1924 JUL 22 CC MINM Segundo, Cal. July 22nd, 1924. A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of 41 Segundo, California, was called to order at 6 :30 o'clock P. Yl. on the above date in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City by Peter L. Binder, President of the Board. �+ MOLL C.--U. Trustees Present: Anderson, Cannon, Gerow, Love and Binder. Trustees Absent: bone. R DING OF :::II1JTi3 OF PREVIOUS -- TI ;GS. the regular meeting of The minutes of/July 15th, 1924, were read without error or or.ission being noted and were approved upon motion of Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Anderson, The minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held on the 18th day of July, 1924 were read, and no errors or omissions appearing, it was moved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Love, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried. SPECIAL OaD: -c OF BUSMESS. The hour of 6 :45 o'clock P. i:. this meeting having heretofore been set as the time for further considering bids received on July 15th, 1924, for furnishing the City of 21 Segundo with motor trucks in accordance with advertisements therefor, the Chair announced that said hour had arrived and the Board then nroceedej to discuss the various bids received. After due deliberation and consideration, it was moved by Trustee Love, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that the following resolution be adopted: "tR:-',SOL ZD, that all items of all bids received for furnishing the City of M Segundo, California, with certain motor trucks and equipment pursuant to public notice of the City Clerk dated June 27th, 1924, with the exception of the two items of the respective bids hereinafter referred to, be and the same are hereby rejected and that the contract for furnishing; the City of IZ Segundo, California, with one motor truck of about 1000 to 2000 lbs. capacity, equipped with box body and integral cab for driver and more particularly described in Item no. 1 of the before mentioned public notice be and the sane is hereby awarded to the El Segundo Garage at the price therefor specified in Item, No. 1 of their proposal on file, to -wit: the sum of X558.86; and that the contract for furnishing the said City with one motor truck, same as, and equipped as truck described in the before mentioned Item Igo. 1 except that body shall be a dump body of steel construction, all as described in Iten No. 2 of public notice to bidders be and the same is hereby awarded to Chas. 13. Hurlbert under Item :Yo. 5 of his proposal on file at the price specified therein, to -wit: 4821.70, A;T BE IT T7UR,'? .at rr:SOL'T :::, that the City Clerk shall return the checks of all unsuccessful bidders." Carried by the following voter Ayes: Trustees Anderson, Cannon, Gerow, Love and Binder. Noes: 'one. dbsent: None. ; � ':' CG': u'LZ:ICATIQNQ The following cormunications were read and disposed of,as, indicated: PMZ SYLVAZ" y?Oi; & ST=, CC'.!Pn:.Y, requesting permission to dismantle and remove for the account of the Standard Oil Company, California, the steel viaduct ni- k crossing the Coast Boulevard at a point approximately 525 feet South of the North Line of the Standard Oil Company property, the letter stating said Company's contract with the Standard Gil Company provides full indernity for all liabilities which might arise in connection with the prosecution of the work. Moved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by 'Trustee Gerow, that the permit thus applied for be granted. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Anderson, Cannon, Gerow, Love and Binder. Noes: None. Absent: None. LOS ANGMES TO THE HARBOR ASSOCIATION, announcing a meeting to be held Friday, July 25th, 1924, at 7 :30 o'clock P. M. at the South Park School, corner of Manchester and South Park Avenue, Los Angeles, California, for the purpose of discussing fully the highway and park program for the district between Los Angeles and the Harbor, as well as plans for a Metropolitan Trunk sewer system embracing the sewage problem for the County Territory South, Southwest and Southeast of Los Angeles, including the municipalities lying in this territory. The President of the Board urged as many Trustees as possible to attend the meeting. P. D. GARDIM, FLOYD CA�3 and A. SOEUTO, Committee, expressing a desire to rent the City Hall auditorium on the 2nd and 4th Monday nights in August and each Monday night after September 1st. The Clerk then advised that Standard Encampment No. 54, I.O.O.F., through A. R. Gunn, had advised him that said organization would use the City Pall Auditorium on the first and third uondays only of each month subsequent to August 1st and that the Maccabee Lodge, which had sometime ago relinquished the use of the Auditorium on two Tuesday nights of each month for the accomodation of another Fraternity, had, through its presiding officer, requested him to urge the Board to arrange for the Boiler ".rakers Union to use the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month after August 1st, thus releasing Tuesday night so that the Maccabees might resume such use on their regular meeting nights. At the suggestion of the Chair action assigning the Auditorium to the applicants was deferred until the next regular meeting of the Board. PyTITION OF JAMS Me MCIaOE and others, requesting the construction of cement sidewalks and curbs in Palm Avenue from 11ain Street to the Westerly City Limits. Moved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Gerow, that the City* Mrigineer be and he is hereby instructed to prepare the data necessary in the premises and to furnish the same to the City Attorney so that he might prepare the necessary legal proceedings. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Anderson, Cannon, Gerow, Love and Binder. Noes: hone. Absent: None. D. S. P3 S.*NALL A:;D N. 1'_A MIA, requesting cement sidewalks and curbs be constructed in Whiting Street between Palm Avenue and 1%riposa Avenue and that the °oard of Trustees take anion to cause such work to be done under Improvement Acts of the State of Oalifornia, which will permit payment of the cost to be extended over a period of ten years. Moved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Love, that the City rnaineer be and he is hereby instructed to prepare the data necessary in this connection and to furnish the same to the City ttorney for his further action in accord-nee with the petition. Carried by the following votes Ayes: Trustees Anderson, Cannon, Gerow, Love and Binder. :;oes: None. Absent: i.one. C.A.I. C Olr'L;: ICdT IG ": bar. 0. E. Palmer, pursuant to his duties as Chairman of a Committee annointed by the Chamber of Commerce, drevi the Board's attention to a resolution passed by the Chamber of Commerce, at its regular meeting held July 21st, 1924, advoc tin' the purchase by the City of E1 Segundo of Blocks 75, 76, 77 and 85 r-ithin said City for public park purposes and instructing his committee to interest the Board of Trustees in the project with the view of enlisting the aid of the Board of Trustees in the purchase of said property. '.:.r. Palmer laid stress upon the desirability of a park site surrounding the beautiful Grammar School Buildings and Orounds, its value to the City as an advertising medium when : ariposa Avenue and Collingrrood Street are opened into the City; and in use, and the necessity for taking action at an early date so that said property may be purchased before its value increases, as he felt it :could surely do in the near future. He stated also that another Corr:ittee of the ^hanber of Co"i -nerce desired to have the Board of Trustees acco ^pary it or. an automobile tour of the Tity :..onday, July 28th, 192", for the purpose of .iewing this an: ogler tentative park 1-:tes; follo.:i nS .:which it was moved by Trustee Berg::, seconded by Trustee Lave, that this Board of Trustees go on record as believing the matter of the purchase of a -ublic park site as reco^r:^-ended by t?:e Chamber of Corrnerce and presented by 'r. 0. Palmer worthy of corsideration, and hereby agrees to accompany the Charlber of Commerce on its tour of the City _onday evening, Jul.- 28th, 1924, leavinr- from the corner of Richmond Street an wand Avcnue at the hour of 5:00 o'clocn P. Carried. _one. R_-PORTS Cr L`7: :r.: i:i l TT i j ?:.:L l:i.i C T?"'ie City' Clerk drew attention to the fact that a considerable saving !night be effected in the purchase cf lubricating oils used by the various ^ :ri ^ival departnents if a contract were en4ere3 into mith the 0"andard Oil "0MIC�2ly. The contract was approved as to form by the City Attor -ey, prcvidin- a clause be inccr_:orc.ted in t'?e same, reading: "i:othing herein contained shall by o :istr'ued s reauirin- the C: t y of = JeE;undo to rurchase more than 5300.00 r:crt ^ or the rrccucts herein referre' to ". it was therau_:;on moved by 'ructcc n _e. m st T that t Prez! dent f i a f^ . ..onded by _z^,: ee .•a•re, re .. .tee.. o he -oars o rUs.ees b and he iL 1iereb:7 authorized tc enter int-c 'a contr."�et :it: the 3ta nf--rd 011 rar `:?:: 1:i,;rcnase Of 1:+bricc.tln_ oils°.'_._. '_^eases, Slib.'c' to ra:o^^TM�'rdecl ; �'tiv' ..it' r'ttorne;; r id the City Clerk is hereby dire:.ted to .;heat the 5:!"ie. married by t.lc vote. At,e:i; Trustees i.nderscn, Va:L`ion, Seroir, "ove and minder. _DEI S: 110rie. aUna. at this - Joint, the hour be n 8: -21 o'cloc.: Y. M., lrustae Cannon requested n to be ei::IIsed and or. =otlo n of '- r:i -nova, ova, seco nded by Trustee serow, which 3arried, such permission eras L anted. i+iri IiiIati:::� B'uSIi:LS�. ;ne claim of Olmsted w Gillelen in the sum of '2333.33 for the b:�la.nce Sae them. under their contrnet ;,i h the City of -1 :'e6­undo dated becenb:!r 11th, 1920, zas discussed at len;t', by the 30arl. "he notion of Trustee 'Gerow to the c.fect that ". 501.3:. only be tendered Olmsted w Gillelen as settlement in full of aii cl.aimns, present and, futur_, >nd that the Board felt disposed to withhold :.ice V)—har until the matter is adjudicated by a. Court of Competent Jurisdiotio,: failin�3 of a second, the Chair ordered the matter Lid on the -ble until the next rem lar ^seating 3f the 3oarde 'the 20310 "::i:1, demands, having h;:�d the ac;proval of the Co='Lttee on 323` ".ia :,0rds, were rd =d: H. S. �roc�er 1 O. I.13. %.'al service Station Ceorge ipsvritan Clyde -i oodwortn :.i iio6:Y.10 " .z.Ll General Fund 27.57 :31.50 6.74 1.96 17.._4 '85.09 :..'owed by :rustee :•ove, seconded by Trustee Lnderson, that the demands be o°•ed Lnd vrarraLits dravni on the 3aner,--1 =und covering the same. Carried by the fo' lov:in � ote. ZD ayes: Trustees iinderson, tas� serow, :love and binder. noes: bone. absent: -,rustee Cannon. a\Gn �L `Jl lir1LJJ. :r-"stae -o-.-e introduced Ordinance ao. 10°,, entitled: L. U1�JJ lir::atvir �i:l:� 1.I i �ii ►7.ill�I l\JJV, 'v..y lam, Vl'�i \ltl, FOE, - `TA3LIO:iI::1 OF ;.Oir.S I :iI" IL [L:\ L L`au�i+. • ^ - e r r � ;r.+ -. \ ; ni ch was read. _rustee aero.. initiated discussion eoneernin;; the openin[; of streets ::.st and *'.est from the Fisi.er buudivision to the ';;esterly City limits betweer. -red 1' pie dvenues, . -ple and revenues and Walnut revenue cnd linb::•,od Jtreet, follming which it was moved by Trustee aerow, seconded b;, Trustee Love, that the City i;nginoer be and he is hereby instructed to prer,are and present to this 3oxrd a nap indicating thereon by dotted lines or ether suitable reference such streets as he recommends to be opened Caster =;,, and •::esterly through aert ai.i blocks v:ithin the City of :;l 3er,-undo. Car.—Ted by the following vote: oyes: Trustees vlidersu:i, 4a , uerow, Love and binder. -jes. absent: Trustee Cannon. he :larshal announced the revocation of the appointment of H. J. aichmond lieruty. :;o further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting, it was r_oJad by Trustee Vero,;, seconded by .rustee :