1923 MAR 20 CC MINE1 Segun SSA re`ular nectinL of the Board of C72iforni a, was celled to order at, 7 :50 in the :%ouncil of the City Nall Bryson, -_ resident of the Bo�,._d. do, Cal. 7.7arch 20th, 1923. Trustees of the City of =1 Segundq, e' clot.: I✓. I. on the above date of said City by 'i.11iam C. Trustee^ - re.,ent. Binder, Davis, Smilc`y ' and E_yson Trustees 1.bsent: {Ue"'e �4 T ._TTT --- ..'IiOU I7 The minutes of the re ula'r meetin_ l:iLeld on the 13th day of 19 vrele :.,e<,d without er. -or or omission being noted and ,:ere a,�P_ovcd u_ on moti.o-1 of Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Binder , vrhich carried. `i'he mi nutes of the adjourned rec-ular meeting helc� on L rCa 16th, 192, were read. iTo errors or omissions be'ng noted, it was moved by Trustee Davis, seconded by 'rustee Smiley, t_.at the minutes be �,p;,roved as read. Carried. I R I T T.`,1 C0 '_" L_U:TI CAT I 01 S . The following communications ,:ere read and dis_,osed of as indicated: eti ti on from C. -7. Tracy and others, requesting the ira„rovcmenf. o =' =.lain St =eet, fror•_ I.{ rinosa :venue to Collingvrood Street in-the f olio ,-LIL manner : The vrideni nt, and construction of the to its en,- -,e bet :. een said points ; the construction of and cubs said ooint; the erection of electroliers betvreen said points. The matter was discussed at sore length, the members of the Board concurring in the desirability of this imnLrovement, but because oz its magnitude action in the mk.tter vras deferred for one vreek, so that same mir;ht be given conside,_-ation. D' :. A. S. GOUG"=, -,ranting - nermis ^ion to remove a portion of the earth San:: at ll Segundo Avenue c:nd A_isona Drive, pl•oviding the earth fror_i his ro_oerty is wasted in some place other than upon his land. Loved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustec Davis, that the City Cleric be instructed to write the _-acific Electric 'r ailvray ConiT:any in an effort to obtain j,ermission to waste vrhatever dirt is removed from the ea.rthbanl: at the Northe�,,st corner of El Segundo Avenue and "= izona Drive on to the right- of -way oi the _acific Electric. Carried. CO '1O .ATI01 , asking to be advised when the matter of the furnishing or" the vratei° bonds is taken up and agreein[; to send a re:,resenta.i,ivc: to such meetin -. Ordered filed. '. ?. ' '.;I� S CO:.���.i�", soliciting the business of printing the via ter v,or'.s bonds at a price of L149.50. Hoved by _'rustee Davis, seconded. by Trustee Smiley, that the contract for printing the viater wor..s bonds to be issued by the City of 3�1 Segundo be awarded the . 1'. T "cries Comnany as T.,er their communication d:,.ted I:arcll 19th, 19 : and subject to the sale and acce; tance of said bonds. Carried 'he - ollowi -L ?rote: _yes: Trustees Binder, Davis, Smiley and_ Bryson. _:oes: :one. bsei:t: Trustec 'Pue-er. 0= :AII, COI.2:ITATI T,. I:tunr-er ad'Tised. the Board of 'Trustees that the -'l Segundo ter' Con.-)any has granted a reduction in vrater rates effective for ninety days after the neu:t meter readings. 0286_ r" �rustcc Davis, 0- re7,,o--ted_ had sonic- convc-2.-Oa the 2me ­ 4 Lcan 7 e ti on OM ublic fe o­= - i t t- e e -7-itll 1:-1. Donal-1cr, *_'.`anar-,er of =y, vith res-occt to -,U-11'le 'Oro- -0 0 S C, re--- ) S 0 t' le '4 ty 0- Ser'Undols fire _�w : , 7'r Donr,.--- su-- eriented 'frus te c Davis' --c-pert -;,,i th respect to the sane :ratter. Trustee -'a-vis of the _ublic S'�fet,. Cormittec recomlnenCeJ U _j - _L the - UY U r U that the cil t.. inotorcycle be ins--jected to see if' it was danareC, as a U U result 0--7, collidilar- .role City, 1- -slinal w i n 4 u - e:;... It was ..:owed rustee Davis, seconde,,'_ by Trustee Srnilcy that Lich Budelfer of the -___arley-Davidson '-otorcycle Ar-ency of Loti !,zi,�eles be and he is lle-_-eby inst-ucted to mal-e an _ns--_-icct_ion of - Z_ - � - U,/ -1 ES) c r- un d, o motorcycle and 1,;o rma I: e �_n y n e e d. e d r c-;; a i r s the _,4 I—, of 711 under direction ol_� --',-he ityr 7._7- '-sli-1. Carried by the f olLo,_ n! vote: Ayes: Trustees 3_indei-, Davis, Sri -iley and Bryson. _roes lToYie A 'b ; c, Trustee '-`uer-er. -1 " _�, :,s c-' t'-e S'L-fety �orrni-Gee -nnou-nced that L- -.us-.Cc ,,v- - - 1, U 1. U _r. AC, v c --- s -'.-,.ad reof­ned -n account of ­ L� � - U L s e C 11 ---� ­c=ncn'. )osit-ion. r-al -al consent it v.,-.s L-LF L rec.d the t n, ar-ai r, be assir-ne-d to �_-iis re--ull---,- oones, re�7ula-_-- il U 6, � j u I e 0 --)014 C (_�uties and �'_-lc rla` C c y durin "-e d-,- timc be -one � T, X, 11 I r i i s t e e 1; a v i s _J*L n t r o 6 - u c e d C; i i - 1 a c e 1 i o . 92, e n t i t 1 e Cl tt,�IT 07-j)I-,­,-rl-:-- -1 - CITY C` LL S_lGTJT 1MIC C_`_LIF- __-LVIDI1;_ G !S3'jYL_.C_7' 0__T ?=S- Ol,' S_' _,D C-,"ly I­ SUI.- 0 3200,000.00 ]0`01. '-7HI- _'_3Y A SAID A 2 1 S I I 0'�_. A173 r,I,j- Olu� A 0 _"D U C I I G I Ji _lT 7 1 AL `i:S --'0--' SU_-PLYIFl7x SAID ITr__J_-,O'V7j,'l r,,':-7, TO-WIT11: A_.n_ "�Ol_ CIT'7I "! -Y A-,) ITS I ,A AC`_),UISITlO-__, 0 LA v:-,_-Lch wl-s read. roved b­ "rust'lee S'miley, secon,_lecd b7 ."rustee __Einde-_,, that _esolution ]:o. 50, entitled: C)-- '17T-- "Tr` "0 7 C_;10,000.00 PI'p. 77*,-7T-7� 7' L i 0 .T C ;:)c _,'a::, r i c - the folio -c;in vote --yes: Trustees finder, Davis, Sn ad ___-3 ilcy nryson. :roes hone. 0:.t. ll-ustec __.ue­-er. 1. csllcct c v, U house, to the remc _�.l of the c Vincent dr-ellinf U -e,, that Vincent is willinC to deed the the r CI c r r c o i- 4Q U necessary rronerty to the amity of -11 Segundo providi nC the city will move his buildinC ;within ninety days, reconstruct floundation, chimney , -.nd - )oa °c_-1 if the same are d= -2 -fi e`, construct cesspool and reconnect drain lines, Nlumbin�_-, and gas rides. 11oved by 'Trustee Binder, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the -:ity Cler: be and he is hereby instructed to obtain esti- la-'es on the cost of moving ':,he 7 B. Vincent residence and restoring so-me to its -;resent condition at a. new location. Carried. follov,ri_ r dernands, having: haC_ the approv .I of the Cornp U e o :inaice and rtecords , were read: erald - ublis-:in`- Co . wci=ic Llectric � aiJI. -Iay -o. ti�G�.40 X105.64 Loved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the demands be alloyed and vra'rrants drawn on the (General Fund for the same. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees binder, Davis, Smiley and Bryson. ITees : ITone. Absent: Trusteeueger. U79W BUSIi SS . T,ie I :arshal announce_ tl--e a--- ointment of I:.rtin L. Anderson as De_)uty, recuestinC the ?oard's approval. 11oved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Davis tl.a.t this appointment be a;:proved. Carried. IT,o further business aii, pearirg, to be trans ^.cted at this meeting, i-twas moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. Approved: =respectfully submitted, - resident, Board of Trustees.