1923 MAY 29 CC MINM6
El Segundo, Cal. May 29, 1923.
A regular meeting of the board of Trustees of the City of
El Segundo, California, was called to order at 7:30 o' clock P. Iv:.
on the above date in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said
City by r:`illiam C. Bryson, - 2resident of the Board.
ROLL -_::LL.
Trustees :resent: Davis, Rueger• end Bryson.
Trustees Absent: Binder and Smiley.
The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 22nd day of
L-ay, 1923 were read. No errors or omissions being noted, it was
moved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Davis, that they be
approved as read. Carried.
The receiving of bids for the furnishing of all labor and
materials for the erection of a one story brick municipal office
building in E1 Segundo, California, having heretofore been made
P special order of business for. 8:00 o'clock P. Py% 'at this meeting,
the o
- resident, at this point announced that the hour of 7:59 o'clock
I.1. had arrived and asked if any person or persons pres. ent desired
to file bids for said work.
- The hour of 8_:00 o'clock P. MI. having arrived and all bids
being in, the-President announced that x= bids for the erection of
a one story brick municipal office building in E1 Segundo, California,
were closed. It was then moved by Trustee Davis, seconded by
,Trustee Rueger, that the Board proceed to open and publicly de-
clare all bids received for furnishing all labor and materials
.for the erection of a one stox� brick municipal office building
in E1 Segundo, Caiifornia:arr`��d'Bids received for said work were
determined bKr said Board to be as follows, to -wit:
Bid of S. J. Wilson as follows, to -wit:
"Board of Trustees,
City of E1 Segundo, Cal.
I propose to furnish all labor and
materials for the erection of the new municipal
building, El Segundo, Cal. according to the
plans and spe cif'_nr tions prepared by Homer W.
Glidden, Architect, for the total sum of Nine
Thousand One Hundred Dollars 09100.00).
Enclosed find Cashiers Check on the
First National Bank of Redondo in amount of
0455.00) Four Hundred Fifty Five Dollars.
Yours truly,
It was then moved by Trustee Rueger, seconded'by Trustee Davis,
that said bid. be taken under advisement until the meeting of the
'•oard of Trustees to be held Jur_e 5th, 1923. Carried.
The minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held on the 25th
day of iyiay, 1923 were read without error or omission being noted,
and were approved upon motion of Trustee Davis, seconded by
Trustee pueger, which carried.
The following communications were read and disposed of as indicated:
STANDARD OIL COh _ANY OF CE�LIFORNIA, requesting permission to ex-
cavate in Rosecrans Avenue near and to the North of the intersection
of Rosecrans Avenue and Arizona Drive for the purpose of laying a 10"
oil pipe line. Moved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Davis,
that this permission be granted with the proviso that the work be
prosecuted and completed to the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent
of the City of El Segundo.. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes: Trustees Davis, Rueger and Bryson.
Noes: None.
Absent: Trustees Binder and Smiley.
STANDA D OIL COP,IPAIdY OF CALIFORNIA, requesting permission to install
and maintain three 500 gallon storage tanks under the sidewalk flush
with the curb at 232 iv:ain Street, El Segundo; also to cut the curb and
construct concrete driveways at said location. Moved by Trustee Rueger,
seconded by Trustee Davis, that this permission be granted, providing
said work is completed to the satisfaction of the Street Superintendent
of the City of E1 Segundo. Carried.
i,ANHATTAN BEACH CHAMBER OF COHY.ERCE, requesting the Board to pass
a resolution disfavoring an advertisement which appeared in the Los
Angeles Times of i ;iay 15th, 1923, and which was sponsored by the Hermosa
Beach Chamber of Commerce. Ordered filed.
THOS. BAIRD, Chief Engineer, �i'resno Fire Department, thanking the
Board for permitting the American- LaFrance Fire Engine Company to take
over end deliver to the Fresno Fire Department'% double eighty gallon
chemical fire engine formerly owned by this City. Ordered filed.
V;0161A 'S CIVIC ILTROVE11ENT CLUB, thanking the Board of Trustees for
its cooperation with said Club during the past year and requesting
permission to use the City Hall as a meeting place Wednesday afternoons,
beginning September, 1923. Moved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by
Trustee Davis that this permission be granted, no charge to be mede for
such use. Carried.
ItINE & INDUSTRIAL EQUIPnTENT COMPANY, advising that said company is
closing out its stock of new valves and fittings and furnishing a list
of same which are available for immediate shipment at prices 15 to 25%
below present market prices. Ordered filed.
Trustee Davis of the Public Safety Committee reported that the fire
hose had been removed from the hose reel which was formerly housed in
a small sheep on the alley in Block 47 of the City of E1 Segundo and
had been placed on the fire engine being used pending the arrival of
the city's new fire engine, and that said shed had been removed to the
corporation yard for the purpose of storing the old reel.and the old
trailer; also that the '_merican- La?rance Fire Engine Company has
furnished the city with two fire engines for temporary use.
Trustee Rueger of the p=ublic :'.ores Committee advised that the
Street Department is in need of hose for street work. It was moved
bar Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Rueger, that the City Clerk be
P he is hereby instructed to secure prices on 11" single jacket
hose. Carried.
The Clerk reported that rursuant to the Board's request he had
obtained prices on a ner; Ford one ton Chassis with starter and Ruckstell
Axle, which said prices, tog3ther rith allowance on old c iassis, vrere
^s follows:
Jefferies & IVSeek, Redondo Beach
- Geo. L. ,tiles, Inc. Hermose. Beach
El Segundo Garage
Geo . Iv:. Sutton, Inglewood
Net Pr4ce X433.20
it It 498.20
It it 498.20
it it 568, tt0
It appearing from reports prev'ously made to the Board of Trustees
bj- the Street Superintendent that the Ford truck used for the collection
of garbage and for haulin^, road building materials is rapidly
deterioratin_- and bac_l,z need of repQ.ir, and that attempts to keep
said truck in active service will entail useless expense and waste
of municipal funds, it aas moved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by
Trustee Davis, that the follcxing resolution be adopted:
information he.s just been received by the
Board of Trustees of the City of El Segundo, California,
t:lat the municipal dump truck is not in good repair
and that its're,:ioval from service for the purpose of
making such repairs ,rill create a condition detri-
mental to the health of the community by reason of
the City's inability to pro?,--tly collect garbage, and
1=11 t.S, this condition is a serious menace to the -�l =:c _1eclt': .�.nd
safety of said city, and
� -_S, such condition creates an emergency which
must be overcome immediately,
N0: T :� EFORL, BE IT P.LSOLZED, that in order to meet
said emer7enc7 and provide immediate protection for
persOnS and '_. "oper'y' .':ithin said city, that the laity
cf E1 Se7unc'o lease from Jefferies & !.:eek of Redondo
Beach, California, one 1 ton Ford Truck chassis with
starter and Ruckstell Axle, upon the terms set forth
in a lease contract to be prepared by the City attorney
of the City of El Segundo, and
3E, IT FURTHER that the :'resident of
of Trustees execute said lease and that the
Clerk attest the same, all on behalf of said
Carried by the following. vote:
Ayes: Trustees Davis, Rueger and Bryson.
Does: None.
Absent: Trustees Binder and Smiley.
Tio nemands presented.
1TE`. 3U3I'1ZSS.
the Board
L'Ioved by _weger, seconded by Trustee Davis, that 'the
City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to purchase four gasoline
coupor_ books for use of the Street Department. Carried by the
follcwin7 vote:
Ayes: Trustees Davis, Rueger and Bryson.
Noes: None.
Absent: Trustees Birder and Smiley.
E 39
Trustee Bryson inquired as to the advisability of i nmediately
installin a number of fire hydrants similar to those to be in-
stalled when the municipal water works system is Qompleted. It
appearing from the discussion_ which follow- -d that the advice of
Olmstead & Gillelen should be taken in this matter, it was moved
by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Rueger, that the City Clerk
be instructed to communicate with Olmstead & Gillelen, asking their
advice as to the early installation of fire hydrants after the city
acquires the water works system. Carried.
No further business appearing to be transacted at this session,
it was. moved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Rueger, that the
meetinn ac�ourn until Friday, the 1st day of June, 1923 at the hour
Of 11:00 0 clock A. T.:. Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
i - --ove d :
-2 eel 1 13 '+ d� R'r e
_r��'den�, .�o=�i of _ ust.,es.