1923 OCT 30 CC MIN1321-8
-1 _-30undo, Cal. Gctober 70th, 19230
gr r ea n• r the ..r a f the t or . l �i u1L'1dC,
a re��: _ _.e .,i._� o� she �o:. �. .. _rus�ees c she � -� A
°Or2 , wi_ called t0 order at 7;;,4 O�C10cii t. i►.. 0 : the S� C'e date in the COI' -h il
Ch? ver of the City Hall of said City Uj7 . illi Tr v. jr;;-son, ?resident of the _oard.
V ._L n T., .
I steES 'resent. ,:nder, Caro.
Trustees absent: Dueger and
'he 7:1 :.utes of the re-uwar reetir.` '_ei_` cn the 23rd day of October, 1923,
";Cr-,- recd „itnout error or omission being noted and •..ere .approved ;:non notion of
.'ru5tee :: inder, seconded b-r Trustee Gerd. , which carried.
•.c'ili�.ilV liUa.�..uui�icallGirJ.
- -e following cor— nunicaticr.s •:rere read azid di:;Posed of as indicated:
Petition of L:. Converse a-c_ others, requesting the Board of Trustees
to seriously consider the purchase of the block of ground bounded by Holly* Avenue,
a_•erw �tTe6 +, Pine Avenue and :;ucaZ3rptus Drive, for the sum of w169444.00, said land
to be de- .-cted to the use of a r,.ark an:? , athletic field. On motion of Trustee Binder,
iercti =, .7(li ch aarries, the natter was laid on the table for con-
I—_ _- V __ J
I tion.
Tiia Lui:; ::CLI, being _._ i- n- lisation for position of office clerk. Ordered
30A:ti Or _ i;3:
Labor or 2.:aterialmen's claims in connection with the contract between the City of M
Segundo and said Byron - Jackson Pump *anufacturing Company, dated September 4th, 1 923,
be and the same are hereby ar_rroved and ordered filed and the City Clerk is hereby
authorized and instructed to return the check of said Syron- J�Lckson Pump 'Lanufactu_rin-
C=3i n.• which was filed with their bid. Carried by the follov.in_ vote:
Ayes: Trustees Binder, Gerow and Bryson.
3'oes: Done.
Absent: Trustees &ueger and Smiley.
'Die City Clerk reported that he had made inquiry as to the cost of the canvas
floor covering proposed to be supplied for use in the City hall auditorium and found
that it mould not be necessary to advertise for bids on the same. Following dis-
cussion it was moved by Trustee Gerov;, seconded by Trustee. Binder that the City Clerk
be and he is hereby authorized to purchase suitable canvas floor covering for the
City ?all :auditorium at a cost not to exceed �`?'175.00. Carried by the fcllowin; vote:
Ay S: Trustees Binder, Gerov, and Bryson.
.oes: hone.
Absent: Trustees 3ueger and Smiley.
The City ' gineer reported that to pave the alley in 310cn 78 to a width of
10 feet could cost 3-450.00. y:oved by Trustee Binder, seconded by Trustee Gerow
that the City Clerk oe and he is hereby authorized and instructed to notify the
retiioners respecting this matter and to supply them with the usual and customary
form or petition. Carried.
The City =ttorney reported that the contract prepared by the County of Los
L__Celes respecting the services of the Fea.lth Department which had been submitted to
hi- for approval had been found satisfactory. `Thereupon it was moved by Trustee
Binder, seconded by Trustee Gero,, that the contract between the County of Los Angeles
and the City* of -71 Segundo respecting the services of the County Health Department be
anti the same is hereby approved and accepted, the s'.me to be entered into at the
e_:eiration of the existing contract, and the President of-the Board of Trustees IS
hereby authorized and directed to execute and the City Clerk to attest the same,
on behalf of the City of 11 aegundo. Carried by the following vote:
4es: Trustees Binder, Gerow and Bryson.
:oes: Pone.
Absent: Trustees 8ueg;er and Bmiley.
Me City Attorney reported that the City Clerk, the City 21rigi.neer and himself
had completed a preliminary survey of the ordinances of the City of ::I Segundo, several
of which had been submitted to each of them for recommendation and that following a
meeting of themselves to be held Saturday next they mould be in a position to submit
a. report to the Board of Trustees.
'The Superintendent of the later Department reported having selected and
�rrchased the requisite amount of 8" pipe in Los Angeles.
The City _-�ngineer reported Navin; recommended to Olmsted and Gillelen that
the widths of parkings throughout the City be considered as 7z feet on streets 40 feet
Tide, 10 feet or, streets 50 feet wide and 12 feet on streets 60 to 80 feet wide,
but that Olmsted & Gillelen desired the passage of a resolution by the hoard to
serve as their authority for locating fire hycLrants on said basis. Upon the re-
cc=endation of the City Lttorrey it was roved by Trustee Binder, seconded by Trustee
^.:pro: that the Cit Clerl ',e and he is hereby ,authorized and instructed to inform
Clmste? ::_Gillelen by letter that the installation of fire hydrants throuE�hout the
C 1_ confcrmit;T with the recommendations of the City :_-,n,:ineer as to parking widths
referred to by him in his verbal report this date would be acceptable to the Board of
^r;:stees. Carried by the fcllovrir_o vote:
�yes: Trustees Birder, Gerow and 3rysen.
:oes: :gene.
Lbsert: Trustees uer-er and Smiley.
The _'unerintendent of the ",:ester Department reported havinE; had :Ir. Cady
e::rress = opinion as to the condition of the old :eater ;yell on the reservoir site
:vhich opinion coincided `•pith that of ':L-. ish, that said well is beyond repair and
is too shallow and that a new well should be drilled. ction in this matter was
deferred one week.
32 CIAL Olum OF 3GSr ss. ►T�
The hour of 6 ;00 O'clock :. this date havin- been na4e a special order of
business for the receiving of bids for furni shin- the City of 21 5e :;�,ndo with
5000 feet of 4" cast iron pine and with two jail cells, the Chair at this point
announced that the hour of 7 :59 O'clock P. had arrived and asked if any person
or persons present desired to file bids for any of the r.^_aterial or O=T=ent advertised
The ho---,r of 9 :00 O'clook P. ". having .arrived and all bids bein.�- in t'_le
^hair .decla.red said bids closed. It vas then moved by Trustee Linder, s:ccnded by
Trustee Gerow that the Board procee:':. to open and publicly declare all bids received
for furnishing; the City of M Sep; :ndo 7,ith two jail cells as advertised for by said
3oard. Carried.
:.aid bids -,,,ere determined by said Board to be as follms, to -,vit:
aid of 3rorrbacher Iron '. . orks as follows=
"Los ungeles,
10 -30 -1923.
3oard of Trustees,
City of ::! _'egundo, Re; City Jail
Cal= fornia.
Ce ntlemen:
;e quote ^ou herewith car rrice of Seven Hundred Dollars for the
cells delivered - F-0-3- .v•..,. 1 ae :7L::,da, Califorri8, as per 70a2' S?JeClfi-
e are enc Osin,~ herewith oar check for .70.00 - equ-s.1 to 10;,
of" the above Trice.
^rastir - that ,re -ill be favored with your order, :Rie are
Yours very truly,
3rombacher Iron , orks,
F. Otto Beyerle."
maid bid as acconranieo by certified chec'lz i:c. 35576, d�.ted October 30,
c.ra ?.r on the 3anfz-, of Italy, paya')le to the Board of Trustees, City of :;l ae�ando,
in m=ount of X70.00. V
aid cf T. L1L�L?' L'G'_: 70Ir;, as follows:
:.r. :i --tor D. "_cCarthT, City Clerk,
-1 Se ---xdo, Califor___ :.
:. nd, 19
"Detroit, _� --h. Oct. 2� •' 23.
In - ccordr_.r_ce ^.ith your advertisement, we enclose herewith
our certified cheek for ;r*44.60, payable to the City of :,l ae rondo and
morose to f`nrnish to said City of -71 e :ndo, two jail cells in
accord ^rce ~-it's snecifications a.s per -rc_.r advertised bid mablished
�� r, �r �,.. j!i+ 07 _ October _216th, 1 °'�, f-- the �T . !
o_:. ..c�,,b 'z, 1 and c„obe w. r e s�-.TM of .,4 6 OC
_ ^'L "^ 7.7 ;I_;. '"e:°.^:, net cash 30 dEys from da=te of
J' '
=en f »C^_ facto:^ -.
Yours ver - truly,
-Z. •7• Yeats, +�es. Treas. "en. • ��."
by Certified Cite --_: -o. 59015, dated Cctcber
n1 :e rr; t, :.'ich; ra gable to the City of ::l
the s _._.. of r ^_ .60 .
'id of .T__I. as follows:
_. '
rtst. Louis October ?�, 192:;.
lonorable Board of 77, steel,
4- `Tictcr -.. eec J4,+1 -�, J +� ?it, Clerk
L1 ;e,~Lz ado, California.
aS ner *Cur = dverti serent- to ."idders, . ^.e here.-' rro -5csc-
to f'Lzrnish t-.-7o (21 flat bar lattice loch. r cell:: -71thoutyn1te
_floors, 'out rran ed for sec - rin.- to the ccrcrete floor of the cell
room, for the s -.:-T. of Four "u"dred 7n- Dollars deliz n ea
it sections f.o.b. cars .1 �e ando.
"lie above trice is based' or. '.psi n` in-stead of the 1/8"
thi rlr nl ate as srecifie^, j�16't and also, the l _-tti ^<
socticns ?:'ill ha-e cn rin-s not Over Z v 3" souare instead of
A is 4»
If we Omitted the autcnntic lockin-7 device on the cells
and sirml-r furnished the swin- bar with armou plate and nadlocr,
70_'' can deduct fro the above '.')ric2, the s -= of Fort -- -fide
"e have attached tc o:;._ certified Y c ' ch . eci in
re^alred b- the advert isC^ *.
o_ !_ wstees of the
- :esnectfully submitted,
J. r. Pourer, Zec'y."
''�Lted -;ctooe- 2 ti-,
ou`t: _*de 7._._..: Or .:t. .,Oui ^, wble to the order of the
'it- of ::i ..e` 2 in the zlzn of
- 0110 +.1n
ca"Siler-tion Of t!e resznective gals, it vras ^:oveQ icy trustee
.i2:der, s ceruad by trustee Cerocr that ,.il bids received for furnishinz the City
of r11 �je -un:7o with two jail cells as advertised for be rejected -.'ith the e--,:.-
ptior of the bid of Paul; Jail Com -oany, •r.'r:ich is hereby accented at the
,)rice named in said biv-, to-wit: X400.00 and the.Cit -• Clerk is ercay instructed to
return the checks C1' all unsuccessful bidders. Carried by the follo::ir vote:
des: Trustees Binder, .arcs. s.:. 3ryscn.
Noes: one
• &bsent: �rustees 3ue;er a2:d Smiley.
It was then moved. by Trustee Binder, seconded by 'trustee vero:�, that the
Board proceed to open and publicly declare all bids received for furnishin-.the
City of ::1 with 5000 feet of 411 CS-st iron pipe as advertised for by said
3o: r,_'. Carried.
2> i3 bids ,7ere determined by s_id =bard tG be as fo7lo -7s, :C- ;';it;
�iG 0,r _pacific „i and :,un-oly Comp, _any in re7talar form, as
"tor ",Zrni shin S f_lon si Je trearj.h i_. the Ci ty of --1 tee.. �nuo,
ft. art Cl ss "t ;'t Cyst �1p6 as S Clfled:
250)0 lin. ft. 470.26 C, _o z:.1 „1 753.510.
O fuih�� 611Jere� t0, t26 vOr 'Lard Of he alt'. Oi n t
Cl s t! Jrt C $`, !-on
__Jne as specified:
2500, li n. ft. X5^9.72 _oer C rt. 7otsl ;1743.11
:Jat.. can
we e'- e
:ice ed
per _ s are net c.�_s : ten i10j ds
delivery in i 1 0e�;�ndo eleven (11)
receipt of order.
Pacific and ✓u_ )ly Co.
1002 Fe .venue, LoJ
Sys after recei ~t of goods."
-)aid bid was -ccompanied by Certified Check i;o.
on the : i. t `, oral -
rs � ,
- ems-ido ir_ the s,-,,n of V.750.00.
6019, datad Cctober -17th,
fie to the order of the City cr yl
'aid 'aid, the only bid recaived, havin;; had due co. sideratio.:, it :.ws moved
by 'r ztee �?r0;;', se-conded by �'rustee Binder, that the bid of the lzacific Pipe i
.:uy ply ComIDsny o_ furs 1 C �1
for '�$'�lr� the C1ty of JeJ'�.a:�.io vnOJ feet of 411 c =: ,t iron pipe be
a-d the s me is hereby acce'!�ted at the Trice named it said bid, as folio;-s, to -Tit:
250;' lin. ft. lan;;side tren&, �, Y70.26 per C rt., 2500 lin. ft. delivered to Corporation
U. � 1: 9.7� per C rt. Ca?.ried by the fcllo : :Zr�; ^.cte:
dyes: Trustees Birder, iero: and Bryson.
-;oes: none.
abcen t: Trustees 3ueger and ::xiley.
21ne City Nttorney inquired rejsrding the aroma ess bein;; made •::ith respect to
t "fie -)urc.aa.se of the cater and distributin system of the Sa n o "meter
sisal -�:edo d ' „_
_.oi_e of the ci t'* officials Navin any of the m +. ter,
it S o ezt °d tt :at the City C1Crli tele,�_ione the Secretary f +^ n
u:: , cr w_ c� said Co_ p^ny and iz ce
tra__ iW eai at„ act1on0
EAYi : ;� SILL.;.
�ze follorri :: deiaardz having __a-d the
a- proval of the Co =ittee on ?finance
Water Le- uartY:ent
General Fund
T -euner Corporation
Homer ':,. Glidden
.,out :per_: i. raison Co.
T r e ? �-
Los Angel s . ubIjer ---tamp Co.
ct orne :amber Company
Herald publishing Co.
_' ::ueller :_f�;. Co.
y ictor D. 1:cCarthy
Standard Oil Company
;7. ii. Vorce
A. �. Cro:vell
3urroujis Adding .::achine Co.
:.:1 Segundo Garage
Chas. C. Scheeder
:. A. Cla yitt Co.
C. S. Whitehead
��llos d 3rown
one - :lectric Whop
H. 6. Crocyer Co. Inc.
Howard Jones
:rater ,;orks Supply Company
S a IT Lamp Company
'acific Pharmacy
American LaFrance Fire Lno -ine
Co. 2500.00
3. T. ilutchins
Standard Oil Company
cos Angeles Rubber St�.W, Co.
Thomas Convey
Crane Co.
C. 3. Davis Company
la -azoo Loose Leaf Binder
Co. 44.66
Southern Calif. Edison Company
.toter Dept. Fund
Southern Calif. ::Bison Company
3ond =und
Southern California : Aison Co.
Southern Calif. Edison Company
Southern California Edison Co.
Southern Calif. Edison Company
:he :lectric ;;hop
Southern Calif. Edison ComDa -VI
Loved by 'Trustee Linder, seconded by Trustee serow, that the demands be allowed
an .11 :.r rrants drawn on the respective fonds coverin_ the sane. Carried by the follov.i ng
vote: V .
.&yes: 'Trustees Binder, Gerow, and Bryson.
1 ;oes: none.
Absent: Trustees Hueger and Smiley.
17%Z,-d BU 51NES6.
The auperirtendent of the - . ;ater.Ilepar"ment.annoanced his need for certain valves
and flange Fates, whereupon it was moved by Trustee Gerorr, seconded by Trustee Binder,
ar �1
E 137
that the Superintendent of the slater Department be and he is hereby instructed to
Irarchase valves and flange gates needed by him at a cost not to exceed y250.00.
Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Binder, Gerow and Bryson.
Noes: !;one.
Absent: Trustees aueger and Smiley.
1:oved by Trustee Binder, seconded by Trustee Gerow, that 1:r. Stuard !:andaville
be and he is hereby granted permission to use thirty of the city's collapsible
chairs on ;iednesday October 31st, 1923, ,providing the same will not be needed by
the tenant using the City Hall Auditorium on said date. Carried.
loved by _Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Binder, that the City Clerk be
and he is hereby authorized to purchase 250 feet of 2 -01 double jacketed D reka
fire hose from the a:ureka Fire Hose Company at a cost not to exceed 4275.00.
Carried by the followin; vote:
Ayes: Trustees Binder, Gerow and Bryson.
noes: None.
Absent: Trustees Rueter and Smiley.
'lloved by Trustee Binder, seconded by Trustee Garow, that the City Clerk and
the City ::Eineer be and they are hereby authorized to prepare and have erected in
the hall, : :ay of the City Hall a suitable directory for the convenience of _patrons
of the various mur_iciral offices. Carried by the following vote:
dyes: Trustees Binder, Gerow and Bryson.
Noe 3: !%one.
absent: Trustees Rueaer and :�iley.
Loved by `i'rustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee Binder, that Yr. Omar iierschner
be and he is hereby employed as fire engine driver of the City of Z Segundo to
assume the duties of his office October 31st, 1923. Until the further order of
this Board said appointee shall perform such services only as are necessary each
day and shall receive compensation in full for all services rendered as such fire
engine driver at the rate of Y200.00 per month on a basis of twenty -six 8 hour
workin- days per month. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Binder, Gerow and Bryson.
Does: None.
Absent: Trustees aueger and Smiley.
No further business appearing to be transacted at this session, it was moved
by Trustee Binder, seconded by Trustee Gerow, that the meeting adjourn until
Trursday, the first day of yovember, 1923 at the hour of 11 :00 o'clock A. ? ".
Q�71Z_ ' ') Ova
-z 'resident, 3oatrd of Trustees.
Respectfully submitted,