1923 JAN 30 CC MIN2567 t 1 Segundo, Col.y Jan. 30th, 1922). A regular meeting of the 3oard of Trustees of the City of El Segundo, California, was called to order at 7:50 o'clocr: I. on the above date in the Council Chamber of the _ity Hall of said city by .7illi,,m C. 3ryson, 1-resident of the =)'oard. ROLL C= ALL . Ti:UST�S =. SE_ i': Binder, Davis, RueL2 Smiley and 3ryson. ADIlTG O _?UT_]S 01 ? TICUS I: -L _7 . The minutes of the regular meeting held on the 23rd day of Januar -, 1 25 were re--d without error or omission being noted. It was moved by Trustee :Davis, seconded by '- 'rustee Smiley, that the minutes be --p-proved as read. Carried. `07.- U' v.��^I VI1S . T__e f ollo -wing coiamunicr-.tions viere read and dis nosed of as indicated: 0. E. : ?AL.^�,, an a,-,placation to conduct a billiard room on ill Segundo Avenue between ::oncord Street and Richmond Street. On motion of Trustee Rue -er, seconded by Trustee Smiley, which carried, the a- placation was laid on the table one wee: for investigation. S. D. FITZG= .AI,D, snaking application for a permit to conduct a ID billiard room at the 'Northeast corner ofichmond Street and E1 Segundo Avenue. loved by T rustee Rue ter, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the application be laid on the table one siee.:for investigation. Carried. ORAL CO2=TI CATIOITS . Yr. C. H. Turner, printer of the El Segundo Citizen, introduced himself to the 3oard, stating that his newspaner is to remain an El Segundo fi :.ture, and requested the cooperation of the 3oard of Trustees and an oiopo-rtunity to figure with the 3oard on the printing of city forms and the publication of the official minutes. ET:'_SO; , re presenting the -_21 Segundo = ost iTo . 3B, American Le-ion, requested the use or two serving tables and = ifteen chairs on ?ebruai7 5.th, 1923. I::oved by Trustee - ueger, seconded by _'rustee Smiley, that this 'permission be granted. Carried. "See last pac�, e for balance of Oral —Z Cormnuniccations. '?O- TS 0 :,T._l,DI!:r CO?...Il1J.J,J. Trustee Davis of t_Ze - ublic oafet r Cormlittee recommnended that an illuminated bo :: sign reading "..'ire Station" be erected over the entrance to the _Firen,',i ne :giver's aua, ter s . Loved bar Trustee - :ueger, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the Cler': be instructed to obtain prices on the installation of such a fi_:tu_ e. Carried. Trustee Davis of the -'ublic Safety Comriittee reported that lie had arranged r:it <z City :"attorney •,00d�rorth to meet 1.ecorder Green on regular meeting nights, so that the latte=r might consult and be advised in leis duties in tie conduct of __is office by the City Attorney. Trustee ueger of the =ublic -1 orhs Coim:iittee recommended im_�-rove- ment of the following streets: 25'7 East and ';lest side of :_- -in Street from .;l Segundo avenue to Franklin Avenue. 1 Holly Avenue, Concord ,:street to 1.1-ain Street. -'ine Avenue, Virginia Street to L'_ain Street. Sheldon Street, i.Tariposa Avenue to ?maple Avenue. FollowinS discussion and e:nlanations with respect to -the desirability of these improvements, it was moved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Smiley, t_iat the Street Superintendent be instructed to furnish the Board with estimates of the cost of improving these streets. Carried. Trustee Davis of the =_'ublic Safety Comraittee drew the Board's attention to the fact that ='1 Segundo Avenue iias become a menace to the safety of motorists in wet weather, owing to its slijI)ery surface. This matter was discussed at some length, following which it was moved by Trustee, -Davis, seconded by Trustee Iueger, that the ,Street Su_nerin- tendent be instructed to investigate the matter of roughening El Segundo Avenue end to report his findings to the Board of Trustees. Carried. ?:_oved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the City Clerc be instructed to communicate with the Automobile Club of Southern California, .requesting thc.m to furnish five signs, trarnin�7 motorists) that El Segundo Avenue is sli-opery and danSerous in wet` , ; ;eaU_�er; these signs to be erected at the following locations: One at the -_ as ter ly end of =1 Segundo Avenue, one at the to;) of the hill as of Arizona Dive, one at the bottom of the '_ill East of Arizona Drive, one at the bottom of the long hill est of A rizona Drive and one at the for of the lonC _till ."est o_ Irizona Drive. Carried. - 'O` TS O-' 01, 'I C, S AITD S_JE CIAL COI:1.ff T TEES . The City Cler': reported that the Electric Shop has not as yet =urnished prices or plans for illuminating the traffic direction sign a_'fi .ed to the pole at the intersection of Lain Street and Grand Avenue as requested. The City Clerk reported also that he ,lad received but one aid for the construction of the shelter station to be erected at I:iain Street and Grand Avenue and by general consent the openint- of this bid %-,,as deferred Wending receipt of others. ITone. TJITPI_.ISHED - 3USI=SS. PAYI -IiG BILLS'. '_ "oved by Trustee Binder, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the dezzands be allowed ^,nd warrants drawn on the General Fund for the same. Carried by the foll.owin�; vote: 'yes: Trustees Binder, Davis, Rueger, Smiley and Bryson. Noes: ITone . Absent : None. 1=1 U BUSIHEISS . The following de�r:nds, having had the a proval o- the Committee on ='in"nce and record: , were reed: ITern ld ublishing Co . : ;;;45.00 Calif . Corrugated Culvert Co. 39.78 ua:lda- -- Garage 20.90 V Pacific _7lectric l�ailwn,y Co. 27.16 So . Calif. -= ,dison Co . 87.43 So. Calif . Edison Co. 37.15 So. Calif. Edison Co. 20.59 So. Calif. Edison Co. 28.06 So. Calif. Edison Co. 1.43 Earl Evans 23.80 Total d 331.30 '_ "oved by Trustee Binder, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the dezzands be allowed ^,nd warrants drawn on the General Fund for the same. Carried by the foll.owin�; vote: 'yes: Trustees Binder, Davis, Rueger, Smiley and Bryson. Noes: ITone . Absent : None. 1=1 U BUSIHEISS . 258- City Attorney '�.00drrorth announced to the Board that oviin" to the growth of this vicinity and in order Bette= to t'erve his clientele, he has decided to move his office from Los Angeles to the ".rcade Building in in`71etiiood bej3inning ?'arch 1st, 1923, �izere he will be better able to serve the com*�unit,r and get in ouicr:er consultation with munici-Pal officers needing; ':is advice. Yoved by Trustee uege ^, seconded by Trustee Davis, t--l'a–t the office of City Recorder as now filled by . H. Green be an-'- the same is hereby declared vacant as of Janua --,y 51st, 1923 at 12:00 o'clock Noon and t'_.at said Recorder Green deliver to his successor all records of his office and City of El Segundo -,Dro-oerty under his control. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Davis, Pueger, Smiley and Bryson. Noes: None. Absent: None. Moved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Binder, that the followings resolution be ado-?ted: "RESOL117M, That Don = `ugitt be a.)-pointed City -ecorder of the City of :Cl Segundo, to assume the duties of his office January 31st, 1923 at 12:00 o'clock IToon. That he shall receive as com— )ensation in full for all services rendered as such City Recorder the sum of A0.00 -L)er month, payable monthly ^s other city salaries are -paid". Carried bir the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Davis, Pueger, Smiley and Bryson. Noes : Pone. Absent: None. Oral Communications Cont'd. I'r. E. Robison advised the 3oard that he is now manager of the Herald -ublishing Company, that he is rehabilitating the local -plant and will soon be able to give Good: service from the local office. ITo further business appearing to be transacted at this session, it was moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the meeting adjourn until Thursday, - 2ebruary lst, 1923 at 12:00 o'cloc:: Noon. Carried. Ap-,Drived : =resident, Board of ''rustees. i:es; -)ectfully submitted, L� City :.