1924 MAY 13 CC MINR255, E1 Segundo, Calif. 1:ay 13th, 1924. A regular meeting of the Board of 1'rustees of the City of El Segundo, California., was called to order at 7:30 o'clock P. '_. on the above date in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City by Peter L. Binder, President of the Board. 30LL C.:.LL. Trustees Present: Cannon, Gerow, Love and Binder. Trustees absent: Rueger. The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 7t1: day of ?,ay, 1924, r❑ were read. 10 errors or omissions an-nearing, it was moved by trustee Love, seconded by Trustee Gerow, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried. The following communications were read and disposed of as indicated: .;hTIO :�� : CQ.T.i;Y, suggesting that they be called upon for auctations as to the price of Liberty Bonds, the same now being salable .move par. By genera.l consent it was decided rot to dispose of the City's :,ibert.y Londs at this time. Ct`iLL 1CO :1. a :ICATIO ::S. s. Helen K. Brock, Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, stated that in presenting recot:=.endations for amendments to the business license ordinance of the City of El Segundo, a request for legislation regulating the solicitation of funds by indigents or for alleged charitable purposes had been overlooked and reauested that some action be taken requiring that such enterprises obtain a pernit before solicitation. Discussion of the matter terminated in no action being taken by the Board of Trustees other than to suggest the matter might be r.-orked out through the Chamber of Commerce. REPORTS OF STA1 DIiTG CQ!f. ".IT'=T,`PS. Trustee Gerow of the Public ',forks Committee stated that the proprietcrs of the Standard Garage desired permission to cut the curb in front of their premises on Grand Avenue East of Concord Street for the purpose of con- structing a cement approach into their property. Loved by Trustee Love, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that this permission be granted, subject to the work being prosecuted and completed to the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent. Carried. Trustee Gerow drew attention to a chuck hole on Grand Avenue near the intersection of Richmond Street. By general consent he was requested to instruct the Street Department to fix the same. R'PQHTS OF OFFICMS rL'j) SPECIAL VO.?..TMT717iii• The City Clerk filed with the Board his w�aarterly Report for the quarter ending Ilarch 31st, 1924, following which it was moved by Trustee Gero.,, seconded by -Trustee Love, that the Clerk's ;quarterly Report for the quarter ending :,:arch 31st, 1924, be published once in the it Seguzido Herald. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Love and Binder. noes: Yone. Absent: Trustee Rueger. 1256 The.Street Superintendent reported that he had investigated the cracking sidewalks in '..air_ Street and that the contractor would be in is Segundo or_ ',ednesda;, to replace such darmged sections. one . .,one. -,—," 31:3 L.44- S. .. - - "..roved b, Trustee 7.erow, seconded by Trustee Cannon that the Cite Eng=ineer be and he is hereby instructed to prepare plans for the rpar'.cing and beautification of C i t-r of ::1 Segundo property* lying be t,seer the - rmeri can Legion Club =souse and the City* gall .nnex and to proceed with the work necessary in connection with the improvement of said property. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Carron, :Ierorr, Love and hinder. ::oes: :.one. absent: Trustee Rueger. The City "_'arshal announced that Rev. A. Butters had reouested nernission tc s 3.0 -2rd a barrier across Main Street at 'ariposa Avenue. By general consent - oermli ssi on was Granted. Trustee Binder reninded the Board that the City had =rchased Lot 20 in 'lcci. 109 El Segundo, for the purpose of widening the intersection at 1:1 Segundo _ enue and ''air Street and that inasmuch as the laJin- of sidewalks and curbs ir_ :street is now con_rlete, he thought that the City should construct side,;,alks -nC curs on the -o-a'h side of this lot and co -plete the roadway as planned. Tt ; :as thereupon moved by Trustee Ceroti;, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that the Cite :]ngineer be and he is hereby instructed to have sidewalks and curbs con- structed or. the South side of Lot 20, Block 10, Z1 Segundo, at a cost not to exceed .x:125.00. Carried by the following vote: ,,yes: Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Love and Binder. :roes: ?gone. Absent: Trustee Rueger. i;o further business apnearino to be transacted at this session, it was moved by Trustee Gero ;r, seconded by Trustee Love, that the Meeting adjourn until Frida_,, the 16th day of :Tay, 1924, at the hour of 11:00 o'clock 7.7. Carried. _may nr ov e d : -oar& of Trustees. 3esbectfully submitted, vV' City ule -J