1923 JAN 23 CC MINA 2 _l Segundo, Cal. man. 2:, 1� regul_-.r meeting; of the Board of Trustees of the 'City of i,1 'eSundo, C, li forma , was c _lled_ to order at 7 : SO o' clod: = 17 on the above date in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said�C I by . illiam C. .-,,ryson, -,-:resident of the =joard. _.0L C_ -L!,. Davis , _'.ue�;e_ , mi ey ad - son. _DL LT C'_ __,. ..1!7�J__,.i �_ - _;V1CLJ --.�,_!_,i�_T -lie minutes of the red 19 ? were read without error u_-,en loci on of '2rustee Davis, ul ^,r meeting held on the 16tH da r of 7111uc:ry, or omission bein.; noted, and tirere oved seconded by Trustee Smiley, c;lli c. carried. 10 77 IJ_ I CAS' IOi`C . he ''ollo•.,ink col:)_:?unications ,;ere read and disposed o_ as indicated _...__i, _ V:a, a'' ply: in` fO?' a 'le?'? it to rlOVe one StO_'� bl ?lldln!' :. "',-:ed b7, " ustee Davis, seconded by ` rustee Smiley, that l.x. _a -I'l 1-'v e.ns be -ranted -permission to move a 10 .: 12 fra.Lie building; frori 425 7iest _... le Avenue to 218 - .:nitin Street, within the City of '_l -IeCundo, over and E.,lonJ the route specified in the -.-oplication therefor. CL rried. ?a. H. A. Crovrell, on be =L of the Sausal- Redondo 'dater Company, advised the :Board that there would be some delay in holding- a melting of . - stoc__Iiolders of said Company, but that said meeting- will be held at the earliest possible time and a -price for the water worl•:s and dis- tributing systerl of said co.-roan" sub fitted to the Board of Trustees, -_)robaL-ly within .t.7o weeICs. =1P0i TS 01 STI-17DII.M COI._.'Ir2T =S Trustee Rueger, for the =ublic Service Committee, reported lmaving interviewed 1`r. H. D. Dale, who granted permission for the erection of a waitin' room upon property under his control situated at the Southeast corner of ?rain Street and Grand Avenue. Trustee Bryso c'' the Ground in the �hc.t ditches _"o_' t.e tii:: °ect dee_ at any n re)or ted that CJ ty I- Inrineer �ory had made a survey rear of the ty Hx.11, from which it was leaned_ sey)tic tanI, :,.nd neccssar�- drains �,iill not be over point. File City �ittorne7,- re-oortcd t_ a,t he Ilad been infor:-ied by City -nr•i neer that 'U'---,e road over ti :_lich t:_e 5,--.nta --'e L". hos _.n` eles _i ^.root -• .11'.':. OI1: . ^,?1jT =1-'s aS_ =ed for f''ancaise to construct a crossin`•, is - :1 U1 u the cor-,orate limits o-f t'.''_e 'i t-, of • - -1 ��,eC:Undo, t'rhich in- orriatlon the Attorne,- transmi fled to tie I✓z` :incers of the :'.antra;- ' ora ny. City 'nr-ineer Cory, through the City Cler'h, resorted t_a.t the ea "- th Jan-- at :11 Se`r,•undo Avenue Gild 21,_,izona Drive may be cut do'.iri to a hei �llth of 4- 11/2 ft, a::ove the round L:.lonC El Segundo Avenue and _'or a "I istc.:lCe of 36 ft. along Arizona, Drive without disturbin or re::.ovini; a:ay voles or ,nchors and that tale amount o'' earth to be ren-ioved is a pro :ir.��.teiy 50 yards. He reported that lie did not know the o:rners o_"_ this ,.ro_)erty, but was under the impression that it belon --s to the 0. T. Johnson Corno,. °ation. 254 Q "owed b • `_'rustee ^:ue,;er, seconded b;r Trustee Smiley, t:l at i s -e C r r�, J-'y iy r -� ti r r City 1erl: aac'_y es e C . _ J o_ nson Co_ , ora on, i s t. e�: e f OLL21C?_ to be the o :,ne of the yt is des --red to tre::ove c.n carth- Dnn.: as a l,e '.S:,.re Oi sa-et t0 rile OtOrl a ;11C, at .l �Cr'L?nd0 ::venue --.n-, _ _ _Scnn �'i'TC, �S_:li:' t_ief_r e: r_ =SSion t0 rcnn ove the re^uired ai:ibunt of eai"th. Carried. Ci t ynCineer Cory, through the City Clerl :, rc-.,orted that he is )re:;a.:.•in� the plans for tae se:;tic tun:_ �..nd drain lines to be const'ucted in rile rear of the pity x:11, but th�c.t he coul(s not -et ther-_ ready in time _"o =• the 3oard meetin- t_lis date. Tide City tLttorney re-oorted llavinC had furt ".per communicc -tion :-.-it11 Senator 11,,on situ-h res -:ect to the proposed amendment t the = :_otor 'vehicle Act, designed_ to - )ermit Cltles to retcin fines collected from those convicted of violations of said act and that it appears action by tie Senate will be favorable. The City _ttorney advised the 3oard that he was this date deliverin7 to the City Cler_- corrected deeds to certain portions of the street k.novm ^.s Oal_ Avenue to tape ca -•e of certain propert -, heretofore erronecusiv deeded. U117- 11- r, - *- a _ S yl 1 J_ ' . "oved by rustee �:ue��er, seconded_ by Trustee :�2ililC -;p', t'1:.� ��le Cie_,­ - - n-;bta_n -,-i ceS for t'_1c construction of -, ait.ln:; _'oo , con - sistin- of a benc'1 -bout 11".. ft. lon-, : ith a solid bac': and e :ds ^.rd _lin�le .•oo", h c11 it is y)r000sed to erect at tae .Joutlec^t corder of in ;�trect anc_ ! r ^.nd Avenue, for the accor_lodwtion of those waitin, 'or st.:eet ca-'s at this - Joint. Carrie-'•_. ' lie follovrinC denands, '.lavill_�- had the �.._, -)y:roval of the Committee on 7'inc.nce and. _.ecords, ;sere read: _ . L H ;:acaine Shop 14.50 A. L. Ains:•rort_l 45.00 So. Calif. Disinfect in- Co. 28.50 Standa -,d Oil Co. 89.21 H, S. Cro c = :er Co. Inc. 3.36 Los Angeles Rubber Ct: mp Co. .70 R. J. eeatherby 39.84 Total 'loved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the demands be -- .11o:aed a.nd drawn on the General tiund for the same. Carried by the followin- vote Ayes : Trustees Davis, 1:ueCer, Smiler and ryson. hoes: hone. Aiosc:_t: Trustee Tier . r 7 r J S J_ ^. J_ I_ oved Jy Trust eC - :ue''er, SCCOndeCi Dy _._t1S ee araile�•, �_�a� �:1e (0110'• 4 11^ 'esolution '..)c ado - ;tcd; ,_.lid_ - _C 1,.. lere. r li1S �ruCte`J_ O G1:1 lob" ^i1 ciac,tr!.cl n 10 =• )u-' .,ose of erect in,- n electric li -ilt o.nd c`no-_y over OJ t _ie four a 2 Cf f i n µ1rCCtlOi1 51;215 to the +Dole c.t t_,e intersectin:� of i.L.-an ty ect anC u nc! _venue r.t cost not to e�.ceed `_5.00 and ^.t t:ie 1.reet uu ;c: - .�tendent �e nd ae is 11, eI`C0-7 _i7 t-I IcL-e6_ to said -�)ole _.nd it5 ::aoc." ctrl ec. bv, ie follo.:in, vote: n 255` Ayes: Trustees Davis, !-uecer, 3mlley and 3ryson. Noes: idone . ',bse ?1t: Trustee 3i.Zder. J 'rustee a ?iill(y e:=_7reS seG: t_2e O "_ i;lOri '_1_b t_le street 11htS in ­m n- aseS GIi �.-1 n T "le -i t,; :'G ''iu.2. X00 10. nd_ �..i'l, if new Li -ht s are installer! tlle,r should ae erected as near as >70ssible t0 `..:le hei,!-ht_2 of those in - .edond_o _')e ^C_2 and. � !;e.le al consent cac _ St t?Ct.:C'. 'moo re "UeSt the OU t'_:e-, n . x..11= o, i7i ri 0 E ECo " tilc ne7,7 1. _1tS to 'ie ins zalle!_ at as 7-_-eaT, cCl` Vil as 'SUSS JIe. L ni;c�f, e� : 1 i s attention `11 r_ i been ^�?' i rn to �osr�iole ���.n. - °e'^ o- -oer:�littin, vehicles to ­a-_--_: _ on ,�_2e i:ort'.i si. c of l FJ "LI7C'_. .!.venue Jet'.'Oe_1 _.iCi_Ye10nCt it =e8t ._ G ^_e es e ='1', sl!e 0. . �r_.n l °- - :'il . om _ 1-r' s m_7,ir. �^ to . oz7s�der able discuss3.on . ollo;�ed, per :inati i2 in the 27 tter being- dro .ped nendin,- "ctu al e..--,erier.ces U11c!c t_le �ar'_in re ulations set fo- t_1 in t_le rece.2L, ado_;ted o- •6.i_7 -,nce -:;_1 -ch ;�-ovcrns at said ?oint. Trustee -Davis attention to the fact th_,.t he had been d� 1, V. _ � c _Iv 1SEG c i2t 1a,_. :es on Lots 7 and of "loc-_ 1 of he J1 y Oi w: -undo, one- h,_ll: of each o ;r_.icil zr_.s -ourc',,esed from the American Legion in A,):. °il, 1922, slave not been - ,,)aid. "oved by Trustee Iiue�;er, , seconded by ' a,�; c rsiley, that trie ity Clef•': be and he is hereby instructed to �oay all t ^_ces due on Lot 7 and 8 of loci; 21 of the City of El SeJundo z7d to _'Tie his demand- wor reii:lburser ent therefor. Carried by t''1e rollo;rin� vote: Ayes : Trustees Davis, Rue -er, Smiley and Bryson. '_ oes : ?lone. .Vosent : Trustees Binder. 7o further business a-ppearing to be transacted at this ..eCtin,-,, it was ,:loved by Trustee Sr2iley, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the meeting ad,icurn. Carried. es_�ectrully submitted, _`:n -oroved_: f � C' _resident, Board or Trustees,