1923 MAY 22 CC MINE1 Segundo., Cal. I,.-ay 22nd, 1923. A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo, California, was called to order at 7:30 o'clock :. I:. on the above date in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City by William C. Bryson, President of the Board. ROLL CALL. Trustees Present: Davis,.Rueger, Smiley and Bryson. Trustees Absent: Binder. READING OF I:':INU?'ES OF PREVIOUS MEETING. The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 15th day of r, "ay, 1923 were read. No errors or' omissions appearing, it was moved by Trustee Smiley; seconded by Trustee Davis, that they be approved as read. Carried. Trustee Binder appeared during the reading of the minutes and took his seat, the hour being 7:40 o'clock P. M. Discussion arose as to the compensation of the Magistrate who will substitute for Recorder Fugitt while he is on his vacation, for which leave of absence without pay was granted him at the last regular meeting of the Board. It appearing that Recorder Fugitt will be required-per- sonally to compensate his substitute, it was moved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Rueger, that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the action of this Board of Trustees heretofore taken with respect to a leave of absence for Don C. Fugitt, Recorder, for the period of two weeks, beginning June 18th, 1923, without compen8ation, as recorded in the Records of said Board at Page E -14, be and the same is- hereby rescinded and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Don C. Fugitt, Recorder, be granted two weeks leave of absence beginning June 18th, 1923, with his usual compensation, with the understanding that he will personally compensate his substitute -for such services as said substitute may render as Recorder of the City of E1 Segundo during •Recorder*Fugitt's absence. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Davis; Raeger, Smiley and Bryson. Noes: None. Absent: 'None. RITTEN' COMIFUNICAT IONS. The following communications were read and disposed of as indicated: C. C. EVANS, requesting an estimate of the cost of improving the alley in Block 18 of the City of E1 Segundo. Moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Rueger, that the City Engineer be and he is hereby instructed to estimate the cost of improving said alley and to supply such information to the City Clerk, and the City Clerk is hereby authorized to advise Mr. Evans the amount of such estimate and to prepare a petition for the improvement, showing thereon the amounts required of each lot owner. Carried. H. K. FRANCIS and others, requesting the improvement of Collingwood Street, from Bonita Vista Avenue to the Westerly City Limitsp under one of the street improvement acts of the State of California. Moved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that action on this matter bu deferred one week to provide time to look into the matter of improving said street from the 4esterly City Limits to Main Street. Carried. 01 Z214' Bid of Keystone Iron and Steel Works in regular form as follows: " (11.) For furnishing f.o.b. El Segundo, !California 15- Fire Hydrants for 6" connection to main with 1 -4'i steamer nozzle and 1 -22" Hose Nozzle. (Specification to be furnished by Bidder.'] • 15 Fire Hyds. fb r 21 ft: bury @ $63.00 each Total $945,00 (ll.a) 15 " it " 1� " " @ •63.00 " Total 945.00 (ll.b) 15 ►► ►► ►► 32 n ff @ 67.50 " Total 1012,50 (12.) For furnishing f.o.b. El Segundo, California, 10- Fire Hydrants for 4" connection to main with 1 -4" steamer nozzle and 1 -221" Hose Nozzle. (Specification to be furnished by Bidder.) 10 Fire Hyds. for 21 ft. bury @ $63.00 ea. Total (12.a) ►► ft It t► 11 ►► it @ 63.00 ea. " ( 12.b) ►► ►► ►► ►► 32 ►► ►► @ 67.50 ea. " (13.) For furnishing f.o.b. El Segundo, California- 45- Fire Hydrants for 4" connection to main with 2 -22►' Hose _Nozzles. (Specifications to be furnished by bidder) 45 Fire Hyds. for 21 ft. bury @ 42.75 ea-. To-tal (13'.e.) 45 " it ►► 11 " ft @ 42.75 ea. It (13 . b) ►► ►► it n 3 2 It f► @ 47.25 ea. It Keystone Iron & Steel Clork ., By E. S. Hastings, 3601 Santa Fe Avenues. Dated at Los Angeles, California, Lay 21, 1923. Date of Delivery, Fire Hydrants, any 7*0,• forty -five days after receipt of order. Keystone Iron & Steel V'orks, By E. S. Hastings." $630.00 630.00 675.00 $1923.75 1923.75 2126.25 Said bid was accompanied by specifications and a blue print, of the fire hydrants the bidder proposes to furnish, together with Certified Check No. 251 -P, drawn on the Citizens National Bank of Los Angeles, payable to the City of E1 Segundo in the sum of $5390.00. Bid of'Shinn= Holtz- Lyor_'Co. in regular form as follows: "(6) For furnishing f.o.b; E1"Segundo, California, 20 -2" I.B.B.T,ri. Screw Gate Valves as specified; 20 @ $5.16 each Total 8103.60 (7.) Por furnishing f.b.b. El Segixndo, California, 30 -4" I.B.B.Pli. Nub End Gate ]Valves as specified.; 30 @ '$10.10 each Total X363.00• (8.) For fu-- nishing f.o.b. *El Segundo, California, 20 -6" I.B.B.Y. Hub End Gate Valves as specified; 20 Z ;17.25 each Total 1_P'345.00 (9) For furnishing f.o.b. E1 Segundo, Call.forn:ia, Total x'342.72 (10•) For 1�1�r'i.`i ��1,._.- _•'•:.. _. _! J °�� °,:�,Q ��r'.�i.I :i�.,� -`(.ti Valves as "Ied: Shinn -Holtz -Lyon Co., 2130 East Seventh St., Los I= ngeles, Calif. H. H. Skewes. s 22 Dated at Los Angeles, California, Ivlay 22, 1923. Stipulations: We are quoting on Gate Valves manufactured by ';alworth i,:fg. Co., and are suitable for 175 lb. working pressure. Valves are tested at mill at 300 ibs. test pressure. Date of Delivery, Gate Valves, Six to eight weeks." Said bid was accompanied.by a Bidder's Bond in the su:m of „125.00 with the Slobe Indemnity Company as surety. Bid` of CRANE CO. in regular form as follows: "(6.) For furnishing f.o.b. E1 Segundo, California, 20 -2" I.�.B.h:. Screw Gate Valves as specified; 2D Z, $5.63 each Total $112'.60 (7.) For furnishing f.o.b. E1 Segundo, Celifornia, 30 -4" I.'?.B,.I,. Hub End Gate Valves as specified; 30 @ 110.64 eac:1 Total 1319,20 (8.) For furnishing f.o.b. E1 Segundo, California', 20 -6" I.B.B.Y. Hub End Gate Valves as specified; 20 @ $18.20 each Total 1364.00 (9.) For furnishing f.o.b. E1 Segundo, California, 12 -8" I.3.B.Y.. Hub End Gate Valves as specified; 12 @ X30.20 each Total X362.40 (10.) For furnishing f.o.b. E1 Segundo, California, 3 -10" I.B.B.Y. Hub End Gate Valves as specified; 3 X50.40 each Total $151.20 (11.) For furnishiniz i.o.b. E1 Segundo, California 15- Fire Hydrants for 6W connection to main with 1 -42" steamer nozzle and 1 -221" hose nozzle. (Specification to be furnished by Bidder.) 15 Fire Hyds. for 21 ft. bury @ 53.75 ea. Total $806.25 (11 a) " " " " 1i ft. " @ 51.00 ea. Total 765.00 �� " e� n Y " � 57.35 e F Total (ll.b) 32 ft. .. Tg....l 8��0.25 (12) For furnishing f.o.b. rl Ee7unao. Cal= _°ornia, m 10- Fcr'� connection to main with 1 -42" steaer nozzley and 1 -22" Hose Nozzle. (Specification to 'be furnished by Bidaer.1 1C Fire Hyds. for 21 ft. bury @ 41.25 ea. Total X412.50 (12.a) " " " it 1! -'ft.' " @ 39.00 ea. Total 390.00 (12.b)." " " " 3i ft. Q 45.75 ea.-Total 457.50 (l,i) For furnishing f.o.b. E1 Segundo, California., 45 Fire n Hydrants for 4" conection'to main with 2 -22" Hose'Nozzles. ( Specifications to be furnished by Bidder.) 45 Fire Hydrants for 22 ft. bury 39.00 ea. Total 1755.00 (13,,a) " " It "' 11' ft. It @ 36.75 ea. Total 1553.75 - (13.b.) 3f ft. It @ 43.50 ea. - Total 1957.50° Dated at Los 1- ngreles, I:iay 2r-rd, 1923. CF`?ANE C012ANY, By G. S. Berry. California, � It : w -Stipulations-: Prices for prcr:_r. acceptance only. '_,ices quoted. are for Ec -lipse Fire Crane Gate Valves. Date of Delivery, Gate Valves, Complete delivery by Fire Hydrants, it " " Delivery probably 30 days sooner tl Hydrants and J July 15th, 1923. Aug. 1st, it aan indicated. CRANE CO., By D. S. Barry ". Al;;ernate Bid of Crane Company as follows: "City of E1 Segundo, E1 Segundo, C -lif. Gentlemen: We submit the following alternate bid on Fire Hydrants: Approx. Price Price Fgeijzht Each Fr-t. 15 California Fire hydrants with 6" Hub End Inlet, 1 -4;13" steamer nozzle and 1 -2z" hose nozzle, 21 f bury 445# Ditto - with 1�' bury It - 'with 32 bury 10 California Fire Hydrants with 4" Hub End Inlet, 1 -4z" steamer nozzle and 1 -22" hose nozzle, 2� ft. bury 345# Ditto - with 11 burg IV - with 3 2' bury 45 California Fire Hydrants with 4" Hub Lr_d Inlet, 2 -22" hose nozzles, 30" -bury . •315# Ditto - with 11'' bury " - 'with �2' bury 84.75 1271.25 82.00 1230.00 100.00 1500.00 60.60 606.00 59.00 590.00 64.95 649.50. 51.30 2308.50, 49.50 2227.50 55.50 2497.50 e submit also the following alternate bid on the 2" Screw.Gate Valves: 20 2" #440 Crane Brass Gate Valves 3.80 76.00. Said bid was accompan of the products proposed to Check No. 5662 drawn on the Los Angeles, parable to the Yours truly, C R AN'E CO., By G. S. Barry." ied by plans and specifications of certain be furnished,-together with Certified Farmers & P;ierchants National Bank of City of E1 Segundo in the sum of $400.00. Bid of MADSEN IROP: '+'�OHYS in regular form as follows: "(11.) For furnishing f.o.b. E1 Segundo, California, 15- Fire Hydrants for 6" connection-to main with 1 -4" steamer nozzle and 1 �N" hose nozzle. (Specification to be furnished by Bidder.) - 24S 15 Fire Hyds. for 21 ft. bury Q 62.00 ea. Total 930.00 (ll.a) " " " " �� ft. " @ 60.00 ea. Total 900.00 T (ll.b) " " " " 3� ft. " @ 64.50 ea. Total 967.50 (12.) For furnishing f.o.b, E1 Segundo, California, 10- fire hydrants for 4" connection to main with 1 -44" steamer nozzle and 1 -22 1'. Hose Nozzle. (Specification to be furnished by Bidder.) 10 Fire Hxds. for 21 ft. bury 51.50 ea. Total 515.00 (12,a) " " " 1y ft. " 50.00 ea. Total 500.00 (12.b) " " " . " 3i ft. it @ 53.00 ea. Total 530.00 (13.) For furnishing f.o.b. E1 Segundo, California., 45- Fire Hydrants for 4" connection to main with 2 -22" Hose Nozzles. (Specifications to be furnished by Bidder.) 45 Fire H�yds. for 2- ft. bury Co- 38.50 ea. Total $1732.50 '► " ' " - " 37.00 ea. Total 1665.00 ( 13.a) „ �� n �► 1� ft. �► (13.b) 32 ft. @ 40.00 ea. Total 1800.00 Yadsen Iron V,orks, II. Madsen 5529 Becket St., Huntington Park. Dated at Huntington park, California, L. -ay 22, 1923. Date of Delivery_, Fire Hydrants, Aug. 22 or 90 days from receipt of order." Said bid was acQompanied by blue prints of,the product proposed to be furnished, together with Certified Check No. 11828, drawn on the California Bank of Los Angeles, payable to the order of the Board of Trustees, City of E1 Segundo, in the sum of 1330.00. Bid of Cater Works Supply.Company in regular form as follows: "(6.) For furnishing f.o.b. E1 Segundo, California, 20 -2" - I.B.B.M. Screw Gate Valves as specified; 20 x55.75 each Total $115.00 (7.) For furnishing f.o.b. E1 Segundo, California, 30 -4" I.B.B.M. Hub End Gate Valves as specified; . 30 @ $11.75 each Total $352.50 (8.) For furnishing f.o.b. E1 Segundo, California, 20 -6" I.B.B.M. Hub End Gate Valves as specified; 20 $19.75 each Total ;4395.00 (9.) . For furnishing f.o.b. El Segundo, California, 12 -8" I.B.B.M. Hub End Gate Valves as specified; 12 @ $32.50 each Total $1390.00 (10.) For furnishing f.o.b. El Segundo, California, 3 -10" I.3.3.h. Hub End Gate Valves.as specified; 3 - 46.50 each Total $139.50 (11.) For furnishing f.o.b. El Segundo, California, 15 -Fire Hydrants for 6" connection to main 'With 1 -4" steamer nozzle and 1 -22" hose nozzle. (Specification to be furnished by Bidder.) 15 Fire Hyds. for 21 ft. bury 57.00 ea. Total 855.00 (11.a) " " It '► ill ft. " @ 54.90 ea. Total 823.50 (ll.b) " " it ft 31 ft. " @ 59.50 ea. Total 892.50 (12.) For furnishing f.o.b. El Segundo, California, 10:-Fire Hydrants, for 41' connection to main with 1 -4" steamer nozzle and 1 -2z" hose nozzle. (Specification to be furnished by Bidder.) 10 Fire Hyds. for 2� ft. burg ;Q' $57.00 ea. Total $ 570.00 (12.a) " " ' " 11 ft. " @ 54.90/ea. Total 549.00 (12.b) " " " " 32 ft. " @ 59.50 ea. Total 595.00 (13.) For furnishing f.o.b. El Segundo, California, 45 -Fire Hydrants for 4" connection to main with 2 -22" Hose Nozzles. (Specifications to be furnished by Bidder.) 45 Fire Hyds. for 22—� ft btry @ x"54.50 ea. Total $2452.50 (13.a) " " " " 11 ft. . " @ 52.35 ea. Total 2355.75 (13.b) " " " " 32 ft. " @ 56.90 ea. Total 2560.50 IV,= ,ORKS SUPPLY COMPANY By Frank L. Hilton Dated at Los Angeles, California May 22, 1923. Date of Delivery, Gate Valves, as desired from Los Angeles Stock. Fire Hydrants, Shipment from Troy, N. Y. in 60 Days. WATER WORKS SUPPLY COMPANY, By Frank L. Hilton. Said bid was accompanied by catalogue and blue prints, detailing the products proposed to be furnished, and by a Bidder's Bond in the sum of $575.00 with the National Surety Company of New York as surety. Bid of U. S. CAST IRON iIPE & 'FOUNDRY CO. in regular forr,_ -is follows: (1.) For furnishing alongside trench in the City of E1 Segundo, California, 2160 lin. feet 10" Class "B" Cast Iron Pipe as specified; 2160 lin. ft. @ $2.10 per ft. Total $4,536,00 (l,a) For furnishing alongside trench in the City of E1 Segundo, California, 2160 lin. ft. 10" Centrifugal Cast 'Ir"on Pipe as specified; 2160 lin. ft. @ $1.01 per ft. Total $4,125.60 (2,) For furnishing alongside trench in the City of El Segundo, California, 7440 lin. ft. 8" Class "B" Cast Iron Pipe as specified; 7440 lin. ft. @ X1,56 per ft. Total $11,606.40 (2.a) For furnishing alongside trench in the City of E1 Segundo, California, 7440 lin. ft. 8" Centrifugal Cast Iron Pipe as specified; 7440 lin. ft. @ $1.42 per ft. Total $10,564.80 (3.) For furnishing alongside trench in the City of E1 Segundo, California, 7560 lin. ft. 6" Class "B" Cast Iron Pipe as specified; 7560 lin. ft. @ $1.09 per ft. Total $8,240,40 (3.a) For furnishing alongside trench in the City of E1 Segundo, California, 7560 lin. ft. 6" Centrifugal Cast Iron : ipe as specified; 7560 lin. ft. ¢ 97.6 per ft. Total $7,378.56 &26 (4.) For furnishing alongside trench in the City of E1 Segundo, '27 California, 8400 lin. ft. 4" Class "B" Cast Iron pipe as specified;' J 84010 lin.' ft. L 75.6¢x• per ft. Total $6,350•.40 (4.8) Did not bid. (5.) For furnishing alongside trench in the City of E1 Segundo, California, 23,500 lbs. 6" and larger Cast Iron =ipe fittings as specified; 23,500# Cr- .06 cents per lb. Total $1,410.00 (5.a) For furnishing alongside trench in the City of E1 Segundo, California, 2500 pounds, 4 Cast Iron :wipe fittings as specified; 2500# C .062 cents per lb. Total $162.50 U. S. CAST IRON PIPE & FOUNDRY CO. By Frank L. Hilton. Dated at Los Angeles, California, May 22nd, 1923. Stipulations: The above prices for pipe and fittings are based on the proposed increase in ocean rates. This proposed rate effective under ocean Bills of Lading dating at Mobile or New Orleans after July 31st is x`8.00 per 2000#. The present effective ocean rate is $6.00 per 2000# and on any ocean Bills of Lading dating previous to July 31st, 1923, allowance will be made to the City of El Segundo for any lower rate; also, if after July 31st on ocean Bills of Lading datings we are able to make shipments at less than $8.00 ocean rate due allowance and credit will be given the City of E1 Segundo. All agreements are contingent upon strikes, acciderits or other causes beyond-our control. Any casting developing an inherent defect when placed in service will be replaced-f.o.b. agreed point of delivery. No claims for, damages allowed. All shipments are subject to delays beyond our control and prior sale of space. deLavaud: - During September and October. Date of Shipment from Foundry: ) 8" August- September Cast Iron ?ipe & Fittings -)10" September )•4" and 6 "•- October- November Above bid is based on Cast Iron Pipe in 12 ft. lengths. For pipe in 5 meter lengths deduct-the-following amounts per foot. 6 "` Sand Cast 1 cent per ft; all " it 2 cents per ft; 10" it it 2 cents per ft; U. S. CAST IROEI YIPE & FDY. CO. By Frank L. Hilton. Said bid'ras accompanied'by Bid Bond in the sum of $3300.00 with the National Surety Company as Surety. Bid of BYRON JACKSON UI, r P; FG. CO. In regular form as follows: "Said Bidder offers and proposes as follows: (1) For furnishing f.o.b. El Segundo, California, two duplicate t 2.e., I Z274 pumping units, each consisting of one centrifugal pump direct connected to an electric motor and mounted on a cast iron frame, complete and in accordance with the general specifications therefor, and alsoi conforming to the more detailed specifications submitted herewith and made a part hereof: 2- Units @ $607.75 each Total $1215.50 (2) ALTERNATIVE TO NO. 1. For furnishing f.o.b. E1 Segundo, California, two duplicate pumping units, each consisting of one centrifugal pump direct connected to an electric motor and mojmted on a cast iron frame complete and in accordance with the general specifications therebr, except that the motors shall be for use on 2200 volt, 3 phase, 50 cycle current, and also conforming to the more detailed specifications submitted herewith and made a part hereof; Can't get 2200 volt motors. (3) For furnishing competent mechanics to install pumping units, and as specified; Pechanics L $1.75 per hour. Yechanics Helpers•@ 1.15 per hour. BYRON, JACKSON PU1,TP 17G. CO. , By E. F. Lewis, h1gr. Datec Iviay 22, 1923, SCHEDULE OF PRICES - CITY OF EL SEGUI,TDO There are to be two pumping units, each to consist of the following 1 - 5 x 102 Byron Jackson-Type "S" bronze fitted, Centri- fugal Dump, with Cast Iron Yotor Base, Flexible Coupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$364.50 Second Unit Ditto /. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364.50 Freight and Cartage on pumps and motors 25.00 Anchor Bolts for Pumps . . . . . . . . 4.00 1 - 511, 30# pressure gauge and fittings 5.00 1 - 5" Combination Vacuum and Pressure . . . ... 10900 You may select any of the following motors for the above pumps, which re will mount and deliver in accordance with your specifications: 1 - 15 H.P., 40 degree, 4 pole, 440 volt, 50 cycle, 3-phase, Horizontal U. S. Electr- ical Tv;fg. Co., fitted with starting com- pensator, no voltage and overload relay. Freight - 600 lbs. each - Frame number 377 In stock - price each .226.80 1 - 15 H.P., 40 degree, 4 pole, 440 volt, 50 cycle, 3 phase, Horizontal r:estinghouse 1, otor, fitted with .starting compensator, no voltage and overload relay. Freight - 430 lbs., Frame number 371 -C In stock - Price . . . . . . . . . . . 221.25 1 - 15 H.P., 40 degree, 4 pole, 440 volt, 50 cycle, 3 phase, Horizontal General Electric, fitted with starting compensa- tor, no voltage and overload relay. Teight - 600 lbs., Frame number 753 Trice - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - 230.40 928 NOTE: Ve were unable to obtain prices on 2200 volt, 15 H.P., 4 pole i*otors; consequently cannot give you 4 price on your Alternate No. 1. For furnishing competent mechanics to install pumping units as specified, including traveling time to and from job; _ Mechanics - - $1.75 per hour Ylechanics' Helpers 1.15 per hour Characteristic Sheets of all motors bid are attached and made a part of our specifications. Curve Sheet on performance of Pumps is also attached. Delivery- Delivery will be made within three to four weeks from date of contract, F.O.S. E1 Segundo. BYRON JACKSON PM.'.P MFG. COIt:iANY Per E. F. Lewis, manager Bid was accompanied by specifications in detail covering apparatus quoted upon. Said bid was also accompanied by certified check on the Hellman Commercial Trust & Savings Bank payable to the City of E1 Segundo in amount of ti50.00. Bid of Pittsburg -Des Moines Steel Company in regular form as follows: "(1.) For furnishing, fabricating and erecting in the City of E1 Segundo, California, 1- 100,000 gallon Steel IVater Tank and Tower, together with all necessary appurtenances and in accordance with the General Specifications of the City of E1 Segundo therefor, and in conformity with the more detailed specifications submitted herewith and made a part hereof. $6640.00 Lump Sum. Date of Delivery Nlay 22, 1923.�t Excerpt from letter of Pittsburg -Des Moines Steel Company, dated at.San.Francisco, Cal., May 22, 1923. 11 e•have not provided.a.balcony and railing, but in place thereof a heavy stiffening angle at the belt line, which is-according to our usual practice for tanks of-this character. If a balaony is desired, add TV 0 HIJ DRED r INEY ($290.00) DOLLARS to price quoted. We will agree to complete this structure within five and one -half' months from receipt of order. PITTSBURGH -DES MOINES STEEL CO., Fred V,. Match, District Manager, 347 Rialto Bldg_., San Francisco, Cal." Said bid was accompanied by specifications of the apparatus proposed to be furnished and by certified check payable to the City of E1 :�egundo in the sum of X850.00. follows: Bid of Chicago Bridge .& .Iron t.'orks in regular form as "(1.) For furnishing, fabricating and erecting in the City of E1 Segundo, California, 1- 1000000 gallon Steel '.'rater Tank•and Tower together with all necessary appurtenances and in accordance with the General ti 'T. r Specifications of the City of El Segundo therefor, and in conformity with the more detailed specifica- tions submitted herewith and made a part hereof. $6800.00 Lump Sum. Chicago Bridge & Iron Works, San Francisco, Cal. Date of .Delivery, December 1, 1923." Said bid was accompanied by a sketch of the apparatus proposed to be furnished and certified check drawn on the Anglo & London Paris National Bank payable to the City of E1 Segundo in the sum of $800.00. It was then moved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Binder that when this meeting adjourns, it adjourn until Friday, the 25th day of May, 1923, at the hour of 8:00 o'clock P. M. Carried. Moved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the bids received for furnishing the City of E1 Segundo with certain cast iron pipe and fittings, gate valves, fire hydrants, centrifugal pumping units with electric motors and a 100,000 gallon steel tank with tower be considered at the adjourned regular meeting of�the Board of Trustees to be held on lv:ay 25th, 1923. Carried. At this point, the hour being 9:10 o'clock P. M. the Chair declared a recess of two minutes. At 9:12 o'clock P. M. the meeting was again called to order by Villiam C. Bryson, President of the Board, all Trustees being present with the exception of Trustee Smiley. REPORTS OF STt?NDING COY-YITTEES. Trustee Rueger drew attention to the fact that the City dump truck is in need of repair, following which it was moved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee.Davis that the City Clerk be instructed to corirunicate with cord dealers in this vicinity for the purpose of ascertaining what allowance would be made on the old truck if turned in es part payment on a new one. Carried. Trustee Smiley appeared at the meeting at the hour of 9:15 o'clock F. M. and took his seat. REPORTS OF OFFICERS AND SPECIAL COM11ITTEES. The Fire Chief reported that the American - LaFrance Fire Engine Company had removed the fire engine originally substituted for the old city fire engine and has now furnished the City with a piece of apparatus not in good repair. Following discussion it was moved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Rueger that the American- LaFrance Fire Engine Company be advised that they must furnish the City of E1 Segundo for temporary use pending delivery of the new fire engine ordered from said firm, a piece of fire apparatus having efficiency equivalent to that of the engine originally accepted as a substitute for the City's former fire engine when the same was taken over by the American- LaFrance Fire Engine Company. Carried. P. D. Gardner, Building Inspector, asked for advice as to the procedure to be taken in the matter of a building erected in the rear of Guthrie's Recreation Parlors being used as a club room instead of a garage as indicated upon_the application filed when permit for the erection of said building was granted. Such conversion not being permitted under the provisions of Section 91 of Ordinance No. 31, it was moved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the matter be referred to the Fublic Safety Committee for investigation and report at the next meeting of the Board. Carried. T 30 The City Attorney reported that the joint application of the City of E1 Segundo and the E1 Segundo ?rater Company to be filed before the Railroe.d Commission to permit the City of�El Segundo to take over the plant and equipment of said ?eater Company is in process of preparation. Moved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the following Resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, That the =resident of the Board of Trustees and the :%ity Clerk be and they are hereby authorized to file for and on behalf of the City of E1 Segundo a joint application or petition with the E1 Segundo V,ater Company for permission for said city to buy and for said company to sell to said city the water distributing system, real estate and physical roperties of the said company at the agreed price of 62'0000.00 at the earliest practicable moment. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Davis, Rueger, Smiley and Bryson. Noes: None. Absent: None. It appearing that bars. ;aanie Rusich and f:.mily were found during the prior week to'be in a destitute condition and in need of sustenance, and that the _-resident of the Board of-Trustees had authorized, after consulting; other members of the Board, an expenditure for immediate end necessary relief, and it further appearing that the, County Department of Charities will not be able to handle the case for a few days, it was moved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Binder, that the action of the president of the Board in authorizing an expenditure for the relief of I,irs. Annie Rusich and family be and the same is hereby ratified and that additional expenditure for such relief be and the same is hereby authorized, the total of all expenditures in this case not to exceed $40.00, Carried by the. following vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Davis, Rueger, Smiley and Bryson. Noes: None, Absent: None. Moved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Binder, that the action of the President of the Boa rd of Trustees in authorizing the installation of a conduit and wires for electrically lighting the flasher recently erected at the corner of Concur d Street and Grand Avenue by the Automobile Club of Southern California be and the same is hereby ratified and the Clerk instructed to issue an order for same, together with an order on the Southern California Edison Company to furnish service for said flasher. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Davis, Rueger, Smiley and Bryson. Noes: None, Absent: None. The City Attorney reported that in the matter of Land Registration No. 401, it is not necessary for the City to appear, as the petitioner is not seeking to claim any portion of streets adjoining his property and the City Attorney herewith returned the petition to the Clerk for filing. The City Engineer reported that he had handed to the City Attorrey the data prepared by him with respect to re- establishing the grade on Lain Street between E1 Segundo Avenue and Franklin Avenue. -� w '�7 Moved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the printing of 100 grade sheets be authorized providing none are in stock in the Clerk's office. Carried by the ffollowing vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Davis, Rueger, Smiley and Bryson. Noes: None. Absent. None, None. UNFIINISHED BUSINESS. PAYING BILLS. The following demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Finance and Records, were read: Elizabeth Stuart $32.10 Victor D. McCarthy 18.50 F. H. Jensen 5.80 Pacific Electric Ry. Co.73.08 Total $129.48 Moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Binder, that the demands be allowed and warrants drawn on the General Fund for the same. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees 3inder, Davis, P.ueger, Smiley and Bryson. Noes: None. Absent: None. NE';: BUSINESS. Moved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Davis, that C. K. McConnell, Fire Chief, be authorized to file his demand monthly in the sum of $10.00 for services rendered inspecting the City fire fighting apparatus and fire hydrants. 'Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Davis, Rueger, Smiley and Bryson. Noes: None, Absent: None. No further business appearing to be transacted at this session, it was Moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the meeting adIourn until Friday, the 25th day of "ray, 1923, at the hour of 8:00 o clock P. M. Carried. Respectfully submitted,