1924 AUG 16 CC MINI2&2 • +` , in i; c�._.c'i C':aml)er of the Lity G. t'16 xL1, Ci . r.lEr -_s:11 11-7th, ^y. :.I JacwvldU, v.:.l• AuJ•lwS �� _• th_ �G"ra Gr 7ru3`,,;es Of "n it- Of .1 ..% li:.�'.J G c1GCi: A. ...• v: ". the a'.'GZ'e rL-te �f aaId City %- Teter tinder, .a esi3e.;t ::G.•;• C�I.i.. :�r:LstaeG +'rc3e :`. AZlde:'so , v�..;1G:;, 1f:rJ::, LG:e ^.n'� �iadGr• _rustea�, u�sent: �.clle. .._ove a '3j -rus tee Carmon, tha the re .lar order _ u _:ie: i be :i s��e:lsea : 1 th. u:-: ci_Lt!:ent of C. v. _....."J�: 1 -•�lla uJ[:.e •a �I; c" - :card's a- r- -,z)%''-1 Gfa the 3,1..iC• ^ L.07!Od bv' Irus`.ee C_=nonq t7i_�t this ao-pointment ui? .'Cr 0veu• llo;:y as _ yer,,:ty rustee -07e, ..arried. « :ove d b�. - rurtea Love, secon. -.eu by ?rustee Cannon, that the 1 ° Gi 't'" @nom . • • rsh;:1a ., s a do ~. -Jr -01, -1 be ar.5 1-- s:�^e is hereby rG:Gr.Cl1• v «r_ _c' 1. i:J• :al rus` r.:.o�., sevc:;d�d ':;,- Trastee recc- r�anher .a :t it mil, a .ar �..-- _ Jrder of t•': i s �G" I':a, the v^.lv.ry cf .,E7�. ��• C1e;^ ' be <_:i: t!ic Same is here_, i'_:.'.I'ef: ad r "...J. -or month to 1;, ^.00 I)ar month! ..;iiCll S ^iQ emu= shall i:L � .�_ �� _c_ -__ serv:cas rendered s su.... _ CitY _ern .-:d slhLii be _T.a a ^ -le no :tt;ly as otliar cit;k salaries tine raid, _...i ..�. is :l:i.� .t:•:;Oi:ra. , that from c_-nd after tiie 1St -1-y Gf Sept.,. »_er, - °" _, and until the further order of this Board, 'he cf Clyde .,00dworth as C.1%- tc .. d the s --me i.i hereby ._i- reased iron, „100.00 Ter -3ntr 1.3 '1213.0C per mcnth, said sum to na-'? e nt in full for all rt. -a'.1 " and e_ ii •w-y se rv__ es rendered s-Id additicna, C :E.i:a =`iJ:: �V be X11^'.' :3u for e::`_a3- a`nar;; sor:•iweS and $::tr stenOgr- ifii3 Services, and sriall be - -:able mo =:hl as other cit., salaries are paid ". b -, the foliov:in vote: s>ti'@s: = rustees A:ldars.::, lit_'�'1J:i, rar0'.7! Lo, -nd Binder. oeS. ,.one. A:J Ja .:.: a. J�Le• ee :.GVe, seoo::3e_ i� us`ao C� -i1zo: t%_ '� O i`. Oleri: be J - rJLa,at l.Jrii.v'J to have ',re' -_red Jl.. of ..,1C: '�Uditvr's report -ea. e-!,-,-- T-U, --a �0`':, 1 °2 i, as filed _t?' ±he 3Ga'd Its 1'_Sy 'e_u ar neetiii".V C,Ir loll by the vote: _ ..� @3; ..Jlie• to 1.:..: ::Tiu....• 1� �ne a,,_ rG. �i G° the Oomv itteo - c:L,i:L:: e .1 :.. G.�... �(.:., .. :':. red..:.• General Fu_ - - -:ter 7b. "� :yev� .:. Llsey C.90 0:. .._•int3 Ourtz2'iier 10.00 - je ^^ ?red Jordon lOC.20 Comp. ins. 2und =9; . i7 1� p 231 .dater ':corks Fund Ge "e""' Fund .T.Q.ne.i 3oaler %rr, ration 295.51 F. G. D vis "S.00 Grimes- .,tassaortY 5tyt. moo. =. CC Frar:k, bell 62.00 El eaundo Herald 10.50 L. 6. Greer. 64.4S x572.20 Z,att eiv•Ss :. D.__$ickler 64.49 J. w. Powers 6Y.45 P. .11c�ially 59.52 ... ..Oodyara 5Y.00 d. :• Green 64 _1S ia. L. ainsworth 74.35 ii. Denton 49 . rC . G. 'r:enry 04.40 J. R. Lovell 57052 A. 2. '..filler Si.60 i,ation i 1olishin Cloth v0. 7.50 x1504.70 :.f "oved by 17rastee Cu,!mon, seconded by rastee Love, that the demands be all(med -:nd ,:arrants drxini on the respec +.ive funds covering the•same. Carried by the follow. ng votes Ayes. trustees Anderson, C -anon, Gero-,%,, .ove a_:d 31ndore i:oes: : ;one. ..bsert: Tone. Wovsd by trustee Love, socorded by _rastee Anderson, that the fol.lo:�l— resc'uticr_ ')e a:lz�pted: h--- ": t� iOre d711 SE d t..iI ' ` t� :32'n`- :l ., i�lii rE :speC��n. 'fie u_7._ of s-i .ilea _o:.r_ c_ - ru;;,,e.;s enter d ;ly torsi derin- the t c ., L. - _ ♦ l n ., .. + l _ 7_ y. G. j • .. I• x _ a- .. : ..: l i 1�" _, i .. n. a ,ice Of Ci : .11 -= udixJr '1 be aas1c, to 'he J x_o::s her - -11- e r `i '_ici on the .A :=;Ito 7,.e first four . "L. :::< :_ '_ fir' c_ Of • C. C. . 4..L :�.� la it. L.a..a.\\ i\...uVL. rd, .. .... �._.. - - ✓:._� ._, .. ... C. _.. ...._..._ .... ..... Jt... __ v _ _ ...`1'. ✓ _: _�V fur .. J ..r. 1. rUi \a= .a,e.\ ar.vV�J�aY /, �_ -. _ �..1 .. �V_... ;i :Jr .kJ .C. I:✓ ..tea.. .. ✓.+ 1V\. 1. .iL la 11^.1 ifi.iL\ 1L•J�1.�Y..L '.h—,-t un..iI the furtl.3r v: dad .+^ t h 1 1 t ' - i-,a t fr _. - Z•�..a:>..CC:� �f.G J =^'C rC : :....� ?';... �✓ �✓ ,..rC v ✓re �cd ✓..__.ra ,;.j).� ;� ", ._.... .3 ru r a