1924 JUN 03 CC MIN269 ffi Segundo, Cal. June 3rd, 1924. A regular meeting of the Board of,Trustess of the City of Al Segundo, California, was called to order at 600 o'clock P. M. on the above date in the Council Chamber of the City Ball of said City by Peter B. Binder, President of the Bosrd. BALL CALL. Trustees Present: Gerow, Love and Binder. Trustees Absents Cannon. Trustee Cannon appeared during the reading of the minutes and took his seat, the hour being 6 :40 c9clock P. M. READING OF MINUTES OF PREV IOUS MEETING. The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 27th day of May, 1924, were read. No errors or omissions being noted, they were approved as read upon motion of Trustee Love, seconded by Trustee Cannon, which carried. None* WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS. ORAL COMb1UNICATIONS. Mr. W. F. Walker as the City of 31 Segundo's representative of a Committee preparing a drive for funds to establish a Salvation Army Corps at Redondo Beach, California, requested a contribution to the fund from the Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo, inasmuch as said corps when established will provide the Salvation Army services for the Cities of Z1 Segundo, Manhattan Beach, Hermosa Beach and Redondo Beach. He explained the work to be worthy and meritorious and the discussion which followed was participated in by various members of the. Board. It was thereupon moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Love, that the matter be taken under advisement for the period of one week. Carried. None. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTERS. REPORTS OF OFFICESS AID SPECIAL COMMITTEES. The City Attorney advised having examined the contracts re the purchase of mazda lamps referred to him at the last regular meeting of the Board and he deemed it advisable for the City to enter into the agreement, it appearing that the City could suffer no lose but might materially gain if the lamps purchased during the year equalled or exceeded the amount set forth in the contract. It was thereupon moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Love, that the President of the Board of Trustees and the City Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and instructed to execute Contract Form B of the General Electric Company for the purchase of mazda lamps. Carried by the following votes Ayes= Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Love and Binder. Noess Zone. Absents None. The City Engineer stated that in his opinion when the parking east of the American Legion Building is improved, a retaining wall should be constructed on the North and East sides thereof. The Board concurring in this opinion, it was moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that the City Engineer be and he is hereby authorised and instructed to construct a retaining wall where necessary in the improvement of the parking space east of-the American Legion Building and to construct such guard rails or guard fence as may appear to be necessary in the interests of safety at a cost not to exceed $M*00. Carried by the following votes Ayess Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Love and Binder. Noess None. Absents Bone. :3 The -City Attorney reported that with respect to obtaining cooperation of the County of Los Angeles with the City of E1 Segundo in constructing a permanent approach to M Segundo Avenue from the Inglewood- Redondo Boulevard at the joint expense of said County and City, he had conferred with a Mr. Jones in the office of the Road Commissioner, Kr. Jones promising to send an engineer to confer with the engineer or street superin- tendent of the City of E1 Segundo- during the next twenty -four hours. SPECIAL ORDER OF BQSINSSS. The receiving of bids for furnishing the City of El Segundo with one 40 Horse Power, 440 Volt, 50 Cycle, 3 Phase, 970 Be P. M. Vertical Induction Rotor and for the sale of one used Westinghouse Motor and General Electric Starting Compensator now owned by the City of El Segundo having heretofore been made a special order of business for the hour of 7 :00 o'clock P. M. this date, also for the receiving of protests against the confirmation of the assessment for the improvement of Maple Avenue between Main Street and Virginia Street in the City of E1 Segundo, as provided for under Resolution of Intention No. 61, passed and adopted by the Board of Trustees on the 4th day of September, 1923, the President arose, announced the hoar of 6s59 o'olook P. R. and asked if there were any person or persons present who desired to file bids or to file protests as aforesaid. The hour of 7s00 o'clock P. R. having arrived and all bids being in, and no protests having been filed, it was moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Love, that the Board first proceed to consider protests in the matter of confirming the assessment for the work of improvement of Maple Avenue provided for by Resolution of Intention No. 61, passed and adopted on the 4th day of September, 1923. The City Clerk announced that no written protests or objections hqd been filed. The President then asked whether or not there was any person present who desired to protest or object orally in the Maple Avenue matter under the proceedings as contem- plated in Resolution of Intention Bo. 61. No person arose to protest or object and it was thereupon moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Love, that Resolution No. 71 entitleds "A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE CITY OF EL SEWNDO, CALIFORNIA, CONFIRKING THE ASSESSMENT FOR THE WORK OF inmmOVEbUrNT OF CERTAIN PORTIONS OF MAPLE AV=E WITHIN THE SAID CITY PROVIDED FOR BY RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 619 PASSED AND ADOPTED ON THE 4TH DAY OF SEPTMMKR9 192309 be adopted. The foregoing resolution was carried by the following votes Ayess Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Love and Binder. Boess None. Absents None. It was then moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Love, that the Board of Trustees proceed to open and publicly declare all bids received for furnishing the City of E1 Segundo with One 40 Horse Power, 440 Volt, 50 Cycle, 3 Phase, 970 R. P. s. Vertical Induction Motor and for the purchase of the used Westinghouse Rotor and General Electric Starting Compensator now awned by the City of E1 Segundo. Carried by the following votes Ayess Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Love and Binder. Noes$ Hone. Absents None. Said bids were found by said Board to be as follows, to -wits Bid of FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., as followss Wsl "Los Angeles, Cal. June 3rd, 1924. Honorable Board of City Councilmen, City of El Segundo, 31 Segundo, Calif. Gentlemens In reply to your advertisement of recent date asking for bids on vertical motor, we take pleasure in quoting you as follows: 1 - 40 HP, 3 Phase, 50 eyelet 440 volt, 1000 $PY, Fairbank"orse & Co. type "UHA" Vertical motor only . Price F.O.B. Los Angeles $394.00 Delivery approximately 3 weeks. We will allow you on one used Westinghouse 40 HP, 440 volt, 3pbass, 60 cycle, 960 EPM horizontal motor and one General Electric starting compensator, 50 HP9 2200 volts, F.O.B. Los Angeles - $178000 . Attached you will find detailed performance shoat giving efficiency and power factor of this motor and we are also enclosing dimension sheet. As requested in your bid you will find certified check attaohed. Trusting that this proposal meet with your approval, we are, Yours very truly, FAISBANKS, IMM & CO., By B. Co Lockard." Said bid was accompanied by certified check No. 471279 dated June 3rd, 1924, drawn on the Citizens National Banks Los Angeles, payable to the City of E1 Segundo in the an of $50.00. Bid of Be M*Allistert.as follows: "Los Angeles, Calif. May 299 19240 City of EL Segundo, Victor D. McCarthy, City Clerk of the City of E1 Segunda, E1 Segundo, Calif. Gentlemen: In line with your bid for a 40 HP motor, I am pleased to quote as follows: 1 - Type CS, 40 HP, 6 pole., 960 BPMt 3 phsst 50 cycle, 440 volts Westinghouse vertical motor, with conduit box, but no starter. Price f.o.b. Los Angeles. . . . . . . . . . 4447.94 Providing I am favored with the above order I can allow the City of E1 Segunda $170.00 for the Westinghouse 40 HP, 440 volts, 3 phase, 50 cycles, 960 8PM horizontal motor. Delivery Los Angeles. Enclose find cashier cheek of ten per of aggregate amount of bid. Yours very truly. Be McAllister ". Said bid was aocampanied by Cashier's Check No. 1791 drawn on the First National Bank, E1 Segundo, payable to the City of El Segundo in the sum of $44.79. l f wa Bid of WAGM2 ELECTRIC CORPORATION as follows "Los Angeles, Cal. June 29 1 9 2 4. BOARD OF TRUSTEES of the City of El Segundo, Calif. Gentlemen: We are pleased to quote the following on your motor requirement as 1 - Type 22 TBPV 40 H.P. 960 B.P.Y. 440 Volt, 50 Cycle 3 Please vertical induction motor, - bare Net price f.o.bo our warehouse Los Angeles $394.28 For cash 1% - - - - - - - - - - - - - $390.34 The above motor is guaranteed not to rise over 400 Oentigrade above the atmospheric temperature under continuous operation or normal operation, and is also guaranteed to be free of any electrical-or mechanical defects for a period of six months after delivery, and will be repaired or replaced free of charge at our option should any defects appear in the guarantee period, f.o.be our service department Los Angeles. We are also enclosing check for 10% of the amount of the proposed bid, and bulletin describing this motor. Very truly yours, WAGMM ELECTRIC CORPORATION, 8. B. Ermerius, Sales Department". Said bid was accompanied by certified check No. 79 drawn on the Paciflo- Southwest Trust & Savings Bank, payable to the•City of Rl Segundo in the an of $39940. It was then moved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Gerow, that all bids received for furnishing the City of E1 Segundo with one 40 HP, 440 Volt, 50 Cycle, 3 Phase, 970 RPM Vertical Induction Motor, and for the purchase of one used Westinghouse Motor and General Eleotric Starting Compensator be talmn under advisement until the next regular meeting of this Board.. Carried by.the following votes Ayes :• Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Love and Binder. Noess Bone. Absents Zone. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. Moved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Love, that RESOLUTION NO. 729 entitled: "A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF WE CITY OF EL SEGtTNDO, CALIFORNIA, COSFIBMING THE ASSESSMENT FOR THE WORK OF IMPB OF MAIN STRSST FROM EL SSGUNDO AVEWE TO COLLINGWOOD AVlC Z WITHIZ THE SAID C ITr9 PROVIDED FOR BY RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 63, PASSED AND ADOPTED ON TEM 18TH DAY OF S$PTZ11BER9 192309 be adopted. The foregoing resolution was carried by the following votes Ayess Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Love and Binder. Nosss None. Absents None. PAYING BILLS. The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Records, were reads v General Fund A. Carlisle & Co. 11.65 Alfred Co Canaon 254,00 George Love 25.00 Victor D. McCarthy 250900 Grimes- Stassforth State Co.- 3.60 Clyde Woodworth 100.00 Don Co Fugitt 50.00 F. H. Jensen 7.50 Johnson Oil Darner Co. 29050 Henderson Motorcycle Sales Co. 10.75 V. C. McCaslin 175.00 M. W. Stovu ll 160.00 City of El Segundo Water Dept. 41.75 Co S. McConnell 13000 P. D. Gardner 100000 R. T. Hutchins 155000 Bdith Ballantyne 1015 A. R. Guinn 210000 A. T. Miller 82075 Be F. Fitzgerald 70.06 W. G. Henry 70.06 J. W. Powers 62031 S. Meredith 70.37 G. Be Gordon 11.87 Be Melgord 22.62 A. H. Green 70.68 A. L. Ainsworth 65.10 F. McGranahan 65.10 A. Be Ford 22.47 Gilmore Oil Company 36.25 273 General Ftmd Peter Be Binder 25.00 John A. Gerow 25.00 Carl E. Rueger 16.67 Neva M. Elsey 135.00 Herald Publishing Co. 130975 Mints Curtswiler 75.00 Paaifio- Southwest Tr. & Savings Bank 194.25 Phoenix Underwriters Fire Ins. Co. of N. Z. 9000 H. Jones Harold D. Dale J. Co Abshier William H. Lennon F. H. Jensen H. S. Crocker Co. Inc. 0. F. Peasnall C. T. Ainsworth Co Woodyard J. P. Corcoran W. D. Siokler H. Denton W. Rudd A. W. Robertson P. McNally J. R. Dowell S. E. Dare W. Myatt Pacific $lectric Ry. C. W: Powell Union Rook Company Southern Cal. Edison Southern Cal: Edison Southern Cal: Bdison Southern We Edison Southern Cale, Edison Hendrick C. Smith CO. CO. Co. Co. CO. CO. 160.00 35.00 150.00 5.00 15.00 8.93 114.41 65.00 74.07 69.44 67.89 70.06 59.52 49.60 24.80 70.06 70.06 3.50 54.28 1.00 106.90 43.10 22.96 127.21 18.70 2000 97.70 Moved by Trustee Canmon, seconded by Trustee Love, that the demands be allowed and warrants drawn on the respective funds covering the same. Carried by the following votes Ayess Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Love and Binder. Noess None. Absents None. REff BUSINESS, Trustee Gerow stated that he had not seen the Health Officer in the City of E1 Segundo for several weeks and that he believed the City should be given more attention by the Health Officer, inasmuch as under the contract entered into between the City-of El Segundo and the County of Los Angeles very recently, the City agreed to pay $10.00 more per month for a suppppoosedly better service. C11s�k then reported that he had seen the Health Officer in E1 Segundo on the�7th day of Water Works Fuad R. T. Hutchins 125.00 Mary Manson 125000 I. N. Simmer 175.00 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. 8.60 So. Calif. Edison Co 1030 Frank Bell 51046 Frank Bell 4.96 Milne Mcaaire 28.83 Milne McGuire 4.96 L. C. Soiles 87.38 J. W. Arnold 87938 Just Hies 61.38 Just Nies 4.96 J. N. Warnell 66.65 Jim Warnell 4096 R. T. Hutchins 30.10 Jim Warnell 4.96 $872.88 273 General Ftmd Peter Be Binder 25.00 John A. Gerow 25.00 Carl E. Rueger 16.67 Neva M. Elsey 135.00 Herald Publishing Co. 130975 Mints Curtswiler 75.00 Paaifio- Southwest Tr. & Savings Bank 194.25 Phoenix Underwriters Fire Ins. Co. of N. Z. 9000 H. Jones Harold D. Dale J. Co Abshier William H. Lennon F. H. Jensen H. S. Crocker Co. Inc. 0. F. Peasnall C. T. Ainsworth Co Woodyard J. P. Corcoran W. D. Siokler H. Denton W. Rudd A. W. Robertson P. McNally J. R. Dowell S. E. Dare W. Myatt Pacific $lectric Ry. C. W: Powell Union Rook Company Southern Cal. Edison Southern Cal: Edison Southern Cal: Bdison Southern We Edison Southern Cale, Edison Hendrick C. Smith CO. CO. Co. Co. CO. CO. 160.00 35.00 150.00 5.00 15.00 8.93 114.41 65.00 74.07 69.44 67.89 70.06 59.52 49.60 24.80 70.06 70.06 3.50 54.28 1.00 106.90 43.10 22.96 127.21 18.70 2000 97.70 Moved by Trustee Canmon, seconded by Trustee Love, that the demands be allowed and warrants drawn on the respective funds covering the same. Carried by the following votes Ayess Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Love and Binder. Noess None. Absents None. REff BUSINESS, Trustee Gerow stated that he had not seen the Health Officer in the City of E1 Segundo for several weeks and that he believed the City should be given more attention by the Health Officer, inasmuch as under the contract entered into between the City-of El Segundo and the County of Los Angeles very recently, the City agreed to pay $10.00 more per month for a suppppoosedly better service. C11s�k then reported that he had seen the Health Officer in E1 Segundo on the�7th day of e274 and on the 3rd day of Juns, the Health Officer explaining on the former date that his absence was due to excessive work occasioned through the hoof and month disease epidemic, which now appears to be subsiding, end that El Segundo would.be given more attention.by the Health Department from pow on., It was then drawn to the Board's attention that several of the business houses are making a practice of depositing the sweepings from their places.of. business in the public streets, which upon investigation was found to be contrary to the provisions of Ordinance No. 90 of the City.of zl Segaado. By general consent the City Clerk was instructed to send each of the business houses •itbin the City a letter calling attention to the provisions of Ordinance 90 as the same apply to the subject of the complaint. . Trustee Love introduced Ordinance Noe j05, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SL SEW=N CALIFORNIA, GRANTING TO THE ATCHI30N, TOPEKA & SANTA FE RAILWAY COWPANY, A CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, . THE RIGHT, PRIVILBGS AND PEBWISSIQN TO LAY, CONSTRUCT, ZAINTAIN AND OP3RLTE A CFBTAIN STORAGE OR SPUR TRACK ACROSS COLLINGWOOD STREET, FOHWE W KNOWN AS EMLEPIRV AVENUE, WITHIN THE SAID CITY", which was read. ' Moved by Trustee Love, wounded by Trustee Gerow that the Superintendent of the Water Department be and he is hereby authorized to employ an auditor to now a reconciliation between the books of the Water Department and the City Treasurer at .a cost not to exceed $50.00. Carried by the following votes Ayes: Trustees Cannon, loess None. Absents None: Gerow, Love and Binder. The 6uperinteadsnt of the Water Department explained the desirability of attaching a volt meter or watt meter to the Booster p=pa at the reservoir site for the purpose of keeping a check upon the efficiency of the pumps. )PollowlAg discussion it was moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Love, that the . Superintendent of the dater Department be and he to hereby authorized to purchase a volt meter for use on the Booster pumps at the reservoir site at a cost not to exceed $100.00. Carried by the following vote: Ayes Trustees Casmon, Gerow, Loos and Binder. loess lone. . Absents Nons. Moved by Trustee Love, seconded by Trustee Gerow, that the Street Superin- tendent be instructed to barn weeds on vacant property throughout the City where necessary and to employ additional help for the purpose if needed. Carried by the following vote: Ayess Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Love and Binder. Noes: None. Absents None. No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it was mowed by Trustee Love, seconded by Trustee Gerow, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. Respectfully submitted, Approved: C ty President, Board of.Trustess. °`- M w � �J