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1924 JUL 29 CC MIN
21 Segundo, Cal. July 29th, 1924. A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of i%1 Segundo, California, was called to order at 6 :30 o'clock P. Zd* on the above date in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City by Peter N. Binder, President of the Board. The City Clerk being absent, it was moved by Trustee Gerov:, seconded by Trustee Anderson, that Trustee Love be appointed Clerr, pro -tem. Carried. BO.:.L CA-',L. Trustees Present: Anderson, Gerow, Love and Binder. Trustees Absent: Cannon. tR -IDING OF :.'INUTFS OF P-i:Z IGUS =TT G. The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 22nd day of July, 1924, ^ere read w2thout error or omission being; noted and were.approved upon motion of Trustee Love, seconded by Trustee Cannon, which carried. Trustee Cannon appeared at the meeting during the reading of the minutes and took his seat, the hour being 6 :40 o'clock P. M. MITTEN COI,tibICATIONS. The following communications were read and disposed of as indicateds ::T:u:Da. ?D :C .. ;T NO* 54, I.O.G.F., advising that they will vacate the City Mall Auditorium after August, 1st, 192x. Ordered filed. :,'0'.,:s::' S B. TWIT ACSCC IAA IOt: OF "' CCAB�:E3, asking that, inasmuch as one organization is giving up the use of the City Hall Auditorium four nights each month, when the Board makes a new schedule for use of the Auditorium by the various organizations, the;; be given back the Tuesday night which they had previously given up for the benefit of another lodge. Ordered filed. J. C. BILL- , requesting use of the City Ball Auditorium for the Boilermaker's Union on the 2nd and 4th Monday nights of each month after August 1st, 1924. Ordered filed. P3TITION OF T. L. TUCK and others, requesting that the Board take such steps as are necessary to provide four foot sidewalks and curbs in Maple Avenue betr,een brain Street and Sheldon Street, under one of the Improvement Acts of the State of California which will permit the payment for such improvement to be extended over a period of ten years. Moved by Trustee Love, seconded by Trustee Anderson, that the City ::ngineer be and he is hereby instructed to prepare the data necessary and to furnish the same to the City Attorney so that he may prepare the necessary legal proceedings. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Anderson, Cannon, Gerorr, Love and Binder. :oes: i:one. Absent: None. - Z: IS: _ 3.ZwK, a letter in which they set forth a method of settlement of the Nelson w Frick matter and the payment of claims against the balance due on the contract of said Nelson & Frick with the City of yl Se undo. _fter some discussion it was moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Love, that the follor.-ing resolution be adopted: that the proposal of the First National Sark of ZI Segundo, contained in its co=...unication to this Board dated the 291-h day of July, 1924 be and the same is hereby accepted on behalf of the City of =1 Segundo and that in conformity with the auth�rity contained in said communication, warrants shall be dravm in payment of claims as followss R M- Segundo Garage - - - - - - - - X35.68 Daniels ardcrare - - - - - - - - 33.20 Hales & -:iller - - - - - - - - - 191.67 City of El Segundo, eater Dept. 136.81 City of E1 Segundo, Gen'l. Govt. 27.00 and interest and that the claim of Frank Cappell for the sum of Y350.00 and interest be and the same is hereby rejected and denied, and that the City Cleric be instructed to advise said Frank Cappell that the City of F,1 Segundc will require the judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction requiring the said city to nay said item before the paymont of said claim or any rart thereof will be made, as no evidence satisfactory to this Board has Leer produced that the said claim is properl;, payable out of the funds rer.,aininr- d, -,e the contractors, Nelson & Frici;, or their assignee, first l;ational 3ank of :.1 Legundo, for the :,crk under the contract of --aid = :elson Frick with said City of yl Segundo dated the 4th day of January, 1924, and no:-: on file in the office of the City Cleric'. -he foreooinb resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: '-rkstees Anderson, Cannon, Gerow, Love and Binder. :►oes: '.-,one. absent: ::one. Cif" CC:. 1121IC., IC::S. :.:r. ::inner of the Scutherr. - .Ilfornia Zdison Company advised the Boar: that In the all =went of electrical enema-, it was found possible to allow t_.e street 12L&%ts noz burnin in M Segundo from 7 :30 until 12:00 to be kept li�fhted until ^bout 4:00 o'clock in the morning, if the Board so desired, altio �o:: it would not be possible to add to the rn:mber of liglats now burning,. -he --oard expressed the opinion that the additional number of hours lighting .oul' be arpreciated by the residents of the City and "r. L'inner stated that t`_e new schedule would be started on Lu`ust 1st, 1 012_. "r. C. W. Lewis protested to the board against the construction of sidevralks and curbs in Palm avenue fro:r::'ain Street to the T+esterly City .:wits as contained it petition rresented to this Board on the 22nd day of "2y, v 2- �9n. , r �. - Trustee Gerow advised that :.'r. :n:ley had spoken to him•concdrring the con'i tion of the Street knovr_1 as Duley cad and desired to know if there -Bas ssne method by, which the sr--e :night be made passable before the rain;; season zt- � -- d. 'f e hair ere,.nc_. a-�poin_ed _r•,:stees nnderson and serorr, as a ^_cm'rittee, vrith the -treet 5uperintendert, to go c--er the road and ascertsi n -.?-at ::owl- be needed tc te'"norar_ly imn ^eve sane and report to the Board at i -L re: :t re jul ar meeting. 7r• :;s -ee Gero -: state- that he had 0-een asked by, a resident of Ll Segxiic _.r. .,_.1.. be necessary 1.3r said reside::` to �-et perm- s_ion to discharge a ; an L ^ 4-- rr^ t n 4 7 .,_ ...i2. .he �_.,; and vras i_. _r.^.!ed b;,j he ..haiz+ th >�, cpp�ieation -could 'have to be !".'ale— In, ..'_'It 2.- ny to the Bo .rc. for 5:.c!-. T)c::'r.': .:s! cn. �ri::i}Ce %r�J�e �.°.f,'i that certain residents in the C,=1t -, of Co;lirl:;v:oo.i an" .:....:.� 'I; ,..., . _ Je had if it be 'yv ssible to have ..;__.._ _ �'t't 1 :.�`_._�_._ -•. t .. 'ne .,c'r_t::r _ said Colli::✓:JU --treet c.n. •'�i�: - ."Situ:, t'-:ereuvcn -ef '°r stee Can non, seconded by trustee -- nder-on, ler'c be and he is hereby ir_str.lc`.ec to ^:rite the ::outlier:: n7 that the- install a E^ „__.die -:o-r,er li_h` s.^_ =1 ` `- ir.-lnaei ir_ their contr,o` ^1.h the.^ :` -: c_^ °.:r J.. .: t'*+ „ �• C, —jej. oy th'- f3'lo `n .`3te: w F 9 ttorre-, reyorted t�:� :fie iia: not as yet recei:�_i. i'CJI.e.� to the �:'S 4ilil�L ne 11.1 wr1tt..e tJ +iffierc.:t .'.ltle3 li u.$' n$ln iiltt service, but t:at he e.:re.: ' od tc rece.v- "e,Jl.es ary 1.1. -_,&. 7 E "i -�y esti.r.^lat, . iZ thc CJst cf Im-cro': ins the Ailey i "loch 11 and it Yl s moved by ':rustee ..OVe, seco:ded b;; ru$tev' C ri:iJri, thwt the ..ity Clerk be and the is hereby instr-,.:ct.ed t0 in the re Tut-_;r fcr the proper`, o%,.-nets -i:e t: t_on n,; fcr the iTMpro-, enc:.; t :r f!5-ure _r:.s:: .ted Ily the City - zi.;Lneer. varried by the fO110 ":.i'_i� Ve;e. S. Trustees sslllerscn, Cannon, vcro ":`:, Love and 3inder. ..Oc:S: done. d JSe1it, : 1Y3ne• _e .ity Cler1 thloush the De--6L dvised the" Josrd th-- the props rt.; c; : J -es d_ll_ on Lot 3, 3102k 7:;, ::1 Segundo, desired to have the Cit;,: :mil neer c:stimlite the cost of outtinz Sri b foot drive-i:,rsy through said Loy :i, 31oci: 90, the entire cost of �ihi :h work would be paid for by said property o ; :aiers. .t thereupon moved by ;rustee Gerow, seconded by 'rustee Cannon, that the City : l iliEet' bt,' and he is herebi' instru -,ted to prepare an estimate of tie cost of ,utt_!n.-_ in tale driveway as req:;.este, , sa:iri estimate to include the customary 10;,, for suoervision. Carried by the folio,r`inb vote: dye rustees anderson, :Toes: ::fine. �bse_1:,: one. Gannon, Gero;., Love and Binder. jii• .SHr BL "JIi�E,S'S• :coved by 1"rus,ee Gerow, seconded by Trustee .;hnderson, that Crdinance +o. 103, antitled: 11.Al Ui\y LYd1YY/"/. Or -m; C Il S C aK/ S- GU"iDG, C• "iLyr V�lLY jtl, r:tv7I1:IiJu FC 2 .: OF 34FE1Y ZU.iES ICI hIiy NHL aAID Cl Y AND ! GULA2L;G 717:LAFFIC t'1111 C% ma,,smlt , iiiich was read at regular meeting of said Board held on the 22nd day of July, 192 -1 and reread at this meeting, be adopted. Carried by the following vote: dyes: trustees Anderson, Cannon, Gerovi, Love and Binder. .-oes. Lone. Absent. None. upon information .. °rom the Street S7 iperititelhdent to the effect that the Ohevroiet "rue": purchased by the Board from Ch_s. H. uurlbert under date of 3u1;; 2 -"nd, 192: had been delivered and was outside the City Hall awaiting insy,action, it was moved by 2 rustee 3erow, seconded by rustee Anderson, on reco- nendation of the Street Superintendent, that Chevrolet Truck : ;o. D 2527, :.rotor Lo. :4G 1116, purchased by this Board on the 22nd day- of July, 19211, be and the same is hereby accented or. behalf of the City of Zl Segundo, California, subject to adJustmen ; of the folloriin'- item. p,to -alt: Chant' "e nos! tion of plate which anehors the dump body to the fri:.*ne of the truck; raise the body 4" : b-pv� 1' s resent uo si *ion on the chassis, and that i-ron said adjustments =- „ �.�arrant for the s,--n of '021.70 be drav,^1 and ;aid n rent for the s ^:3 ej ,,—, ;c .t. Married by the foll0; :'i:1, vote: ,4c S. nnastees 'nderso n, ..ail non, 3ero�:, Love a-1 3inder. :.jre :;one. f"i o it this point the Chair suggested disposition of assij;nin- the use of the :all auditorium, written request to assign two Wonday nights to the Bciler- ma'ker'c inion having heretofore been filed bJ j. C. 21xler, Secratar;-, written request to reassign one Tuesday :tight to the !:aceabee �.od5e having heretofore been file.: by Lae Grimes, Commander, and tten request to rent the City ;11 ouditoriur. on the four 1.:onda nights of each mono: ha^ina heretofore beer, filed by P. L. Gardner, Floyd Carr and A. Joeuto, Committee. Discussion arose as to the number of nits asked for by the Co =ittee and to settle the matter, the Chair declare:: a recess, the hour being 7 :50 o'clo -,k P. u:e while the Clerk referrer: to hi., files for the letter. At the hour of 7 :5:: o'clock r. Y. the Chair a,—'n called the meetin!, to order, all trustees being present. 'Ha:-inZ satisfied the Board -s to the Number of nigints desired by the Committee, the Chair then asked if aryone present could inform the Board the name of the ori_�nization for whom the Oorm;ittee was acting. ;:ter. A. Soeuto being present, informed the Board that the Committee is actin- for the Xlansmen of .:1 Segundo. Further discussion ensued, after which it was moved b-- Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Cannon that inasmuch as the Committee, consisting of P. D. Gardner, Floyd Carr and L. Soeuto, had ^lade f_rst application for the hall, that they be granted use of the City :call Auditorium for the four t:onday nights of each month according to their application therefor. upon roll call, the ^notion was lost by the following vote: Ayess Trustees Gerow and Cannon. :toes: Trustees Anderson, Love and Binder. absent: !;one. The .Natter was the:, further discussed, the Board generally agreeing that the _'accabees should be reassigned the Tuesday night which they had requested. °ein; unable to arrive at a satisfactory conclusion, the Chair agreed to take the TM 'ter up with the BollermaaIcer's Union with the view of effecting a solution of the 3if.`_3ul` and the natter was thereupon laid on the table for further consideration. ` -he matter of the payment to Olmsted & Gillelen of the balance due them under their contract with the City of Dl Segundo dated December 11th, 1920 was then brought up f ©r review. After discussing the matter at some l6ngth, it was moved by Trustee Gerow that the City of :.1 Segundo pay to Olmsted & Gillelen the amount due them under their contract, y2333.33, deducting therefrom the amount of their appraisal of the well under controversy, or a net sum of x501.33. This cotton failing of a second, it was -lien moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Anderson, that the City of F41 Segundo pay to Olmsted & Gillelen the full amount of their claim, or Y2333.33. Said motion was lost by the following votes ayes Trustee Anderson. Noes: Trustees Cannon, Gerow, Love and Binder. Absent: None. Discussion was again resumed and at the hour of 8 :10 o'clock P. M. the Chair declared a recess while the dater Superintendent procured from his files the report of Olmsted P Gillelen which contained their appraisal of the Zl Segundo ,ia`_er Company. The City Attorney rendered his opinion as to the responsibility of Cl ^sted x Gillelen in the matter, and it was thereupon moved by Trustee Love, seconded by Trustee Gerow, that the matter of the 61aim of Olmsted & Gillelen in the sla.Yn of x2333.33 be laid on the table until such time as said claimants shall o-- nicate further with this Board with reference to a reduction of the amount of said claim, at which time the matter of the payment of said claim will be further considered by this Board. Carried by the following votes Ayess Trustees Anderson, Cannon., Gerow, Love and Binder. lioess None. Absents none. PAYING BILLS. the following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Findn e and aecords, were read: 4.11 w .�' I Water Forks Fund Fortuna Oil Company 643.57 N. 0. Nelson Z:fg. Co. 43.24 Y. T. Hutchins 33.16 he "'orthington Co. 131.25 Pacific Pipe & Supply Co. 16.08 Herald Publishing Co. 9.65 Grimes- Stassforth "Stat. Co. 1.12 H. Lueller 1'.fg. Co. 2.86 Layne & Bowler Corp. 299.00 iell79.95 Neuner Corporation Edna E. Harlan Jessie M* L'eale Elene Harris Herald Publishing Co. Bull oca' s Pacific- Southwest Tr. Savings Sank Pacific - Southwest Tr. Savings Bank :he Wm. H. Hoegee Co. Zdn- R. Harlan Rich .".rotor Co. General Fund 4.20 3.24 11.39 2.55 75.00 15.00 & 194.25 w 120.61 24.OI 2.05 25.25 V-77.55 Moved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Love, that the demands be alloaved and warrants dra.rn on the various funds covering the s -^.ie. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Anderson, Cannon, Gerow, Love and Binder. Noes: None. Absent: None. N.�"." 3USI..1ESS. The City Engineer advised the Board that ,,.r. Davison of the Standard Uil Company had conferred with him relative to the City accepting deeds from the Standard Gil Company to the property forming the lorth half of what is known as 3osecrans Avenue, inasmuch as the City of I- lanhattan had paved the South half of the Street, thus leaving, it in a more or less dangerous condition. The Board being uncertain as to whether or not the City of 41 Segundo had ever acquired tbtle to any portion of the roadway car=nonly referred to as Rosecrans Avenue for public street purposes, the City Engineer was instructed to make an investigation relative to the matter and report to the Board. Moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Cannon that the salary of 0. F. Peasnall for all services rendered as Assitant City Engineer of the City of Zl Segundo be and the same is hereby increased from X175.00 per month to the sum of X200.00 per month, effective august 1st, 1924. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Anderson, Cannon, Gerow, Love and Binder. Noes: None. Absent: done. Moved by Trustee Love, seconded by Trustee Anderson, that fi and after the first day of August, 1924, that F. G. Davis be compensated at the rate of 75¢ per hour for such time as he may be employed by the Engineering Department of the City of -'Z Segundo. Carried by the following vote: Ayes; Trustees Anderson, Cannon, Gerov,, Love and Binder. I1oas: "one* Absent: Eone. The Marshal announced the appointment of Fred Gordon as a deputy and reluested the Board's approval of same. Loved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Love that the appointment of Fred Gordon as a deputy be and the same is hereby approved. Carried. ::o P arther business appearing to be transacted at this session, it was moved by Tz -astee Love, seconded by Trustee Gerow, that the meeting adjourn until -X nday, the 4th day of August, 1924, at the hoar of 4 :40 o'clock P. Ye Carried. Respectf,:lly submitted, Approved: Clerk pro -teL President, 3oar3 of Trustees