1923 JUL 10 CC MINE54. • l �J E1 Segundo, Cal. July 10, 1923. 1 r, regular meetin` of the Board of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo, California, was-called to order at 7:30 o'clock P. P;;; on the above date in the Council Chamber of the City Nall of said City by A:illiam C. Bryson, :-resident of the Board. ROLL CALL* Trusteesreser_t: Binder, Rueger; Smiley and Bryson. Trustees Absent: Davis. - P.EADIIIG OF i::INUTEES OF- ?REjrICUS I=PTI:IG. The minutes of the adjourned regular meeting held on the 2nd day of July, 1923 were read. No errors or- omissions appearing, it was. moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Binder, that the minutes be approved as- read. Carried. r:tITTL COii i,:tTNIC iTIODIS The following co.,ununications were read and disposed of as incicated: JOHN L. BACON, iY:« -KTor of San Diego, requesting this Board of Trustees to consider membership in the Boulder Dam Association. Ordered, filed, ACI•F IC ELECTRIC RAIL�:A-Y CCi.:?ANY, advising that the municipal waiting station moved onto their rifrht -o" -shay is too close to their tracks and should be moved Yorth, so that the eaves of the building dill be ten feet from the center line of tracks. ''oved by Trustee P.ueper, seconded by ^rustee finder that the Street Superintendent be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to move the murteipal waitin7 station at the terminus of the Pacific Electric Car line on Main Street and Grand -_- Avenue North of its present location, se that the eaves of same will be at least ten feet from the center line of car tracks. Carried by the followin7 vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Rueger, Smiley and Bryson. Noes: None. Absent: Trustee Davis. H. J. HEFPRON, expressing a desire to cooperate in the improvement of certain streets and requesting that he be advised what amourts he Trill be required to contribute towards such improvements in order that the s ^me may be made. loved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the Street Superintendent and the City Engineer be and they are hereby authorized and instructed to cooperate in furnishing the Boeyd I,ith estimates of the cost of improving the streets enumerated in the letter of H. J. Heffron filed r:ith the BoarC this date and to submit such estimates •,her_ made to this Board. Carried. GORGE A. --TD'-'-ELL, beinz . his resi?•nati f E1 Segundo to become effect_ve July 13th, :1 :e1II aG ? :a rs _V ' e and the sire is hereby - ridni?ht, July 1903. rr16d. cn as i;'�arshal of the City 1923. :,roved by Tru _stec = - of ':eorge A. accepted, effective at JC `:ES-, application for appointment to the office of i +�- i.`^xsha.l. Ordered filed. �Li? ; A. S^'O ES, application for appointment to the of_°lee of ^_•ity s :gal. Ordered filed. ORAL CO'."27UNICATICT :S. Nona. 40 None. RE PORTS OF STANDIN -a COMMITTEES. REPORTS OF ^ ' I , _.7M S�) CIi;L 'ro :i:. ITTEES. E A A. R. Cunn, Street Superintendent, advised that the new Land Company had requested permission to remove needs from certain streets, that he haC Tranted such permission and had organized an outfit for them; which t:.e r are o -ceratin` at their own expense. The City~ Clerk advised that it response to his letter �a1 ; =crria .• iil_t' :.oac 'Co::structio:•? Coirmam�y, the, had sent. retire sent at lves to -.1 ru r c- the ,-,r r r• o* t o ut and has i C..._S t0 u in h io ,e��{ o view ichriond +reef pr m ed CC= er r,it'I the 3oard in person in the very near future. The malty Engineer reported his need for a map of California, re- senti n for the Board's ex :;urination one which met with his app rovul, follov.in!7 which it was moved by Trustee RueVer, seconded by Trustee Binder, that' the purchase of 6ne :National Yap Company's map of California from J. E. Scott, 0. Box 395, Los Irgeles, be and the same is hereby authorized at a cost not to exceed X6.00. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees 3inder, :"ueger, Smiley and Bryson. Noes: None. Absent: Trustee Davis. U FINIS= 3USI?N'ESS. Jude Robert , . Glark, representing the E1 Segundo "rater Company, then appFa :,ed before the Board ar_,2 stated that his company was ready at said time to -_,s-._e imaned.iate delivery of the deed conveyinT all the real and personal property df the said El Segundo Grater Company to the Cit -T of .'1 Segundo at the 'price of consideration of X61,465.55; he further stated that there i;as attached to said deed, which he tendered at the tire, a certificate of the Secretary of said E1 Segundo V. Company, hhowinz that the Board of Directors of said corporation had properly authorized the officers thereof to execute said deed and that there was also atteched thereto the written assent of stockholders oc:nir_r .,ore than - thirds o° the subscribed, issued and outstanding capital stock, ccnsenting to the transfer and sale to the City of El Segundo of all Of theL property, business and assets of the said E1 Segundo °rater Company. He further tendered to the Board at said time a report of the Los Angeles Tits Insurance Cobf Los Angeles, shoring the present condition of the title to the real property involved in the transaction. The deed was then submitted, too-ether with the accompanying documents to City Attorney loodwortl, :,rho reported favorably thereon, calling the 3oard's attention, however, to certain reservations, conditions and restrictions which were referred to in the report of the said Title Company, Jud^­e Cls_rk ;.as questioned with reference to these conditions, reservations, and restrictions and stated before the Board that the same are only the ordinary and usual restrictions, etc. found in the majority of deeds coverinrr, E1 Seg.Lndo property. He further stated that most of said re- strictior_s_'rad expired by la7se of time. Judge Clark further represented to the Board that his corporation w gold ' ^e responsible for all taxes constituting s- lien upon the said :remises and property at the present time, and that said corporation would cause the same to be fully paid and discharged as soon as the correct amount thereof could be ascertained, so as to deliver the said property to the City free and clear of encumbrance. Judge Clark on behalf of said +rater Company thereupon requested the Board of Trustees that they accept delivery of the said deed at once and draw a warrant payable to his client for the stipulated amount, Trustee Smiley lodged objection to this plan for the reason that he felt the Compan�r should bear the expense of operation of the plant until the first of Au=,ust, as that was the date which the Board of Trustees had in mind upon which the City would take over the active mana�nent of the plant. Judge Clark stated that such a plan was entirely agreeable to his corporation, but that in view of the fact thai the annual meeting of his company could be held on the 15th inst, it would be most convenient for theta to pass any and all resolutions necessary to bring about the dissolution of the El Se "undo ,`rater Company at said Q.nnual meeting, thereby eliminating the necessity for any special or further meetir- on the subject, and further that it would meet his personal convenience much better in vidcv. of the fact that he contemzlated taking a va.c ?.lion soon, which he otherwise would be unable to take at the time he wished. Attorney :oodworth thereupon questioned Judge Clark as to whether or not the reasons advanced by him for consummating the transaction at this time were the only reasons promptinc- him to make the request, either on his own behalf or on behalf of his client. To this question Judge Clark replied in the affirmative, whereupon after discussion the offer was made on behalf of the said E1 Segundo Prater Company through its said Attorney that if the Board on behalf of the City would accept the said deed to the physical properties-, business and assets of the said company and authorize the la�,r'ent of the amount specified, that the Company would file a written statement Tith the City to the effect that the company would assume and pay all costs of operating and conducting the business of the E1 Segundo rater Company up to the first day of August, 1923, and further that they would 'assume and pay, as soon as the proper amount could be ascertained, any and all taxes constituting a lien_ upon the property conveyed. Further, that his corporation would assume and pay to the City of L1 Segundo immediately upon demand a sum equal to 2 -1/2 per ar.�num u_con the purchase price for the period included between the date of delivery of the warrant for the said 1curcha_se price and the first day of August, 1923. Desiring to'accomodate the said El Segundo ;rater Company and its said Attorney, and to meet the request which had been lodged with them, the 3oard of Trustees took the following action with referdnce to the said matter: It was moved by - rustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the following - resolution be adopted: ";,AREAS, the E1 Segundo ater Company has this date presented to this Board that certain grant deed dated,June 29th, 1923, made and executed by the E1 Segundo Water Company, a corporation of Los Angeles County, California, to the City of it Segundo, California, a :municipal corporation of said County, conveying unto the said city the physical properties, business and assets of the said E1 Segundo Tater Company* and more particularly described in said deed as follows, to -:vit: All thlt property situate, lying and being in the City of E1 Segundo, County of Los P=eles, State of California, and more particularly described as follows, to -wit: 1. That portion of Lot Three (3), in Block Ninety - five (95), of the Tos:nsite of E1 Segundo, as per map thereof recorded in the office of the County recorder of Los Aroeles County, and more _ particularly described as follows, to -wit: Commencing at the northeast corner of said lot, thence westerly along the northerly line of said lot 38 feet; thence southerly parallel to the easterly lire of said lot 65 feet; thence easterly parallel with the northerly line of said lot to the easterly lire of said lot 38 feet; thence northerly along the easterly line of said lot 65 feet to the point of beginning, including the pumping plant on said property located. E5 2. Lots Three (3), Four (4) and Five (5), Block Thirty -four (34), Shc( 71 E1 Segundo, in the County of Los,Angeles, State of California, as per :nap recorded in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, in Book 22, pages 54 amd 55 of 1": a-0 s . 3. Lots Twenty -one (21), Twenty -two (22) and Twenty - three (23), Block Ten (10) El Segundo, in the County of Los Angeles, State of California, as per mar recorded in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, in Book 18, page 69 of I,'.aps. 4. All of the pipe lines laid through, over, across or upon the following described. property, to -wit: From the well or pumping plant located on Lot Three (3) in Block Ninety -five (95), of the Townsite of El -Segundo above mentioned, to Maple Avenue; thence easterly along maple Avenue to fain Street; thence from the intersection of K'aple Avenue and Ilain Street northerly along I�e.in Street to e_ point on a production of the east and west, line dividing Blocks 104 and 105 of said land companyIs tract, and also from the intersection of I. -Alble Avenue and Main Street southerly to its intersection with the prolongation of the east and crest line dividing Blocks 94 and 95 of said tract; and also commencing at a point in the westerly line of Block 106 of said tract at its intersection with the east and west line dividing said block; thence easterly and across Blocks 106, 105, 104, 103 and 102, and the intervening streets upon a line parallel with the Belleview Avenue to the intersection of said line with the westerly lines of Lots 1 and 8 in said Block 102; And commencing also at a point in the westerly line of Block 97 of said tract at its inter - sec --ion with the east and vest line dividing said block; thence easterly and across Blocks 97, 98, 99, 100 and 101 and the intervening streets upon a line parallel with Bell6view Avenue to the intersection of said line with the westerly lines of Lots 1 and 8 in said Block 101; And commencing at a corner common to Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8 in Block 96 of said tract; thence easterly on a line parallel with Laple Avenue through Blocks 96, 95, 94, 93 and 92 and across the intervening streets to the easterly line of said Block 92; And commencing also at a point on Sheldon Street at the intersection of said street with the line last above :mentioned, thence southerly along Sheldon Street to I.1ariposa Avenue, thence easterly along hlariposu Avenue to a point opposite the center of Lot 9 in Block 90, Sheet 6, E1 Segundo, thence northerly to a tank located upon said Lot 9; TOCET ER ITF ALL rights of way and easements with said pipe -lines connected or in any wise thereunto appertaining. also all pipe and fittings on hand; meters and services; hydrants; meter parts -and supplies; tools and miscellaneous equipment; one Ford automobile; All of the engines, rtu* ps, fittings and -,ipes situated at the main pumping plant, and also all engines, pumps, fittings and other articles situated -at the reservoir plant; All other equipment and material of any kind and nature used by Grantor in furnishing and supplying crater to the inha'- itants and residents of the a. L,17' of El Segundo. AT D �ti�:` AS, said corporation demands that a warrant in the s= of `'61,465.55 payable to the order of the said corporation be executed end delivered by proper authority to the said El Segundo eater Ccmpany in exchange for the said. deed so conveying said physical proper -ties, business and assets, subiect only to the following encumbranc °s, to -wit: "As to Lots 3, 4 and 5, Block 34, the right to lay and maintain water and gas pipe, sewers, electric light and power, telegraph and tele- phone lines, poles and conduits in streets, avenues and 121 tl_a -cos :zZgeles Trust & Savin,Ts Ban:, a Corp oratio_l. .:s to kart of Lot 3, Block 95, the right to premises one lin- of jv: ies, J suspend from cross -arms, brackets or other appropriate deviAeLs to be attached to said poles, c:ires for conveying electric energy to be used fcr 11`ht, _t�;._, 9oirer or other purposes and to use the same for seid rurposes as granted in the deed from the Los Angeles Trust & Savings -enk, a corporation, to the Southern California Edison Company, a. corporation, recorded in Book 5153, Page 7 of deeds. As to Lots 3, 4 and 5, Block 34, conditions and restrictions contained in deed from the Los Angeles Trust & Savings Bank, a corporation, to the El Segundo Land & Improvement Company, a corporation, recorded in Book 6723, ?age 239 of deeds, to which deed and the record thereof reference is hereby made for particulars. ks to Lots 21, 22 and 23, Blocle: 10, conditions and restrictions contained in deed from the Los Angeles Trust a. Savings Bank, a corporation, to tl e E1 Se;gun:do Land & Improvement Company, a corporation, recorded in nook 6745, Uage 52 of deeds, to which deed and the record thereof i� 7­.;-­,%- f c_ particulars." r AREAS, said E1 Segundo `later Company has through its properly cchstitiztod Attorney represented to this Board that it will innediately cause to be filed with this Board an agreement or state^ nt in writing on its part to assume and pa - all cos"E cf operating the said water works plant of said included in the rroperty hereinabove described and referred to up to the first day of August, 1923 and further E to assume and pay, as soon as the same can be ascertained, any and all taxes and assessments which are now e. lien upon the premises hereinabove described, or anIT part thereof; NOV.' THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEL, That the said deed Sc conveying unto the City of E1 Segundo, all of the physical properties, business and assets of the said E1 Segundo I-ater Company and hereinabove described and set forth, be and the same is hereb„r- accepted on behalf of the said City of El Ilegundc, end the City Clerk of said City is hereby directed and authorized to cause the said deed end its accompanying papers to be filed for record in the office of the County Recorder of Los Angeles County, California; and that the President of the Board of Trustees and the C.ity.Clerk and City Treasurer of said City are hereby directed and authorized upon thy„ rresentation of a proper demand therefor, and the filing of the Trritten agreement or statement on behalf of said Company hereinabove referred to, to make, execute and deliver unto the said E1 Segundo star Company a warrant in the sum of 61,465.551 drawn on the ',"ater corks Bond, Election 1922, Interest & Sinking Fund, and cause said warrant to be paid upon_ presentation thereof in due course ". Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Rueger, Smiley and Bryson. does: None, Absent: Trustee Davis. ?'4',�vI1,TC BILLS. The following; demands, having had the approval of the Committee on Fine-nee and Records, were read: Here.lc Publishing Co. 37.10 Los Angeles Rubber Stamp Co. 1.70 The Electric Shop 2.93 Rich Bvidelier 1.00 E1 Segundo Z�ater Co. 49.30 Braun Corporation 17.00 T. B. Dinwiddie 2.00 7. H. Lennon 3.00 F. A. Macdonald 3.00 W. R. Pierce 3.00 C. G. Smith 3.00 A. Soeuto 3.00 C. A. Brittain 3.00 D. B. Hancher 3.00 F. E. Miller 2.00 G. A. Todd 3.00 0. H. Barber 2.00 F. J. Hope 3.00 nick Koumis 1.00 J. D. Campbell 2.00 J. C&-irns 1.00 J. C. Bixler• 2.00 L. 7, Des..ert 1.00 C. `". Calloway 1100 C. K. i.:cConnell 13.00 Los Angeles Co. Health Dept. 240.00 °. T. Futchins 57.00 B. E. Edwards 12.75 E. :. Chubb 3.00 Union :_ock Co. 171.26 Pacific Electric Ry. Co. 38.08 $682.12 I..oved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Rueger, that the '� -=nds be allowed and warrants drawn on the General Fund for the same. Carried by the followinJ votei :yes: Trustees Binder, Rueger, Smiley and Bryson. Toes : .:one. Absent: Trustee Davis. b_oved by Trustee Smiley, seconded. by Trustee Rueger, that a. Varrant in the sum of �'?' 3750.00 be drawn on the 7. ater !.'orks Bond, Election 1922, Interest & Sin.king� Fund payablF to 1. ir_ta Curtzwiler, City Treasurer, to take care of interest coupons against ;'rater ":orks Bond falling due July 2nd, 1923. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Rueaer, Smiley ?n(? -Bryson. Noe S : 11?or_e . Absent: Trustee Davis. 17- BUSIYESS. None. I ?o further business appearin^ to be it was moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded that the meeting adjourn until Friday, 1923 at the hour of 4:15 o'clock P. Pi. Respectfully Approved: President, Board of Trustees, transacted at this session, by Trustee Rue�!er, the 13th day of July, Carried. submitted, �+w � 4�