1923 JAN 16 CC MINEl Segundo, Cal. January 16t1l, 1923. A regular meeting; of the Board of Trustees of the City of Ei Segundo, California., was called to order at 7:30 o' clod: r� : -, on the above date in the Council Chombe_ of the ity r-a11 of sa.idi J ty by sz T r� son, _ resident o= the oarci . ':GI,L CALL. T- TJS 7 _-_- . 7 ,.Q ., fi`'n-- - . _ - � i ndei', Davis, , Smiley ;-..nd _jrysor., m -` C,-, ---,ter - - :one. _ :I TU 0:. IJa i? 0_ : -- -j _ ­_ - . she minutes o the re.- 1, meeting,: held_ on the 9th daY of 19 "3, :-,ere read? i!o errors or omissions being; noted_, it �10vec b;T "_ustec Jcvis, ;seconded 'Ny nrus tec Smiley, that t:?e ::'lint? tes be ;-),,oved ac, recd. Sar -ied. I, "0 ,r, J, ;., "one . S .7;`11=_tehecd -, corlterolct .zr; Lilldlnb on . a,in Street ::ct:;een c 111 and -e .':le Avenues, inquired whether or not the oflicio.l r,ade had been esta iis..ed on "c.i ?: St =eet at said - point. rIe was i m- orir.led that it bad. 7 -- `7hite1-,ead stated also that on the easterly side of said street an,_ in Front of his ,ororperty, there is an earth ban which ': hich is in the aublic street, and he inquired whether or not the board would cooperate with him in the cost o- the e_:oense of removing said earth. It a-�_)earing - that the City coo- oera,ted with other property o-uners rga:ing similar requests in the Tast, it was -loved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Rueter, that the Street Superintendent be and he is 1-iereby autliorized and instructed to wade the East side of _: bin Street in front of the Northerly 150 feet of Lot 6, Bloc,: 9,, to the offi cia,l grade and that the cost of this wori: be Le;ot accurately and two- thirds of tl_e same charged to ITr. S. 'iTnitehead. Carried by tie followin ., vote: ��r.,:.. r,� - := ' -- . i 'us tees ...indcr, Davis, _ ue7er, ')mile;;' c;nd Bryson. -0 `T _J.J ,j one . i. . '? _lone . "r. r ';ellfro, Ins_- ector of ', onstruction for the School � rustees of the • ;'i ty O_ _ 1 �e "Ui1d0, a2�ilSed_ the -O� rC'i t111 t lri the of the controversy concer_li n ° file grade on the Soutli side of _L,lm !�Lvcnue bet.;ecn Street and ircinia Street, the board of -1 Se -,undo G School irustecc '_gad held a meeting and 1_ad found tila.�c tae crades as -iven by the C1. U. 7n�ineer of the �:;i t;,T o_' J1 Ser- ndo were correct, tae er! °o» =>ei n.­ tho.t of en-ineerc employed bar Said 3oa.rd of School `?rustecs, _. - -s. =-clen 1:. :roc;:, on behalf of the '- Voman's Civic Iqp- ovemen'. C1L?b, as - -ed to ,,,rat e; :tent the "City would_ aid in the construction of a shelter f o'_'• -')er sons w .itin" - or cars at the co = °rier Of :0-in Street and Grand - Avenue, statin`- that in winter women and children are re- auired to stand in the o_,en while waitinE for cars and that the 'BCi lC ^lectric T�ailway Com any had e__.Dressed their inability to Cive retie She further stated that all that is wanted is a bench with a roo�' or covering. It was moved bi Trustee Davis, seconded b­ T_ stee ^ueger, that the matter be refe_,red to the - 'u'blic Service Co ii.tee to investigate and re-nort to the Board. Carried. 250 P yT,—.C- .._,'" Q--, -,, _ __7)I'_'l CQ ?._.�Inn_....� J J. Trustee Drys on, to tir_ orn thet'�ei o"' chant e in the sea re diBnos_ sy L d bec e_'e_re sorze tirle ado, reported that in his opinion c. new se_ -.tic tan_- would be constructed as close s.s possible to the "it-.r __w11, c.nd t.. at!` drain from said se-:tic tan': shot ?lc. be constructed of 6" fG�-1 drain tile. The clatter Was discussed at some length and it that a _,lr.n o the Dropose,:1 wor_: should be ::made as a ­ uide for contractors w'ho rl< be requested t0 bzc'. t? ,on the i70?'_l, it vil- s moved by _'rustee seconded by Trustee Smile�T., that the rlatte�° be left in the hands of the City nCineer, 1-r110 may con_ °el• with the C1-lairY.1,111 Oi the 'Doc rd- of Trustees. Carried. Trustee -.ue -er advised the Los.,d that the matter of cuttinr- ae�ay more of the earth ban nec.r the intersection of El Segundo Avenue and Arizona Drive had been celled to his attention. In the discussion which ensued, it was lea_'ned that the :;it "r 1n .ineer has a dra�-rinC of the obstruction in question, showin- elevations and ow—ne�•sh:ip. of t'rie pro-= ")erty involved. Action on this natter was deferred until the ne t meetin- to f7ive an opportunity to ,reuse said --+'7 ^, n n ,� _ . -^ n' -*-� C• f_'� -' ^ -Y T n n 0+ -• r r' -r-, T. IM .O ved. Trustee _:ue :r, SCC011ded�' `�rUStCe `� 111C7.', tllat t!le Sou t'fle_ °n . ^.li�,=nic. _ _ son .,orr_)e.l.. be C.nl� t::e, are hereby eques wed I ^.utho "ized to install_ 4.00 c -,ndle o::e�' l ,r:,s in -.)l, of GO J .L ^._ .f.� _ - L n Canc =1e %Osier 1 ;.1oS a� pile _0110'::111' locations . i.Cln Street C: r^ri: lln - ti 01 -; _airi "t= eat-,': ine ,.venue, - -aln Tenue, :.x17 _ .Venue, 'treat i. .ri cos '.venue, : -a.in street L _ al- Avenue, I- .in Street w = ^.pie :venue, _._^.in Street a!nut avenue, 'ichrnond Street wlm livenue, 'Tirr -ini c'. .Jtreet and - x.1 1 Avenue, :ichnond street -.nd i.:ari_posa .':venue, Concord. Street 7.—al—in .':venue, Gra ld Avenue Virginia :Street, Grand :'.venue L-_ -:Tlitin­ Street; all of said_ lexn_os to be suspended. over. the cente-_- o_`' tae street on ca,- :;le.s with the e ::ception Of "_lose Gt rT? °��11C1 c ��r 1i11� ? 1CL I'GYId Avenue c.: 111t1Y1�; :qtr °Et, WAIC11 shall be suspended on 18 foot rlast arms . Carried. by the following vote: AYES : Trustees Bi nde:.•, Davis, 1'.ue -,e�•, Smiley and Dr, son. ITO -S : bone . ti ,'S �, . _Tone . ::'owed b,T Trustec Davis, seconded by Trustee Binder, that Ordina,rce _o. 91, entitled: CAL .. ',._:.J_TD'_., SJCTIO_i 8 0_' 0_.DI_.A', NO. 67 0 3Al"D SI "'i' __�.TITI JD. " i , ORDI T_�TC7 0.' r"�L . ^I'Y 0L a_;GLT_? JO , lJJ ^ZI _ ?Qli lr"n , T LLIST -'iG .. 3?JSI_ _ S^ DIS^ 'ICT; A_:D 1-7GUL ^r_'I1 ;�'T `' e , a. n-) . - -l" T 0 T ,-„'_- -'T T'- T/''1 F m--,7-r- "O Irte- jT - T r- - -. n- *� n r r_ T J r 1 D 0 ",IO' O= TT.Or,O- -- D Or_ ". rl l-- C1T ml ", 7T�1 T T , /� T1' 7 T'- D T.- 07 cl V ,fir, //1920, ri�.�J ..ir1T ,nnl Q_� r_i___._'_lC riQ J S - :j C+1_U:� 1'x L, vv_lich t'r_,s intro:luced and read_ at a, meetin-_- of the Board of 'rustees held on t1 -,c 9th da, of -a.nuary, 1923, be ado»teia. Carried by the followin , vote : Trustees Bindei , D_-.vis , _Hue., Smiley and Bryson. it -ES: none. A3S_= :_ : 1 one. L "oved by Trustee Fueber, seconded by Trustee '_inde_, that 7:esolution Of Intention iTo. 48, entitled: tl T�^.'�c' r. rj1 ' -, -1 n C'n^ -'1S , rte.1t, A - SOLU_IGI Or, � --L 3OA: D 07 1_.USr 0 ' n CITY 0_' S= GUITDO , CALI -'0 NI. =. , DLCL;',R!1 G 11117-1-' IiTTITTIGIT 0 SAID BOA_.D TO ;?'i;G= ATD 7TGDIFY Try G_=1, 01' A 0 -2- T IGI; 0117 .L ' AVEITIJI; I =III; T r S.PJD CITE', _i__,D TO E -- STA3LIS'r� 71= SOU_.' =T= _:LY CUPB LI7= T i:. �0 %T'' , be ado -oted. Carried by the follo'rin- vote: AYE'S : Trustees minder, Davis, ueCe_, Smiley and Tyson. ITO='^ . None . In t=ie natter of the a-p- -1icatioh: of the Santa w'e L Los - Ance1es "Iar .or _:ail;-ray Com-oany, discussion developed the probability t'.at the Street ovc-r Fr117.c =1 the fr�.nc:_iSe IS prayed for 1S not 'rlt'1iri the linits of the City of _:'l 'eE,;undo. It was moved b;.- Trustee .ever, seconded by `1'rastee Smilc7,, that the aJ .liCL:.ti0h7 Of % �e ti'antC, e LOS - n-E—les arbor a il:"ray oml)an�r i Or = is ?,nci:1."ie OVe= a certain potion 0_ tie nCle1:rood- _:edondo 3oulevard 'oe refc_'red to the :''ity nr-inccr :"or 1riVeStic.t10:1 and if he finds said c..pplicaticn to be e�' oneous, that the a-;_lic�nt be so advised by the City C1erL-, but i said a.: - lication is found to be correct that he cormnunicate such in o_mr.tion to the :;ity Atto_ney and that the City Attorney be _nstructed, u-.)on receiY:t of such iniorrw.tion, to pre- ;.are 2.11 papers necessar , in the matter. Carried. ?AfI =;G DILLS . he follotirinL derLands, havi.nC had the ap?Droval of the Committee on 7inance `, 1,ecord_s, were reed: ?. Osmer 23.20 W. D. Sicicler 59.52 ;:. G. Henry 59.52 C. ';oodyCrd 11.78 Dern.Gisch 59.52 A. I,'iller 62.40 C. T. :'.inscrorth 86.46 Victor D. L-X_'art by 59.51 union = ocl= moo. 68.047- ildred Leach 10.95 St�.ndar _ Oil Co. 1C..".7 De-oartment of Health 240.00 __. C. --.,ease 13.13 County of Los An;eles :;752.40 ? =oved by Trustee Binder, seconded by Trustee P.ueger, that the ?e: :lands be allowed and dra.rrn on the G(-;lei', 1 _ and for t'-i.e same. - arried by the foll o'rrin-. vote: A'17,,;-) Trustees 3inder, Davis, ::uef-er, Smiley and Bryson. !Tone. ^ -_,- None . rlhe Clerh advised the need of ; a per towels and toilet I)a jer for t'1e t;r Mall. ::oved : >y yrustee =we e, , seconded by trustee Smiley, that the Cit;T Cler': be and he is hereby authorized and in- structed to older five cartons of public service towels at a >-)rice not to e_iceed �, �'6.25 -,-Jer carton, and five cases of Gnlivron Toilet a_,e_° __t a cost not to e_:ceed :,;1 -.25 er case, the total cost o to,,-iels and toilet per includinL freight not to exceed ", 105.00. tarried 'oy the following vote AY ,: Trustees Binder, Davis, l;ue�er, Smiley and Bryson. iTOEES : None. ;T : ITone . C`-hai,-•_1r.n o= the 3owrd of Trustees declared a recess of five minutes at this point, the hour being 8:10 o' clocl: .::. The 252 jD Bo,­.--d reconvened_ at t'ie !hour o_' C:15 o' clot'_ _ . bein-: called_ to order b; '.:i11i_ r.�i C. ' r;Tson, = resiL e all -rus ,eel bd n present. Trustee Davis drew attention to the fact that one of the doors lea,di n•^ into the Audito,.•ium from the stair landin; is ,7 7 r_,)ed and di fficult to loci :. It was t men moved by Trustee D avis , seconded by ^rustee �inde� , that the _-u -0li.c :Service Corr.iittee be c.uthorized to em)loy a cor-r- ,etent - ci•son to adjust doors and windor:s in tile ' -ity -11. Ca= °vied. oved by Trustee weer, seconded by `rustee Smiley, that A. L� Ainsworth be em?ol oyed to the newly constructed cupboard in the i1-er� -n's livinr- quarters. Carried by the following_- vote: AYJS: Trustees Dinder, Davis,Euer-er, Smiley and Jryson. !TOES : hone . ?:one. 'To further business a­1pe__rin_- to be transacted at this meetin -, it was moved bar Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the meeting adjourn. Carried. 'espectfully submitted, An-)roved: City C ��— _resident 3oa_ d of u Cces .