1923 FEB 13 CC MIN264.E '1 E1 Segundo, Cal. February 13, 1923. A regul_:r meeting of the Board of Trustees of the City of E1 Segundo, California, was called to o_de_ at, 7:30 o'clod= ? ?:. on the above date, in the Council Chamber of the City Hall of said City, by ','illiar1 C. Bryson, ''resident of the 7,oard. CL C.=. Trustees = resent: 3inder, Davis, =:ue -er, Smiley and ryson. ^rustee Absent: ITone. = U' I!.G OF G '.' =IOUS ;.= 7 "TliG . The minutes of the regular meetin- held on the 6th day of February, 1923, were read wi t'riout error or omission being noted. It was moved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the minutes be an-oroved as read. Carried. +'RI T TE -IT COiZ.V. 1U CAT IONS . The following communications were read and disposed of as indicated: CITY 0_- LOS G_L- S, copy of a resolution deploring the delay of the State Legislature in fulfilling the constitutional require- rents to rea,)- portion the re- presentation of the State in the State ,ssersbly. Ordered filed. CI',-'Y 0-7 LOS AI "G ,"=S , c of -oerial reform, including two an requesting the Governrents the riatter to the attention of Assemblymen. Ordered filed. ony of a resolution endorsing a program amendments to the State Constitution of othe_- California cities to bring their respective Senators and LEA"j" OT' TH" SOUrl"17:;77ST, a synopsis of the activities of the League for the yeai� ending Decerbe_• 31st, 1922. Ordered filed. I;one. O�:.S L CO: �. tJI; I C 1. I O_`T1 S . P.E= O -2 S OT' STANDII•:G COQ =ITT' ,S . Trustee Smiley suggested the improvement of Franklin Avenue from .':-in St�,eet to Eucalytitus Drive. oved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Davis, that t"-!e Street Superintendent be re- quested to furnish the Board with an estimate of the cost of re- pairing this street. Carried. Trustee Davis of the Public Safety Committee advised the Board that he is preparing, forms for the use of the Fire Department for the pur -)ose of recording; in detail the activities of the Department. ._oved by Trustee Lueger, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that Trustee Davis confer wit_: the Fire Chief with respect to repairs it is �lleced the lire engine is in need of. Carried. r..-) .. � J . - . _iL Wr. T. D. Gardner :e_ :ooted t_at +he ress 'ovin[ Company of Los _n`eles had estiriated the cost of movin[; the residence of . 3. Vince :-it on - 'uza1;,-_otus Drive at about 500.00 or $ ?600.00, and that :. -r. i t n e y 11 a6 estirrated the cost of such rrorh at about y300.00. `_oved b r Trus tee Pueger, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the Citl* Clerk be instructed to coruiunicate with the )royjerty owners on Oa Avenue for the pur:)ose of ascertc,ining what amount said owners ;rill subscribe towards the cost of the pro:osed moving of the B. .%� f'2 6 Vi=ent residence. Curried. The City Cler_: reported tl ^_at the only bid received for the con- struction of a station or waiting room to be erected at 11--in Street and Grand Avenue was from G. E. Todd, the price being X144.00. 1oved by Trustee iueger, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that 1Tr. G. E. Todd be and he is hereby awarded the vio_ =_ of constructing a station or wait-inr- room for erection at the Souther.st corncr of 21a.in Street and ,rand Avenue, in accoY•dance with his bid the�eror, 'lie cost rot to e::ceed ��14` .00, tl ".e structure to be completed in a neat and '::or'Man- li' "e manner and to the satisf2ction of the .-)oard of Trustees. Carried bI the f ollo ; i ng vote: Ayes: Trustees Unde_, Davis, uege -�, Smiley and 3ryson. ,.ces : :one. _absent : !one. "oved 'y Trustee l:ue er, seconded by Trustee Davis, that hr. C -owell be autliorized to re-.)air the !-rater s)oti.er ai�� um}� f_*, 'i.:ed to the Beating systerui in she City mull and if unable to repair the sane personally, to have it done by persons competent to do so. Carriec. by the following vote: Ayes : Trustees binder, Davis, lueger, Smiley and Bryson. hoes :absent: hone. City _attorney Woodworth advised the 3oard that beginning 14'eb. 14-th, 19" his office mill be maintained in Suite 206 Arcade Bldg., Ir,- -!e- ood, Cal. V=I1TIS D BUSIlt::SS. Moved by Trustee Binder, seconded by Trustee rueger, that the City Attorney be and lie is hereby instructed to prepare the necessary proceedings to enable the Board of Trustees to submit to the electors on T arch 12th, 19`73, the proposition of rurchasing the e.:isting grater tiror,s and distributing systems within the City of El Sew undo at the follor:ing )rices, to -.rit: ,r, ;62,000.00 for the El Segundo ', ater Company's holdings, including real estate; and N9000.00 for the Sausal- _= :edondo 'ater Company's holdings, including real estate. Carried by the following vote: eyes: Trustees Binder, Davis,ueger, Smiley and Bryson. Noes: !None. Absent: hone. The r:kattcr of granting; licenses for the operation of billia.'_d rooms ':ursuant to a'0- _01ica tions filed . %ith the Board on Jonua-y 30th, 1(:_: •, cariie u, fo= discussion; ' 'tuStEe _7aV1S stating; that lie felt that no additional permits fog pool rooms should be granted where the bciness is to be conducted outside of Fire 'District !To. 1. I;en-thy discussion followed, concluding in a motion by Trustee hinder, seconded by Trustee Levis, tlna.t the following resolution be adO ted. T17,'H ;::_;AS, 0. 13. =ALI:THP, by written a_)plication filed with the City Clerh on the 30t1a, day of Janua_y, 1923, has requested that a .-oer,__it be granted 'him to conduct a billiard room in the building to be erected on Lot 10 of 31ock 12, of 11-1 = e_;undo, w_-iich is on the i:orth side of El Segundo revenue, between J c1mond and Concord Streets in said city, that said applic::.nt be and he is hereby granted permission to condi,.ct a pool and billiard room in said city at said location for the period of one year from date hereof, subject to the right of the 3oard of `�rus' ees to sooner revo':e the spine, as -provided in Ordinance 1<c. 8 of said city, 266 D1 _ provided, hoyieve_, that in addition to all bf the conditions contained in the said ,permit for said cool and billiard roor.l, there shall be added the follo . in[, : J Unless the right granted 'herein shall be e. :ercised within a period of ninety days from date hereof, in a suitable structure at the location above designated, and preparation made for the actual construction of such structure within thirty days from date he_eof, then and.in that event this license shall ipso facto cease and cetermine and the licensee shall have no further rights hereunder, and BE IT TJitTi 1; SOL'V71 -D, that the City* C1erL shall irLmediatel, issue a written periit unto said aoYZicunt therefor." The said resolution was adopted by the follo- wing vote: Ayes: Trustees yinder, Davis, 1�ueger, Smiley and Dryson. Noes: .one . absent: done. It was Bien moved by Trustee 3inder, seconded by Trustee Davis, t1_at tae following resolution be adopted: "71: -~'EAC S. D. 7-itzgerald, by written a-plication filer with the _ity Cieri: on the 30th day of janua.ry, 1921:;, has requested that a -- permit be -,ranted him to conduct a billic:.,rd roor! in the building to be erected at the northeast corner of _1 Segundo Avenue and _:ic�sno:ld Streets, in said city, (� r7 =1 _710- 3:1 IT - :�OLv �D that said �. 11 Ca21t be and he _. -, �� p11 is hereby granted -permission to conduct a pool and billiard room in said city at said location, for the period of one year -.C' i dl.te here- of, subject to the right of the Board of Trustees to sooner revoke the same, as provided in Ordinance No. 8 of said city, provided, however, that in addition to all of the conditions conta - -ned in the said permit for said LLocol and billiard room, there shall be added the following: Unless the right granted hereunder shall be e. :ercised Yithin a period of ninety days from date hereof, in a suitable structure at the location above designated, and preparation made for the actual construction of such structure within thirty days from date hereof, then and in that event this license shall ipso facto cease and determine and the licensee shall have no further rights hereunder, and rT rn -n7 m �T '-� that i tr ''i '� i a' l B_ IT J:___._ �JSOLV D, thy, � the Git, �ler�. shall iiru: edia �e_y issue a written rermit unto saic_ ap_olicant therefor." The said resolution was adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees 3i.nder, Davis, i;ueger, Smiley and Bryson. i.oes : Bone. Absent: None. _:owed by Trustee _::ueger, seconded by `trustee Davis, that the .Duild.in Inspector be and he is hereby instructed to submit the of t 1at portion of w:Zjr new builcin -s that a.y be erected for tae pro osed new poolrooms to the Board or 'rustees for aonroval t�efore ranting Derrsits for the erecticn of such buildings. Carriew. owed by Trustee Linder, seconded by Trustee ueger, that the ;;i ty Cler : be autaori.�cd to have printed three hundred copies of the building Ordinance. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Davis, Rueger, Smiley and Bryson. b.oes : None. Absent: 17one . D 26 I. oved b�* Trustee Finder, seconded_ by Trustee Smile;-, that the derq,.nds be allowed- and warrants drawn on the General ''und for the same. :'carried b;r the following vote: :1 yes: Trustees 3inder, Davis, Me -er, Smiley and Dryson. hoes: ITone . ,Ibsen-'- : None. -owed by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the City Clerk be instructed to write the County Board of Supervisor's, advising them of the condition of the Coast Boulevard due to washouts caused by- recent heL.vy rains. Carried. No furtier• business appearing to be transacted at this session, it was noveC- by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Davis, tzat the meeting adjourn until iriday, the 16th day of 'ebruary, 1933, at the hour o_ 12:00 o' clocic 1.00n. Carried. Rest- ;ectfully submitted, A,�roved: 17 resid rAYIITG BILr.S . r The f ollo;vine demands, :avinr- had the app =•oval of the Cor-r:ittee on Finance -nd =records, were read: H. C. pease :;'102.50 rich Budelier .70 Union Hoc': Co. 33.95 H. A. Crowell 10.35 Standard Oil Co. 5.71 4' 153.21 I. oved b�* Trustee Finder, seconded_ by Trustee Smile;-, that the derq,.nds be allowed- and warrants drawn on the General ''und for the same. :'carried b;r the following vote: :1 yes: Trustees 3inder, Davis, Me -er, Smiley and Dryson. hoes: ITone . ,Ibsen-'- : None. -owed by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Davis, that the City Clerk be instructed to write the County Board of Supervisor's, advising them of the condition of the Coast Boulevard due to washouts caused by- recent heL.vy rains. Carried. No furtier• business appearing to be transacted at this session, it was noveC- by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee Davis, tzat the meeting adjourn until iriday, the 16th day of 'ebruary, 1933, at the hour o_ 12:00 o' clocic 1.00n. Carried. Rest- ;ectfully submitted, A,�roved: 17 resid