1923 NOV 06 CC MIN- - - In '._',T. a, . M -'er,"Mid.o, California. Xovenb ^r 6th 1 °?3 f • r.,ngSto�S of `..1^,e Ci` cf •=1 X. °arm f tIn I _.V,_L _. iJL• _.wJ�_._,� �..- ..�.._. .:1I':der, _..;:'van ^r4 _,,.L.3C �• ...�__.,.�.... Cr tl1e _ _ �....r' @ t--_ CrC rL�.i;,• c2 Or a ?::;s.._,._. 'JC'::_' -t-^f 1 :-:07 -_ 'iv" Ste:, _in]-- -r, _On'_eC _'r:C`. ^C t� A t. ?3_,e r_E - be U! rove - _ -s re .�. O rrie JMlla," °-_ -area C'1_ _ :� the read�Il; or the :"mutes c nldl tool: ^_.. S2`' -t, %: 0' oloC,y • ..• 31 ire ^ ,;c " ^Neu re�"1 ^r _ _ ':c 1 or _ e frzl C1­1 of c.- .•1 -�r. r ^� - rc� ..T�r, ..,-.arc .- ._ _.. ..,. .. �V'�.�i.. .._.v. v_ V..__SiO'_: '.1vi__ _.JVeE -, _.� _ E _ JCC:� _Or^ 3h CC:ri+ie: .��iy�y.�. ..U....._..1� _liti� lei_. J• f:._10 r '_'E'" -- a15'i•;c.," on -. S .1 C ^tcd . -_ r3" :._mot__ _ t�_._ __S C!"- tC .E Out • -- ..CtC� 1_, _..J._ - _ _5:. - f t .:t _ e " C: ^, o�. " _ in `�_ _ _J .... __✓ _ _ _t�C' _ . t`:: t to ...:t, Cr t, _ Cf of .-' .0, De 1'_:Struct.3r' t0 Ctt rd _. `�.CC `._ 1 - _:;Soclat; or to -a :e, - at • �i:'_.E; S T'-- r, _ ,"_t 02: JatllrCa o.. J f 10th, 15...;, _t 10:0"' o' �l c]_ C-rr�e b; the follc, vote: i�eS� �rti3tsE'S �1'��er, _..:'�er, .;`^.liar '= ?7�. Dry SOTl• -- ttE Cf 1 iS3 Cf t':°_ T__ ,..• .• �': ... =, rc ;estir "Oer`-"_i- ;i0:: t0 ti- _ nl '." i1ates -nd Cam." -`:3, ue-sda', i•Ov...Jer l..'tr, y0";i• Loved -DST '. -ustee r, 3eco ==ueC `trustee Dinder, that this be —ante,;, ;rovided s "ach "niter fe t r � fr�t�r l �7 r t� n + n c Gi C .0` v_ . re 7 '1 . ll ' S C_ t: c+ _ i asi'_7;, the uj �V i�:ll ri iltOriaw :.ii:..:rOVid6C: _ur ..er .'_':.,, :e vf cc _.:13'.^:'?":i6u b, t'.,e 'aorro:rers for. 0" ;re _ e t'.!:1 l_ti ccci. r• tl._. Cf ti• v • �effr J:., re'i 6 t1. the I' ro ^v c^ i1t of Street:. -n-" Ccrtrl -c t: tG „ t7-ie c03t C Ci" 1,._"r' '"e'_':tc fc'1o'.:5: :ue - mac' _ _v .c _ �r -'. .e ,�:5'! .03 _'a1n: t,,%'__12e - - Cray A 1s -'_T'-- ;e '3 --el(' "treet • • • • �.D: •laJ Lo_._.. . _st- .;tree.. v0 1S:e 4VS•60 -.ov _. �_�a3tee :.~iie;l, se c__.. _ b;T r Este ::ae =r, t?� tna great -uj, r'_ =:- i- o A i .V 1,e i r r: - tn� r, tr,. 1_ o im1-,r Jam. - ^. u Ii Jt _a ..l -E u _ :ZCi 1 s aC �Cv. t0 _ _ 0'T �wlW rir cJ: e rOT ✓'_v °_ tU 1. 1 01 :itrcOt o,nQ ine -ivenl e from 4-c-1 jrp-us 1rive t0 I�enn ;trC ­ in -"et ti ona of a, • _]. - leffran Me. this date• '-::e to trtr votes "bc. _ .s f011o',:3: _- <, ._e:. ^ove_ ,� `rurtee _1_. tar, seconde- c� '--r- uJtee _ ue- r, Uhn the be .S, it - „ear. that ca- Ln reside -ts a.z _,ropert, o::--qers o- the CiA`_ of L2 ..e_,.n_`i c ar;. t0 rc-, cert ^iri r:o'_7e,s in the sum of V1181.31 into the Treasury of the City of Ll ae�;ando and into the General Tund thereof, for the purpose of causins: certain street improvements within said City to be rnade, and � said s-,;-- has been deposited with the City Clerk or said City with instructions to -oay the same into said General hind upon the adoption of the follo ir.;: I t..30�. :;: mat the Street .::u_reri tendent be nrl Uz is rereby authorized and instructed to cruse the follor.in_ streets to be improved the construction t? erein of t"_^_e follo jmimprovement, to -::it: n rock and oil innro ement, s- Imilar in c'.=rctor to that constructed in -2alm =_v nl:e from :. ".ai n to ::aca 1;;-ptus 1'rive: ' ine -verue- jac:1„-_)tus give to_ sera: itreet, alm Lvenue- -- C-- l;,-ptus Drive to : fleldor :;treat, :Io - ista Streety Grand Avenue to _ine _:venue, provided ho, ::ever that such ::ork shall be -..rosecuted rr'nen practic- -1 in the discretion of the Street :.u- erh: ten?eY t and the City n.ineer of the Cites: of --d 3e� undo." Carried by the voce: astaes 3inaer, t•.c er, :Mile;; an 3ryson• ::oes: hone. Absent: Trustee Gero•;r. CF ..I V 1.• • 1 1....J1.i • ine City "'orne; reported that he and the City Engineer and the City Clerk had, com-oleted their preliminary survey of the ordinances of the City and he obtained t ^e views o' the Board of Trustees with res:.ect to ame,':dments to certr.in ordinances ,a_ t'le o*nission of ordinances wished omitted from the book of ordinances to be r,.i e d • die �n *veer reportea that the City's transit recently* aam. ea h -s been reraired and is reLdy for delivery, that the cost of such repairs amounted to X200.00, X130.00 of Nrhich had been paid by 3. i:. Idwa -rds, leaving a balance due of "70.00. '.:.'oved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Smile, *, that the City Clem-, be and he is hereby authorized to receive the city's transit and to pay the N 10.00 balance due on the cost of the repairs ,.hich were rude upon the same. Carried by the folio in; vote: ,{es: Trustees 3inder, _iueger, :�-iley and 3ryson. Iona. "bsent: = rustee Geror. :e Cit;,r :.ars+rlsl re:_t.ested information as to 7•'-cther or not the Coard of '2 rust•ees desire:. to Bass on o.pplicaio-- s for licenses to . sell _fire arms, or whether . e o .1d be considered the licensing autaority ir. sach rrratters. D1SCaSSiOn indicated -at `i 'o .++u desired to retain the 1lcensln,3 pO;rers an :! to revi @:'i a2plic .tions `c.r sr -ch nera-i t . 'ale - ars..-,1 then advised that he had issued a license to Daniel- ' -� ''ar e *^� n of 3eCti0Y_ Of t ya -,a,d� ti-hlch 17es the _._ar d;. -r moo... i ^ie;, he Sew„ ,it'hc—r! to issue licenses t: Certain ,ersons to Carr' Concealed fire arms, fc-..L —i :?'.i Cr Tit 7no-red by ^ rustee binder, seconded by Trustee i.ue; -er, that the cticn of the City i:arshal in issuir.-• a license to sell fire arms to t+r_e Daniel- -•--- _ r :.. re Co^, -)a by be '. i the s -~"e is hereby ratified and approved. Carried. Trustee ue_ er drew at tentiOL o le f.- ct that building con r- L. are Caren - )0'.;. :1� ^i ? =_ re"'d l_?'_.terns oii Construct,io? materials placed In the rlibllC streets Trine bailuin;s are tinder construction and asked if neglect in this -"er co41� riot be rc!nedied. The nars'.r.:l advised that efforts are be,-n. =.de :._O ice' e, the City 'ttorney n :in_ -note of the matter and aL-reein to :.dC-vCOr t0 arr«n3c for an Ordina nce to cover the situ do e Z T T The Fire Chief drew attention to the fact that in Fire District loo. 1 bonfires are frequently started in the evenin: wnd he reco=,.ended that an ordinance be -trissed �roh_°.bitin: bonfires in Fire District =1o. 1 after s',:ndovrn. The City Attorney agreed to t^ke care of this matter likewise throu:,h an ordnance. � .":roved by Trustee 3ueger, seconded by Trustee S'=iley, t%a- t the CitY Clerk be ar.i he is rernby authorized and instructed to advertise £or bids for a new water ell to be drillel at the reservoir site at a point to b deter :i' e by the �oar3 of .- i-a stees and aC'ordill to spe^.ifiC .tions to be prepcared he ri`" _—Z:-ireer. Carried by the £ollo-rrin vote: "yes: Trustees 3inder, ae,er, ;:mmiley and Bryson. Noes: hone. .absent: Trustee Terow. trustee amiley reported ha-vin.- attended a meetinz of the -Finance Comittee of the Cit-.- Council of the City of Los :'_n -eles respectin- th'. leasing of certain of s.!-Id C- tar's "' oerion rronerty to Titus _lexander for pleasure resort rur_coses and that -aas accon--- Ued bar the City Ens iiieer and the City ttCrney, each of vir on addressed said Co=Littee. id Com -i ttee was also addressed b,-- judge Clark -nd -_r. :.O :mnn an,' at the rclasio :: of the meeting the natter, ,. s held ::nder advisoment. r , 7r_e ao�lo�rin� uena:idS, harir.;; had the apprGV :mil of the CO'rm:.ttee on _ i'_lc.'_:Ce :eOOr.a�.S, .::r- 1'6a&: _ : '1:.::11 ., o �.. :� �• n„ Cr,.._1e %o Try ';:ate • ';:ores Band Fl nd ^ r_ ."vL) Gar. U'x i'9Z.20 ,1691.04 - .7c.ter .Forks zund Cri!^es- tit- _ssforth 3ta ioner�' Co. 2S.C4 1 7 ••tar G LOS a::J;E eS �_i10er .��.- a._.�. Co. 1 .Ja:i .Hersey _:auufaeturinZ- Co. 290.5 orce 1.50 ". "Utc''er Co. 37.96 Lellerbach _.: per Crmpany. 25.93 X396.31 -T ,�� ,,, Co. 7 , C n ��.v LOS l'.J') tar: :;a_ra ::. 7T -rlan x.95 : Lldred Leach 5.10 �,. Carlisle Co. 12.49 =4cific Tel. c. 'Tel. Co. 40.45 I.enderso_:.. :otorc., cle lad °' .70 .i^2erican - .1.Oii @r .._f - -. Co. 27� .�!C Seri cat; -L�; r� :-:ce Fire ai,�ine Company 12.20 Larold L. LLIe 35.00 C -ity o r -1 3eL;undc, 7.' --ter Den rt~^ent 34.25 Union 3o cn o=-oagv -5.15 C. .:. PlC l .1.90 n 1 .; ,1nd 23.59 :a �;ezxmdo .Tar__ " .Y �ro,m- -evis Comnarw, Inc. 2.30 n ^^ yaC'i :..•l'ati - -Oved by -,rZ,stee 3incder, seccrided by __ .:otev ;, iley, that the demands be and ar^ : `s ., on the res_ective I :nds for the saw.e. Carried by the � -n r� :c .Lies: ..00s: ..One . gab er.t • _rastt:e Coro,.-; :owed b ;� Tr -ztee e e r secs by 2rustec :,vile;; , that t?ze 0 ._ c��'2A : s 0' -' CG7er':1;; i t' :'e amity ._=_-'.11 be lon—ned to - '.''..cific. ='G st -•G. 33 .a"!eric_ :7 _e1iO2; _ : c.• c' i.r�S 1L 1«'.G OT' t' t °_ or Cf t he V_tj 7:- 11 - rG1 VC'ril'n. Carried. ;,1_. t� `7_. . _ ' ;v Gf Or,. _rG trec bJ t...e , -- O_��' rl SUS; __ _ . ' o s:;oul ,rev__' accid -er`c are li -.-,le t occ r o-;;ii;_ to t�t 17-t- itreet -u-7erin- 1:oved '_-y -' rastec- auel'--r, by -Ir-astec h tendont br- -,11,7 is z­` rin." to cicrn the cit:,Is lot :;t of the Amc;ri cc­, a �_ion _U! 1---* fE:-,I� 7 j tI S�Tn nr_-­ _:rat or7.- to r 1,2;;_' th P, f o 11 o7.- i n:- - Tote .&Ye 'i rustees 73inder, and _�ryacr. oe S: .,One. �.)se-rt: -rustee ro by dr, sent) w-_. 'c r2rusee t a t l 7 'in -err-.1 ., � - ..I- -* %� on t`- & !,c --r, teC :A on to asp LI J c7 err. -)c-r Z;',)t!7 , 1✓2-', t--at tr cm: st c­ r- rE_r ".%l c-7-ar.1-C of a.. 75 be made tlier�'.cr. Carried. :."over Q-ccon,,'---' trustee that the fl"ollo-,-.1_111 le adopted: - LMU C) a C, , ­a, 71-iat a f-zzif to 'te -s the 11*,'.E.ter '�,orlc.,S .7- "1 1 a n d I'— sa7r- is ':er­= cr"aled for the use -of the -_Imici-pal ter Irle-part!!ient, tc nh shall be -,\-.id al' -one--s co'lz-c'el b-r snid- _--e,-,artr�nt and o,.zt of -;Lliic�-j !ill w.:arrants coverin_ c!�,aru,ez- for the, of 7 r -I-­ and L.L be r t z to .111,._ Is 'ron. lcrcto'_^re -ale are ra ti f fed 2,nd an'd! _- -1 - - - - - '-- ­ "') ' I u ; U - -a,. th_� City Clerk an the City 7reas-:r.rr f th'n it -' 3-1, -1 e_u nfto be are 'er.-_' aU l- -ori.-:ed instructed :-J sr. 11 ate-. - -- a -7 :7ecc3s-rry to tr<_nsfer from the e, r E 7. F --do to s" Fun,: the sun of V,'5000.00 of _�l fog- t'-e uses here lnbbfo-.e,.ment 1 oned 11_rrieu by the, -follo,.-.*irE; vote: Aye s. Trustees 3-inderg _-Iue.--er, an-' 3r-. , s or. :toes: ::one. . 023 Trustee .;erow. --ovE:d by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Rue ,er, th-t illiwr C. 3,rys.on , - 0 - . r, be and he is 'iereby granted ner"Assion to uss the Cit-- ­1.11 auditorium on 7=sd_-y, :-.o7enber _99th, 19236 Carried. .o flztlher business al)-fearin.- to be tr_-a-.s-__cted at this meetin,-I, it waz 'r u J. - 7r.eetinin- aliourn. r=cd b� I-rustee Srdey, seconded by 2r�_stec that the les-)ectf'all-,r submitted, ;;pro -red: City ale uu 104 .�:resl -ent, of Trustee. 1421 t'ne ar_ic-ant or travel `,).-7 rrustee there inder 9 is upon s-N roaaway, it i-_Ls no-ed %7 7rustee .7ue-_r, nerinterclent invest,.- te tlh �m:lt t�ie :treet ­; ie u ttrr :r:. tC. Carried. t-e moo =ru 0-0 :r-us`e­z res­nc' to the necec :-.nr,: =ro-e- t�t 17-t- itreet -u-7erin- 1:oved '_-y -' rastec- auel'--r, by -Ir-astec h tendont br- -,11,7 is z­` rin." to cicrn the cit:,Is lot :;t of the Amc;ri cc­, a �_ion _U! 1---* fE:-,I� 7 j tI S�Tn nr_-­ _:rat or7.- to r 1,2;;_' th P, f o 11 o7.- i n:- - Tote .&Ye 'i rustees 73inder, and _�ryacr. oe S: .,One. �.)se-rt: -rustee ro by dr, sent) w-_. 'c r2rusee t a t l 7 'in -err-.1 ., � - ..I- -* %� on t`- & !,c --r, teC :A on to asp LI J c7 err. -)c-r Z;',)t!7 , 1✓2-', t--at tr cm: st c­ r- rE_r ".%l c-7-ar.1-C of a.. 75 be made tlier�'.cr. Carried. :."over Q-ccon,,'---' trustee that the fl"ollo-,-.1_111 le adopted: - LMU C) a C, , ­a, 71-iat a f-zzif to 'te -s the 11*,'.E.ter '�,orlc.,S .7- "1 1 a n d I'— sa7r- is ':er­= cr"aled for the use -of the -_Imici-pal ter Irle-part!!ient, tc nh shall be -,\-.id al' -one--s co'lz-c'el b-r snid- _--e,-,artr�nt and o,.zt of -;Lliic�-j !ill w.:arrants coverin_ c!�,aru,ez- for the, of 7 r -I-­ and L.L be r t z to .111,._ Is 'ron. lcrcto'_^re -ale are ra ti f fed 2,nd an'd! _- -1 - - - - - '-- ­ "') ' I u ; U - -a,. th_� City Clerk an the City 7reas-:r.rr f th'n it -' 3-1, -1 e_u nfto be are 'er.-_' aU l- -ori.-:ed instructed :-J sr. 11 ate-. - -- a -7 :7ecc3s-rry to tr<_nsfer from the e, r E 7. F --do to s" Fun,: the sun of V,'5000.00 of _�l fog- t'-e uses here lnbbfo-.e,.ment 1 oned 11_rrieu by the, -follo,.-.*irE; vote: Aye s. Trustees 3-inderg _-Iue.--er, an-' 3r-. , s or. :toes: ::one. . 023 Trustee .;erow. --ovE:d by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Rue ,er, th-t illiwr C. 3,rys.on , - 0 - . r, be and he is 'iereby granted ner"Assion to uss the Cit-- ­1.11 auditorium on 7=sd_-y, :-.o7enber _99th, 19236 Carried. .o flztlher business al)-fearin.- to be tr_-a-.s-__cted at this meetin,-I, it waz 'r u J. - 7r.eetinin- aliourn. r=cd b� I-rustee Srdey, seconded by 2r�_stec that the les-)ectf'all-,r submitted, ;;pro -red: City ale uu 104 .�:resl -ent, of Trustee.