1923 FEB 16 CC MINBl S eCunc! o , "al. = el.Y. 16, 1923. An -adjourned re -ulcer meeting of the Board of `-rustees o= the City of El Segundo, Cali fornic, vices called to order at 12:00 o'clock !loon in the Council "hamber of the City r,� ll of said cit;, on the above date, by `;iilliam C. Br�Tson, _resident o= the Board. ROLL CALL. Trustees Present: Davis, .:uegei,,and Bryson. Trustees Absent: Binder and Smiley. iioved by Trustee Ruege -, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the regular order of business be dis )ensed with. Carried. The following demands, !wing had the approval of the Com.:..ittee on 'finance and Records, were read: Victor D. ?4cCarthy, City Cler'-- 27.79 Geo. J. Bir�el Co. 5.00 C. T. Ainsworth 94.46 1U. D. Sic' :ler 53.32 A.iller 67.10 1.7. G. Henry 58.28 'r Dera�,isch 42.78 A. B. ford 38.00 Standard Oil Corm)any 296.84 YT. L. Harville 9.00 X692.57 _loved by Trustee Hueger, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the de :..ands be allowed and warrants dr^wn on the General Fund for the same. Carried by the followin- vote: Ayes: Trustees Davis, a- ue;er and Bryson. Noes: none. Absent: Trustees Binder and Smiley. :.roved by Trustee Rues °er, seconded by i rustee Davis, that George acLauchlin be and he is hereby ap- pointed temy)orary night watchman, to assur_ie the dut -ies of his office iri.iediately upon his to :ing and sub - scribin; to the constitutional oath of office. He s ?call be compensated for all services rendered as such nigat watchacan at the rate of u140.00 per _ont_h, which said compensation shall be paid monthly as other civ salaries are Maid. Carried by the fallowing vote: N Ayes: Trustees Davis,R uec-er and Bryson. hoes: None. Absent: Trustees Binder and Smiley. No further business appearin- to be transacted at this meeting, it was roved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Rueger, that the neetin- adjourn. Carried. A-,prgvcc, : Respectfully submitted, Clty C erk. ?residkat, _:oard of Trustees. i