1924 AUG 12 CC MINEl Segundo, Cal. August 12th, 1954. s, regular Treetin6 of the Board of - rustees of the City of j•l "egl%ndo, California, was called to order at o :.�0 o'clock re it:. on the atove de.te in the Council Chamber of the City :Tall of said City by Peter Binder, President of the ,oar d. BOLL C:>i,T .'rustees ?resent: Cannon, Love and minder. Trustees absent: :nderson and Gerow. Trustee enderson appeared during the reading of the minutes and took his seat, the hour bein- 6 :40 o'clock P. L. iLliAl Ii:G C_ :.:ii;VILS OF PE.Z.' ICUS :.i+ TII�1S. .he minutes of the adjo;;rned regular meeting of nuCUst t::, 192° ; °ere re, -id ;;ithout error or omission being noted and were arorcved -z)or mot10 :. or - rustee v�.r.::'.::i, S8Cv'_'.ued b;* mrustoe I ova, v✓a` ch carried. ^Tie minutes of the regular meeting held on the 5th Bay of Lugust, 1924 ;:ere r::�u. I :o errors or omissions ppearira, they were approved as reaG upon * otio_, cr. Trustee Love, seconded by ,rustee Cannon, which carried. =ne follo��in co^.^.�.;;r_ications were read azic disposed of as indicated: C. d. a;L:30 Cu., requestin-z consideration. Then the Board is prepared to enrlcy auditors. Ordered filed. 30•;.:x:, Consulting Engineers, anpli.cation for employment in the preparation of plans and specific,_tions for a sewer system... Ordered filed. C4%Ll2 aS: :IA LD13L.- vV., advisinj that it i;ould be lmpos -�Ible to in ;tall a street Tight at Collin =cod Street and Euc .ltyptus Drive, heretofore rc;n:es.Ed by the Board of Trustees, until sometime late this fall. Ordered filed. C. SPAMiS, a. letter informing the Board that more than ninety days had elapsed after the fi" _;� vethQlvloims of` George `Z. .rates and ,G. F. Holman a Inst said Sparks for labor urns ea in connection �r•i;.h the im=ovc....ert of —"ain Stree;, �1"Q �rYc�. and that therefore the deposit of X500.00 :ode b;;• said :%rY.s to secure the City from any damage by reason of said claims should be returned. after uiscussion it was moved by 'trustee Love, seconded by Trustee Anderson that the follo::ing resolution be adopted: ';.'hen the f:" period of 90 days has elapsed after f_ t'ie filing of the 2i:'jr.,.s of George r:. Gates and G. F. Eolr.an against the contractor, C. *•,. = Sparks, involving labor and materials alleged to have bee. for the vork or improvement of Lair. Street, t�1Ca �:.2L' u:.0 1 : t'io.t event the dept sit of yo00.00 =de iJi th the City of :a ieU "ic by said C. ::parks shall be returned to the Said �. . :;park.: �Jr:�:'iCl Ci that no action for the anforce".;;nt or crecloSur'e v° `..1" S :lai'.:::i be filed In 'd2ly CCiirt Of con-eetent jurisdiction prier to the expiration of said aeriod and t }_. �+ t• Cit -. 1 Segundo, California is hcL� ,he y lerr_ o_ ne o + • hereby ir.stnua,ed accordir."-Y'. '^ iCri WAS carried by the fcllowir vCte: I1ie _, n 0 adopt t. .e it01 t Aye s. Trustees i derson, Cannon, Love and Binder. . oeZ; absent: =r EsteeroJ ;. �18 L:t tti;iS point, the hour beint; 6:5.1., o'clock P. .'., Tmstee Cannon :vas exc:,se ty: the Clair. in -stee recur = :ed and tool: hi seat at the h..,- cf - rustee -,ero. 4rr)eared at the r*eti at the hour or 6 :56 o'cicck P. :.." an.. took his se =t. T -_e _ rc_ s _ dent announced that `,e hour of 7:00 o' cloor: ?. had ^ rr i :red and fill l tetested rsons _, uld address the Board -n"] sho:: any they had, vary bonds sh ;uld n: t b V Issued t.:e seckr-1 ty of the u:'"pai.. ess...__. l6T:ed fo_ the .,cri: of inn ro,.,encnt of i:w1 Ltree ;;i:d�_, r = esc_;:`_'_ _. The City Cler:. . ereu t v - sen`ed an.l . rESd tJ the .^ ^• f11'i -he 12th dwy Of iQ«�.4• 3 3r& 33e:1 t11c 304rd for himself personally, Stcitino that '.tivr� vi an inferl it 7uali try and had riot vee n constructed nd specificaticns. card the .._ _tte2: rr,Ct,_-s 1r. ,",. LewLi there;:rc__ the sidewali:s and ourbi in acccrd�nce '.vith the 'he 7resident tlere::T,on if there were any f',.:rther obje-ctions to be ^:ade oe—s;)n :reient -.-f sr.- or .. ether or not anyone rresent v.rished to _ilres� the Board _further with reference to the natter. :;o other persons apuearine t:: '�e ^e rd ai:d no further ob .1 ections be-i n, nade,the Board thereupon proceeded to �':)er t^,o _. tter and after deliberation it vas no -;Ed by trustee Cannon, seconded that t,-e ...�l.J..inj rC.:s- 'utiv_. be adorted: that all Urztests ,::i: Gbectrons of ever) 1cind lodEea th the Z Board, boar v:ritter. -nd oral, made against the iSSt:a -. 3e :;f b3 :d3 rev)resent inZ unrrald a:;ses;_Ments for the :.ork of of _'a 1n .street under Resolution of Intention :0. 63 are .'ithol.t nerjt t'r.a' the s ^TMe are therefore and hereby overruled, denied and 2ected by this 3o rn. I' 1 to ad o %t the fcreU oi nc" resolution _—s carried by the following Totes des: - r- ustees ;,nder�on, Ca.nai n, 3frov,, Love and Binder. toes: ..ogle• a:bsan: : _ :. ine. It then moved by Trustee :.ove, seconded by Trustee Cannon, that Resolution :;o. ^_-, er:titl,ed: 07 �< d.i�7Vi.L\i, \/caLi� UIu.I<a, __.V �rl.J�_.a V_: ::+ TSDiJaa.CL or =0 STiu: T ';,I: ::I :V_ '':i:. "i D C IT •i, ..S P =.�'1 Iii .. G:. --CIO :J.J, Pa aa_.ii -D taivl "_ Vl. _tint ifs:. -TL :j«'_' 3 `', _i:::::.:.IBi::. ✓.i. \Vr. Lt. ii V= .+:... �V.. ✓u L.✓ \!: _•++i Ia._r►W,�� V.J i.l �Ja. iJ _.i<i::.i�lJ � ...:y .i �.._. _ ...:,. _ ...... _.......:U_ , re`-zd, be ado�:ted- "arria' by the 'tote: a e _ ,.s,ees :ae< .r , Ca <.o., Serov :, Love a_ a Binder. t:iere :'sere _ :� rerson or Y,ersons reset:' „}:G 1z..,._n2e .. bonds representln� un-;) id lcvled f:.r 11 e ::_-r', l.+ ._ _.rc;ver�. n'. of T''.`�ple .+venue L.nder -lE' oj,; ..aon ..♦ .�...`.1On _.o. 61. • • ai• .�ser__� .�. `_ Ereu_ :: r.Er6Ssed the 3o rd, z;tat1'__, that he :; z, a: �_ z1 -._:,i ._ cf h1 : ^ I :,erl; ___ he .:n -3aid as3e.3smert list fcr the �uiri: I. s., S-,.:1:Cep Of C. :p hits, he :;` r-iver, him :titlen ncti::e of sne of their e:aployees th.-et they zould a,,-ejt r:aymme nt Vf ie hi _ "u_et � u� :J the 1.�t� l°�' :f �:my, 17Icl and ,. "er *1;1 , -e r t , r L__ t the ! crey, acceptance cf t? e syr e jo_. o some i f_ i cul . o obtain _ s refused by Muir' _res. :her it was tendered by hin n the 10th day of Jul;, :.:r8. :learicr Czer :iSill addressed tf -oari: concernins the same matter, her _rotes in s�:JStar.^.n_ bein- the sa!'.".e as tha' of ..:r• F. 1':• Cozer:.isicl. '%e :rasident thereupon :shed if there crere any fl r'.her objection:. -'c 'be rrf_de by ar. person, presal.� of ar;� hind or r :l- :et :per or not ar�-ene :ishe� tc .. rr:sc the soar:: f::.rther ...t, ^, referEnze t:. 'Irc ... ter • :,G othor ne-L;ons "i E _ : 1 ti i G 6 further vt 17'__ Lhe 0�ru 4� .c� +J 1 _ t.0 L �- e_ u , c ecrs :lcr r .tter an zfter deliborat-Jor_ it was ^mo:-el by 'rustee �nderso :, that the folloe:lrb resolution be adopted- IlAL- L'6 1ly...i, that all protest6 and objectior:;'of eCer;; rind Iod- I ..ith this 3card, made a-- :insL. t_le 1ssua.nce of bcnds re- ..ai E.i ent.S for the i7oric of improvement. of e Iv e :ue under 3esclutior cf I ntent icn _:o. 1 are ;:ithout meri t :d that the same are therefore hereby overruled, denied -nd r evea-'.tc:.l ;y this Boar'." w . du1 ` tht; foreLgOi.n- rf'.e:olutio11 was carr_eu by the fO_io%' :1n�: vote: n;Jvs: -LkL stees ti:der.,�r_, Ca:u :cr., 3ero�•:, -iovv and 3Lid3er. _ :oes. then mQ E;d �� _rustee L' :l r, se3onded by r�.:stce love, h `„ solut a e 10 n _.........� . I..a. '.,_ _: • �G.7..W l;r ra.v., r_..... l,: _.... .: i _ _ y/r ".. ...i �.i:. s.J�J, �XL Ii �.....lA, _..�.. r ✓1.. _ _v.. _...... _...>...... �.r \.' v: .. �:.__'l.. �....a lv_.r L'_ :.�_�:�:. a.......�.J, •u I__. a.. w.i..! ri_i, .:.,r' ._::.. lr.•.I �) r.. ::+i.:v+.l. _il.�. L= i ._...._.G.. ..1/• .:11 r�w:.wr.. ....✓ ._�...: _.r,J .. a. _.... �__.. JJa.r L� J.i�'a�..:�., i:1 ...J� :. e o_ el. C: -rrleu by .-,).e. L. trustees Lndersc , Cu n.:;1:, : ero-rr, mace' I:rd lrlder. 011 -. _ _lc __ .�._._ ......Jca re :c -C:` ......i _r 1 ., r _ r ` i „_ .�.... ....... ll. ..___ .. _. .. __. .. .�..._ .. _.. .. ..�._. _ _.. .. ... _�- ,. __. .. .. ... .. _.. .. ._i_.... � � _... .. V.J. ... ..._. _ � • __ _.. �7 ID w-lid U ul— AL* v A. Au-j—\- -A: AAL. W vii! :Olt aiix; C;Uiti:..::., Ind C —L Litz .3 11 fc, th vote: the al -'�. *",-,e -:.-I.L cirithr",- t.. 'te d i -.V-.Z:u -,--u3,eu ru a e i.G 'be le fn✓!- r r 1 e d t I. E; foll n t C 1., - J U, L t" -�IIILIul* Jt;-. ...;11c. rU c-, v. _ t t t' z ,!,Dn L� s- tht., ustec -t ..Ooaj" t;; L) V, - -o" C, 1 'Z�, We ax: �, —L 3a :1 �2�L5 a t1v S "c ..`ali ]6 s::lt�G1y ::'-rar_ ;i b the .7trCe` n l -I y t :;up rl: t e..de - -t . ..O further uuSi:ieSs arroj:ear_LL; to :)e tra:'as acted at thLl ;i 3 ji0':1, 1`. was moved by .r "astee CFi1n3n, seconded by Ir—stee ecru',:, t_"iat the meetiri- arj_!c:r.i nti1 a .tiir3 -. th• , c tr d of j%u ast ` cJ, C lv.. y 6 , t74�r at the ho r .Z L.I. 0 cI,;1031L ». Ua. ia.rr-ad .e :eeyl�ll� submitted, . VIA approv�as City Clerk. rresi dent , 3oard of Truste °S•