1924 MAY 16 CC MINM
El Segundo, Calif. ,ay 16th, 1924.
An adjourned regular meeting of the Board -of Trustees of the City of 1 ;e gundo,
California, was called to order at 11 :00 o'clock on the above date in the
Council Chamber of the City ?all -of said City by Peter L. Binder, President of the
Board of Trustees.
Trustees Present: Gerow, Love and Binder.
Trustees Absent: Cannon and Rueger.
Yoved by Trustee Gerow,-seconded by Trustee Love, that the regular order of
business be dispensed vvith. Carried.
Trustee Cannon appeared at the meeting at this time, the hour being 11 :14
o'c ;ock A. "_i. and took his seat.
A letter zas read from L. -;,. Farnham, requesting permission to raise the
building owned by him, located at Leo. 106 Fichmond Street, so as to construct a
nevi floor in the sane and make it level with the existing grade of the street,
also to make an addition to the existing building, such addition to be of frame
construction with stucco finish. Following discussion it was moved by Trustee Love,
seconded by Trustee Gerow, that L. a. Farnham be and he is hereby granted permission
tc raise the one story frame building located at :+o. 106 Lichmord Street, to con-
struct a -new foundation for and a new floor in the same and to reconstruct the
fronts of said building with a stucco finish, any addition to the South side of
saia building however, as contemplated .n the request of lir L. ' Farnham filed
with the Board this date, to be of fireproof construction in accordance with the
provisions of the Building Ordinances -of the City of El Segundo, it being further
in6erstood that such repairs as are permitted in this action of the Board of
trustees shall be prosecuted and completed to the satisfaction of the Building
inspector of the City of E1 Segundo. Carried by the following vote:
dyes: Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Love and Binder.
goes: Tione.
dbsent: _ Trustee Rueger.
'.:'oved by Trustee Gerow, seconded byTrustee Cannon, that from and after the
8th day of i,:ay, 1924. and until the further order of this Board of Trustees, the
hourly compensation of i,:r. Clyde Woodyard as a Foreman in the Street Department
be and the same is hereby fixed at the rate of 65¢ per hour. Carried by the
following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Love and Binder.
Noes: Tone.
Absent: Trustee Rueger.
The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance
and 'Records were read:
F?erald : ubli shin- Co.
souther: Cal. gas Co.
I r :.e C omp=y
H. := utchins
z,. ::eredi tb
T drnold
.7 les
Frain Bell
later ",forks Fund
eater i+orks Bond. Fund
Fe :. °c Granahan
i;elson w Frick
:iestinouselectri c
.f g. Company
�iestinE�house Z"lectric
iif Co.
Crane Company
C. :; o o dyard
7 -:Oved by - rustee Lo.'e, seconded by - r'ustee. Ca'.:.':on, that the dem�ds be �-l'lowed
t'_-c- rases" -_t coverin the s=- e. C'arrie,
0-'Ilu inb vote:
o-c, Love .n-1 minder.
:toes: Hone.
Abse_':t: Trustee :.we er.
"° Qi th7 ;te2' lie. T't -ent 'f.Cv := 1 °I1deC1 Bert i n C_a_ri�es in t, e
Jnperl__te.. ent
eYui 'lent used for =Pir 'r7 -ter for the City of .:1 :e ;asd0. Trig
"'_,Cy�O e� C_1: 21;eS we discussed -at some length by all members of the 'our
it "r, S moved by _r-astee-- , erO, , seconded by - r"astee ++OVe, that the
�l� ^ be `nc e is "ere.;,' aut :-_orizsd to advarti se for b ids on one 10 orse
44 .., i. P. i.. TertlC:i iLi,.;iCti On :Clop. 50 Cycle, - '. , 0 VC)"
C rrio,i by the follov-in° vote:
Ayes: Trustees '; -nnon, Cero;:, Love and, :cinder.
:;Oes: ;011a.
Absent: Trustee iuegsr.
offmair., 1;rosi?° ^tive tenant for the bulldi lo:.ated, at ..o. 106 ichmond
Street, :.l Segundo, the property of :::r. L. ... arnh .xi, addressed the 3oa.rd
verbally with respect to alterin,, said buildin„ asking that permission be granted
tc .^.lake an addition to the easterly end of said building; in order to construct
a kitchen. It was moved by Trustee verow, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that Mr. L.
A. Farnham be and he is hereby granted permission to make an addition to the
easterly end of the one story frame building located at io. l0E Uchmond Street,
sucr. addition to have _ ooncrete floor, to be metal lathed and plastered inside and
outside, to have studs and timbers fireproofed, such addition, if mde, to be
i-.rosecuted and completed to the satisfaction of the Building Inspector of the City
of -1 Seoando. Carried by the follor :in. vote:-
Ayes: Trustees Cannon, ';erow, Love and :cinder.
::oe�;: ::one.
Absent: _rustee -ue.L,,er.
_:o further business arr,e .rin: to be transacted at this :meeting, it vris moved
by f1rustee Love, seconded by Trustee jerov., that the meeting adjourn. Carried.
3es� :ctfully submitted,
r_eside_lt, _o:^4 of - rustees.
Cer_eral rand
'�enerui and
feral.] = ublisnirti Co.
Edith 3allantyne
�scific -South rest Trust
-Howard Jones
19 =.25
�. Elliot' Judge
Td V
in sor _1
E. F. - 7itzze raid
",. Hudd
J. ':r. ?o;aers
E. Dare
. �. Ainsworth
A. -. :tiller
-. Berton
�. ". freer
� '.c3rara_ran
5 "_. 46
: :. �. ze r_„
5 .,..,..
5 °.5°
:. -root
"ere d� ; + �h
J. 3o;,e11
1 z.3S
v . .. D11cey
C. ..00aya.ra
Jac1� ";:. 3e::1_
2. _
-ood o .. , 4. - ,iner-
-o. 23.5^
ellr era :;. Co.
�. :Warns
2 c5.2 7
C . : :. .' narks
1'_w .0_
�.endri ck C. mi th
7 -:Oved by - rustee Lo.'e, seconded by - r'ustee. Ca'.:.':on, that the dem�ds be �-l'lowed
t'_-c- rases" -_t coverin the s=- e. C'arrie,
0-'Ilu inb vote:
o-c, Love .n-1 minder.
:toes: Hone.
Abse_':t: Trustee :.we er.
"° Qi th7 ;te2' lie. T't -ent 'f.Cv := 1 °I1deC1 Bert i n C_a_ri�es in t, e
Jnperl__te.. ent
eYui 'lent used for =Pir 'r7 -ter for the City of .:1 :e ;asd0. Trig
"'_,Cy�O e� C_1: 21;eS we discussed -at some length by all members of the 'our
it "r, S moved by _r-astee-- , erO, , seconded by - r"astee ++OVe, that the
�l� ^ be `nc e is "ere.;,' aut :-_orizsd to advarti se for b ids on one 10 orse
44 .., i. P. i.. TertlC:i iLi,.;iCti On :Clop. 50 Cycle, - '. , 0 VC)"
C rrio,i by the follov-in° vote:
Ayes: Trustees '; -nnon, Cero;:, Love and, :cinder.
:;Oes: ;011a.
Absent: Trustee iuegsr.
offmair., 1;rosi?° ^tive tenant for the bulldi lo:.ated, at ..o. 106 ichmond
Street, :.l Segundo, the property of :::r. L. ... arnh .xi, addressed the 3oa.rd
verbally with respect to alterin,, said buildin„ asking that permission be granted
tc .^.lake an addition to the easterly end of said building; in order to construct
a kitchen. It was moved by Trustee verow, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that Mr. L.
A. Farnham be and he is hereby granted permission to make an addition to the
easterly end of the one story frame building located at io. l0E Uchmond Street,
sucr. addition to have _ ooncrete floor, to be metal lathed and plastered inside and
outside, to have studs and timbers fireproofed, such addition, if mde, to be
i-.rosecuted and completed to the satisfaction of the Building Inspector of the City
of -1 Seoando. Carried by the follor :in. vote:-
Ayes: Trustees Cannon, ';erow, Love and :cinder.
::oe�;: ::one.
Absent: _rustee -ue.L,,er.
_:o further business arr,e .rin: to be transacted at this :meeting, it vris moved
by f1rustee Love, seconded by Trustee jerov., that the meeting adjourn. Carried.
3es� :ctfully submitted,
r_eside_lt, _o:^4 of - rustees.
. 959
Carried by the followinE. vote:
Ares: `Trustees Car-non, erorr ;end, 3inder.
I;oes: 1.one.
:absent: - rustee Love.
The Clerk advised the '3oard that the Southern California :;di sor. Company had
left blue prints with the City Iii :eer showing; the location of pole line wh ich
t' F- desired to erect or. ari zones Drive within the City of ::l Se;, ndo. :No aprlicatior
for rermit having accompanied said Olue _prints, no action was t -ken penc_ir receipt
of .said arolication.
' "rs. :: °_ary !.Ustler =-.de anplication to the Board for nerrlssion to sell box
lunches within the Cite of El :.:eE;a7do. It appearing that the prosecution of such
a business would not be i2: conflict with ordinances of the -City of _:1 :.undo, It
was moved by Trustee C- erovi, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that a license be 5rante6 to
said Lrs. "'''wry wistler to carry on the business of sellirg box lunches under the
_� rovpsicns of Ordinance :o. 12 and any other ordinances amendator-r thereto. Carried
by the follaxi nb vote:
ayes: Trustees Cannon, erow and Binder.
ioes: 11one.
Absent: `12rustee Love.
'_. "ove:i ,Y 1:`rustee Gerot:, seconded by = rustee Cannon that the City Clerk be and
he is hereby authorized and instructed to eyrend a sap: not to exceed ;25.00 for
flo-.aers for the funeral of Trustee Carl .Lueger. Carried by the followin :- vote:
ayes: trustees Cannon, ierov, and 3inder.
Foes: iIore.
Absent: _rustee Love.
In order that -all city employees who desired to do so mia'1t attend the funeral
of Trustee Carl 3. ;ueger and in order to show respect to his memory, it vas moved
by ^rt.stee Cannon, seconded by Trustee u'erow that all City Offices be closed for the
afternoon of Friday, :may 23rd, 1924. Carried.
"cved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Gera.-7, that the following resolution
be adopted: -
`', Providence has seen fit to remove from our midst an
honored and respected citizen and municipal officer of the City of
El Segundo, and
in the death of Carl E. -Rueter on the 20th day of ':ay,
1924, this Board of Trustees sustained -the loss of one of its most
valued members, whose thoughts and labors in behalf of the City which
had been his home for thirteen years renain monuments to his memory, and
will no longer be the privilege of this Body in its
deliberations to seek the vision and wise counsel of its deceased fello;r
member, and
..'=EA:;, it is the desire of this Board to make permanent record
of the esteem in which he was held' by the members of this Board and to
pay 1ctStln tribute to his character and achievements,
.,0',t � l- — C..:., 3� I'_ .OL'T+..,, that the �i I, Clergy of the ..ity oI
1 Sendo, California, be instructed to inscribe this resolution in
t'-.e . inutes of the proceedings of the 3oard of Trustees of said City, to
fore : --rd a cope hereof, with an e:.pression of sympathy of the said 3oari
to the family of the deceased, and also to fUrnish a copy hereof to the
ublic press ".
.,<_.rri.eu. by the follo,.ing vote:
Ayes: Trustees Cannon, 7erow and 3inder.
_.oes: ::one.
Absent: "rustee Love.
o further business appearing to be transacted at this session, it was moved by
as tee aeroa, seconded by "I I, e Cannon, that the -�eeting adjourn until :ridgy, the
23rc. day of '—ay, 19.24- at the hour of 6:30 o'clock P. :,:. Carried.
3espectfully submitted,
City Clerk, pro tem
resident, -oars of Trustees.