustee Geror:, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. ,jespectfully submitted, r :approved: ?resident, Board of Trustees. ,4 ZZ