1923 NOV 20 CC MINfl— E1.4 4 ::i ..e�•u.�1c, ::1. i:ov. 20`. h, i�.:�. J rc 7� t r 1• - r 2 r ti -. is „`,'L1?» '!?e@ i ri� G� the ::O:i'�� 0 rustees O_ tile '�,i ..� Or i;l •.+6L;.:n('i0, C' l iEd t0 ".Z;0 Crder ._t ry.� o'clock • ..• C,_ "-e _ E .iG + } L. e '- a-_.. %er of tl;, 1',�T .: -11 of sail amity �7 .7_11iam Z. .:r„' -CY. -_ Si lent it^ f �r-.,6-eCs -'resent: .finder, a.:e„er, :jliiey an t. .;rjTSon• �r -sties aoz-e =.t: Z:. 0-, i•:ll +u �1,., v'1' X11,.+• 1v1.J ......'.a ilY �►J• _._l:iute:i c the re .ular nee tin i:eld Oil t!he 1Zth daisy o f +•ove- "hE�_ 1c" .. it' o -.,t ,._ror or or?issioni bei . rioted, a., id were a7"_ ^roved ,ton Motion of -1'_! t2. _,in er, seconded by _TC.stee �'_L'ilcy, -1 -11ch carried. iTie 11ri.tes Of tie _,.l.j0;: ^ed re -alar ^eetin_; ' eld C.. _.0 ?0 ^:uE ' 1,_th, 1923, r d• _.o error Or omissions beinf noted, tile: were 1;_`cl. _^ rL;S`.e: $hiiez'9 sc; on de C1 by .trustee tinder, 7- -,filch carrie�• : a7:.' ar neeti i" held on tre lEti dry_ or :<'r2 rv?.r;. _•o errors or C!"iS3iG:iL b °tar; 'toted, moved by seGGr.iec. b� ruatee mile;-, that the !n"nutes be r, ~�ved as re u. i11__..• VV,. -TO:--' �ne foil o;:'i `; coirrTL_- Lic_at,o ;s were read and disposed of as indicated. i].::i y" n::. �+ IiIIC :., .zcn :o-: :ledLir receipt of menbershiii in said _ • to° . Ordered file_• _.sc oc ia t ior and appreciation y': er + a rrc�erc-.- of tile. muetin- to be field :: vor:ler 2•1t7-_, 1923. Crdered filed. : :one. .;One . _Ce City _.ttCr'.e-�' rCr•oYtE-, that rile Co'_ ittoe of the -+OS _:1�31ec ­C;­ J"lv.. lc..� or .. w, �'J..r __e t�".�- . 1 +Gi_'. l��i � IAS _u G:� �11e. . G ;,ort:Gri o° � =.ij `.- lS '�'y.vrl :l _re- ,-)ert- for iile_ssur" reSOrt i',U_r se arid i "-yr -'F:r rre: bo.,._ to the Ci`- CcuAcil. e u:'visod that the t:. by "• Eel- ..r.: ._s re;irese`_'t -tiVe Call 1'_1tErCStC 01:OOSOC'. 11,e lace b oll of _- -lec staff rij sort at t' -C �Gi_:�, 1r :iG red• e:.c...71.,,Ia the "_i1�:: L1L S1�F' ^1:ficat! :1J the C•i _ t .4 v -- L1`^s�c4 'Tlllt'er for tale - onstr1 CtlCri C° _ _S` -r. ,. t._C ?l ;i�Tite'": of t'''it __ "�.__ ^1_�1 `er ,.Cr, and Vllat tYE' S =me -.-:ere found =C`0' :i`': t Ie C:_ ^.e ",ti Gi'c of tilF size of _ i'7e to be used in ;. , he ;;lieled sho;.ld .,e 611 iristec.e of _ T)" pe sc0o :ded by '_rl.stee :!Wile; :C t 115pecifi ..--•ti OnS fo:. : e'. -i1'l , _�lr- f.i11Yi�, +.5�" -1_ te2 �11�f :,ettl ?l lr'.tE 1Vt -, ire = ;%drantS r;• st ,,.,fir t City f .- eL"1.nd -rurterarces ro" .a1-er -J- _u ti0n J;j. e... for he o_ .1 e -��.re sii +elel' �e �_.c_ rife s ^ e are hereby aeee'_;t c.. .;Y) roved s ,: pj cif: _ t.0_.b _•0• ,> -1 a if S::iii be mace,: 0ii flle in the off:.Ce or the v_L�T +.ham "ti "1cCr• Carried by the follOV,`1"- Vote: 4�;��'rr• - v.J.. t_ ..� _ ..L �.r, _a• - -C:�_ �', J_"..�1 .__.w,. --%r �'SO i• 1509 Lloved by _rustee seccrd-ed b,T :rustee z,miley t'!,_t plan and det_ll or tile - cnstructlorl 'of t': e t st _- d_,str,_'r.-_-t.,cn -,-'stem for the City of :�l _-_e��Mdo s rr-n ­c I'.lI mZteC_ c 7,:!- cr- Ot, COn n at, o te d ti', tV. a-_ I:y -­er r, an-7 dc-',----! are des! -mate_' a be arf 'I-,e s,me are 'aereb;, _�-.ce--�ted and approved a2l" the the offfze c' the -Ity i-eer• Carrie' orCarcd. -ols c e f o- .Ye S. _-z"'e2er, -.nd 3",- C2,. c2le .&..ov,;(! b-4 I`rustes =:i1e­, seccnd"ed bTr "2rustee 'in der, that tIle vi `y Zlt:�rk bz� he IL6 hereby _=thorized ail�, instr-act­:�f to a2vertise for bids for th.0 I�y irk ­ of" -.,:--ter -,ioc. an:' the constructio-� of vater .'_J3trib.tf_cn 3:,-ston for t7�e C 1 , - , _ '_ 1:1 . or-'_ < __.L. - _�e=.do acc --n- tc -,�:ns nr--7 sreclfic--toms t-_erefor as 1/7Z L -_Osr_� 1;tc-. Carried by the follov.in.­;ote. r- -rSon. 7-Iley _3r. s: -c.:s 77 '-r r rustc -- 7_-rust e -,-e follo, he nrnr'.wil of tie Co=ittec on ,--.-:-.ce .izFer orKs arks '30rd Fund .,'&el Co. 4930.00 151.Z"2 Orane Co=nazly 189.38 ,�5ZJ20.70 Lit u_5-,2 w. Vol�3er 3­ .:. Harlan o Co. G. -ihitehead 70S ' 1:!Llber _`anr Cc --nL>,eles - u Jack .-:exnvick 7a-,-iels-:.:arphy l7ardmare Co. Henderson Lotorc:ycle Sales Gener2l 2und 6.00 550.00 5.00 255.29 Co. 19.75 ,�69Z.47 by = zrustee 3iuder, by --rii.;tee ­)Mll e,r, that the dernrds be ar' v.,;rrants dra%vn or. the '."a'er '-,or'c- 7u=,, -,i,- the *.-,'a'er I . � ,> . - I- ". u _Yu_,_,_' the res-De,3tive am��-, tz• CL:.:ried bz., t"--- followin- -.ote: -ust-es - -l-ifer, .,Wile;; aric.7 _ryson. ;;econled by Trustee Smiley, that the City aut"',orI7,ed tc, sl-.- '---.sh c-ans at .i cost not to b-, 7,`a3e'l '-y the t-eet at e e l'-. C S,-, _- 1 � - o . I- - ­ t7j.' fcllorin.- -.-ote: Z t iley anz! Br--son. A t t _0J -H Co. .50 IS ro Co. `-'_,-rjvl,2.re Co. 20.50 __10B Co. 129.49 r --n 0 e o. -:.,are oj Co. ..es'or­ _!_;nd w Screen Co. 96.0^3 -tan, r mil Comrmn;, 17.807 :-.eter Com-,_cny 01.37 W-500.88 arks '30rd Fund .,'&el Co. 4930.00 151.Z"2 Orane Co=nazly 189.38 ,�5ZJ20.70 Lit u_5-,2 w. Vol�3er 3­ .:. Harlan o Co. G. -ihitehead 70S ' 1:!Llber _`anr Cc --nL>,eles - u Jack .-:exnvick 7a-,-iels-:.:arphy l7ardmare Co. Henderson Lotorc:ycle Sales Gener2l 2und 6.00 550.00 5.00 255.29 Co. 19.75 ,�69Z.47 by = zrustee 3iuder, by --rii.;tee ­)Mll e,r, that the dernrds be ar' v.,;rrants dra%vn or. the '."a'er '-,or'c- 7u=,, -,i,- the *.-,'a'er I . � ,> . - I- ". u _Yu_,_,_' the res-De,3tive am��-, tz• CL:.:ried bz., t"--- followin- -.ote: -ust-es - -l-ifer, .,Wile;; aric.7 _ryson. ;;econled by Trustee Smiley, that the City aut"',orI7,ed tc, sl-.- '---.sh c-ans at .i cost not to b-, 7,`a3e'l '-y the t-eet at e e l'-. C S,-, _- 1 � - o . I- - ­ t7j.' fcllorin.- -.-ote: Z t iley anz! Br--son. A 4-W Sam 'Em 3y -eneral consent the :street uu7,erinten dent. -.-o instr,,7-cted to rain, the trlr.s`� -,2=s -o-.7 in use. I, e Ih--t- tne 'it-- "ler"A- ..:oved by 7ru-stee 31ndcr, se,cm-ded by 'u-st-- U- V ; - 1,e is 'ner-Ib- instr-L:cted to '-ave once in the ::1 `ems 7T-r ld - . - - - . - a _ his -�,Dcr' for �"I'le ,-,.zarter ena'in- C"arried b,-, the follo-,.I.nz vote: LI u Id LI dyes: trustees 3inder, �-'miley and 3r-,-son. C) Ci :-One. :-.oven by 7-rustee --inder-, seconded by 7 - -zstee I I ---e a-ionteal; 7. ilea;;—,:in- De--e-Ier Ist, 192 anj until the ----t" er CL 'r% or�7e of '177�iis 7o-r' t", - of tle -.---e ---;Io-,-ees for t"ie re-spectfre offiies filled b- tl"eri '��I! s be s 'T =Ie- ter Derart-ent . . . . . . 175•00 -per4rten"e-t • • • • • • • • 210.00 tC r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4C*OC ancl rye t: I-ve of'. .; e s of tIC-I- lie7 *, z rnentioncd! for 111--e - - L *-- _U h.1, be Comn-Onz;- lion. — , 11 dutfes as s-,-.c7-- :'.u--iciiDal E,: "ruzens -lu—,er, !:md- 3r-7son. one -.7-stee that 4,,-i;: services of" � 0 - n d t. e e a r ve-bcr -Otl-, 14°13. C:.,rried 'off. tcrm �! irates of 7oto. -Ces: 021e. r t Tinist3c ',ero.. sec7=o-1 -r".13tnc 11n.. 4-7-4- 7od-, :-o. 77- b tc of ::1 nist, lr12- t'�o z--,-! 0 C t, , -rnc:-, �S -o o C: '07- 7 r"„77 it or i t t 7