1924 AUG 04 CC MIN� %12 ,>n a .v Durned rCV- "1.lai' of the 3oard v _: uo`�.�7L':. of the v 1. try' Of Zl C _lied to order _.`„ i :4C0� �'lOGiC �'. 1, or, tiie atove d::.-E; i'n :_.e Zokncil \.hai.jer of t.1& 01t� Hall 'J. .dia •"1r� :��• +eter �. ri121ue�', iG .... v. .LL. .2u5.des .,_:,mun, zero:, love and _ind" -r. `yes -b-c :t. ::one. :re$tee l:'.G.., that the re".�i'� 3'�ae" di sv'ensed .°1 th. Carried. r a _ 1, from t c"_ l nt t the effect ` — the � Or d .0:. i ?ll r��... -.._J . . v_.. „__c �tC•'r d�peri_. .. e"ide:l 1. tJ . b;; the 2oard c f - rus`.ecs fro- the .:i 6ei ;ando vara�ne ender date 1J,:a . del ivered an,! was cut il,'e the City _7`1 l ti .:oLr i 'v7`_:.s TM'o'. . b- Trustec eroiY, seconded by Trustee t ndc,'r:>.._;, _tea rC::o=e:ai:= :`,iu:l Gf t.1e m_% er Juper int .dent, u....... Fora irl•il:t{, �rcY:ased b� the your: on the "2':d du;7 cf .'iuly, 1 924, be and c. is hereby accept. -. or. beh_i£ of the City of :.1 Segundo, California. sw:. :;f ; ".550.86 be dr= —a on the •:.ater :;orks =u.'id in ° •il _ _ r` far the s ^id e;aipment. Carried by the follo:,.in, vote: :rustees _'"iderson, Cinior, r.;ero , Love and 3i :der. Oe6: :.one. Buie .t: ::one. : =o�ed by trustee Cannon, secon °.eu bVr 'rustee inderson, that the fcllo, lag s ila Gc Salo: tea: the Cit - Clerk has reported to this Board that .,arrant : :o. 371 for the sum of . 35.60 payable to Ilelson Fc rri3i. ras riot been delivered unto the said :Lelson 6: Frick, And �'�hereas further, the present .,P-.ere= bouts of the said ..el son & :rick is eriL.o;.n, And r;ilereas f- rther, since the dravir,g of said warrant c :aIms ab inst the s•id l:elson = Frick aggregating the x1.'1". of 1'.1515.45 have beer. _filed on ^ccourt of labor and materials fL.n.ished and used in the construction of the vrork covered in their contract with the City of _l Segundo dated January 4th, 1924, And .-.hereas further, the First :rational Bank of r.1 begundo, as�_,iz,ee of said contractors, have served notice upon the City of 1 3eaLndo to vv'ithhold from said .Lelson l- Frick any and all moneys .which are due or which rna`, become due said nelson & Frick under the terms of their said contract or otherwise, .o -7; therefore, Be It 3dso1•: e:)., that said :;arrant ::o. 371 tinder the .,*r_nwnstarces shall be and the sane is hereb;; directed z; be ;ithdra°.•n; that the moneys represented thereby shall be deene4 as remaining in the fund unon. xhi3h s ^dd warrant was drawn. and that s--Id • .xr _rt be c- c elwed n d that --c fu rther action be taker by this Board .1 th reference to the funds represertL-d by said If %,arrsrt unless, on subsequent demand therefor, the right of clait^ ant thereto shall be established to the satisfaction of this Board." - ;.arried by the following vote: eg; =rustees Anderson, San on, 3erow, Love and Binder. ;;oust ;Lone. _ Auser_' . one. '_:oved by 'rustee Love, seconded by Trustee Cannon, That :.'iss Snn '7exler i 7 here _y =rued perm* sJ, G , to re. , t2 e City :lull Audi torten on turd.;; of each week from 6 :00 A* :.i. to 7 :00 P. ". for the r_.ai pose of con - ::c`,in� classes, at the weekly rental of X2.50, which said rental shall be payable in advance, providing such use does not conflict with any public use sr•.d provided further that the permission hereby granted is subject to the revocation of the Board of :rustees at any time in its discretion. Carried following vote: Ayes: Trustees Anderson, Lannon, Gerow, Love and Binder. hoes; 'None. Absent: Lone. thereof by the '_he 1:arshal announced the revocation of the appointment of '.i. C. Harkins as a Deputy. The ylarshal announced the appointment of J. G. "Marshal as a Deputy Larshal a::d requested the Board's approval of the same. roved by Trustee Cannon, seconded by r'mstee Love, that this alpointment be approved. Carried. Trustee Gerow advised that he and the Street Superintendent had in-.estirated the ratter of repairing the Duley Road and that it was thot3 &ht that for about Y400.00 a satisfactory improvement could be made. Questions were asked by various members of the Board as to the nature of the improvement and the various kind of materials tc be used. In the absence of the Street Superintendent this as not definitely dec -ded and the City Clerk requested to obtsin prices on decomposed. granite. :.:owed by " rustee Love, seconded by Trustee Cannon that Miss Mary '- :anson be granted permission to take her customary annual two weeks vacation from August 11th to ,ku;;ust 25th., 1924. Carried. PAYIIG BILLS. The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and .te3ords, ..ere read: General Fund General Fund Andrew. Alderson 25.00 A. 3. Gunn 210.00 Teter ::. Binder 25.00 F. ta. vis 69.44 Alfred C. Carmon 25.00 F r ll 69.44 Geor -e Love 25.00 L. S. Green 24.80 Johr.'* Gerow 25.00 B. F. Peasnall 175.00 Victor D. ::cCurthy- 250.00 Southwest Planing Mill Co. 21950 ;eva i:. Elsey 135.00 C. T. Ainsworth 27.40 Iinta Curtzwiler 75.00 P. 1'ClIally 69.44 Clyde Woodworth 100.00 J. R. Dowell 69.44 Don C. Fugitt 50.00 A. L. Ainsworth 79.83 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. 55.89 H. Denton 69.44 southern Cal. Gas Co. 3.60 A. H. Green 70.99 Henderson. Wotorcycle Sales Co. 7.95 'ii. G. Henry 69.44 V. 0. I:cCaslin 175.00 A. T. hiller 72.80 :. Jor_es 160.00 J. We Powers 74.40 . Jtogdill 35.00 i�. D. tickler 69.44 :.i. :. :,togd111 160.00 Clyde `i.00dyard 102015 J. Co Abshier 150.00 ; . 'W'cGranahan 4.96 C. E. McConnell 13.00 Be r^. Renfro 10000 ;.illiam H. Lennon 5.00 C. Balmer 1.86 P. D. Gardner 100.00 F. 'J. Knight 11.70 R. _. Hutchins 155.00 Fred Gordon. " -`Q .. arson Tire w a umber Co. 38.93 Y3683.66 J^ .es P. Ransen. C. Gan 2,1 Lumber Co. a• v O 3004 Waw er 7rorks Fund So. Calif. Edison Co. 40.52 Layne w Bowler Corp. 295.57 :;0. Calif. Zdison Co. 6.89 H. T. Hutchins 125.00 So. Calif. Edison Co. 50.72 Eery 1anson 125.00 .o. Calif. r.dison- Co. 41.26 i. ,:Sumner 175.00 City of i tez do �ia.ter Dept. 40.40 So. Calif. Edison Co. 1.00 oliy-.Redondo - Redondo Blvd. assn. 25000 J. . Arnold 84.00 Herald ublishino Co. 116.65 L. C. Scales 84.00 Daniel Hardware Co. 60.22 Just Kies E9.44 Y959.01 {14 :roved by Trustee Cannon, seconder b; Trustee love, that the demands be alloy ed an- warrants dray^.: or. ti- - -e various funds ccverir.:- the sas<a. Carried b the f l ;- c 1 cr.'i ng vote: oyes: Tri stees nderso:., Cannon, Gerov., Love and 3inder. does: "one. absent: : ;one. .ro i:irthar bu6ineas a nearing t be trait- c t e ,, this !noetin :, it vices more: Truustee seconded b y Trustee nndersor., that the *eetin5 aljctrr. Carried 3,s ctf:.11y submitted, re r. I dent, 'S o -.rd c Tr--st ee s. !,I ZZ22�� - City Cleric. .ti