1924 MAY 23 CC MIN260
.Ln a_,-,'ourned re -,:tar n.eetin of
',f—nis,, was called to order at 6:,
Cham'.-er of the C 1 t-- 7,ali of z;aid Ci AU---7
Cal. Lay 23rd, 1924.
the 3oar(f, of --rustees of t7_:e Cit-7 of --=l
50 o'clock P. L. on the Lbove date in the Council
by Y - 'e t -er Linder, _. nd 1 . -. er, 2resident of the 5
trustees Present: Jamison, :zero:; and 3inder*
2r-,,st es sent: hove.
ne rinutos of the reZular !neetin,-_ held or. the day of Lay, 192 , -.-;ere
:-.o error-- or Omissions beim.- noted, it -.,as moved by trustee 71ercw, seconded
' 1- U-1 I- Ij �,
iaon, that 'I e -inutes I -.-,-,-jro-.-ed a,; read. C-nrried.
_'ti,e minutes of t'je adjourned re-mlar meetin,:,- of .la77 ' 161"'1
;. .1 - , ,were re ac without
,)r o7n's3ilon befn�� ::otea' and were arproved u on mot-Im of Irustee Cannon,
eror L P
he minutes of the re�zlar meetin,:- 111-eld On the 20th day of 1--y, 1924, were
_o ,n0.rs or omi ssions a-. pearin-, they -were a--,)roved -is read- upon motion
of ',",nn on, secordeu" by Geraw, -�.rhich wrriede
e mizns ,tes of t'- -e ad'ourned re-:ula-r meet-1,1l; of Lay 20th iere read without
d 4 t S
e-�,ror 3-., cyn L s,- on be M.7- noted an moved by '_'-rustue seco,.ideC by
'(-;e : in'utes be as ree.i. Carried.
,,aid disposed of as indicated:
beln,7 a -forn-:.1 a-pplic-stion for franchise
uthorlt-�, to coy struct trackage across __ellevie• .venue at ln- ;lewood-Redondo
XLCtion in t-his matter ,,.,as ordered deferred until the next re.Fjular
,7eetinT. of the 3oard.
-1:: 11 - - that they would have to postpone
.:,CL:':.ILa C T 7C)� I C;' 7 ,
- AZI L.Ll. stating u
the -o-jin- of pole lines on _'air Street until a more favorable year and Diving
z - - L�
-ea,-ons for their decision in the -atter. Ordered filed.
- " T
P 0
reported tliat In tae 7Ltter of the construction of idewal-K and
it inic, _e s
atreet from avenue to Collihg<,,,00d street, but one objection
: e
en filed, that riot bein:7 a very strenuous objection.. One property miner
re -U'iat 'u,-)e im-crovement be extended to include the side of Virginia
-fro.,7 tine avenue to `_`rinosa avenue. T�- -,-;as thereu-con moved by trustee
by -rustec, that the City En: ineer be and he is =_ ere r
ir_ r 4 _e5 fo the en ineerin df-la necessary for the construction of side,.-,,ul!,s
- y
c 2 L
ine :.venue to anrirosa ,venue curbs or, the :;ast side of :street from -
n: on --ct"- side.- of 7i-;i,- tree' frcm Avenue to '",011inv.,,Ood street,
6ot-, en r e-!-, to be referred to the ity ZL t- U crney for the pre-oaration of e
'tn le *r
re -.-L, z - I
rrocee-7- �o order -,,:or:i ,sneer the Im-orover.ent of 11-11
_D �,,�-�rried b�, the folllowinZ votet.
of '? f�15-
-1 3eCindo, Cal. :.:cy 20th, 192 -1.
..t tho ho:r of 6:30 o'c1GCr: P. or. the aboae date, in the Ccrmcil 01 =bor
cf t16 City ?Tall in the Ci t,' of -,+1 :ie3undo. California , s`- i d time an place bein-
t?:e re_ --�_1wr time and place for holdin;; re.;ti:lar Treetin;;s of the 3oard Of trustees
of said CitLr, the City Clerk was the only person -present. die Clerk waited at
Vie Co,w".cil Char. ^.ber for a r_eriod of fifteen minutes and no member of the "care -
o °_ ructee �Jpvari"1! °, the Clerk t lerou -,po:_ an-liounced that the `"eCti StvG::
ad'lc-arned until 9:0"D o'cloci: . .':. of the sane date.
r< d nt, soar of 7rustee3.
Hesnectfully zubr:;t „ea,
Calif. :20th, 1C2 .
adjourned re -.lar meeting of t'-_„ 'nard of Trustees of the Cite of
..alifor• i1_, called tc ^rder at 4 ' - h, ,
., ;00 o cloc:�� r. ". on the wbc-re
it.. te City :i =.per, f
_-C. -i 'e:_t of the .oc.ra. The City Cier�: being ab3ent, the President appointee.
-- ,: st 8e Cannon _-3 C 16t' H "0- L
^rustees Present: Car -non, Cerow and 3inder.
_rustees Absent: Love.
Loved by Trustee Cero-a, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that the re�L-.Iar
orde-r cf :,, ainess be disre_:sed .,. t1• Carr ied.
M.e __�resident c_ _ b .sl es.- of urger,,, _1mii0rt
_ CG'_":sidere . at this r,eeti`. to the elect= of l,rustee iue -er this
..irL'vl:aL V..11i:.:: L ., i�.., I_.i:J.J•
_he hour of 6 :CO c'clo^_, r. AL. this date h, vin, been se„ as the ."our
date c the recelai_ � - ,
�?' O° ;"O`. �L. G _ '''_: °t the 3G:�t O° t:18 OL
,araot et- .•.een :'•; 'Je�; nd0 rvenue and Collin .iocd Street in tl'le C1ty Or -1
_e„ -,d0 as Jivv ided for 1 Yl ie _;8SC11 11021 Gf intention ::G• GO -passed :.'_ : ad.onted
` ire O::r1 of `irilSte93 cf the �'itj' cf .�l -%e�� -.dG 0'_': the 16th do of
i02.', the _resident at this taint arose and asr_ed if t'r_ere were an -,, person or
r,ersons _ ,� ;sent rv:.0 desired to file - rotests in the �afores_,id matter. ..O UrOte^t
...Ti.'. .,,c� 'ilea, it was no,,ed by Trustee sero-,�:, seconded b;;* 'irustee Cannon,
that t:ze follori-n; rescluticn be adopted:
"iC_SOLj.::O, that the r-:atter of confirmins- the assessment
for the worn of i- Prover:ent of :ain :street, provided for by
- :esclution of Intention :.o. 63, passed and adopted on the
13th day of :+eptember, 192 , be taken tinder advisemicmt
until Tuesda;r everir_., «:Qy 271h, 199 , bei: nine at the
':car of 6: �;0 o' cloci: .:."
v.�.rrie,i b� the loll o,rl:'v vote:
.des: trustees Cannon, and ��inder.
:-Do 3:
lrus_ee GVe.
it .. i u_.:..n t0 vile' 311:_'.r1V J a,, verti o:l t.h .'-... .. 30 eral' derandv �_ y..J ... ./.
for :;Orr: 7)erfCr.'. 7^ �}:r,"..' - .. 0 f he im-r^ ` of _ _2 ?' �t et
red i . -:rosGC-� 1 r, o_ _ o: e ~en;, re
at the :e f se
-.� J2 Bleu ::— t_ ?E vlcr:: .�. 3. 0 . .c O�.r tic _ rG�il.
it 1 "G'. -ea ''rlistee =er0�, seconded ti- I'rus`ee r.
"_:r ?iC:'_, t1. t t''ese !.:lls
d Carried.
C' fo�lc':: is u:._..._-nds, havir ; 3G ` he aF.lsrO. Cf t'' U VOl'TM.:_ `.t&E 0:: in l:ce
:;ere read:
6r Ore S 'oi -'C:
arl e-,7 X0.50
L,-CY :_a :lufaCturin -- Co. 175.32
"c I C - i i J i7Oi T
;ones 50m -oalr- 40.08
rimes- ssforth 3tLt.
o ;w 1.12
: :er._ -. -.nd
-�. .i. 0rocr.er Co. U• 11i0.
.1 ;3eL:a do Mate grin 12:-.00
XUlliiler 9.25
silr..ore Oil Com- r_y 60.00
C. '.�. Powell 5.00
.•10'tric Co. 26.70
kerdri c!, 0 • :=,i th 50.00
:..ov ` ; '-r::stee rc.., seconded_ b:, _rustee Cannon, that the dema ids be
.s_... ,.:rr: _ `. dr ..:. o-.-, t 3 re3 ,e: tiv'c ful:da cOVeI`ir� the same. C .rried
J, the foiio:. : _ :rOte:
'e3: - ruStecS Cannon, *erOV? and 3lyder.
oe s: :,-.one .
_:sent: - rustee Love. --
.'ale 1crt; ,_avi Sec: `he 3o�-;.r d th at t!:e stocl>_ o1C:ers of the J:aUs-,1 - ;edGn 0 " I" t er
,=oa'.: -ru t :S6 the Coullcii C] iamb er On tile- eveninz of rri day , .._a.v' 21. ..r6
�?24 r`ir -U"-.,e _urpcse of holdin; a ?neeti_ 3- �enera.l consont this nerr.,- s3ior
_. '_etter 'x s read from J. F. .iontgomer -, reoaestii-_,s perm scion to install two
.e steel cS, =211 x 9511 each, ei�' -t feet underLround in the parkin
t, I- v d-- am ,
;e �ixteei. feet '-'est or Concord street or. ti:e :out', side cf Grand Lverue,
3e :QG. .:oved_ by Tr-astee " V rl r that, Fell '
_ :Tero-.;, se:;or.:!ed b .�3tee �:.n o ., s.t .e � o•:
rec l .tio: be sdol ted.
�T. :,. ._ont_2r-.er' be ani . ^_e is her :a- -,ranted
to i.'..tall ....c steel� size 95 inches
-t -� r i „ er -ro-c t -ter, - -�-� Corr f ^, nc.- '-t,..°
feet u..:i_v��_ u2:Ci c� t. =iC- �oLt,.:.vSt J_.ler 0, 01�...rd :.�,.i et
LeLundc, as rer his -,i- ;- ,Iicatior tler::for,
d e , 7ic::ever, t': t:ie oarci cf Trustees of the City of .:1
.;e ancIG does I'ier-eby reserve t'_7e rl.:jht to re: ::ire the renoval Of
-t �o :. :e::`-' -fG r hours
tC::...j '-.. iU - _-t; ^•L'.i'te:/�'iCe 3 c�. ... "" tlii6 0
.ctice f d that t=.e licensee, .is,VitS or their su oesscrs or
-igns not t.:e any rim .t of action or claim. of any 'rind
C "or
... .e ,.__er r . /i•.'.�� G1 Gw_.��v:J ..aivrr. , ~1.^. .Cl• t.:_� : U
Or G 1 SO u
or .,ffdcer t':ereof by reasc_. of s -id removal or order, a -I
o -_ded f:�rther ii_ ccn3ideration of the license heraby ;;ranted,
the licensee, his, its, or t?.eir successors or a_siz�ris do ^ free
to and sc. ^e ti:ar^ilcss the c�.id City of :,l 3e;undo and sa..._
li of the GffiCerS t! f" fro?' an;r damage or liability of
�1.t... .- ,_._..soever OG ail; person, - persons or property - v;1_lch mi :zht her--i-
_r. _ i t Or arise, _for, cn cco't -rt or by reason of the -, id
and, /or for, on aczo,._ :.., or reason, of the exercise of an-,
c° t',e _r= v_le:ie:. hereln .- antedg and provide -. farther that said
Z;.- -l1 .. reseO:itod and completed to the satisfaction of tale
at: :iiircrl `3::a8i, of the s ip_ it7 Gf :�l JeSlmd0.11
Aye s: -c step s Cannon,
..oee: ::one.
.�jsent: 'rustee Love.
..o demands :resented.
-eror; and --finder.
- -
7"U •J.L .. y./.I.
'rustee - ir_der adT, ised h«, ins received a letter st-.ti t?• t tae cu_r_ _ ^r
. ..
to De used as a decorative lecture in the aa,rk ,rest of the Cite _all �n::ex
been or iered shipped to -11 -,e�, r:do.
.;O further business a_-oeari to be tm_,s --cted at t .i meeti_ L, it was
maved by _: -stee r�'.', saconded by rustee Cannon, tha^ the ?"eetir1 ^
i v " urn.
3espectfully s:,bnitte4,
resiuent, �n_rd of tees.