1923 MAR 13 CC MIN:1
El Segundo, Cal . 111t. -- c -. 1
re ulo.r meetir. o_° the Doa:.rd o Trustees of the it�' o .:1
SJeCundo, Cali orni ., : s c<: llec_ to or_'•_er a,t 7 : ;0 o I loci: - : ". on
the F_,-e dc.te in tLe Council C= _am:;e_^ o- the �_L t , L .1� o_ w :_ter,
by .: illiara '-I• on, r es_ -_ent of the Board.
- :uef-•er, Smiley an 'rl-so.i.
e_ nc- Davis.
_'r us ce _'inder v,-,Dpeo_•ed i �rmedia.tell a, te_ _:o 11 Ce�L and too':
.a i s :; L e C, .
�Ilc iii nv.tes of the re -ulcer mectinC :veld on the 6th d: y o_ L:.a.rch,
:e _ e read. Io erro-�;; o� OrlS:ions a_ . -•-ear ln� ' u
,rs_s -moved.:y
�rustee Srliley, seconded by '�'rustee i:ue_er, tY:.at the minutes be
a, ,roved_
as read. Car_ ied.
mr� - �I -. ^r
. C_.__�-
"Ile follo•;:in co.,.:lunic<:.-Iiens we---c _,eaa and disposed of as in-
d.L �L, -
o. :,., n," Ie:; in loci:
_.ue ~er, seconded oJ,
O i vi? e
stee Elm
�ma: others, reo.uestin- t c im: - . ve::ent
O_° - 1 Ser-U"C._o . ,IOV c ,iy T rizstee
ilex, that the following resolution be
it a.p! -ea rs that certain residents and
o,.:ne_s of the City of =,1 Se4undo are viillinC
to I-)ay certain mone;rs in tae s= of :.'76.66 into the
re0.suTy o t "Ine %itj' Oj =1 Se�undU, Ca.liforni&, and
i lto the Ge:/cral 2,und tllercof, for the rur_�ose of
cL.usinL_; ce_ -ta.in street ira,)=ove gents it:_in s ^.id city
to be ricde, and,
-T, ,- sa ici stul i_ati weer. ' t y
depose Ued =+ith the "ity
C1e_t, of s :id City :�:ith instructions to osy the same
into said General fund upon the ado -,tion of the follo.° in -; :
ysO'.', ^Y7-,'_'U= L. , W _ = •SG�'f;J . That the Street
3u, e� intcndert be and he is he: cb-: authorized and in-
structed to cause the :.ortion of that certain public
street within the Cit�T of IJl Se-undo, Imown as the alley
from Grand to I'rarL -lin Avenue, lyinE; and being between Concord
and ' _fry- iniz:. Streets, to be ir.T?_•oved -oy the construction
t:e_ein of the follo::inv ir.r_-,roverient, to-wit: A rocl•:
anr_ oil similar in c:_a.ra.cte_' to in-roveme:-.t
co:.st_•r.cted in the alley - rom iran�d, to holly Street^,
bet.;een - onco_-d and Virginia. Streets ".
Cr.___ed. by t-e follo:..21r' vote.
.;;Tes : "rusteeti finder, _'_ue "e_ , Smiley and ter,, son.
=;oes : _ +one.
A:,_ent. trustee Davis.
,-4. �;,-�t he nronerty mvne_•s on . est Hanle
C,..._ 1. n � that _ G. V - -.
V cm:e ct:. e : "a._.. °t -cet c _ - _ :t�
c n lice, reef, ti;_.o at the l�.st
eft ?1_. 2leetin,;
Of the Ioard o_ Trustees =iied. ;etition _'e ^t?e ^'in';
the o,Te_Tert o= SLaic. t ^o_,ou� Marc; u-. _e_ the nrovisiono o L,n
a _•o- �c. e a1i o --•ni . .street c n t Act, de: irec. t. _
to Oc of a, ma.ca..c_a.r :_ vcnce_• type. _ ~:oved by '2rustec = :veC.,er•, seconc'cd
by i_'ucteE _ 12'Cit r', t the amity -T: ;lnee_' be nCi he 1S ere 121 -
.'= t.CteG -. t_.8 cala -2,CCe.asc.. -7 ..0 p rOCeE.,i lr'i the k..ttEr 0=
4 :.
... 1) 28
the improvement of est 3 l:le Avenue betY:een Ir.-in Street and Virginia
Street in accordance ti:�itli the petition filed with the Board on the
�-:Ith dav of Karch, 19 and to - urnish such data/to the City Attorne"T
so that he may i)repare the necessary legal proceedings. Carried by
the following vote:
Ayes: Lrjstees Dinder, : ueg er, Smiley and Bryson.
Noes : hone.
Absent : TrusteeDavis.
11 7 drar,in✓ ;;he atten;.lon of
this -)oard of Trustees to the aller-ed intent of the 'it "' of -:e_mosa
33 each to constr?_Ct a sewer to em?nty into the OCeari between 1 CrmOSa
and - :e ^_ondo, and _e- uestin- tiii:' �oa.r`, o= `trustees to re-- i.ste_ its
i -)2•otest. Ordered_ -.'iled.
UGI: - 'OL =1O ", nS "er.?o1yiia.nq, 64 n ? sari cat, _E Ca.l_forr_ia.,
arvisin!7 . this Joa_d o:. `irus flees k.'Iant hursda; , Vile 15th day o+ :.arlill,
192 a ?Dublic hearing on the subject of reap_�ortionment of the State
of California: Y:ill be held- in the %.sse.ffal,r iambe., au Sacramento, and
urg n this Boarc. o= Trustees to be - ,e_�sonally re ,�- escnted. Ordered
insta.11,aion of
- CC. , advising; thal/the 400 candle
-oowei' 12 -m-os ordered installed in lieu of 60 -w lamps in various
locations throughout the City of B1 Segundo has been delayed owing
to shortage of poles and glassware and t1liat the wore_ will Ille started
as soon as -possible. Ordered filed.
OPAL -107- :7i � - S .
i_r. C. K. ?.icConnell, sire Chief, recornrnended that the Doe.rd
pass an o_-dinance govezmi ng and restricting; the burning of papers
and rubbish within D +ire District iio. 1. l.loved by Trustee Rueger,
seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the City Attorney be and he is
hereby instructed to draw an ordinance _nro::ibiting the burning of
rubbish and ;- a:,e_s in .tire District 1o. 1 unless such matte..• to be
burned is burned in a suitable container or incinerator, which
will revent the same from bloYrin,- around. Carried by the folloti ing
Ayes: Trustees Linder, ueger, Smiley and Bryson.
Noes: hone.
Absent: Trustee Davis.
lone .
0_� C_ �_._ Iw__ r_?J U_ vl� C G1.L�...
.. _
Trustee _finder brouglit u -:, the subject of the removal of the
B. Vincent d:. clling '_louse from its _:.resent location, so C's to permit
of the o enin to its entire length or the street com;ionly Lnown as
Cc. -._ Avenue. ?olloY:ing discussion, it appeared that before the Board
of 'rustees could tape action in this Matte---, it wlas incumbent upon
___ . 'iincen6 to Y�resert to the Joard of Trustees a deed to the
Southerly- twenty -five feet o Lot 1, 31ocl: 94, and it was moved by
'rustee S.-:ilcy, seconded b- 1'rus tee '.ueger that Yrheneve_ d. B. Vincent
si,iZifies his intention of deeding• to the City of _1 Segundo fo_-
-�ublic street iDurposes, the Southerly t :cnt.,� -five feet of Lot 1,
^loc 94, the City Attorney: is hereby instructed to nrepare a -oroiDer
deed'_ for the sezie in accordiance :'i th infor2:1 ,tion which S--.,-.11 be
urris .ed him by the �ity = n`inee_•.
Ayes: Trustees 7_inde_, ::uege_, Smiley and 3r, V -son.
Ioes : Done. ,
Absent: Trustee Davis.
^he follo-,- :in` den,,ands, having; heal the of the Committee
on 7 inE.nce Tan? _.eco-•d_s, wrerc i ead_.
^cific - lectric :y. 10.
ho!:ms Levi _'ucl_
=rs . _'orn;. _. �te_�l� ens
=.c: :non
So • Cali Disi : :fect�n
oT,-:ard Jones
Victor D. icCarthy
,:�117 . 20 Her"ld - u ._ishi n- ;o . 60.90
C.00 - 'rederic_. —" Duley 3.00
3.v0 :.rtllur - 2uc�_ C.
5.00 john 0. I'i tzgej— d
8.00 :._1- s . =;1Che1 - - - 2 lmc_ 8.00
Co. 8.00 Los Angeles i,ubber 8tar1_) �,o. x..67
4.20 D-,nieI I S l!w_dwrare 19.49
. oved by trustee 3inde-r, seconded by . "rustec Sr,_ilcy, that t_ze
demands be cello: -red and wrarr_-nts drawn on the General Fund __.or the same .
married by the follo,rin vote:
Y yes : Trustees Binder, l.ueger, Smiley and Bryson.
;oes : ITone.
Absent: Trustee Davis.
T:1e 11 C--': advised. tlia,t the :ebei.�11 Lod�,e is unable to erect
1 is �,r,'..' he_ "_12.1X. 1oCl :e_ in the �OUt le,'St c0_'ner O t_le amity ._?.11
_.UditOriUrjrj' 2.S - reVi0US1y OrdereC_ Jy tie " 1Oard 0 "rustee5, o,.., t0
U_)e d �_.erf ere with she use of the
N/S CoRN6�� OF
--all to-r � n�t��e :'Luditori um. it was then moved ay r_'rustce _'.ue -e 4 ,
seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the ction heretofore t.-::en by t1his
Board cf Trustees authorizing the installation of a paraphernalic.
loc:_er in the Southeast corner of the City i_all Auditoriun be
d_ t: "Tut - 0CrMiSS40; 7J
'eaCinded an e n0:: granted t0 Gold Crest - '.e0e1 =aY_
Lod.-r7e I.o . 357 to erect such loc_:er in the )outhwrest cane_ of the
"i, -:all '_uditorium, _)rovidir;L, said lec -er is securely fastcy.ed_
to the wall. Carri ed by the followrinE vote:
Ayes: Trustees binder, ;:ueger, Smiley and Bryson.
IT done.
Absent: Trustee Davis.
The City Cler:_ reported th-.t t1ae returns of the Special
?.'_unici -)a.l l;lection held on 1ionday, the 1211-h day of Ka.rch, 1911.12-1, in
the ''ity o- Ll Segundo, r:ere in his - Dossession in the envelo_.es
containing there wi- th seals unbroi:en and in the sane condition as
,7lien received. by him. It was tl�iereu.�on noved. by Trustee itue� er,
seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the yoard proceed forthwrith th
canvass said returns. Carried by the fcllo;:inC vote:
Ayes: Trustees ?inder, Rueger, Smiley and Bryson.
Noes: hone.
Absent: Trustee Davis.
`---d notion beinE carried, tie �o -rd of TTLtSteet t :_en
- roceeded -forthwith to _ualicl-,- e: aniline and canvass said returns
and, u--ion the com,,,letion of said canvass by said Joard, it was
moved. by `2rustc .:uer -er, seconded by Trustee Smiley, thc..t Pesolutiol'_
>o. 52, entitled:
tin �C'•.— n +- �r- -� 17 :TT!'m�-++C
be c.e_o;,ted. Ca_ri ec' by the follo-. %inc: vote:
Ayes: Trustees Binder,:ueger, Smiley and Bryson.
Noes : ITone . r
Absent: Trustee Davis.
3`Yoved by Trustee Binder, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the
City Attorney be and he is hereby instructed to prepare the proceedings
necessary to provide for the is--u. -nce of water works bonds of the City
of El Se ^undo authorized o.t a S_recial 'unici -oal Election held in said
City on August ?1st 1922, also proceed with necessary papers for
t wo+rrdof
adve_•tising,, said bonds for sale. Carried by the follovring vote:
Ayes: Trustees Binder,
?Toes: None.
Absent: Trustee Davis. ,,,
Rueger, Smiley and Bryson.
:.loved by Trustee Rueger, seconded
architect be employed. to pre,;-;are rough r
cost of erecting a one story building in
vrith the vievi of housing the Engineering
by Trustee Smiley, that an
Lans and estimte of the
the rear of the City Ball,
Department, Street Super-
dent and such other munici -Pal offices as may, be found useful or
necessary. Carried by the fo110vrin- vote:
"eyes: Trustees 3inder, - .uerer, Smiley and Bryson.
I oes : 1Sone .
Absent: Trustee Davis.
No urthe'_° business ap ,eaa: ir.6 to be transacted at this session,
it ;.as moved by Trustee Ilue -c_, seconded b7 Trustee Smiley, that the
aectin:; ac.'.journ until - 'riday, the 16th day of L ,rCit, 1923 at the
hour of 11 : .'�0 0' clod: _:. -i;. Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
konroved : <
City C k.
ilresiden-, Board of 4ustees.