1923 OCT 24 CC MIN8].28
1 Segundo, Cal. October 24th, 1923.
A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of M Segundo,
California, was called to order at 7 :30 o'clock P. on the above date in the
Council Cham -ber of the City 'Tall of said City by the City Clerk, the President
of the "Board being absent. Trustee Binder was unanimously chosen. President
pro -tem.
0_1L C_.IaL.
Trustees Present: Binder, Gerow, 3ueger and Smiley.
Trustees absent: 3ryson.
.,:::='G OF y:Ilri: T S OF ??:r'S IOiTS P'..T LT '1:i.
Me minutes of the regular meeting held on October 16th, 1923, were
read. _,:o errors or omissions being noted, it was moved by Trustee bailey, seconded.
b- Tr..stee Gerow, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried.
The minutes of the adjourned re,:lar meetin;; held on October 18th, 1923,
were read without error or omission being noted. It Was moved by Trustee Smiley,
seconded b7 Trustee Serov, that the minutes be approved as read. Carried.
tal11 L—, UIt1 CILT I a.5•
one follo -tin;; cor - unica: ions were read and disposed of as indicated:
w_--'GGELY. and others, asain to be advised. of the cost of imprevino
alley in Blocs. 78 of the City* of :•I Segando. On motion of Trustee Smiley,
seconded by trustee Rueger, which carried, the matter was referred to the City
_n�ireer and the Street Superintendent for preparation of the estimate.
BO?L:D OF li,JSr22ZS, Inglewood Union High School, requesting that trees
be tri=..ed along the route taken by the :sigh School bus. :loved by Trustee Rueger,
seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the 'Street Superintendent be and he is hereby
instructed to trim_ trees throughout the City. Carried.
..u:_,IC_, -Lap_ 'C_ FIR_ � "GIi:H C0 ::'?.TY, advising that they feel that
they: cannot await until larger water trains and fire hydrants are installed by
the City* of _l Segundo for the purpose of having a test and formal acceptance of
the fire en-ire recently delivered to the City of 21 Segundo because one of the
recuirerierts of their insurance arrs ,- 7n.ent is im:^ediate acceptance of the car.
t+vns thereupon moved by Trustee Rueger, seConded by Trustee Gerow, that the
TTpe 75 Triple Combination Pump, Chemical and Rose Motor Car No. 4376 delivered
to the City of _l Segundo by the .arerican- La. -rance Fire :engine Company, Inc.,
Is hereby accepted and that the City Clerk is hereby authorized to advise said
ccTman-7 of such acceptance. Carried by the follot:•inf- vote:
yes: Trustees Binder, Gerow, _Rueger and Smiley.
_Toes: :'.one.
:absent: Trustee Bryson.
Lr. C. ,i. Little, representing Olmsted & Gillelen, addressed the Board
with reference to certain pipe and fittings -.hich would be needed by the Water
Department in connection with the installation of Booster Pumps and 8" crater mains.
It -vrs thereupon moved by Trustee Gerow, seconded by Trustee rueger, that the
vaoerintendent of the eater ye_nartment be and he is hereby authorized and in-
structed tc lock into the ripe situation locally- and if the same is found favorable
to °;°archase such pipe as he deems necessar;; at a cost not to exceed X299.00.
C -rried b-- the following vote:
:yes: Trustees Binder, Gerow, 3ueger and Smiley.
s: :•: one .
absent: Trustee Bryson.
B 1�
'.Roved by Trustee 'Rueger, seconded by Trustee Gerpw, that the Superin-
tendent of the ,"ater Department be and he is hereby authorized and instructed
to rurchase such fittings at a cost not to exceed ' -2 09.00 as he deems
recescary, to be used in the inst411ation of 3ooster x'umrs at the reservoir
site. Carried bz- the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Binder, Gerov:, _tueger and 'Sr.:iley.
Noes: iTor_e .
Absent: Trustee Bryson.
?.'r. 3tansfield, representing the =hires Fire Hose Corinany, aderessed
the 3oard relative to the r_'archase of fire hose.
'.:r. Glen Daniel of Daniel= "urrh "r Hardmre Corlpany aOdressed the 3o _ra
on the same subject.
:.Can- Gr
3D?0 :C Or 0FIF ICES :'_7 3F:]C I'ti. 4
The City- Clerk advised the 3os.rd that '1r. Little, representing Olmsted
r Gillelen, had asked. that the Board take definite action determining the
narking areas in the various rridt:. streets throughout the City where such
�.�ar'< :ink areas have not been established by ordinance, so that his firm would
be enabled. to determine the correct r_oints at which to install fire hydrants.
°o'_low =nM liscussiori, it wars mooed by Trustee 3ueger, seconded by Trustee
Smile*, that this rr.tter be referred to the City Dngir_eer with a reauest that
he submit ',is reco--nenJ.ations at the ne::t regular meeting of the Board. Carried.
The City Engineer reported that to remove the earth b ^n]: in front of
the nremises of Shirley "R.cCo y on 11ain Street between Palm and P.'aple Avenue
would cost aaproxirately '30.00 and that it appeared to have been the City's
custom to pay one -third of the cost of such work. It was then moved by
Trustee 3ueger, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the City Clerk be instructed
to notify :�!r. Shirley "cCoy that the City of yl Segundo will remove the e_.rth-
bani: from in front of his nreri ses whenever he deposited with the City Clerk
for �oa;nrent into the General dune of the Cite of =•1 Sep�ardo the sum of
;'120.00. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: 'Trustees Binder, Gerona, Rueger and Smiley.
Koes: :;one.
Absent: Trustee Bryson.
The Superintendent of the Mater Derart -ent reported ha-, in • had :.:r.
Pish, a vra.ter well expert, riake an examination of the ;rater well, which
a,r�%eared to be caving in, and that "x. fish repertea. that in his opinion
.cid well should be abandoned and a ne, ore drilled. Me Water Surerinter dent
believed it advisable to seek the opinion of other :yell drillers, such
belief bein ccnc. -sred in by the nerlbers of the 3oard, S.nJ by g °penal consent
;:!:.s authorized to rrocrse additional acT *ice.
'The Superintendent of the "' .ter y _s,-vartment reported having co- r- -vnic ^ted
with the 3urerirterdents of 7titer DenartmFents of various other cities with
respect to Standb-, c7�= es, if any, =tide by them 'tut as -yet he Cad received
no replies.
-.'_oved. b_- Trustee 3mile,7, seconded by 7- rustee :Heger, that the City
Clerk be !=.nd he is hereb,- authorized: to purchase 92 -1/? yards of cork
linoleum 1-or use in t�:e offices of the Cit;* ::n =ineer and the Mater De-iartnent
3t _ cost not to e` :coed. '2010.00. Carried b'. the follo;:i: vote:
o : Trustees Hinder, Seror;, 3ueger and Smi.leT7.
-Toe s: :,One.
_ :bsent� Trustee 3ryson.
♦ �J
...ove? by Trustee Rueter, seconded bar Trustee Gerow, t'-at' the Citz
Cler!-. be and he is hereb-- authori::ec. to nurch2se 350 feet of rouble- 4acketed
hose, co.,pled, frc:r the Lard—.- re Comm_ y at a cost not to eyceed
.'n 00.00. Curried b�: the follo -:ir- vote:
=yE'y: Trustees 'index, �eerc , i '�,. .:.'_".d x:ile"7.
oes: one
bsert: 'Try -stee 3ryscr.
tt T- 'j 17
r ran yr n { r- ^ H t�, �f n—r f +h n n ..n.1 t y r
""_ne follo.�i. � e .. d^, h:..v� . _.._ �._e _ cval o� G.._ :� .ee o__
'_'ina .ce am� 7ecords , :ere read:
'h itehead - ', ater "'cr!'_s ' =, :d
o - e7�Lw1 7 id
• _ • r
:_owed 't Trustee Rue^,er, senor (lA6 b-r Trustee ^Tercw, that the donands be
cllo:rec arc •, ar arts dra-= or the respective funds for the 2a-le. Curried by the
follo.,ir vcte:
_:yes: Trustees. 3inder, Oero.•:, 3uegrer and 3rile7.
'Foes: i one.
__bsent: Trustee 3r7 -son.
'owed by _rnustec _..e ~er, aeco~ eu �- 'Trustee riley, that the followin_-
it has been - _roncse! -. to o *oen a T)le_-sure resort
in a rcrtior of the Ci +- of Les = n eles adjacent to t'le "'it-
of :Il a ur o _ere tine saTMe -:could - 0ro7e &anr ,erows to the life
and nroperLk of Jar-— portion of the r�.blic,
,J, jrc't letter si�—,.ed by all
of the me^bers 'I "As 3oard of _I'rustcD5 be forth::,*.'^ addressed
to tie Ci t; Council of the '2, ty of 1.o5 "°_les in 17or:1-s as
follo;: s:
On October 10th, 192:71, r',;ssuant to _favorable report of
Your irarce Co`nynittee uron the request of one Titus - :lender
for lease of a portion of t_ ^_e Ci tar's y-perion proaert'T for ?plea slue
resort ?rarposes, lease for fifteen years tica.�s ordered dravm coverin-
land e..tendi_� fro! the lii`h tide line to the ':.'est lire of the
9oa_st oulevaru, an-: "IC feet '- ort'herl;; from the �;o::t line of
t'le City's
':is tr ct of lanai i^r eVi tel Adjoi ns the Ci t;; of i1
.i :;;�4 : :iO• __t th1 5 - L, :k- :�0-'_'it t lCr., _ S .._ r° 1.1x0:' -':i station
used b - "tro"�s of ± ie -� nc f'_c ...le ^.uric li ::es co^:.i - to '.'_1d de-
from 12 .'e= �w.d0• "any of these ; irons are and CIi1draT'
--nd it is .Tot co ..._dered desirable t',_ . a resort such as th�:.t con -
`epia`e^ d should be c _c;�c + d _°t s , c _. ,1
" e
_ rro-,mess or the Coast ( only 22 feet .ride)
-1 ver7- u^»;erou. aae curve t ereiy_, re- , '.ers r:rilor_s
t'--e stGr _,i' _ o: L_i_' of au—o* Juiles at the ola.Ce in ")ueStiCll, and
t fie nit ' Gf .JCS . °_�, t1i t� O1 �l ° ;l%?7do and "lwct� owners
Plave, on this account, forb4-';1Qer. such
If a retort sale'.^_ <_S t'-4t 3 :te'.'"C1ated is est_.-, islaed,
t1:E bea:'r_ S?'P.: ?ld "he i121`Il11 Of the hihway .`Owe natural'N.de,
-out 12 feet; :ii1 slmo ,t inovit:,bl -r result in '-parking ai,.to- Mobiles
c. .h= �li �_,, , - , t"rl�. -r ° vati»�; the r to travel on the hi :h-
... Berl loll SIB 1 :ter' nr �n� .filth �..CC� to t''_e ra._ii
V ,: are .__ doubt smar :, it has `1•cn-ls been the desire
....l:.i ilr'-vSe Of this '.'oar of T`rus tees t0 c' 00_C�erc.te in every COnSl S-
E 131
tent -way ;.ith the desires and Purposes of the City of Los
zngeles, and ?;e trust that your Honorable 3ody rill approach
the consideration of this matter in that same s_oirit of co-
operation, and T) evert the est -ablishment of the proposed_ resort,
a inst vfnich the City of M Se;;undo respectfully protests.
Very truly yours ",
Carried by the following vote:
eyes: Trustees Binder, Gerow, Rue,;er and Smiley.
foes: None.
absent: Trustee 3ryson.
ioved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Gerow, that a elO.00
� so'_ine coupon book be purchased for use of the Police Department motorcyle.
Carried by the follo?•,in; vote:
.ayes: Trustees Binder, Gerow, Rueger and Smiley,
Does: !.one.
bb sent: Trustee Bryson.
'coved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the purchase
of a gafe for the use of the :dater Department be and the same is hereby
authorized at a cost not to emceed „270.00. Carried by the following vote:
byes: Trustees Binder, Gerow, 3ue;er and Smiley.
Noes: none.
Absent: Trustee Bryson.
No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting,
it was moved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the meeting
adjourn. Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
City Clerk.
President, Board of Trustees.