1924 MAR 25 CC MIN4-221 1 Segundo, Cal. :.larch 25th, 1924. A regular meeting of the board of Trustees of the City of :'1 Segundo, California, was called to order at 7 :30 o'clock P. Y. on the above date in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City by Peter Z. Binder, President of the Board. ROLL CLLL. Trustees Present: Gerow, Love, Smiley and Binder. Trustees Absent: Rueger. _RIADI ?:G OF ".IINUTES OF PFEVIOUS MEETING. The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 18th day of March, 1924, were read. ,•;o errors or omissions being noted, it was moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Love, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried. Trustee Rueger appeared during the reading of the minutes and took his seat, the hour being 7 :35 o'clock P. Y. � iRITT. ; CO "? IINICILTIO :S. TYie following communications were read and disposed of as indicated: PACIFIC POST INC. 38, L' IC_9. __U . N requesting permission to borrow the laem mower belonging to the City of 2.1 Segundo occasionally to cut the lawn surrounding their club house. 'loved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Smiley that this permission be granted. Carried. Petition of J. :7. Powers and others, requesting the improvement of Bonita Vista Avenue between 11aple -and Walnut Avenues. Moved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Gerow, that the following resolution be adopted: "7H::iy'S, it appears that certain residents and property owners of the City of R1 Segundo are willing to pay certain moneys in the sum of 4315.13 into the Treasury of the City of M Segundo, California, and into the General Fund thereof, for the purpose of causing certain street improvements within said city to be made, and, said sum has been deposited with the City Clerk of said City with instructions to pay the same into said General Fund upon the adoption of the following: N07,' ,' TL REFOR-E, 32 IT R1.30--WED: That the Street Superin- tendent be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to cause the _portion of that certain bublic street within the City of :1 Segundo, kno•,;n as Bonita Vista A,�•enue, lying and being between I.?a.ple Avenue and „alnut Avenue to be improved by the construction therein of the following improvement, to -wit: r'_ rock and oil improvement similar in character to the improvement on Palm Avenue west of '_._ain Street ". Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Gerow, Love, 3uever, Smiley and Binder. i;oes: Done. Absent: BOULD R DA?.' ASSOCIATIO , I,'embership Letter "o. 7, concerning the accon-olishmentsof the Association in the interests of the Siring- Johnson bill, .,rhich will authorize the construction of the Boulder Dam. Ordered filed. 30A2,D OF PUBLIC 3r.VICF, CO.k'" "ISC'IO=S, City of Los Angeles, copy of their letter addressed to the Southern_ California Edison Company, Los Angeles, dealin• with an alleged shortage of po-rer. Ordered filed. 222 Petition of 3. ':crllister and others, asking the Board of Trustees to Mive im- mediate thought to the mutter of a public se; ^er. ;roved by Trustee Kt?e ~er, seconded by Trustee Gero; :•, that t�is matter be referred to the City L.gineer for one weeic for recorr- endation to the 3oard as to the most feasible method of broced.ire. Carried. Petition of ::9 39 Donaldson and others, requesting the .3oard of Trustees to abolish the type of flasher si ;pal in use at the corner of Concord dtr- et and .rand Avenue and to substitute t'rerefor a tyi)e of flasher :;hich in its o- )eration . :ill not i-terfere :._ to thG of r_di c receivin io1 -t-- rat:+s, an"7 J _'.rta0r t t n0 additional flashers of the t,,".)e in use at the present time be -,.ithin the It -,. "by 11 t or, n � ".'oved _rus ee �u„�er, seconded by = rustee ,ero-.--, t'.i at the City Cleric be and he is hereby instructed to write the r_utG^:o 4 l ,1;:; or Oatherr. California,, askin.., that the chan e be !made and the Cost t"-.erecf be 'gilled to t:.e City. Carried by the folloT;in, vote ryes: '2rustees Gerosr, Love, ue`er, a*liley and 3,inder. s: !,one. y Yb sent : is one . "IC:: IO:: . '.'s. J. Powers, residin; cn 30nit-c Vista venue bet- :. -eenanle and �ixen'v.e, advised that the o'::ners of automobiles rc314i C: 3 .I_ z tT::et re ur: l;le to .?rive into their __ CCS o :si of the street into .:stem wipe has been lairs• It ;.-°.s pointed out that t iz con•_.itio?: is torporarily and follo% i:. a it was moved by r; ,. _sc:_ssion, ,, _ sloe vero::, 3eco =de:: by Trustee zMeSer, that the c;treet Cur_erintendent be and he is hereby - _st.,ucted to construct teTMocrary approaches to driveway-s of premises or 3onita Vista Avenue between "aple and ..al:.ut avenues. Carried by the follo-:.in� vote: Ayes: Trustees serou, Love, Rue;er, Smiley and cinder. 1:oes: 1Zore. Absent: Tone. 11r. G. Ej. Gordon residing on the same street advised that he is the bwner of a large truck and that owin` to the deep sand on said street he finds it e_ctreT:el-r difficult to drive to his premises and fears he will damage his true!:. e c;as advised by the Chair that the :street Superintendent would attempt to afford hin relief pending im-provement of the thorou~hfare as heretofore ordered by the 3oard. Trustee Rueser expressed the opinion that the throwin,; of oil c. ^ke into the water pipe line tre-_.ches by the contr_ ctors' employees when such trenches are bein__ aacicfilled mi it prove harmful. The Vater Superintendent stated. f__--t he ,,ould consult with the inspector corcernin- the matter. -:r. F. Todd inquired whether or not the 3oard would accent an Last and ":;est street through 3lock ;,o. 915 in event a petition circulated and ji,roperly signed ,sere presented to them. ?'e was informed that such a petition ,could be even proper consideration and was advised that there was no objection to = is -orcceedin_; with the same. one 'k- ?OR'I3 0 STS. ,)I ;u laa?O3TS Or Ori ICaRS A=D 323,CIAL M, rIT1JJS• TZe City Attorney reported that the Title Company had released the property of the Sausal- .tedondo '.rater Company from the effects of a pendin- la-.1.- suit and that all of the papers in connection with the purchase of said property by the City of 31 Segundo undoubtedly are or soon will be in the hands of the escror: gent for delivery to the City. The Clerk presented to the Board a statement of municipal property ^ *hich should be covered by insurance. The matter was bone into at some length, followin which it was moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Love that the follo ^in6 resolution be adopted: w �V LT 223 If—ESOLV ED, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to procure insurance on the various municipal properties in accordance with the statement prepared by him, the total amount of the coverage required to be distributed as nearly as possible among the insurance agents within the City of E1 Seo ndo, and 33 I� FURr1 :'R RESOLV D, that the City Clerk also procure an appraisement of said property from a Committee of realtors and insurance agents within said city". Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Gerow, Love, Rue- r, Smiley and Binder. Noes: None. Absent: hone. The Superintendent of the Water Department advised that X= insurance agents making a specialty of insuring electric equipment and appliances had conferred ;�ith him concerning Insuring the electric motors at the water works Pumping -,plant. He explained the features of the insurance policy as he understood them and at the suggestion of Trustee Rueger he eras instructed to reauest these agents to be present and take the matter up with the Board of Trustees at its next regular meeting. Done. Ui7II'IS'I -=- 3USI ',ESS. PAYE ',G BILLS. The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Records, were read: Mae D. Lewis 88.66 Z. Dorgan 51.34 0. H. Finke 1.45 City of El. Segundo 1:ater Dept. 494.50 V. C. YcCaslin 4.00 Los Angeles Rubber Stamp Co. 8118 Dr. R. S. Anthony 12.00 $660.13 Moved by Trustee Love, seconded by Trustee Rueger, that the demands be allowed and warrants drawn on the General Fund for the same. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Gerow, Love, Rueger, 31niley_ and Binder. Noes: None. Absent: None. NIZU BUS Iiv' SS. The Marshal announced the appointment of George 11. Frost as a deputy, requesting the Board's approval. Moved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Smiley that this appointment be approved. earried. Trustee Rueger introduced Ordinance No. 101, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF = CITY OF , SLGUI'DO, CALIFOR;IA, Ri GULLTING T� - !7'CTION AND 11AI1 Tc:;A ; E OF BLI1= LIGHTS UPOi' AIM ADJACZYT TO PUBLIC TTIGH IAYS Au'D PROVIDII'G FOR T?iR ISSUANCE OF PMITITS FOR THE- SAu'"r.J AND PROv IDII'G A P :'ALTY FOR VIOLITION OF A'Y OF TIE PROVISIOI'S H� F ", which was read. Trustee Rueger suggested that inasmuch as radio receiving apparatus is frequently used in the City Hall Auditorium by the various users thereof, it would appear to be advantageous and economical from the standpoint of safety and maintenance of the municipal building to have an aerial with suitable 224 E connections for the various makes of radio apparatus erected on top of the City Hall building. After discussion it was moved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Smiley that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and in- structed to procure estimates of the cost of erecting an aerial with ground, lightning arrester and other apparatus useful and necessary with connections in the City Hall Auditorium so that the same might be used on various makes of radio receiving sets. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Gerow, Love, Rueger, Smiley and Binder. Does: None. Absent: bone. Trustee Gerow stated that the Southern California Edison Company appears to be erecting a pole line on Arizona Drive south from Collingwood Street and inquired whether or not said company had obtained permission so to do. It appearing that no officer of the City had received an application for this work from said Company and that no officer had granted said company any such permission, it was moved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Love that the City Clerk immediately communicate with the Southern California Edison Company to ascertain if they had permission to proceed with the work and if not, to make proper application for such permit at once. Carried. Discussion was had by various members of the Board concerning the annoyance and unpleasantness of noise in and about the City Hall Auditorium while meetings of the Board are in session, particularly on nights when fraternities using the Mall might be having an entertainment or an initiatory service. Tiereupon Tbustee Rueger introduced Ordinance 1o. 102, entitled: nA 0 :1DI:.rCE OF =T - CITY OF '•r, S GU.,DO, CALIFORNIA, F I::I IM TI . T= A:TD PL? CR OF Or r IC LAL "=T I ; GS OF 71 E BOAP.D OF TRL ST: �S OF SAID CITY, AND R:2aUIITG ALL ORD=A:TC -M ATTD PARTS OF CRDI_,AI,CRS IN CONFLICT THERE17ITH" s -which was read. Moved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Love that the City Marshal be and he is hereby authorized to arrange for and supervise the marking of Grand Avenue between Richmond and Main Streets, so as to provide parking lines for vehicles and that this work be prosecuted on Sunday afternoon when but fdw vehicles will be parked on the said thoroughfare. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Gerow, Love, Rueger, Smiley and Binder. Noes: None. Absent: None. roved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Gerow, that effective April lst, 1924 and until the further order of this Board, the Secretary of the El Segundo Volunteer Fire Department be permitted to file his demand in a sum not to exeeed :4:5.00 per month, payable monthly, for clerical services rendered. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Gerow, Love, Rueger, Smiley and Binder. Noes: None. Absent: TTone. Trustee Gerow took exception to that portion of the Building Ordinance which permits the erection of buildings in Fire District No. 1 without proper provision for supporting the roof on a Class C Building and after discussing the matter at some length the President referred the same to Trustee Gerow and the Building Inspector so that they might prepare an amendment to the ordinance which will take care of the deficiency pointed out. No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it was moved by Trustee Smiley, Seconded by Trustee Rueger, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. Respectfully submitted, Approved: , President, Board of Trustees. i y Uleilk. 7/