1924 JUL 16 CC MINX296 El Segundo, Cal. July 16th, 1924. A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo, 6alifornia, was called to order at 6 :30 o'clock P. U. on the above date in the Council Chamber of the City Hall by Peter E. Binder, President of the Board. ROLL CALL. Trustees Present: Anderson, Cannon, Gerow and Binder. Trustees Absent: Love. READITyG OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS =, TIN:;- The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 8th day of July, 1924 were read and no errors or omissions appearing, it was roved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried. 7,1RITTE , COMMTNICATIONS. The following communications were read and disposed of as indicated: A. HANCOCK, requesting an estimate of the cost of improving the alley in Blook 14, running from Virginia Street to 1hiting Street. Moved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Anderson, that the City Engineer be instructed to estimate the cost of repairing this alley and to report to the Board at its next regular meeting. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Anderson, Cannon, Gerow and Binder. Foes: None. Absent: Trustee Love. CITY OF CULVER CITY, copy of a resolution passed, advocating the consolidation of modernized terminal facilities as contemplated under plans prepared by the Los Angeles Terminal Association. Ordered filed. ORAL CCMTIiICATIOXS. Mr. H. A. Crowell, Plumbing Contractor, addressed the Board, urging the adoption of the plumbing license ordinance. In the discussion which followed it appeared that the Board did not believe the present the proper time to adopt such an ordinance and by general consent the matter was tabled. None. RZPORTS OF STAn'DIP,G COMMITTEES. RE!'ORTS OF OFFICERS & SP:::CIAL CO1"-- ITTEES. The City Attorney reported having received a letter from the State Controller of the State of Wisconsin, giving him the names of numerous cities within said state which enforce a standby charge for domestic water service. Fe stated that he will write several of these cities concerning their method of effecting standby charges and will report to the Board further in the matter at an early date. SPIX I.A.L ORDM OF BUS =Se The receiving of bids for furnishing the City of El Segundo with motor trucks in accordance with bids as advertisied for, having heretofore been made a special order of business for the hour of 7:00 o'clock P. M• this date, the President arose and announced the hour of 6:59 o'clock P. IS. and asked if any person or persons present desired to file bids for said equipment. The hour of 7 :00 o'clock P. I:. having arrived and all bids being in, the Presid -nt declared that bids for furnishing the City of E1 Segundo with . -1 .&291=: motor trucks in accordance with advertisement calling for bids for such equipment were closed. It was then moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded -by e $tee Anderson, that the Board proceed to open and publicly declare all bids for furnishing the City of E1 Segundo with motor trucks in accordance with advertisement therefor. Carried. Said bids were found by said Board to be as follows to -wits Bid of Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Item 6 Item 7 DeWitt J. Brady 559.00 763.40 893.40 519.60 698.40 1248.00 1368.00 Additional Charge for front and rear rim extra 01.50 and 03.50 respectively. Chas. H. Hurlbert 668.30 913.00 601.47 821.70 1423.17 (Chevrolets) All Steel Body 973.70 876933 1477.80 El Segundo Garage 558.86 791.55 91145 518.86 751.55 1310.41 1430.41 Hufford & Haggett 553.17 735.57 865.57 500.00 682.40 1235.57 1365.57 Additional charge of 040.00 for installation of lip on steel body dump if equipment is desired. Gecrge Y,. Sutton 551.32 738.12 858.12 461.32 648.12 1199.44 1319.44 If regular Ford Steel Box Body and Cab equipped with hand hoist for dumping is used, bids are as follows: 684.12 804.12 594.12 1145.44 1265.44 Bid of Dewitt J. Brady was accompanied by Check No. 4273 payable to the City of E1 Segundo, drawn on the Culver City Commercial and Savings Bank in amount of $78.50. Bid of Charles H. Hurlbert was accompanied by Certified Checks No. 1755 in amount of 033.42, No. 1756 in amount of 046.69, No. 1757 in amount of ,"33.42, No. 1758 in amount of ,„48.69, No. 1759 in amount of 482.10, all being drawn on the First National Bank of Inglewood, California and payable to the City of El Segundo. Bid of E1 Segundo Garage nas accomkanied by Cashier's Check of the First National Bank of E1 Segundo, No. 1875 in amount of 070.00 payable to the City of E1 Segundo. Bid of Hufford and Haggett was accompanied by Check No. 2131 drawn on the First National Bank of Hermosa. Beach in the sum of 075.00 payable to the City of El Segundo. Bid of Ueorge 1% Sutton was accompanied by Cashier's Check No. 16032 of the First National Bank of Inglewood, California, in the sum of 066.00 payable to the City of EZ Segundo. Moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Anderson that when this meeting adjourns, it adjourn until Friday, the 18th day of July, 1924, at the hour of 2:00 o'clock P. li. and that all bids received this date for furnishing the City of :l Segundo with motor trucks in accordance with bids as advertised for be taken under advisement until said meeting. Carried. Ui S rD BUS :.loved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that Ordinance No. 107, entitled: "A:' O.UI:AYXZ OF THE CITY OF -,-L S GUIMU, CALIF03I:IA, DZSIG:N'ATINO' THE CITY IUU I:' AUM FOr SAID CITY, AIM T?ir: CC'U - C IL C? ",I B TH -EMEI t; F LK ING THE I= AND PLACE: OF =--I:-.GS OF Tu ' 30ARD OF TRUSTZES OF SAID CITY; PHOVLI'i'.G :O.-L T:-. HOLDIi3, OF SPECi.u. =TI:'G *J OF SuID SUrl-11D Ai::, F=1 i:ALL's _ LL O' :;I :i.i;C3S 111M PA:Ll✓ CF Oni,I'A 1CzS Ii; COi:FLICT 4'298 A� L �1 which was introduced and read at a regular meeting of the Board of Tr•.:stees hold on the 3th day of July, 1924 and reread at this meeting, be adopted. Carried by the follov.ino vote: Ayes: Trustees nriderson, Cs-neon, Gerow and Binder. =;oes: gone. Absent:- 'trustee Love. The Clerk then presented for consideration copies of ordinances regulating the businea_ of plurbin;; and regu_ating the business of electriaal v.1-ring -- ard future i:.stalling in the City of El Seg _do, which had beer. prepared and S7:;bm'tted to hir by the City Attorney. 3y general consent action therecn was deferred irdef *,nice__;. ewe matter of adjustment of the claim of Olmstead � 'illelen was t e:_ arxa.-, to'the Board's attention and the Superintendent of the "later Lepartment reported "that he had had a telephone conversation v.ith 'r. Stone of sail fi=r._, •..'�o : as stilling tit the 3oard rrrke some adjustment if it felt thc.t Olmsted 0 Gillelen were in error in estimating the value of one of the fresh water wells of the M Segu:::o eater Com]pcny whan said firm was preparing a report as a guide for the Board of Trustees of the City of ::1 Segundo, but that his firm was not wiliin.- that the Board deduct their full estimated v=.lue of'said well. he'3oard being umvilling to arbitrarily set the amount to be deducted from the said claim, by general consent the 3uperintandent of the 7;a ter De_c rt-nent was instructed to eor= niczte with the said firr:. in an effort to have one of their representatives at the next meeting of the Board of Trustees. In the matter of settlement of the balance due nelson & Frick under their contract with ., a City of-:::1 Sa uhdo for the construction and completion of a water distribution system for the City of ZI Segundo, the City Cleric advised he was unable to effect a settlement as betvreen the various claimants and the assignee under the contract and he then read to the BoW a letter addressed to 'Airs by the First national Bank of M Segundo to whom Belson & Frick contract had been assigned. Discussion was then had, during which it appeared that - among the claims filed were several for labor performed under the contract, the names of the claimants and the amounts due them being as follows, to -wits .anuel AleSria - - - - - - - - - - - Y231.09 Joe Ov iat t - - - - - - - - - - - - - 110.00 C. B. Stall smith - - - - - - - - - - 150.00 21m. Porter - - - - - - - - - - - - - 250000 It appearing that "the claim of Joe Oviatt had been assigned to William : orter and William Porter being present in the Council Chamber, he was sworn by the Clerk and questioned by the City Attorney as to the assignment, whereupon, as recommended by the City Attorney, it was moved by Trustee Oerow, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that the following resolution be adopted: "R:.SOLVrM), that upon receipt by the City Clerk of an affidavit on behalf of each of the followir_,; claimants for the amounts set opposite their respective names hereinafter stated lanuel.Uegria -- ---------- w231.09 Joe vviatt - - - - - - - - - - - - 110.0C C. 3. Stailsmith - - - - - - - - -- - - 150.00 %Ull iam Porter - - - - - - - - - - - - 250.00 against the funds on hand remaining unpaid under the contract of Nelson & Frick with the City of :a Segundo dated Jarmary 4th, 1924, stating the name of the claimant, that the amount specified is true and correct, that the same has not been raid or any part thereof, and is for labor actually entering into the work covered by said contract, and that said claimant will refund and repay unto the said City of E1 Segundo the full amount of his claim if at any time hereafter it should be determined that said money was not due and owing to said claimant and,/or that same should not have been paid unto this claimaint by said City, that warrants be drawn on suitable demands therefor for said respective amounts to said respective persons and that all other claims and demands against the said fund still remaining unpaid be taken under advisement until the further order of this Board ". None. PAYING BILLS. :rEt': BIiSIS'ESS. 299 The Marshal announced the revocation of the appointment of George N. Eason as a Deputy. The City Clerk announced that on the evenings of August 20th and 27th, 1924, the City Hall Auditorium would not be used by the Masonic Lodge which ordinarily uses said Auditorium on the 3rd and 4th Wednesdays of each month and that the Chamber of Commerce desired to use the City Ball on the evening of August 20th, 1924. It was thereupon moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that the Chamber of Commerce be permitted to use the City Hall Auditorium on the evening of August 20th, 1924, and that no charge be made for such use. Carried. Trustee Anderson stated that his attention had been called to a dangerous corner within the City of El Segundo, that of the intersection of Loma Vista Street with Grand.Avenue. Various methods of safeguarding traffic at this point were discussed, following which it was moved by Tr-astee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Anderson, that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance providing for boulevard stops within the City of El Segundo, which might be introduced at the pleasure of the Board and that for use in the present instance the City Clerk be instructed to obtain four "Boulevard Stop" signs from the Automobile Club of Southern California. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Anderson, Cannon, Gerow and Binder. ?toes: None. Absent: Trustee Love. roved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that the following res ^lution be adopted: "ii.50LV. L, That the City Clerk and the City Treasurer be and they are hereby authorized to transfer from the General Fund of the pity of 1;1 Segundo to the eater V-'orks Fund of the "unicipal Mater Department of said City the sum of ,5000.009 said sw,TM to be considered as a loa. from the 1-�ereral Furze to s: ; i 7orris Fuad ". Carrie- by the f ullu-.%ing vote: Ayes: Trustees Anderso::, Cannon, GeroY, and Binder. :yoes: Yone. Absent: Trustee Love Loved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that the Street Superin- tendent be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to construct cement sidewalks in the park "117est of the City ?fall Annex in accordance ti^ith plans prepared by the City engineer therefor. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Anderson, Cannon, Gerow and Binder. ;;oes: I;one. Absent : Trustee Love. one City Clerk advised that certain property om ers in Block i:o. 93 in the City of :.1 Segundo desired a street opened North and South through said Block and running through portions of Lots 3, 4, 7 and S. The matter was discussed at some length, the consensus of the Board being that Last and pest streets should be opened ir. the acreage instead of North and South streets and no action in this matter wan s taken. ;Towed by Trustee Cannon, seconded by Trustee Gerow, that the office of Athletic Director of the City of M Segundo be and the same is hereby declared vacant as of the 14th day of July, 1924, and that the services of K. C. Smith, as such athletic Director of the City of ZI Segundo, be and the same are hereby terminated as of the same date. Carried by the following vote: 9300 Ayes: Trustees Anderson, Cannon, Gerow and Binder. i:oe s: none. Absent: Trustee Love. No further business appearing to be transacted at this session, it was moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Love, that the meeting adjourn until Friday, the 18th day of July, 1924 at the hour of 2 :00 o'clock P. Carried. Respectfully submitted, "pproved: City Cler President, Board of Trustees. M L TJ M