1923 MAY 15 CC MIN4
El Segundo, '-.al. 192-1.
A --er -ula-_ of the --0?,1-," 0-' o C 0
Se7undo, Cali_forni--,, c-.Iled. to ordc-_- 7:'-3 olcloc__-
the P,) o 7 e d a 'u- e 4.1 t'-, I -_ 'ouncil. of -'�-.Ilc c-
t" 4 r 1 471jr,
of 0
U n
Trus'ecs min d D,-r - UQ_
ees '
_io - :7cnt� -cnp-
"he minli.tes of the rcf-uI,--,- 'clr`_ on le '1_ 0-
-a! , 19 `,_ :ere read_ -L t " i o I p o o 01.l s � o DCf-_ -ot C"
vie_,e _.".-,i:-cv(2(_1 u,-)on notion of
' n 1 e,r, 4 C11
-f'ollov,,in-- comr.,iunir.'�.-,ions -_,ei'e :.•ea-d a.nd 1-11i.,3--ose,, o: � %s
i ndi c2.ted :
A.-! = 0 S OU`_- __. C T , e t e -., i d i a. i -a s- -1 e c 1 i n v JL t a .- --', o n to
CC 4
the _�oa-_-d of Trustees to be D:L-esc-,n.-'U -!:-_'u con-fe-_- Of said
to be held at Santa alifo=is., .1une 7th, 3th and 'D--ul
and as"_-:f*.n, to be advised '--o-:: many be in ".-he ]?art•. 0 1, d e,-:- C C_
y .:_ _ , , _-I
the re7•iescntu,tives off tullifs cJ '- --ho e- m ir con-
vention of the Lca�uc o_' Califo-_,ni crni c__ f.li ies a-. __Oronraruo,
—crfic- Dt'-, 101l n c ll'--
G U e 0 0- _led
11 T- T" !(:,;rve of ,-, - cnce -o- '---,-o
D011- cordei
oll C e_-s I)er-innin I C
n -
_10 -.CCO-
O.- -,--,-c 7 0
C- -1
no C c-, n l
tic c:-,
r- C
,' C_ I C) C_
F; 0, o I e D v 1-1
f on, -1---.,o -zec
J nn 4 n! - 1-un c
C on -'o--- - -;-,)o o o 23 c) n
0 .- " -L
o-L outo-icle =,,.n _01, .,Pue--- De e d
c on o =' a o t :,Ie 1-i t0 0
o= Su e il, n -1 e e r. u of the a t e e a cruel CI G
0 - '.-' J1.-__ " - - -C.
_IJ �"- -_- _7�--T ' - - -
L - - ' 0_; D
C.e= - o-I s
ac-'ic _O it
.:le_ C 1-1 Le^•ion, as c d t',,, the own o e r- o n •.m-i _IaVe
.3 renue .nc.
e---ecterd o--- them on c 1=1 and !.-cct -L)e-"_ecn _-,-,na I
in ':e clect2ic -IiIes li-'Its' Co
,--i-vc street dance on or about .-une lst, 1 _owed L) 1 u S t C C
_.,er-c:-, scco-C C a -_Ls,ec Sr.-i1ey, th L t C
e dent
C, C. i -I
j e , -.ri a e _s _iei� inst-ucted to coo c h t'lle
1, 0- 1-0 el fn ct necessa:.- e!_cct:.-Jc -,nd 11' t s On _.1c:1-
4 '-
to 0-
c c t 3 c '1117 c c n a -i -_1 ".venue a '--c,n- AV "nu e
Y P" 011t
c e �_'y C) 1 1) 1
o Ia stu-_-eet, da.. 0''.
Une is, , h
10 0 + C
_- 'e
' 7
Aye S s ' c C 2 - ndc_' -_-visp ':ail G`' nnd --son.
4 1
t Iiavinc been oj:-,crvcd a t in '- 0 :_"Ll"-OMOI,_ CS
w.in t i, c c t -, n i un'j e :.- of t e r, i Loo Closc to t_ie o --
ecundo _Venue, it- was moved 7-y -USt2_ -
seconded _:)y
Davis, 40,1:7.'U- the ") 'L -_ e, e t u: j c i, i t c nd, e i Je a 0 1 s 1 0 1, C 1115 1.
--o on 11e cu:_-'b on c c s t s 4 o C 0
"-,-e sante
J0 01 t'1 _)C��U!_1"'-O A7C-1',1e d On C, v c - I c
1, o i n i i i '.: e lines J_*1ndf_c;a'1-_Jn,_- the li,--ift on sair`.
street ed by t`_Iie Zoil o�-.rf n- vo-,c
A,reo : rl-, -
u 3 t C 0 s i -..- d e D io u e C 'm i 1 C, an, a Son.
: T
---on c
o n a-1
eS tC'jC-_
-L? `' 4 3 0 C �j -Dr
C (! c1 c d '1
n 1;1_e
o, E' c o n d e CL y 7 e "I
C. lc S U_m )C,.
2: c n t.
iollo-.-fin Vote:
A—c- s "rustces
_:oes _:one
:absent: - 'T
, _on c.
fh e , i u,, --n.-incei, rono::tcd a in ile r-rode o--* -.---,.in
Street between _1 'eL;undo 'venue and -:.'.,n':1in ",venue as bet
that established by -'U-'-,-ie oi-f-1nance L--.nd . �s,
ollowin- which it was move,31 by ;_'rust-ec seconded by _'LjS`UG
Dinde-_•, that the -tie ..m'! ere is _':e-_e-L)y instructed to
a-..id to fu--nis�, t-11 e Y A 'I- to: n e,. -11 date. necescla-
U _ _L a",! 4 'n .0 on
-)i:ei)a-_a'U-ion and o-' -)-_-oceedin-,s to _"ees`1-L Lj_-.3.
Z,_ U 1 :3e-,- -ido avenue and 1'ran-:1in Avenue. -i ed
:--in S'U:.-ee' bet-..-feen . --ui
by the following vote:
Ayes rfrust-ecs __'_'_inde-_-, Davio, -.nd --yr
Toes None one
Abs e nt None
-lie i-cccivin,--, of bids for -fa-_1_-1_-s'1,,in- all 1,7,1-.ol: .,-.n--!-
necess-,i.,, =1-o1- t'he const_,ict-ion and com-1-ileti,)n o-f a se-, tic tz7.n"_: nd
cesF,--ool to -1-e constructed u--.on the _)elon-,in,• to t
0 'e_-undo near I-',e al,l in y av 11 _ere to 0 il e
0 .-,e :--ou--, oi. 3
been made C. s-�cca.,^.l 0: =wee 0- Ousi.'IeSCI :0'_ o clot
7 • tlli
date, tae _.nnounced the our of 7 5 o cloc-
anc, as-:cd L_ an, -:)c--.son or -.,ersons clesirc�_ 'L-10 _'ile
Older -fo-': said 7-c 'ou:- o-1 -:00 o'cloc--
and -.11 ';A,.�s bcinr in, t1le t1rlen de c1 e d -j i d.-; -_'oi� :,lc,
Of anc: mate:.--ials --'o:- the cons t::,iction c.-f
sseptic -nd cess -,00l --o:: tic L o 1 ")CCunr 0 Clo
thei-eu-_? ,on -,oved rustee ,_Iuer-er, seconded yr "-US`Ce 1.11 - C Y -
'.he ,oarO, -orocecd to o-en and -oublicly decia---e x%11 -_-.'ids _-ece`ived
.jatCj_4 C,IS CCCSS_jy
_01, t-Ine _,n:.,nJshin.-- of !I-.bor lanO, or con-
-t,_,,c'uicn of a ere .1C ti :1_= -.nc, I,- i 0
L cess;-100- -0, t I I e ,it7y of _1
`I'lie -.)iocecded to o-:.-cn and deci^, e ^l l Ad,
ev - -`i,306� or said 30a]:",
,e o c ve r! o--- saia, -::o as iously adre_ �
o e as -'o 1 ow s t o -V17 i t
711erO C-IC111'rilned said _L
i d o 1 ' "odd on ccss-lool _-.nd se-)tic 'u,-n-- cori-)le-.-e - .*5'5.00.
.ellA s an evidence -dence o-F' --ood 'Laith s--,id bid -,-,-L%s accorzanied by cu--,--,ency
in the su.111 of .,27.00.
"ai;L bid been,-; the only -jid received 7,nd in t-1-Lc, discretion of
e --idder -. :�es-�-.onsi ,le
-oa-,d -,l,e s-rig i7casona.,lc n, t' c
l-n C
�_e 3ity :-tto--ney
o',-: . to o:..
of the ..0--•7-s Monds,
'.,,ho nrevious�,r -were tl:e succesC3::I.".� lbidders fo-_- onds s'-,- C U
nta ive "l'-d
f mri t
0110" 5 vo - U
"cos S '.n,,eles, .1,1. � 1U_ ) 1 _. "I
r,lhe _.onorp."olc '_loa::�l of rus'-,ee3,
1 ',e--undo, Calonif�..
.Ll - I- L- -
Ill vic,.-: o-f tlle -f - act -o,ll
es o c - 0 1, e :.."I o = _OL t0
0 1` -L" C - * :
e 15C, 000 -j o 7; r_ the t: - o 1
C-c-undo, --ouritty o Ijos r.'7-eles I c
I (� a 1�
e denori-nation of '-,COO eac'_-, nu,-,----Y -.-.-icl,
0- ache
e i _1t . c f s a i C', -Jo-l'idS f-�l c�.,C_- 0---
�o IC_*' 4 C 2 on--'
c y, --0--, on Cl .-
. 1 -1, 7
us t_ic SUT-1 0' C C ru 0 U '0 0
'lC- 00
iereovei. - o-f .- j
e enclose iie -_., 0,1-.,:. as enc e o Jooc
CerjCC c-,ec for .,900.00, scz-e tc
C O t. Je 11CtC'llaec,
l L I C 5
by .ou as -part _arelent 14 n a se e o s ol(' to
us, ot-'_-_e-_T,,isc to be returned.
-:e lull
e con(�ition t
c e -- t i -'4- e d _-"bstract of 'lie t
'flad o 11 0 ire
this 41 ssue satisfactoi-ily, ev-_7dencfn to ou---
t;ic i e_-al i ty o r t:--e same
TM - -_
It - � '_'i seconded .1 - 1— ustce
was 'hen moved b, _-ustee seconcied U
Sr:li 1 G ,,- t e o c 1, 1 t i On I. o 54, entitled:
--r- .7T
-T 0 .77
000 0 '. 0
J. __ ., 150 OOC C_
'i0 S I ID '.':IL I - "0 3
con rac to--,, i t
d s te c l."ll G: C. --,I c- e co n6LLd c .7.
at the con `i.c--
ie - Ul --.-14 -17: C)
necessa:. 7' o__* _�:le
r-c-1-3-t-l-LiLction ,ncll ion _.ncl
cess-ool to -.c
con.tr,-ictcd u- on 0
o.- 1 Ce-undo
=,.i- _n be - -_n;_
here';;, C", L" 1,
0 0--
C 12
1 0 C7
C 0 -,i'
h e -;,O.. f
-.n,',- c lc_ _ _ of 0 -.-1 �l f
0- t7le
C_ n 0 _1 C 1, C 1__ ^. t t n 7 C C CO 11 -
c- -
— C, t"
D 4 o n
odd --he
r e - -,I i r e
'L o 17, n c_.. rl! C
S 0 1 -C. t i 0 r..-, C_' c,-- Of f
7TO--,* f071
_' :_-Ustccs a e
: -one.
l-n C
�_e 3ity :-tto--ney
o',-: . to o:..
of the ..0--•7-s Monds,
'.,,ho nrevious�,r -were tl:e succesC3::I.".� lbidders fo-_- onds s'-,- C U
nta ive "l'-d
f mri t
0110" 5 vo - U
"cos S '.n,,eles, .1,1. � 1U_ ) 1 _. "I
r,lhe _.onorp."olc '_loa::�l of rus'-,ee3,
1 ',e--undo, Calonif�..
.Ll - I- L- -
Ill vic,.-: o-f tlle -f - act -o,ll
es o c - 0 1, e :.."I o = _OL t0
0 1` -L" C - * :
e 15C, 000 -j o 7; r_ the t: - o 1
C-c-undo, --ouritty o Ijos r.'7-eles I c
I (� a 1�
e denori-nation of '-,COO eac'_-, nu,-,----Y -.-.-icl,
0- ache
e i _1t . c f s a i C', -Jo-l'idS f-�l c�.,C_- 0---
�o IC_*' 4 C 2 on--'
c y, --0--, on Cl .-
. 1 -1, 7
us t_ic SUT-1 0' C C ru 0 U '0 0
'lC- 00
iereovei. - o-f .- j
e enclose iie -_., 0,1-.,:. as enc e o Jooc
CerjCC c-,ec for .,900.00, scz-e tc
C O t. Je 11CtC'llaec,
l L I C 5
by .ou as -part _arelent 14 n a se e o s ol(' to
us, ot-'_-_e-_T,,isc to be returned.
-:e lull
e con(�ition t
c e -- t i -'4- e d _-"bstract of 'lie t
'flad o 11 0 ire
this 41 ssue satisfactoi-ily, ev-_7dencfn to ou---
t;ic i e_-al i ty o r t:--e same
TM - -_
It - � '_'i seconded .1 - 1— ustce
was 'hen moved b, _-ustee seconcied U
Sr:li 1 G ,,- t e o c 1, 1 t i On I. o 54, entitled:
--r- .7T
-T 0 .77
000 0 '. 0
J. __ ., 150 OOC C_
'i0 S I ID '.':IL I - "0 3
rr'nich was read, be adopted. Carried by the follo:iinc vote:
Ayes: Trustees i nder, Davis, = �ia� er, Smiley and :--son.
Noes : done.
Absent: None.
The follorrinc dergands, having; :-1 d the ?. Droval of t=_c o: :.i` -ee
on 1�4nn,nce ^.nd :ecordU , ":ere read:
D. "7ic :ler
C. T . Ainsworth
Southwest builder
Union Rock Co.
Chas. Seller, jr.
A. Gilmore Co.
Southern --al. 'dison ;o.
Eerald 'ublishin- Co.
Southern Cal. = 'dison Co.
Tile :iospital Sul)-,-)l,, Co.
C . IJo o dZIrard
_1. T . _ "ii_le_
S uandard Gil Co.
Southwest .-laninr, --ill I_o,
Inci i c - 'lec'ric - -1.
:. �. _. -organ
'ich oudelier
Southern "al. - �dison
_ aci.L is el . c. `- cl .
.:o .
Southern Cal. --dison
C'o .
Southern --al. - 'dison
^1 . 60
Southern C�-.l . _dis on
:,'o .
_.att Dera,;isch
'J. G. >enr;*
1 12.25
34. 21
roved. by Trustee 3inder, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the
demands be .allowed and - :.—arra,nts lra":rn on the Gene_',-tl -vnd fo tie
sex. ^_e. Carried by the followin,° --ote:
Ayes: Trustees 3irder, Davis, 'uecr, Si:lilel and Jr rson.
I!oes: ITone.
Absent: hone.
-ir:i "' "II-
'1 �„ r.� `� , :-, min �.. `- L t_1e �� �`r
' -oved b�r __ ? gee - vls, secondcri, ol - rl'•.���e ?e, e_',
A tto_'ney be c ^i,C: ae is 'ae� c l ^.0 t_ Orizcd Ci _I1"i':r '.C, �C:. �c _ 1'e .= e
in coil^'Oo,_-a -ion wit_1 _'E attO_'ae'j s for t: r - 1 e'-'U11C_O a'- C Or1'_: '.ny
^.nd t:-.e _ n ;i leerc o_ ^i; c_ =pang oint
o1ication " c=ore t'__e r�.ilro .d cog _ission _'o= t ,.e _ra any, tie
-aity of --,1 _)e -undo, of tile )l�.nt and ec?ui,)rlent of sa_`.I. -.1 e.unC'_o
+'ater Coy.-.;any at the _.pri c on t =,e ballot used at t'ac s ecic,l` lunici-Dal
election %held in the itl of -�1 3e,_;undo on the 1 ^`Ih d- of
1923. Carried by the following vote:
Ayes : Trustees finder, Davis, be e_ , Smile - ".nCi '?' 'SOn.
Absent : -;one.
,:'owed by Trustee Smiley, seconded by •'rustee
�ler_. be instructed to issue an order on the S'a
for the furni shin- of suci, .,material and le-_bot as
re-xc i-r the City of -a Ole;;undo T s tandem :.'oller.
follolJing vote:
Davis, th:.L the City
rnda:. -d Gil orr_ a21 is necessary to
C rri cd b r he
ryes :'rustees - finder, Davis, _:ueEer, Smiley ^,n?. - Tyson.
-Toes: -:One.
". "ove( bl Trustee seconded by Tustee _:Lle' e'_ , t_at the
tree' `7u- -,,e nten, ent -,;e and 'he is Thereby instructed to renair ,; es t
e _-., e e, 'T-
nu ._venue aue J
in s u c I i _'r, i i n c I - ca s i:0 r e n a c ile e o s I-, -j i e
1:6110-�"in" voto:
-A-es 2"3S 'lc C s c Jrn
joes I.cnc.
;o "Irtlicl,
meetlinr_-, i4- L,. S
-Davis , th—a t the
_'_Dfoved :
juoine3c _'I" LIO '-'e
moved by '_'rustee 'Snilev, -cc
seconded uo t
resid-n' , "o,-,/_-d o--' ":motees.
C i ty C 1 e