1924 AUG 05 CC MINP15 ?.1 Segt:ndo, Cal. August 5th, 1924. .a regular meeting of the Board of trustees of the City of 1;1 Segundo, California, vacs called to order at 5 :30 o'cicok P. w'. on the above date in the Council Chamber of tlrie City :call of said City by peter E. Binder, President of the _'oard. 80. L Trustees ?resent: lnderson, Cannon, Gerow and Binder. Trustees absent: Love. Up .:11;Ui S Or IOU:, _.:.T II s. The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 29th day of July, 1924 were read. I ,-o errors or- omissic ns being Toted, they were approved as read unen motion cr Trz.stee Cannot., seconded by Trustee Gero;'r, which carried. bone. OaAL 0C):" L' *`r. Cicire Lewis rrotestin- avainst the sidewalk and curb which had beer. - ons`_r�cted in fron' of his premises on 1'a1 Street and su- sting that if the 3oard ;;•cold have the same removed he -:could replace it at his o ;;n expense. The subject ; ;-s discussed- ^:ithout an;- action bein;; taken by the Roard. _r. 1'llelen of the fiat, of Olmsted d.- Gillelen was present and initiated �_ cc ss3.cn 1 `• t the cents bet -:teen his firm and the City of .; Seg ndo rc u � �� e c h crer s;. �oricer.._rg the c1uiTM of hi s firm ao st the City of ::i Segundo for services rendered in connection with their appraisal of the water plant of the .:l Seoando Voter Ccmpanj. Several methods of adjustment were suggested, it being fina.11t :_-reed to allo•. ''r. Gillelen some tia:e to consider whether or not his firm "would be :llin� to oonsen' to a deduction of wy00.00 from its claim or arrange to inst ^11 e _uirn=t recessa to test and Tarp the ;:ell to prove to the Board that it is a ^ood ;,ell and nc deductions s oulJ be r -ade from their claim. The Cit;; Engineer reported having ^•ade an investigation to determine whether or :,Cl. Rosecrans Avenue is a public street and had learned that in October, 192C, :?osecrrY :s ;-venue fr - - nble-aood- odondo Boulevard west to the Land :'_ills had been de.:Iared L public street by the Board of Supervisors of Los "'ngeles County. Me City Clerk reported ha--ing interviewed. :r. Iv. r ?'cCray of Heffron-L'cCra.y- Mt. john co:icerninE; their attit;:de toward the su:;;;ested constru;;tion of side;valks and cur�ic in ::Y itino ;street from :.:ariposa Lvenue to Palm "venue and that 7r. i.:cCray indi;;ated i�; firs: would not �rotest su:,h prcviding it is prosecuted under a plat. :.h cr-, - ermits t -.e pa-! ent of the cost thereo: to be e :•:tGI:ue(i over o Tericd of 110 ;sears. .- r t�1 r r. C ri:ritOriu :., it ::a; staved b; Trustee .c :na ...,. o_ r_:.._.__ o_ the i X11 _�.lA..r o .. ... a.. .. .`. r - �NJv J.., ._. _, _ � ••v..1Ci :: 5 ^C. e. V llJr4�.la.._u _ �^1.�h 'v ...... ... .. ....JEL. .J ��- , .v. th ` ^ . t- 41 1 .. ... • _F. Y 4•_ ..„ . T�e rl -day ♦. , .. __ _ .w.. .. �.. ...��.�.. ���in _.GC . - _i t.'.11 N1W.. li.l :iF: V_l. t�1C �' it '•" i'r:er' �'ni r be 7- - --te:i p'�?T i .:i on to use the ~Ci t-r Cr the °_*r:;., ' - gird _'ond -"_ ni. -ttz of ::a::~ onth and that the Xiansman l Zrcnted nermissi.... tc tyc Cat-' 7T.::'1 - `ditcriun on trc. 2nd and 4th ? . Y`�r_1.. -otiC: :as sc- con:eC �- r- ,:,itee s ^. . r t r .. -, r .- , - r .�cQ U �rrj', tlt :'G`,6 :erg G._ i:ha as �� ilv'.7j: t Or _ '+era :, secorde.; b;; "i•us`., c r. r� .t, t' a.t thr _J,.. .. t-•_ _.. -�'C. �..+, c. _rt: J:::. .. __ � __ _..- ....E J XL.j U :a . u Z; t h th,; tl: th�_ t r,i i ee serf, tile :i%i iar­ be and lnatr4cted to the '-16 Vi:: v. City no't -te :fz-.: hi.;, IA tt; _.IjltllL oil 6trl,Ut bw fir. a,-: cul U_ to refj:, irad for .7 ZOw • It w _.; that, the City be nL 2; 'iarc'tZj inGtructed to havc t pest, reralred at .J 3t .amt exceed U r, arried '3-r the followLI-1,; -vote: y dyes: =rl: tees ,nderson, CUanc)n, i-erov.- and cinder. St e a a ';c, further "businesa au,)anrin-- to be L6t thli �,aatinb, 1' -;,as by --ruitee Za=lwi, seconded I-Dy Gerov.,, that the roetlr.,; —2journ• m�Dv e 0 : —.-, rrl .l• t ful 15T .3-fom! t te (I 3f of m , _.r 77 t f t C V.- the:: 7_- i Z�f XL.j U :a . u Z; t h th,; tl: th�_ t r,i i ee serf, tile :i%i iar­ be and lnatr4cted to the '-16 Vi:: v. City no't -te :fz-.: hi.;, IA tt; _.IjltllL oil 6trl,Ut bw fir. a,-: cul U_ to refj:, irad for .7 ZOw • It w _.; that, the City be nL 2; 'iarc'tZj inGtructed to havc t pest, reralred at .J 3t .amt exceed U r, arried '3-r the followLI-1,; -vote: y dyes: =rl: tees ,nderson, CUanc)n, i-erov.- and cinder. St e a a ';c, further "businesa au,)anrin-- to be L6t thli �,aatinb, 1' -;,as by --ruitee Za=lwi, seconded I-Dy Gerov.,, that the roetlr.,; —2journ• m�Dv e 0 : —.-, rrl .l• t ful 15T .3-fom! t te (I 3f