1923 MAR 27 CC MINr
Fl Segundo, Cal. Grc1= 27th, 1920.
r_ regal -.r meeti.lL of t "11 Loa- of
-1 Se, undo, California, s tulle-_ to order
t_ie above dw I in the _oui :c 0e1, o`_' t '?e
b; illi ,Y, Ts on, - 'resident of the oa •c'
- rustees of t:ie -it of
t 7 .'0 o' cloc1: on
. t.T. _�.1j 0- S :-.id -i ty
trustee: nc.C= , %a T; i .,,, _:ue e_
r;T.steeo __bent: lone.
"he minute.., of the re-u
,: �- �_ �-��lar meet-in^ ..eld on t,_me .;Orn aa3•
o_ i ^_ch, 1925 -zrere recd. i o errors or omissions beincr noted, it
was r-ioved by - 'rustee Davis, seconded cy '_'rustee index, that the
minutes be a-,:- )roved as read. Carried.
ti +� :ITTFI CO_.�iUITIC_'- ,TIOS.
The following communications were read and disposed of as
i n d i ca,ted .
S AS�'0= OL CI` v CL- = -, copy or w Iesolution adorted bir
the - Doai-d of trustees 0= Said city, merio-7..lizing t1ie Sanoma Coui =tom'
�elega.t oii ir. time ��sseriol�T a.:d in the = jenat -e, to o-,)-_:,ose the _ assaz e
of constitutional axiendr..ents 1 os. 10 and, 27, urgin; -; this municipality-
-o do li. e::i se .f affected. Ordered filed.
- resident, Learue of California
:.L_ nlJties, ur�inc this Joard 0 rus COS to pus, I^. _ O'._]� Ue
resolution asi :ink, the t.sse,c,Ibl-- c.nd Senate of the :Mate of California
to include in the new motor vehicle act now in preparation provisions
that a. -,-,o--,,U-ion of motor ve' -icle rer-ristration fees *x be paid to the
ty f or use u-,-)on such streets as form cart of the main hi -hway
s,r.�ter :. end that all fines for violation of the motor ve_micle act
.e -.)aid to the i-- niciva.lity whic =i sup -ports the court and traf-
of 'icers en_�orcin- the - pro- ris_ons o_`'+ the act. Ordered filed.
=AGU_7 Op C.�L "FO ='.ilA '?UlTI('IP__LI'2II'S, requesting this
board of Trustees to adopt resolutions e: :nressing t'rie sense of this
board of Trustees in the matter of the distribution of revenue re-
ceived from a tax on gasoline in case a law be enacted by the State
of California, to impose such a taxi, and to adopt a resolution
reouesting the Be�resentative of this District to oppose the
Dassa.ge o- AssemI;ly Dills Nos. 529 and 649 and any other bills
designed to limit or prohibit the irrposition of license taxies by
muni cip-.lities. Ordered filed.
y y ^lob s shoring
GOOD _'020,') 1' �'0 . , Iii C . , SUbmi l+tln(.'' Cc �c
its line of street and swee_,ers. Ordered filed.
COQ :Y, Cit�r Engineer, being his resignc,tion as
such officer of the City of El Segundo. i`oved by Trustee Smiley,
seconded by Trustee Davis, that the resi nation of Arthur ':; . Cory
as City "'n L-, be acce_)ted, effective a' midnight, 71arch 7,1st,
19.5. Carried.
:: A ,0 submitting application for position
-i tlm the o= -1 Segundo. Ordered filed.
—, n "'0"7.7
TT C r, --,-
A re- ,resentative of the James . ones Company, brass
i:c.nu :c.clv;ers of Los ::n- �ele:-, s1--,owed the -loa_d fire
he st-teci is opul .r in a nu�uer of the su= rounding towns, oein -- used
jarticularly in residential districts :,,'here the water main is 4"
diamcter or under. _ie stated that 11x. Stone of Olmstead L Gillelen,
had re ^.nested 'him to sub-nit his - :.roduct to the �oa�d with a vied,, o
specifying the same when calling• for rids on materials to be used
in reconstructing the local lister system, p2.•ovidin;; this article met
with the a pprbval of the 3oard of Trustees. It was sueo,,ested that the
matter be taken up with Lr. Stone later and no action vas to ken.
GLD. if si�hA. YOUITG, _ealth Off ices, as -ed ae t have the
-_ ssistance of the Street De-.�artment in abating certain nuisances within
the City and it was moved by Trustee Davis, seconded by 'trustee Finder,
that tie Street SuliDeri:.tendent be and he is _.eroby authorized to
furnish the I1ealt l Officer of the City of El Segundo such assistance
as he may reoui're in abatir- nuisances as indicated by %_iri and under
his direction. Carried'_.
he _Tewlt:_ Of-` _cey advised the - oard that the toilet seats in
the _'-ent's Toilet were in need of repair and recommended that nev seats
of the split ty:e be supplied. 1 -:owed by Trustee 7- ue •er, seconded by
Trustee Smiler, that the City Clerk be and he is hereby instructed to
1mve the toilets in the Gents' ashroon, in the City Hall equipped
with two nevi Seats Of S711t tT tie of non- a.bsorben' material C.' a cost
not to e. -.ceed 20.00. Carried. by the following vote:
A=-S: Trustees Binder, Davis, ueger, Smiley and Bryson.
1,01S: None.
K =;rl . Bone
`1'1:7 _ G C T
Trustee Davis as =_ed the ". oa.rd's opinion with respect to
-�ermi.ttin the lTi ,ht atchr an to equip his automobile, which he uses
in the discharCe of his duties, with a siren. By general consent
adtion in this matter was laid over.
V1477II7ISI_:iV DUS117IMS.
-1 1
Droved by Trustee nueger, seconded by Trustee Binder, that
Ordin.rce No. 92, entitled:
"A?T OT'DI Ii ; CT' C' T CITY C?' I� S_GUI DO ,
C_! LI O � Its , Ti 1OVI �I !G ;?0_: TI'S I SSUP -iC- OF
BO1iDS 0 St�ID n�T ` Ii. SUT.r OF :200 , 000.00
_0^ i11__ C.�JIU__IOI:, �0-I01.
��_�n -nor ,^ n n m?r .� n-- !2_4__T: +, _""-7 1 r`
_IC �1 __SID �I�_ o ,�.._ �__. 1� J��17= _
- -:OD 7C_IT' z=L 7ICI -- , ; Tt r„ CV- r'1 - ,nC_ .,I, , t
_�0_. _)lJ _..S-J.�: �'_r_'.. ITS _. Lui_iI�
..hi cli cas introduced and read at rer;ular meeting o-F the 3oard of
� ustees geld on the 20th day of be ado_ tedt Carried
b;; the follo.Tin`: vote:
S : Trustees Binder, Davis, ;:ueger, Smiley and Bryson.
L; S liT
:: . 0ne .
Trustee Davis of the 2ublic Safety CommittEe brought up the
matter of acquiring c. nezv fire en-,ine, fire alarm bo::es and a number
of fL.,e _ydrants within the amity. It appeared to be adva.ntageous to
defei- action in the matte_• of -.fire alarm bodes and fire hydrants, but
t =ie .3oard: seeded to be a. unit in believin that the City should: arrange
for it r.•roved fire f i 6hting a :aratus to be used in conjunction with
the munici_7-),.1 irate-_ system soon will be acquired enc -_ -Lm-Droved
and It w,,: S %loved -y Trustee :'.ve er, seconded by Trustee Smiley', that
the follow n- resolution :.ie adorted:
infori.ation iias dust been received by-
the 3oard of Trustees of the ty- of El 7)cZ,Mdo,
Californil., that the --Nesert =ire fii.t�n� eoai -
mert of the _._ty of Se`undo is not in aderu .tc -
re -air and that t,e same is not in cond_tior� to
be ronerly used _n. the event of fire , and
..U, it _:;�er._s t__ - by ref. t hereo_ t:le
City o_' 1 e undo is <.1 t" s time -or.- ctically-
viithout fire ,-protection, and
t =is condition is a serious menace to
the _,ublic safety of said city-,
_To' ' 77=,-_10,-_, 7� IT p- :SO!,: =3, '171�_at an emergency
e: -ists within the said city of - 1 Segundo, C al-
itornic., and that in order to meet said ersercer.c,,
4.na provide ir: mediate rrotection for �>ersons ,:.rid
proi)erty within said city, that the City of El
Seigundo, Californin, lease from the American -La.
France Fire _"nSine Com-.-)any one Tyj)e 75 Tri?-)le
Corioin ,-.lion ___,ire _ncine u_?on the terms set forth
in t:-_at certain lease of s. -.id corm -nv dated I::arch
-7t?_, 19'73, as submitted to is :�oa_d of "rustee^,
r:.n d-
IT 7I�7_:1717_ = -. `.�;:I,.��, ^ at the resident of tie
3oard. of � 'rustees e_:ecute said leL.se and that the
i , Cler__ attest the same, all on behalf of said
"ity, subject to sa-LO Lease bein„ anproved as to
t + t may. f El SeCundo . „
O1'rl byT the i �� A �0rneI Oi the Q O L
Carried by the followin- vote:
Avec: Trustees 3inder, Dr,vis, ue-er, Smile, and Bryson.
i;oes: done.
Absent: None.
:.:oved by Trustee _:uer-er, seconded by - 'rustee Smiley, that the
ma.ttei of the imT)-1 ovement of -:ain Street as requested by certain
yre erU owners livin- thereon be laid over for one vieel :. Carried.
1;o demands presented.
_ r:Yili^ 3�L_.ja .
_:oved :;y - 'rustee 'uezer, seconded by 'Trustee Smiley, that T.
Hutchins be and he is herebir o,_:-.-ointed City : Cineer of the City of
Ll Se�;l_:hdo , Culi'orni ., to assume the duties of his office on the
first dayr o_ oril, 193 and un`:il the further order of this 3oard. LI
d of_icer shall be cor,- - ;ens.ted for 2.11 services rendered as such
�it7 �_ i:hecr e, the rate of '.;'1.00 .�e_ hour fo: time actually sT)ent
r I duties for the City of 'l Secundo,
�n ��?.e disc__:.__ ��- of his o'ici��
vr'._ic:- coq— cnsr.tion shall be ;aic_ moat _1l- -.s other city salaries are
.id. Carrietl by the follo;:in -• vote.
byes: `�ruslees 'finder, Davis, "ue, :er, Smiley and �rySOn.
_oes: gone.
::bs c. None.
- -roved by _ ruc'IcE _'. ?e ''G ", seco'_':�fted by ' rustee 34_ndcr, thr.t T.
:tc _ins jc and 1i.e is hereby authorized to ob Vain _)rites on equip-
-1 .nd su-,-plies necc,�sa� - for ti.e con;uct o� is office and to
J ✓+ •MM���IIi -
submit the same to this Board, together with his demand for ex,, :enses
inc-=red in procu_ing cny such -;prices. Carried by the follovrinC v ote:
Ayes: Trustees Binder, Da.vi , - :ueger, Smiley and pryson.
Noes: None.
Absent: None.
The "arshal announced the appointment of George T'. Levis as
Dey;uty and -I•eouested the Board's wrproval o- the some. _loved by
T_itstee - .uerre_, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that this an-oointment be
approved.. Carried.
'.roved by Trustee binder, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the
D y L 1� � � - e and '.;l ey are ,,ereo,r
i ,�ec Fors o= the Saus�.l :edo do per :om �n o
r,-ranted _ er: issien to use the Council Chamber of the _'ity 77.11 °or
e, rsectinz; of their or;aniswtion on the eve:zin =; of ..�_il 11th, 1 9r'-,
no chase to be made for such use. Carried.
The Cler=: drew the Board's attention to t-1-.e f�-.ct that the electric
la-=.,s ai•e frer_uently stolen from the Ladies' R'est -=_oom in the City
fall and 1t 1I, Moved oy Trustee :ueger, seconded by r'rUStee 3inder,
that the amity Cler=- be instructed to employ an electricia for the
pun_ ose of _- ro•,ridi.ng sonie Means of safeguardinE the electric lam_ s
in the Ladies' hest oom, the cost of anv work done not to exceed
>10.00. Carried by the following vote
Ayes: Trustees Binder, Davis, ;ueger, Smiley and Bryson.
Noes: done.
Absent: None.
No further business appearing to be transacted at this meeting,
it was moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the
meeti_ n, adjourn. Carried.