1923 NOV 13 CC MIN--1 „e --rdo, .1. _:cvem7ber 13t"t, 192x. ..- eetin, Or ttic' ^.s s-iled 4- ^r.der Yt �;hanber or the ”; `- 'ro_11 of s:j E14 of 7 ...3t e of tl-ie `''mot" c -:1 ,ief'una,c c'cloc._ 1 en the date in the Cit, '% C. -- .c.,cn, 'resident Of the _i L:Sln.,-a_". = "r •se' - =t. �__::.ar'r'_' r0'. _:l_�- 'r''_" .:'..:�1E" ..'.:11, �".'Sn?':• _.�..1. �_ .. v.. _. ....1.��_ �:� __._.r. _l. 1. _. ��_._.._� -. ...• - inuteo of t'ie regular meetin;_-'-el' on the 6`h d_,,- of - ,ove'.'lier, In", _"'C _thciat error or cmis31cn ")ein`; noted. it e rastoe = inder `"n+ tti'_e ninute3 ^.-� • p ranµ ,.,r e' s•ccc:;d d �;, _ , ,,._�„ be _ _ _ re re s „__ i ... .h8 f:110 "•_'^^ CO'^T.niC tiC' S ,;erc read an.,!. disposed of 4.- __ —fioate^. - e�-lt'i Officer, a:'. s-n ",at his serv_ces ... ith the Ci'-v 7.111 t'i-t he ...111 '�° sa.ccceded bjr : r• CSGr'l� "', Jr. Crderca �• .. .! e�.lth : rfi e,', '_ 4151' 'ti t t^ Co' :ty =° lttii r'fri'Cr + l .i f z; the r.'il"• c° ::'.;`,� -., -- -•-• o in the z.r_--`i':! or _._ .__ it ::1 :'e= lzrtdc. vrderea Of le _ oM t­_ ..00n ire:i :crt, to fir^ ,__.c, cf their c-,.:: letter dr e3 , 1927, _w G.,"'e'' 0 .. ^_e �"'Or- .0' -s0r: iron .Orc , each beari'.^'" On t'^.° l' oar,,, ti0':s for the - o0ster t0 Se '_'_•:Ot`'lleC. :it the nn7mlci -,)O.l - :rater ri nt _ '-^'C'" -.'•, c'_"son Ir ;: 'C,., -J! �; of f0t.' e: —t, ons, t: icu:. .: co str'llC`e,� in _ _._ correct. .. l..k J 3., ..:r` ^nce f-,, _ ri JiOa •sn _ d Tr On n t Ora ere,7 filed. n ..r• V • �• 7Jc',tt Stated to i,ne tL,;t T,O �.�. -3 - : Y!?'n 5�;'.:t:-'__ _ .. ill. *:ibe.`_' Or lo-zal rem interestod in the for +i cr cf nn ut'^letic clab, t :c.t t'-:osc verso:::: hn: nernisslon fro._ the :,I aa. _ do �... ro4c...._.L. ..o:.._r.-y „c -?se the ,...re'^case'o..ildir� belor -ii- to said . cc^ra -, ,' -c , nted --st of ._ slOo^ , -trn t .na _ ;ortli of th^ pacific Electric and. that Vi e� li'.:c to the city install electric li 3rts in s ^in. bl?ildir� for ther^. To11or r: m ;ssio, _'r.. ,,-att .-r J advised to lr•Lf'_= h �,SJO.n. -� -C3 V�' + *ti,n °G�ra �70'al''; -170 t7 nc'.. _d r_ticn _r.fter tti_9ir cr-^.niz ^ti0n liad bye'^ full.. Or- hr-?ra Ofj'i nrrc rf lj, , Crr; nn-.. ...i t'•, 1_ St. if tc +•'^,._ - v.,. `f letter frog: thc, c:. -- i,r,o,ertu _ 1c_,; on to `.- -.. �., .,__`�_ l.'-C_ , -_.; .. ._ r.. .,.... -,._. - "':r::i. Jr i+ Si , l � _ ,l Vin' -_ ^v 11 fa:i• • v• ii• u.'e :.e C_ ,. -...., _ ,:1.. ..... n - re.;c..._r: r:. _.._1 ... - _.�_-✓ __c_ _mot. $ .�.�.� t."-e 'tr ti,..'.' ^c �'..- a• .t_„_ ice, l_.,.„ �r =°. Uc - J �_ `'�G - _ L,' ": t 5:.�u cer for CrI f— Sm or r <,c^,,,r.c. =C_ ;1., -_ Li �_yt'__ ..6 _ r'urt tt� r - - .. r t _, ei. _ir� . r�� .__. ^'eetir __ �:,_ - ._.CU -.�., V- U +__..y la,J 'J w..L.11i�i _ -...V• ___. ;_.'..l•.. -.. ...._ _.l _ -__. i • y to _ _ �v''_vvi�a �.1� Ar`e.il..e t .I- 0 ^^ G t 3e__ on to a __ e,- vctc --r:- C c- t fr= t" t - t: create =-e o I J.. d --e C,_*_ r L;•c- tc t_-, -atter have VV'_. 7 ^ero-.%, s�-at-D4 U7 t t0 "r de-t of s-; � "cm-_­­ the r"Ie Ci%- _�n-lreer filer-7 on "his att;a'-:da-.ce at t',-F-- t!'-el -am at sane f i led C --.rr - t d. ..CV en -71 c'O m dal; tion of Ordin2 -Ice - 'tcr, f ­ th C C) Cr 4%at ie is -,,e L) ' U � iz c _' " '- for or i=7�rovenent or, '.:-in Street 1 L,7: -,.,ue and 'trc­t -.vi thin the City of �-eL;undo order cl bujines3 for the hour of 8:00 2­r at _,"T: i s -eet r,,-,_suanL to -=evlous action of the 'Doard o1 7 rotlsez to t',lat effect d*--.-l-,- the Ch--ir arose and armounced a r, z ta t e ti- f a:� perzon or pe r s on s prise?_,. - e of 7:--,) C.I:� leer. 7-. 'i':- "Cr r­�,aes�e` notices C".11i" ^o- b, ds, ---e 1-10-jr Cf 8:00 OIC:loC,r-_ P. arrived and all bids bein:; in, the r e - -- �* z de -t de-i-re that th- bids for the i=T)rovement of '-:ain ::treat bet-.•.Ieen Lvenue ad W L lin-miood Z'jtreet s "--trtised for were closed. ..roved by Trustee .-.,u--,-e-, se--onded b,-: 12rurtee :;Mile�,, that the 3oard --)ro- cr_,­_� tc 0-.en a=_I imblicl;; decl.-re all "L-Ids received for the improvement of Lain - I T:.­_et bet,.,.-een .;l d�e_"ando �venue a-,,,d Ccllln­ cod street. Carried. `_ae moo_­rd thor, tc ol3en -7ablIcl-7 ddclare all bids received -re,��t bet-.-:een .;l z)e��n`o �.vcnue an' %Ilinoaood fcr t'--, -1-1: r:Dv ----men t of ::ain :�t - 4 ✓ u the Cit­ of _�l in 4­h notices callin:; Viere- C e:: n;_rz,d.nt to resolution_ of s--.2L-' �oL.rd -n)!lssed on the lrth da-, of October, of re-3rd on :;-124- of ti-a "mutes of the rroaeedin„s of snid -Jar bi._J - ­_- � — LI "or s,_d or -*m-----;-e--­-'I- were fo,--d by said Board to be :;Id of !:i;:,,_n 3ro---,. �;ubmitt--_G on reL'ul_- form t",erefor determined bL� _;_�7 _.;Car("L to IDO fQ1107.vs: 2-nd �•rerarin­ s-ab­-_ade, nc- s:7uare foot .085 foot cf Curb .65 fort 0", C-"--!) Cl_-Ss .60 I I --er s-'­.--e foot of 11c •24 .,I _ treat 3-yste--_ (,,o !iulm 3ros., Contractor". I' Said bid did not have attached thereto a copy of the notice invitin- sealed proposals or ,,ids and nave ro _ efercnce to the location of the work bid upon. Ja Was acCo2.1'rw_ vied by 31d' er's :.end in the Sum+ of 46p0 ra O.00 with !:if 3ros. as principal and the Fidelity -- Deposit Comp::._; of I'arylana !as ::nrety. .,e City __ "torney advised the _'.oard that in his opinion s iC bid was inSufficient to the deficie.=cies. _.r. :_uhr., one of t_,_e fire, bein;: _iresent, i =ed;.atel;- ;an_.o aced that 'LO vtould the id. i' of J• Paul �ensoY S- bmitted 0:1 re;lii3 fOr^ t:' }erafCr, deterMi' ".ed ''y the .3oard to be as follo; :,s: "Grading a._d 1 re:arin; sa-. -�;r wde, per square foot .04y: Curb, per lined foot c° curb .67 �ide.ralk, per s,uare fort of .ider,alk .21 ._acwda-micin;, Ter s7uare foot .16 Crnarient. l :street yid tin;; Zystem (Com- _fete) X13,450.00 J. Paul .;enson, Contractor, dddross 943 So. '4:indsor 31vd., Los Calif." biC: v,-as :,ccc anied by 3i dder's Bond in the sum of Y7000.00 with J. �: al e 0'1 c` S ?rinCip:l aril C. .._• 3e'_1son and ae0r,e J. :0:150 ? :, GS &--,,-reties. id of C. 7.7. Sparks submitted or. re6ular form t'.^_erefor, determined by the to be as foll=s: Cent s "Gradi :l,� and --reparin- s 'l - L7ade, per s u, arc foot 21-.5/10 Curb, per lineal foot o° C•arb 70 ide : :aZ L, per sKuare foci of 'ide•.,rall_ 22 per square foot 15 street Lijhtin, Z -,ste-. (Complete) .�13,350.00 C. Sparks, Contractor, Address- 103 Henne 21d; ., Los Qi&eles, Calif." 6aid bid Was .cco=,anied by °idler's Bond in the sum of '6000.00 with C. ;-oa- - as Pri -4 -al=l an, P. :_all -and :.. %Uirk as Sureties. I" ;vas "lien moved by �Tustee 3uei;er, seconded by Trustee Gerold, that when this meetin's adjourns, it adjourn until ;,ednesday the 14th dany of November, 1923, at the hour of 11 :00 o'clock A..:.. an-- that all bids received this date for the .-•crk or imT)rovement of 1: in Street betxeen ::IL :>e n -o Avenue and Collinswood Street within the�City of it Cencio as co : :ter"�lated under Resolution of Intention i;o. 63 of the : oard of Trustees of the City of :1 -"erundo be ta'rien ander advisement until said date. Carried. The natter of t11e :;drC71:?se of an ,parr'_ site In 3Ccorda ice with the retie on riled ,._th the .oard recently nas discs :ssed at sore length, action thereon bean; defe -red. PkYI:;- AIL L:,. ale fU110'::i= C1e.:anA , vi '-wd the 3p iOr0 +� l Of the CO!r 'it"ee 021 �i2linCe were read: '..a ter :orr_s Bunn .:. v l'J . 3 ali +hirl n o. r ^ -55.Sz- • T ^ tn- - 77of_5 fond 19c.94 General Fund H. S. Crocker Co. 30.97 GrirJes- 3tassfort 10.810 Herald rublishin:- Co. 39.50 CO. „ isinfectin-t . So. Cal. CO 10.75 n e—. Co. :1Wer_c�2 Hull %C r ._10. 280.00 L.*cZ -ire e;, Slue = 'rir_t Co. 70.0^ �,. ulen 29.76 3t^anda.rd Cil 'Co. 15:,.77 �-ustin -. extern 20ad :.:ac1_i nery Co. 11.52. ,642.07 '.roved by Trustee seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the demands be allotted -nnd r-arra-its dra-,;m an the respective ft-�-ds coverin- the same. Carried the .,,oI.- I lo-,**in- vote: .L-'Fes: 2rustees Cinder, Nero,:, 3u der, :.miley and 3ryson. Noes: ::one. Zo s en't, Y. one . lie City .�nE;I.-eer r -.-orte d 7--a-v In.- conferred wi th re-.)re senta' Ive z, cf the "ectric `-ilvraly Com--n- reint2v�, to the in-ttjl� 'On of a -ru- tr-c'- Cif? -1 - L - U at-L X, -Y reaently 1--L7.r Siased b7, the CI t4y of M je�;Luidc for a coror,�.Iion --rorcru L, t",--- -P--cific. ::lectric rij'lt-of-way a,--.d that -.-r. :,-,-,ie o, S�,-` Connany f t: at - -,iz conr�ny cG,,;ld st—n"'- -one of the e.-:-oense of constr-,:ctin- s,,�ch 3-.,7,7,r o :- :ins to thr- of frei,-,4".t V--at -,,,Ould be delivered over the sar.c. to tl-�C- c.-'Y. How3ver, his cornn-n.- --ou",-' build the s-our at the c-ftly's e,--nense and tu& cost V-ererof to the Cit-; at t'np- rate of .2.00 rer car. Follow-in,- Ls- :'t r•oved 'b,- Ti-Liste,�? seconded '11-- Trustee :finder, that. the City U to clot—n rozyn the 2acilfic nn esti---te of t7-10 aost 3f 3onst-r-,ct1n- s--id trac'21-1.. Ca-rie!'. 7he "it;- Cle--k a-fIvIseCk that o7.%-in- to tHe be shed to :t r:ove--' '�-r Trustee "I-rl-, Ile --nstr-,7,ctsII to obtain -ricer o:- :-o-;.th of the library, It -,,.--is very the 1 brUr13Y. tc re-ch —je seconder Ity "Irustee 3-i lob; , t713t installation or tl�e s,lre. G zenon�'Ioa t'!7a't the n3ctln- until 0f- .,'.'C`_ ' — -c of 11:00 O'clocl: "- (.3 r rc--'dort, 7oard of Trustees. L; IM Idt