1923 MAR 01 CC MINEl Segundo, Cal. ':ar. 1st, 1923. 1 °gin adjourned regular ieetin, of tee 3o-rd of Trustees of the Cit; or El Segundo, California, cress called to order at 11:30 o'cloc- A. ?T. on the aaove date in the Counci 1 Chamber of the 'ity w11 of City y ', �y r•l the - resident of t'-,Le "oard being absent. said b one 1 e_1., J Trustee Smiley vices una:�inousl -y- chosen _ resident o-f the -owed and he i- ,Taediatel T assu .ed the duties of the _resident. :OTT 11. _ , Trustees 'resent: Davis, :ue-cr and Smiley. T- ,-ustees ,,en t Binder and rys-M. . -oved by `trustee .uege2•, secondec? by Trustee Davi �, tzat t?le re;- ular order of business be dis.)ensed with. Carried. The followin- de , ^.nds, h��.vin- Jiad the a nroval of the Corlmittee _ on 'in-nce and Ii,ecords -ere re:,,.d: teeter _. - 3inder 15.00 71illiam C. Bryson 15.00 'ichard F. Davis 15.00 Alfred ?_ -. Smiley 15.00 Carl E i- .ue-er 15.00 Victor D. I.icCarthy 175.00 1: eva -. -. �ls ey 125.00 ?Tinta Curtzwil er 25.00 Clyde 'aoodcrorth 100.00 Don C. Dugitt 50.00 -D . li :', �wison "o. 31..4 W. 1i. GoZliher 3.50 G. E. Todd 144.00 George A. ILidv ell 175.00 H. Jones 140.00 J. Ej. Leavers 65.00 J. C. Abs'h' 125.00 C. Woodyard 16.00 . D. Gardner 100.00 F. H. Jensen 15.00 ^L. R. Gunn 195.00 C. T. Ainsworth 85.00 A. Hiller 73.00 W. D. Sicl.ler 49.60 W. G. Henry 49.60 Matt Deragisch 49.60 21, E. Ford 21.00 Austin- Iffestern 1,oad James HanMcn 4.55 o chinery Company 1.00 The Electric Shon 4.10 The Electric Shop 39.74 So. Calif. Edison Co. 98.78 So. Calif. Edison Co. 32.66 So. C ^�lif. Edison Co. 19.82 So. Calif. Edison Co. 24.60 So. Calif. Edison C -o. 1.00 So. C_.lif. 7.'_usic Co. 8.75 X2,122.64 Loved by Trustee _I�ueger, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the del?i,nds be allovied and currants dr .ivn on the General Fund for the sa2ae . Carried by the follocri n - vote: Ayes: Trustees Davis, :ueger and Smiley. toes : ?done. :osent: Trustees Binder and Bryson. No further business anpearing to be transacted at this - :!eeting, it was moved by Trustee Seger, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. 1:es�oectfully submitted, ?resident, Board of Trustees. 4-7-Fe-rk y