1923 JAN 09 CC MINP24 El Serrundo, Cal. Jan. 9, 192 7-. A .-egular meetin .-; of tile Board of Trustees of the City of l Segundo, Callfornl�., i.Tas called tO order at � 1 c _ . T t 7 :0 o c o __ on ��ie wino- -e r_� ate in the 'ouncil Cncff,)c of the C_ty I-_all of i city by illlcrl C. � =yson, zlresi dent Of the ySOa" d. ,.0�� Z . -'L - -a �' Birder,ues.e_, and.' IrVson. Davis and Smiley. W_ "J�IIT^ Q. ITJr,,T;S C^ ==rIQUS r,,TI1 7, I� 1e mfnuteS 0-f the re' _, mectin -" ilEl,-' On the 2nd d�.y 19`'3 :7erc rcl,d. _'o er -•ors or O'_iis -. ienS apeerl:: , it C:aS .:iO ?C�: by 'I : us _lleger, seco nded _ -)y Trustee Binder, t :o.t t' -ear be L..,provcd -.s recd. Carried. The following" cor�.�luni c_-.tions ti•:ere read and di.s- :,osc(' of as indicated: Ai:OI�D D. DAL', rcquestin ; that an of_'icie:l gr�.de be establis =led for ti2e alley rennin - South from Grand Avenue in Bloc= 1;o. 23 of t:le City of E" 1 Segundo. _.owed bJr Trustee .ueCer, seconded by Trustec Binder, ' hat file ,%it7r -gin: ineer be and he is here )y autr orized and instructed tO eSt� bl' S11 file Ol =icier l grade -•or the alley in -loch 1To. 2 3 of the -'ity o_F. -1 Se ;.zndo. Carried by the follo� : :il.g vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, iueger and Bryson. IT : 'Tone. Absent: Trustees Davis and Smiley. J. , OS=rr , requesting a _:e__lit to move on the 10th day of J anu_^.ry, 1923, a. one story Ira.-:le building, 12 : 14, from its )resent location near the General Chemical Cow-_- )any's plant within the City O.L -1 Segundo . to i o. 1,2z. aitinc Street, wi-_rl said City. 1Icved by Trustee _:ueger, seconded.by Trustee 3inder, teat this -)ermission be C_anterw, - orovidinf7 the construction of the building; meets -v;ith the reauirements of ordinances of the City of' ^1 Segundo as may be determined by the Building Ins-Dector o_" the City of 71 Segundo and nrovided Iurther that i us erection at destination be in acco -_•c' ^.nce ;:ith ordinances of said city governing- the erection of building,: :,. Carried. ('� "Tn -,--� pp njT rI -iI ^C' TTf� �,'?11 `A 7a r ,J 1.�'�.� r -_ C� 'OS Al: �.: _. :_�. _ Y.. -%V -. : LI -j...IL , Q__� :J.� , l jrin�� i �r SA: 1 ,. -. ranchise to construct a line o= r il" :,c.y across u portioi: of "Ll est one - =c._ ° o -_le In.- le�,00d -- edo..do oulcvard. �y ^ enc�'al consent o.ction il. U- matte-_- r;as do el red_ until the nee t re-- ulai:• meetin` oI the -ow_'d and the Clerl: instructed to stlbrlit s ^.id a nlicatior. to -, he C Ujr _- ..'orney SO tilat he lt' .t advise 11 e _J iri file 1Jre:1lueS -' at t _.e ne_:t micetin O1.AL C011U1,I(�".TIQ TS. Howard ?rcdley, ?ro_;"'ieUor of the garage to be o .erred at the corner 0' � Segundo Avenue end Concord Street, requested that the guttE�• on the last side of Concord Street from E1 Segundo Avenue to the alley �+orth thereof be leveled and improved in a nianner similar to the im—,D_- oveme -...t on the : :esterly sidE of said street. 'roved by Trustee Rue-e­, seconded by 'trustee Binder, that the Street ill ie i'_l Eiidei ^.t Je --nd _?e is ier Jy aut:-LO -ized and instructed to 1 :.'fir OvE file iitte'r On the -8.` t S_C18 O'° CO11COrC' St_ eet _LrOl1 Ll Se--undo .'.venue to ti_c Alley 170 rth thereof. Carried by the following vote: :.yes: Trustees Binder, __ue ;er _nd Bryson. _Toes Absent: Trustees ^.V1S and 246 DD 1 Mr. 3radlcy also requested a modification of the Darning ing r es- trictions on _1 Se' undo Avenue �et�esn _.ic?monC_ Street and Concord Street, e. plain i nS that the _re s c regulations ons r ould tend to deprive 111:1 of many Snla__ Sa,lES on account O- motorists being unable to parh t2ei_ machines on E1 Segundo Avenae w=-_ile making _purchases. T ollowin" discussion: of the matter Q Members of the :gourd, it :•:a.s decided to amend the e_:istin`; traffic regulatory ordinance, by introducinZ an nsendinE ordinance under new business. 'or the Public arvice jommittee, grustee hueger reported that said Committee recommended that the errs tin' street lighting system installation of 1 - o_ reatei candle power -,3c i:l-.,roved y the c= s than those used on e_:istinE Soosenec=_s at the _'ollo::ing locations: Main Street from 11 Segundo Avenue to Collinguooa Street, raln AvEriL1C and - 1c1i10l1d Street, __arinos£ Avenue and_ -- ich -onC St_c'et, ,iposa Avenue and Concord Stock, ..rand Avenue and Virginia Street, Grand !avenue and • _i Ling tr-e t. :.roved by Trustee hucier, seconded by 2rustee 3inc er, that the City ,lcr-. he instructel to _c nest the Southern California. Edison Company to send a re_.,resentative to confe_ ,:ith the Doard relative to said_ matter some aftennoon in the near future. . Trustee - inaer of tAe - ublic 70r2s Committee rccnmmended ^ the rt - - :T nt of the %o0 st DoL'+lEJ�: a d at point near the _ ac.'._j_ i c _:lectric Station, following which it was Tmved by Trustee _:uerer, Seco 7deC `-'ructee Linde_' that the Street SuDerintende t be and he is _:e= e �j authorized and instructed to Tidcn the roaQuny of the :OUi".'d a_ = 0nir^'elf Sim feet On the lasterl, side Of said •ihighwa; by constructing therein an oil maces dom. y-.a.vemcnt, r beginning at a -.point adjacent to the oard •: al : located Borth o� the Standard Cil n Gnln Z T v fence and r unning South a _ r 012Tate y distance of 100 feet, and to construct a: similar improvement on the -.rest side of sc.id _i :r,,ay at about the same location for a. disc: nce of twenty or thirty feet. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees 3inder, hue9cr and rryson. y Toes: None. Absent: Trustees Davis and Smiley. ??'PO : :TS OF 0F_ I ___.a AND S� `' ^IAI COZ.Z."I=1:: :,S . ^ae City Cler=_ re- ,orted having arranged with Olmstead & Gillelen, an_? with the 11 Segundo •la.ter ComT'-ny, to have representa- tives at _. meeting re^''cstcd by the %Gard, the date a.rranEed for being ja_7ua.ry lSth, 1927. The City Cle_ - filet with the . oar._ this date him quarterly _eDoyt for the second quarter en_ r g Dec em cr Us t, 1922. _o ved he Trustee _. cCe_ , secondel by Tr us tee -inder, tha t he qua rter- y re -ort of the City cleh' as filer with the 3aawd this date be ;uJlis,ed once in the 21 Se7un l_o Herald. Carried by the f 011o in(; vote: Ayes: Trustees Aind_er, _. one= and 3r So'_7. Toes: None. .1)se, 71 t: r s;;ces Davis and Smiley. The clerk re?orted having received aids zoo repaii7tinC of the Hall follows: Albert and : L + toilets in the j i ty s �. -�s r 1 r _ 152 00 it a--�-• earing from Ainsworth - :'� -x.00, C. E. Mahoney .,;.� :... �•__ the bids as filed that Nw. Ainsworth did not ')ropose to do the same amount of '�;o2n proposed to be done by ter. L:aiioncy, it z:-s moved Trustee hucge'r, seconded by Tr stee •:index,_ that the war!: of ai t- e toilets in the City Hall be awarded _.._ . Ains:":orth !� 24 0 with the understand-in t'_'a,t the ^a.11s an,-'- the bases of t11or0uc,hl , cleaned and, _,ll old _.a.liht t£'...:en off an-,1 the in w _i'_st class .nne_' at a. cost not to e_ :cee .; 5.00. e ollorrin;:: vote: Ayes: 'rustees finder, 1:ue ^e_ and - :. -son. i;Ges: None. 3.bsent: I stecc Davis a.nd Smiley. r_ ­ :) ­U-7- Said rooms je o___ com- -) eted -oved J�' -ustec = :uE"'c =', seconded D;; 'rustce 'i ndc_ -, is �'.cti a_: i1 t - _ __ e_'et0_o_'e 'a. _E2- ,.) t_1- Oa_'Ci in tr'_1Ctin^ t ^C ` trEEt u:'er� ntei.c_ent t 1 L�r . ,l ie^u: :10 a�0 COnstrL'.C'� u C'L'w' tG COntr01 StOr::l atcrti U_1e �out:,c;c3 co___r_ o __= ti'_1� �e� -'r . _1 in _:vcruc �E L, t_ et n� 13 n G� a 3d U_- U- s ^�d c�__cer now be �n t_uc cep' to construct an �'GyinC._ .__ ,-.o 6o: ?:U"'a.ted i_ -on culvc:.'t _O_ the sane - Ju1-7)ose at the s�.mc location, ,.t a cost not to e: :ceed_ ,;;100.00. Carrie,! by the =ollot:inC vote: T"ustees Linde= , - '•ue�e =° a.nd Br�son. Noes: _one. rbsen t: Trustees Davis _'_nd Smiley. I'A ii "h l ollGi:ln� de?1 T1CLS , i:2v1n� .1aC �.le a.t�:J_ OVc.l 01 `U-1 c X01 11t UCe on Finance �.nd I.ecords, were read: = ci is -lec-'Lric =ail wa,-, 60.00 =.. ':I. Yeager 12.00 - 'a.ci c 1'E1 L ' 7c1. --o. 1�0.C-10 So. Cal 11" 'aison �Co. . 93.96 So. Calif. Edison Co. 37.53 So . _,dison Co . Ca.li= • 19.60 So . ?.l.i .:c_ison Co . 35.31: So . Ca.1 i_s 1'disor_ Co . 35.69 So. Calif _visor. Co. 1.03 electric Sho-'D 18.18 ^lect:.ic S'_ho­� 5.60 C. Ganahl Lurlbcr Co. `'7.90 3.00 C. G. Smi t1, . 00 G . ='ul1 1.00 C. I'll. Dri Lain 3.00 C _: Barber ".00 D. "are, yell 1.00 . 00 r cdonalc! 3.00 3.00 1:. C. Cc;17,be11 1.00 U Bi : :ler x..00 ;T. Len non 3.00 . G. A. Todd .00 D. L. = ia.nc:?er 3.00 Teor c -= cLa:,achli n 3.00 _ tierce 3.00 I Cairns 3. C0 L1 Segundo Garage 5.45 C ..;,Connell 3.00 ITUCI, __ O ^is 1.00 . L. Dessert 21.00 L. - Calloway 1.00 ;:o-7 e 3.0G ". C , Crcmer 3.00 l)ir_::iddie 3.00 Total ti X156.43 ?'oved b- Tru.otee Linde_, seconded .;� Trustee tae ;e_ , t13.at t__E derla.nds ue allo„ed a.nd wa:.-rants lts dra :n on tic ueneral Fund or 4-7 -1 sa.rle . Cc.r-_ i0d b;- the _ 011o':ri'r1, v0-Uc nde_, _:Ue ;ems and Lr�'SOn. AyeS : goes : none. AL)se':Lt : T s t c e s Davis :end Smiley. oved Jam' - '_'llStee _Iuc. -c: , seconded `_''�Ls tee ender, t11at t_1e . a,sc n' -c LOd7c jc rra' t c a e_"1_ss�on to u`;e t_le C_i.,Y all AL,,. C ! 1 1" U u' G: 1L_' ... :: e ,�; -, �,_.'s, 1C"- ,l 1'.., Ile-': collGCt o ._le ve_ -n`; o_ Janua _, _51st, =.na U_1 t t__e _ --le o__ • =1.1-:. r re:.twl -o_ such use. Carried. ^r us ce,_'_ _c_i.na.nce o. 91 entitled: 248 D T-,C- 7- "1 '7"7C7 8 -F A77 10 67 0-7 SAID T 11 0-, 7„ JJ T T' 77 ALL-'YS -7- --�--7'jl %YS C 177 A -�7--- SAID 0- -`C �o ---.D AS S7.ri-lj/-\ ' -Lt? — U 4 :� 1 1' 11 7.-,,-Ilich vas read. - .L7 oo -'Urt,her ousi"-ncss to be transactccl 1 t --is n-I.CCt--- r it ..,.s -:-oved -j,,- 2 t- �rusce d b, seconde rrustec ha 4- the nectin- � li Carried. �, r.-c- roved: 0 -�ec'-7,Llll— Su-b2ni-tte"l,