1924 APR 01 CC MIN:1 SeE;ando, Cal. April 1st, 1924. A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Cite of y7 Segundo, California, was called to order at 7 :30 o'clock P. 11. on the above date in the Council Cha^nber of the City ?fall of said City by Peter E. Binder, President of the Board. The City Clerk being absent, Trustee Gerow was unanimously chosen Clerk ,pro tem. ROLL C _LL. Trustees Present: Gerow, Smiley and Binder. trustees Absent: rove and Rueger. R =OI_;G OF :.ItiTR°, Or The minutes of the regular meetin; held or. the 26th day of :.'arch, 1924 ..ere read. to errors or omissions being noted, it vas moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Gerow, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried. ,'j? TTr:.; CO'�_�3ICA ^1I014S. The following co.*m:urications were read and disposed of as indicated: SATE DZ!3AR= T OF AGRICULTU`R , relating to the foot - and -mouth disease enider.ic and requesting the adoption of an ordinance to meet the emergency. Trustee Gerow advised havinb attended a Meeting of Federal, State, County and "unicipal officials held in the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce Building on 71crtiay, the 31st day of ::arch, the purpose of the meeting being to perfect plans .or the dissemination of authentic information and facts concerning the epidemic _nd resrltart quarantine. The City Attorney informed the Board that other cities were oassin- ordinances regulating the care, handlint and transportation of livestock as provided for in the letter from the State Department of Agriculture and recommended that this city pass a similar ordinance. By general consent action in the matter was deferred to be taken up later in the meeting under the heading of New Business. CITY CLZRK, City of Los Angeles, advising that the matter of congestion of vehicular traffic on the Coast Boulevard adjoining the City of M Segundo is now receiving the attention of the Police Department. Ordered filed. AUTOMOBILE- CLUB OF SOUTH72 -11 CALIFORT:IA, stating they will be able to substitute the intermittent flasher at the corner of Concord Street and Grand Avenue with a different type flasher which will not interfere with radio receiving apparatus and that the change will be made the latter part of next week. Ordered filed. CITY OF LOS A_1GM1:S, :. ; GI? I71G D PAR`M sr "IT, advising that they will recommend the granting of a permit for the City of :.1 Segundo to plant trees or s, rubbery along the Coast Boulevard to protect same from the sand blowing onto it during high winds. Ordered filed. :::L SEGU DO POST :;0. 38, American Legion, expressing their appreciation of the manner in Which the Police Department had handled the case of one of their comrades, who was suffering from shell- shock. Ordered filed. VICTOR H. BROCK, a, letter dated April lst, 1924, submitting a bid for the construction of a radio receiving aerial on the roof of the City Hall Building. Discussion wis had as to the different methods of construction, and it was moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the matter be laid over for one week for consideration. Carried. H. L°.. BURGv7ALD CO., representing the Eagle Indem1ity Company, quoting premium on insurance covering four electric motors and starters belonging to the City of El Segundo.- 1r. D. E. ltutt,representing said company, was present and was questioned by the City Attorney as to different conditions of the policy and the financial standing of the company, which questions were answered to the 226 BOI+D FLED WATE.? DZPT. F Ui'D I:elscn & Frick 1078.78 Grinnell Company 19095 "estinghouse jlectric & - N. 0. Nelson 1:fg. Co. 40.97 1anfs. Company 170.00 Standard Oil Co. 9028 : ",estin� house " is 200.00 Crane Co. 26.68 aestinghouse " " 175.00 satisfaction of the City Attorney and the Board of Trustees. It was then 124.61 moved by Trustee Smiley,.seconded by Trustee Gerow, that the H. I'. Burgwald 17.15 Company be awarded the insurance covering four electric motors and starters Pacific Pipe & Supply against burnout and breakdown at the premium quoted by them of x;295.55 for three years. Carried by the following vote: 29.76 Ayes: Trustees Gerow, Smiley and Binder. Noes: None. Absent: Trustees Love and Rueger. one . None. 0_RAL C O::C.ti " I CAT I OI: S . REPORTS OF S A dDI :v C0 =2111ITTL S. REPORTS OF OFFIC:�3S &- SPECIAL C012'IT S. The Building Inspector reported that he and Trustee Gerow had gone over the Building Ordinance and that he recommended the amending of two sections of the existing building ordinance, which matter was taken care of by the introduction of an anendatory ordinance under i:ew Business. The City Engineer submitted an estimate of c300.00 covering the improvement of Franklin Avenue from Loma Vista to the 7esterly City Limits. Moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Gerow, that the property owners asking for the estimate be notified in the regular way b;y* the City Clerk of the amount which they will be e.nected to contribute towards the proposed improvement. Carried. L�r .Ii:IS:yD riL'SL :ESS. Discussion was had by the Board with reference to the time and place of regular meetings, after which said discussion the introduction of Ordinance No.. 102, introduced on the 25th day of March, 1924,.entitled: "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORi1IA, FIEI':G 12H ; T= A,:D PLACE OF OFFICIAL :.STINGS OF rn:-- 30_4RD OF TRUST ES OF SAID CITY, AI;,-D - R— nLING ALL OEDIi Ui CZ S "D PARTS OF CP.DI_ :ri:CLS Ii: CC: ^LICT T: =M ITH ", as withdrawn and the said No. 102 restored for use for the next subsequent ordinance which might be introduced. Further discussion was had by the Board in said matter, whereupon Trustee Smiley introduced Ordinance Igo. 102, entitled: "AID O.-U ANCE OF THE CITY OF EL S :GUNDO, CALIFORNIA, DE31GINATING II= CITY HALL Tit AND FOR SAID CITY, AND TFE COL7L CIL CHA?JB P. THEREIN; FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE OF REGULAR =T I': GS OF THE BOARD OF T81;STE S OF SAID CITY; PROVIDI:- G FOR THEE MOLDING OF SPECIAL ". TINGS OF a'_ID BOARD AND R :2Z LIi:G ALL ORDI :� 1C S a_a� PARTS OF 0 RDI?ZANCi3 I ; C 017 L I C T TH,y which was read. PAYII:G BILLS. The follo,ung demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Records were read: '.:ATER 77ORK3 BOI+D FLED WATE.? DZPT. F Ui'D I:elscn & Frick 1078.78 Grinnell Company 19095 "estinghouse jlectric & - N. 0. Nelson 1:fg. Co. 40.97 1anfs. Company 170.00 Standard Oil Co. 9028 : ",estin� house " is 200.00 Crane Co. 26.68 aestinghouse " " 175.00 Neptune ?deter Co. 19.92 .standard Cil Co. 124.61 Hersey P.'fo. Co. 16.40 Reliable Iron Foundry 17.15 J. ',V. Arnold 69.44 Pacific Pipe & Supply Co 22.13 L. C. Scales 61.69 ;1787.68 K. 7,7. Stogdill 29.76 Co 7ioo dyard 2.48 227 UATM DEPT. FUND G -2 M-1 FUL7D Herald Publishing Co. 16.00 H. T. Hutchins 125.00 Alfred 11. Smiley 15.00 Mary 1lanson 125.00 Carl E. Hueger 15.00 I. N. Sumner 175.00 George Love 15.00 John A. Gerow 15.00 Total 9737.57 Peter E. Binder 15.00 Victor D. r:cCarthy 175.00 Victor D. "''cCarthy 9.07 Neva 1.'. El sey 135.00 GZ!"-1' IAL FL' 1D Neuner Corporation 11.40 . Herald Publishing Co. 75.00 Yinta Curtzwiler 75.00 Edna L. Harlan 1.19 Clyde "'vToodivorth 100.00 Don C. Fugitt 50.00 Pacific- Southwest Trust V. C. McCaslin 175.00 :Savings Bank 194.25 H. Jones 160.00 _. is Stogdill 24.5§ Brake Lining Service Co. 2.75 Henderson Motorcycle Sales City of El Segundo '.rater Dept.3750.00 Company .89 City of E1 Segundo ;'later Dept. 40.55 J. C. Abshier 150.00 C. K. 11cConnell 13000 C. A. 3rittain 3.50 G. A. Todd 21.00 _. G. Blair 21.00 H. A. Cosbey 21.00 -i. Soeuto 21.00 - J. Cairns 21.00 . H. Lennon 21.00 C. G. Smith 21.00 :;. a. Pierce 21.00 L. 7dr. Dessert 21.00 1. Schleuni,;er 21.00 F. J. Hope 21.00 C. ='. 3arber 21.00 T. 3. Dinwiddie 21.00 . C. Grimes 21.00 J. C. 3ixler 21.00 J . 3. Ca ^:obell 21.00 F. E. :filler 10.50 rick 1- 01t1s 10.50 D. B. Hancher 21.00 ^eor e ::c�ar,chlir. 21.00 F. b. :.:acdonald 21.00 . C. C=nobell 3.50 C. K. McConnell 21.00 r. �. Jard_ner 100.00 F. ?:. Jensen 15.00 �Tatchins 155.00 D. Y. Bate 175.00 Charles E. Smith 9.92 :3rthur L. Ferry .80 Pacific Blue Print a- '._ap A. -S. Gunn 210.00 Co. 54.11 C. T. ILinsworth 87.12 «. :.tiller 33.36 , D. Sickler 59.52 C.. Henry 52.39 C. '..00dyard 58.72 ::. 'cDaniel 24.80 F. '-c'Gra.nahan 54.56 ';. halbert 22.63 J. Eing 4.96 F . a''::i tip 28.21 A. Green 7.13 Zoe Ee Dare 8.68 J. Powers 2.17 Pacific :.:ill "tine Supply Union Hock Co. 170.46 Co. 11.16 So. Calif. Edison Co. 52.41 �c. Calif. .:dison Co. 47.86 So. Calif. Edison Co. 30.11 So. Calif. Edison Co. '12.31 So. Calif. Edison Co. 86.04 Total x;7240.13 :.loved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Gerow, that the demands be alloared and warrants dra-an on the various funds covering the same. Carried by the vote: Ayes: ^rustees serovi, Smiley and 3inder. Able 1 V : ^rustees Love and aue ;er. Trustee Smiley introduced Ordinance ::o. 103, entitled: "r;i: Oa.1JI41liVrJ OF �.' CITY OF .L SZGL: <DO, C.ALIFO =ti IA, - „- -in,- �.li HOOF n..;D .:f0ulr_ DI:,i:AS.., A:.1r rG:,ZS SU3J.C1 , I - IG� Or _ r. , r - , which ir-s reed. 19W28 G_ U.' introduced Ordinance i:o. 10'-, entitled: :C:: OF I'tr.` CITY OF :;L 5: —,"-- %, C:�IFOE:;IA, : EC'.:IO:::, 11 24 OF Q:DI :A .C:E INO. 31, PASS.sI) —".D ADOP`'?.D Q:: 20 D_-_Y OF F ._. 3R1.A::Y, 191811, vnich mss read. The .later Superintendent advised that the en:ount of his nrese nt Pett.* Cwsh Fund is unstifficient to neet his reeds and asked that the Board authorize an increase of said fund to X100.00. It was then moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Gerow, that a warrant be dravai on the "'ester :r'orks Fund in the sun_: of 1,50.00 payable to H. T. Hutchins, Supt., for the purpose of increasir.` the Petty Cash Fund of the i'unicioal '„'rter De?artment, and the President of the Soard of Trustees and the City Clerk are hereby authorized to sign said v7arrant and.the Cite Treasurer is hereby authorized to pair said warrant when presented. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Gerow, Smiley and Binder. :+oes: Done. Absent: Trustees Love and ue,er. The Street Superintendent advised the Board that the Contractor was ready to place the cable in the conduit for the electric lighting system on17ain Street, and desired to have the Board designate the particular electroliers which they wish to have li��hted after midnight so as to comply with the plan of one -half of the lights in the circuit being extinbuished at midni;ht, the other one -half to be li,hted all night. By general consent the Street Superintendent vas instructed to see the nrooarty owners on ..:ain Street and ascertain.their wishes in the matter. "oved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the President of the hoard of Trustees and the City Clerk be and they are hereby authorized and instructed to enter into a lease agreement with the .estinghouse Zlectric & :'anufacturing Co. for the leasing-of one r+estinghouse Type C S Vertical Motor upon such terms and conditions as,in the judgment of said officers are beneficial to the City of M Segundo, the form of said lease to be first approved by the City Attorney of the City of El Segundo. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Gerow, Smiley and Binder._ ::oes: lone. A bsent: Trustees Love and Hueger. Loved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the '" +ater Superintendent be and he is hereby instructed to purchase one Lane & Bowler Direct Connected Pump Head at a cost not to exceed X299.00. Carried by the follovrinb vote: Ayes: Trustees Gerow, Smiley and Binder. I None. Absent: Trustees Love and 3ueger. No further business appearing to be transacted at this meetin7, it was moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Gerow, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. Approved: President, Board of Trustees. Respectfully submitted, City Clerks pro tem w �r 1