1923 MAY 01 CC MIN.rte �°sr � m -�;1 Ser-undo, Cal., :.:ay 1, 1923 A regular :ieetin o- faze Board of Trustees of the City of �'1 Segundo, California, was called to order at .7:30 of clock on the' above date in tie Council Chv,:_ber o_f the City ?gall of said City, by ';lil?ia:: C. Bryson, _resident of the Bo..rd. ROLL CALL. Trustees 'resent: Binder, Davis, Rueger, Smiley and Bryson. Trustees Absent: Done. P=IITG OF laITUT'ES OF PR,NIOUS : =-_--]TI ITG . The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 24th day of April, 1923, were read. !To errors or omissions ar- ing, it was .loved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee S i ley , that the sa: e be approved as read. Carried. filRITTMIT CO'. ":"MUCATI01TS . The follovring cornuni cant, ions were read and disposed of as indicated: ? A. ?:'ILLARD, referring to the collection of cans and garbage from the rear of 225 ":lest Palm Avenue. Referred to the Public Service Committee for investigation and report. ?+=STOITB TIRB & RUBBER CO TAITY, soliciting an order for the truck tires with which the new fire engine will be equipped. Ordered 'filed. Mr G M OI, "= SO=_-T.'L'ST announcing that the progra me of tide meeting to be held at_Santa Barbara, June 7th_, 8th and 9th, 1923, is in the making. Ordered filed. iTABr�I, PAL'S S:_ITH, an application for employment . Ordered filed. ITone . ORAL M. -M 'iTI CAT I OITS . i ,SORTS OF ST.^ DI!TG CO:I.:ITTP, S. Trustee Davis of the Public Safety Committee, drew attention to the continued annoyance fro:: all day par':ing on Ricl-=ond Street. following considerable discussion on the subject, it was moved by Trustee Rueger and seconded by Trustee Binder, t_zat the City Clerl. be and he is hereby instructed to corrmunioate with the owners of hots 10 to 18 inclusive, in Block 23 of El Segundo, in an endeavor to obtain perndssion to use these Lots as a public automobile park. Carried. Trustee Davis reported also that the fire 'Engine has been repaired and is now :?orkinE; satisfactorily. =PORTS OF OF7IC=S Id-D S1-._;CI_0M C0171'ITTBBS. The Cite Attorney advised the Board that a notice of ko-lication for Land Registration, being L. to. 401, had been referred to hi: by tTile City Clerk, _nd I explained its pur_�ort and the procedure necessary; following which it was moved by Trustee Rue-er and seconded by Trustee Shiley that the City Attorney be and he is hereby authorized to prepare the stipula- tion necessary in this case. '- rlrried.. The City Attorney reported that 7:7m. Staats Company had written him to the effect that they are prepared to purchase the City of B1 Segundo 'later 'forks Bonds, nd had requested that a change be made in the number of Bonds to :nature annually. T Trustee Rueger introduced Ordinance I•To. 94, entitled: "All ORDnTANCE OF T= CITY OF IM SEGUITDO , Ct T I- OI:ITIA, AI=ING OPJ)IITAITCE ITO. 92 OF SAID CITY =:TIT=; IAIT. ORDINANCE 07 TTY CITE' C EL SEGUNDO, PROVIDING 701 = ISSUAITCE 07 30ITDS 0`' SAID CITY MIT T-11-71M, STI Or $200,000.00 70R Tom, AC?UISITION, COITSTRUC- TIOIZ AITD COIF -7=10171 BY SAID CITY 07 A C.T1'.TAI T `' �' ,JT - =ODUCIITG '.'U`iTICIPAL I'_. ROVE'JI1', TG- ';IIT: +ATy -:-"07-,Ks FOR SUP-PLYING SAID CITY :�:iD ITS 11 =10,ITr'i.TTS Irr'T 7-1- M, IITCLUDIITG TIM AC UISITIOiT OT? L.4I DS ITEC''SS� `' PASSM UTD ADOPT= CIT T 27 T ? DA`_' 0?' BY AID" 1MING SECTIQIT 1 T:�._:-'0? D �CLP2Ii -G SAID O�:DI T_i =TC7 TO BE AN I.RG TCY ' TASURE ^z1�'T'7C T IlTG i�TH AIM S.L17-7T OI -SAID CITY : D 1'_1 :T "_' ��T'ORE T`i- SA: =r S11ALL GO I1,770 '`'ECT I' y =I.'�TELY - 7T:-' :STD :,,DOPTIO_T T-1=2 which was read.. The City Engineer reported liavin -, been in co slunication with the engineers of the Southern California Edison Company and of the General Electric Conpany zrith respect to the proposed lighting of 1; in Street, and that the City :nay e. sect to hear from both companies in the near future. He expressed also the need for and desire to -.purchase from the County Engineering Depa-- tnent, prints of certain maps essential to the proper conducV.of his office, and it was roved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the City Engineer be and he is hereby authorized to purchase the maps referred to at a cost not to exceed 1?10.00. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Davis, Rueger, Smiley and 3ryson. Noes: None. Absent: None. UITFINIS'i= BUSII ASS . Loved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by `trustee Davis, t1aat Ordinance ITo. 93, entitled: "AN ORDIIT.: 1] Gr T ; CI"Y 07 EL SEGIP_T-.00, C'T I' ( ?I'., CIi�IiGIIiG AITD ESTA3 -j -- rzp�s�r 07 A � Q -:TIO T OF Pte`_ A1=iU7 T111D, SKID CIT"✓ ?_1D - ESTABLISHIITG T T CU13 LII S UPOI: SAID ?0::T 107-T, " which was introduced and read at a reCular meeting of tyre- 3oard of Trustees meld on the 24th day of April, 1923, be adoi)ted. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Birdrr, Davis, Rueger, S.::iley and 3r;Tson. IToe s : ITone . Absent: None. !roved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the plans and specifications for an addition to the '.'unic . al build- ing as sub-nutted-to this Board of Trustees April 24, 1923, by Isomer 71. Glidden, architect, be and the sa- -- °e are Hereby axe_ oved. Uarried by the follor, ing vote: Ayres: Trustees Binder, Davis, Rueger, Srsiley and Bryson. : oe s : None . Absent : ITone . '_roved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to advertise in the Jl Segundo T7erkld and in the Southwest Builder and Contractor, for bids for the furnisliin:. of all labor and r:1 teria is necessary and for the erection and completion of an addition to the 1:2unicipal .building, according to plans and spe cifications therefor prepared by Boner, Glidden, architect, as approved by this Board of Trustees, and now on -file in the office of the City Clerl. of the City of Bl Segundo. Carried by tae following vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Davis, Ruege, S ilcy and 3r;rson. r noes : None . - - Absent: !Tone. pA`'I1TG DILLS . The folloering denands, having been approved by the Committee on Finance and Records, were read: Peter L. Binder 15.00 Harold D. Dale 35.00 'JI.I. C. Bryson 15.00 ='. D. Gardner 100.00 Richard F. Davis 15:00 F. h. Jensen 15.00 Carl E. P.ueger 15.00 Joseph Iioin7in 4 :00 Alfred :': Smiley 15 . CO Auto. Club of So. Cal; 30.00 Victor 'D. 'TcCarthy 175.00 ,7. D. Sicaer 64:48 Neva 7-7. Elsey 125.00 I:i: Deragisch 64.48 Elizabeth Stuart 66.88 C. Woodyard 77.92 H. S. Cro ches Co. Inc. 74 : 63 1W. G. Henry 66.96 Herald Publishing Co. 79.50 S. E. Dare 64.43 'inta Curtzwiler 25.00 P. 111 6 1T2. 11 y 64.48 Clyde Woodworth 100:00 A. R. Gunn 195.00 V. D.'TZcCarthy, City Clerk 12.75 R.' T. Hutchins 62.50 Don C. Fugitt 50.00 ':T: R. Turnbull 14 :63 The Electric Shop 6.50 E. ;1. Chubb 8.25 The Electric Shop 44.20 A. :filler 86 :05 George A. Kidwell' 175:00 C. T. Ainsworth 73.46 H. Jones 140.CO J.- Pourers 4 :96 The Electric Shop 4.00 A. B. Nord 9.00 Bradley 2c 1'annatt Garage 1:75 R. ':I. Yeager 16:00 J. C. Abshier 125.00 George A. iidtirell _3.03 ��2350.79 _.'oved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee S:.:iley, t. ^t the - demands be allowed and warrants drWrn on t .e General Fund for t'-,,e sale . Carried by the folloUinb, vote: Ares : Trustees Binder, Davis, Rueger, Smiley and Bryson. Noes: None. Absent: None. 1Tr;;I BUSINESS . The I.Thrshal announced the a- )pointrsent of D. ''cIiinley as a Deputy Marshal, and requested a_:proval of the same . :. 'owed by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Rueger, that t,e ap-pointment of D. '.icli