1923 JUL 24 CC MIN66 _ T El Segundo, Cal. /July.24, 1923. A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo, California, was called to order at 7:30 o'clock F. L`.. on the above date in the Council Chamber of the City Mall of said City by ,7illiam C. Bryson, :'resident of the Board. The City Clerk being absent., Trustee Smile;, wps unanincusly chosen Clerk pro -tem. ROLL C!-.L D. Trustees ?resent: Fueger, Smiley and_ Br7 *son. Trustees Absent: Binder. READING OF 1;_I17UT 'S OF' PREVIOUS 1u7--EETING. The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 17th day of July, 1923;A` R errors or omissions being noted, it was moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Rueger that the minutes be approved as read. Carried. Trustee Binder appeared durinZ the reading of the minutes and too'K his seat, the hour beir_z 7.40. o rclock 1.. I;:. i.- il�'T17,'77 ., : Cl,' 1'.l;'U:�I Cr_.L IO 1;S. The following co7n.unications were read and disposed of as ind i ca.ted: L. C. D1VIDS�I, requestin= that he be appointed a. Deputy :_arshal.ur_der the new b_arshel. Since it is necessary that all deputy marshals nor holdin7 such position be reappointed under the new marshal, no action was taken on this particular a._,plication and the marshal was instructed to redeputize all deputy marshals eligible for reap:oirtmert where such appointment is desired and present the names of such persons to the Board of T- :tees for their approval. �3,TEUR BUDGEIV and others, requesting the improvement of Lest I.iaple !,venue from I,:air_ Street to Virginia Street by the construction thdrein of a 5" macadam roadway and cement curbs and sidewalks, such work to be done under one of the State road improvement acts. It appearing that a majority of the property owners on this street were desirous of such improvement, it was moved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Smiley that the matter of improving I,_aple Avenue from i._ain Street to Virginia Street as above specified bg referred to the City Attorney and the City Engineer for the preparation and sub- mission to this Board of Trustees of such data as may be necessary so as to proceed with the improvement petitioned for as filed with the Board this date. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Smiley and Bryson. Noes: none. Absent: None. 0. A. STONE of Olmsted & Gillelen, a letter, with copy of +-".e City C1err-ls re, 1y thereto, in which an ap_ ointment was made cr _:.r. Stone to meet with the 3oard of Trustees in the Council r.arber at 7:00 o t clock.. i._. on 7;ednesday, July 25th, 1923, for the -zrpose of taking u. the question of water rates to be charged by the City Then the City takes over the active management of the water 7�lar_t. Ordered filed. tir.t?S4 -_� _ La T DO :" LIC1."L, offering to sell the lot upon which t1--e Sausal Redondo �,ater Co. is puraring plant is located, being Dot 10, Block 3, Tract 1555, also the pieee of land the reservoir is occu -yin- for the sum of x.1,000.00 het. It was moved by trustee Ruejer, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the matter be laid over for one reek in order to 'zive the members of the Board of Trustees t,n o_ orturit;; to make av personal survey of the land offered. Carried. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS . Kr. H. A. Young, Health Officer, spoke to the aoard regarding the passing of an Ordinance requiring the quarantining of all dogs against rabies. Owing to the seriousness of the situation throughout the country and the fact that several persons within E1 Segundo had been bitten by dogs within the past week, immediate action was urged in the matter by the Health Officer. Due to the fact that the City Attorney is away on vacation and it would be several weeks before an ordinance could be prepared, the Board asked the Health Officer if, under the present emergency, the County Ordinance could not be made to cover the situation. I,:r. Young agreed to look into the -natter and advise the Board at as early a date as possible. �e Health Officer then reported regarding the Gilbert �lpartrents on Imo± Street, advising; that he was unable at this time to issue a rermit of occupancy to :r. Gilbert 1.zntil certain changes and alterations recomner_ded by the State Housir_g Commission had been made. By general consent the matter was alloyed to drop for the present. Mr. Young advised that owin to changes in the County Health Office, he would no lon7er be in charge of the work in El Segundo, his successor bein=" 1'r.071cq of the County Health Department, whom he then introduced to the Board. mhe �,it �,arshal addressed the Board regarding the existing dog nuisance, advisinJ that there were in the neighborhood of 50 stray dogs ir_ to,.-,,n 2nd. that the do=- hound is badly in need of repair before dogs can be confined in it. '1 >e Eealth Officer at this �.oint advised the Board that, nossiL-ly sore arr2 =e^:er_t could 'be ;Wade with the Count,., to r ter= h '� sk , j--,t the CitT -'s our_d cot 1' be repaired t _ 's . c �_ _ o _° • t t. • d o �- s ;, G e n � a�. � • p z a �. . arr'_ by *ereral conser_t the ?Iealth Officer -:as requested'te look into the ratter and advise the µ.oard. It was then moved by Trustee Rue7er, seconded by Trustee Smiley that the City IT arshal be and he is hereby instructed to get in touch with professior_al dog catcher, askingr him to n.cnear before the '?o -.rd and give them a figure on ridding the cit - cf all stray dogs. Carried. • The I.= arshal advised that the r.:otorc_,(, le was in need of over - haulin-- and it v;as moved by "_'rust °e :�ue^er, seconded by Trustee Binder, that the City I::a.rshal be and he is hereby instructed to have necessary repairs made to the City's motorcycle. Carried by the following vote: J,yes: Trustees Binder, Rueger, Smiley and Bryson. Noes: None. Abse_zt : 'None. RE.'ORTS 0-F aT: ".NDI :^ COI,: ?`IT I'T.i;S . "-one. R7_- -imri C^r _ I,., ^:` The its- Hr-ir_eer re�;orted th- followin7 e'stimates on street v ere by _Jinn_ ��t itrcct - 7Trand to _'ine - 1l-ht m2.c&c5ar, - :,r1�00.00 i n;-- : t,�r „e - 1'a'L _ Street to = e� - '� ” 2'250.00 �a Lizenue - ''rive .o Sheldon - ligHt nacada:n - "730.00 r i ^1 . -.onC a±reet froill ,iT'&nd AVM' Street from .l 3Egv1_:`c ,:veiluL , ^cul: cost 2. rro? -: ately�.15 nue to Ir;arlpos2 «%,e- ue and Standard �o tiveriue - 5" macadam - ,per front foot., excl,.lsive of e..:--ineering servi -es r' , exclusive also of sideY+�sli s anc curbs. X68 It 5 mO'TAC by Trustee 52 ^.Or.Qe.^ ^'_,'.c�:� i the e -' y - Clerk- r k- i t t+ _ -' I', _ •, � , O J - '."y � y 1e r. nC i. _- - -t.. .- }r.CCrc•- 1 T ;-�Yl r +t J t n: r I•cC -.,j V • jo O- I" - -C Bat es O`� ll,.� �J �n^ ~cc1, a�tiisir� s ._e T y �� tr,a- ti_irc of cost' o' same t :_ o+ her c_e - tY -�r �o be raid - +t.e l r�r; �e o 1: 1 _ _ �y sir 1 val,,,; �d tvy a v r, 1 tio�e: �i 1.,�_ovri_. �.. m v anu -=ryscr. d h °- T, rv--, lv_• --, .�i �?��'��. -_;` ..3 �.�i'vi �_'ni�.� -J• v0i1..:. that the -• ?;o, _ ,r i.:e„ °or gym. rn - [ r 1 .. 1 - •11,.__..�s.0 vlti �. v .. rV. _ ,ir GL�L.a •�.v e'.u.�. �. .. .. ±tee From _, -,. Prl os t:z �rTh� 0'�iC' Y° - ft -,.? V "e .—'r C r.� :.'_. CZ•o„v+ ?•! 1-11. be made imaer one c h;, ;;tote roar _:n_,roti er:_eny, wets. Carried demands, rla-.�in_'• an!f °ra y ad -. t-.nC o 7^ 3^ ' -ild c'. ^�'• �- -. ,_wed Le<< _ ac L - Co. 41.70 r'otal 0198.05 l:cved by 7i-ustee s ;,lil y, seconded by Trustee Binder, that the Be arils '^e allor,ec any' ; °;arrart� r -- �= for the s^ e - C ; /� �^ t _. /^� r f 1- c_ ti; r. ors the �r.er l unu led AJV ale foilo rinc- Y • e • • 0U.,. �:; es • us tees tinder, k� F'ueger, Smiley and Bryson. foes : ;one. °era : I;one. 777"' .. .7, T L) r`vI u c. . T± -I" - 1­1 1 core to the attention of the Board of Trustees that the ::.otter of the�City Clerk had passed away on :, :ondsy, July 23rd, 1923 it C by � ` � ?,C eC „C Trustee U. °?er, SCCO?':Oe bar Trustee �inCer that the De"U.tir .nil hereby instructed to order ` :gel b-- u� ed order � flov;ers of . Ustees In _. s,zr.: r_o; Carr,__ it the naw:e follo:ir_- VI .00. Lhe mru-' ees -H. \ lE Ter i'r �- Smiley and arson. L•o1-le. ..��� 14 one Biel:_ ,, _ = a d ',` as �eE r.il that the _j 1 - e ins �ru^ ,e to have _ representative fr Co. cer Ifie_, 1)1 li aC"0''_?'?tant� c -e i 2' _ C 0,- ON - f , call �t t� _ ?;�tCr L'.Orr:S ion- re- t0 .,. -hcn the Cit'; L ^? -es over the ,r - Of _- �t or ".u` lc` , 1923. Corriec by the follor:inZ : I, ::� . Tr a s e e s - 'J - - - -� N, :,ate` =r, Z,-.(I i_�r and Bry son. .0n ,',bse.-t . I�-One. J r 4 i•_Oved by Trustee SMiley, seconded. -by Trustee = Lue,er, that the Cleri; be and he is here?;- instructec to order' from the Electric Shop one cartor_ of 25 vrGtt lams and ter_ 10 watt lamps for use in street li,hting. Carried by the follovriny vote: A-,es: Trustees finder, DueTer, Smiley and. Bryson. Toes• tr ^..e• r�bse.,t: none. Igo further businecs apearinr- to be transacted at this meetinc-, it v;as .roved by Tr-ustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Rue�-e,,, that the meetlin- adjourn. Carried. :respectfully submitted, h;� pr ov e d I �-recident, :Board of Trustees. Ci S er# pro tem