1923 DEC 04 CC MINL1 Segundo, Ual. : )ecem..-,er fth, 1923. 9 JA_ re -alar meetinM of the --oarc. of Trustees of the -it- o-° -1 Uegtuldo, California, was called to order at 7:30 o'clock: L. on the above date in the Uouncil Gham` er of the ity, -_all of said amity, by 11iam U. Bryson, - resident of the oa.rd. =.OT' �`r:L.I.. _'rustees Present: = .ue -er, »miles a�1c: ._1` son. Trustees "_osent : : finder _'erow. yrustees _: inder and - =eror.• a.npca.red_ duri2lg the reap -ins or the minutes, the hour bein;^_' 7:35 o' clock P.i.:. a.n�_ i=.ed_iatel ° tool: their seats. ' Il _T 0. := II�:J`i'�: 0� r: -ICS.- : -: I -� ,-he - ,inutes of the re -, ular r:eetin- help_ on the 27th d1-Z7 of _.ovember, 192 , were read. _,o er -'ors or OmiSsionS ajrpea.rin -, t "ey were ayaproves as reoc, a,)o_t olio.: e'_' Irttstee ariiley, seco vied by _: °ustee i6ir_der, Whi_21 carried. - one. IT Li: l�.+ 00..:11:Ulr !,01 10---, I..i. c•Lr• • v`• %iiI:tl:ins, E 5-002 :eSr,an fo"r a ruriber of or.22ers of reel a-rooert - ii-, -lock 70 of the City of yl Segu_ndo, t;.'ho are desirous of h�: �-ir_g- the alley in sc.iC- blocl: irr:proti ed , advised the _'oars_ that a:. non - re, ident owner of trio lots -refuses to pay his pro -rat& of the cost. ,,ollowing discussion, it was moved by Trustee Rueze-r, seconded by Trustee Sr -il ey , that the matter be referred to the pity rttorney for attention. Ua.rried. I:urph`T of the Jeniels- I:urnhy Ilardtvare Com-)an;;- e.,D�lained to the 3oard reasons for CLelLy in deliv; ery of the trash can, the gurci a.se of which was authorized sometime ago, and that it is impossible to procure from the stocks of local suvvliers c«ns similar in size and construction to those being used by the Uity at the present time. It appearing that the cans in use were made especially for the its of R1 Se undo, it was moved by Trustee Rueger, seconded by Trustee Oerow, that the City Clerk: obtain prices from local tinsniths for making up trash cans to correspond in size and design with those in use at the present time. (tarried. L.1r. Joseph moo: he considere<< an -Doa-rd ex -1-ila_ined to hiri that ducting the bucines:; o'_' the rates and re r^ala•.ti ohs E:.p �lU_ rv.-in al1dres-ced- the __oaru relative inconsistency in nx.nicipa-1 water there must be some de- finite rule viater de- :)a.rtr_.ent aff t' uniformly to all consiu::e-rs. O- to r.-hat rate:. the for con - lie rule , Trustee : uege-r a?_rised, the _ oard that ina.sr.,uclu -as the City "_oes not OV,7! a, tank for the tra.l_sportinr- of road oil, that it e_ eriences delay in obta inin' dell�er;- or this �-ro�uct for use 021 the streets r,l2en the tan which the ::ta.nda.rd Oil Corip -ny - sometimes loans to the �ity is bein, used othcrr. °ise. It was thereur.on 'riotied b17 irllSteE 3ueger, Seconded by Trustee aniile� , that the ity Clerk be and he is llere "y authorized and instructed to Obtain prices on a 300 ga.Il_2, gal -7a:nized iron tc^211: to be used for tr n s-oorti2l ~- Gspha:lt. :,-r-riedi. I =owed c`= '�rustee _ :ale- er , seconded- by Trustee se_ ow, that the :ity -L.- a,rsha.l be and lie is herc'l�,- authorized a.nd instructed to h--'7e published in the El Segundo Herald extracts from Urc:inance 1•1o. 29 re_crectir_- the use of sir -^ur_s and slip^ --hots within the -i t- ana also to have 250 dod;_-erU nrinted -f`cr distri- �ution res -oectiil-' the saTne r2a tter. Uarried b;r the follo"rin =; vote: Ayes: Trustees 'Binder, Cer6w, :.ueger, Smiley and ?'r* son. :Toes: = "one. .,Ibsent : hone. �,..P03TS Op 0:'IC:?; 1 =:� SF:CI�Z COI.I.:ITI;� . The City tto-rney re=ported that de -posita= bonds o` she _::1 e rL7Ando State Bank of `1 Se;tuzdo cizG -he first _rational -ank of eg-u7do as sup ,itted to hire for a..pproval b7- the 1 -ity Treasurer have been found satisfactory, whereupon it was moved by Trustee Smile­, seconded by - Trustee Binder, that the California :)e,positC.-r;, -- and o-.2 the -1 Seca nc�_o :.tatc -: anh of L1 Segundo, California r,ith said bank as princiy pal cane the _.ational surety Comipar�;ti- as : ��rety in the sum or X12,500.00, the California De -oo itar7, - -ond of the First iTatior_al �,wn1_ of L1 Segundo, Cali ornia k r ;ith scIa bai3. as -orinci-nal and the I ational ; iret-y Compan.77' as SUret17 ir_ the sum of X10,000.00 be and the some are hereb;.- anp-roved and ordered -olaced on file with the City Treasurer of the City of 711 Segundo. Carried by the following rote: Ayes: Trustees 'Binder, 'Terow, ='ue> er, �_'miley and 7I -son. I, oe s : .absent : .Tone. The City IttOr2ICY reported that the .pond submitted b1- the racific ripe and :�up-ply Coripany for the fcl-ithful o6rforr.;a_nce o_ contract entered into under date of October 30t11, 1923 is Satis= actor;-, r;hereunoz_ it i- cas moved by Trustee 3ueger, secondeC. by - _rustee Lmiley, thot the bond of the Pacific Pipe and :;upply Company, a: corporation, with said company ES ?principal and the = idelity & Deposit Co. of Earyland, a corporation, as surety, in the sum of "800.75, guaranteeing :ft:tithiul performance of contrL:ct entered into October 30th, 1923, be an,",- the same is hereby approved and ordered filed with the City Clerk. Carried by the following vote : Ayes: Trustees Finder, Cerow, l:ue7er, Smiley aa.1c_ Bryson. iToe s : I; one. 1_bsent : Iron. UITPI :TISI 7 BLTSI: in City Engineer Hutchins -reported tha.1/the matt im- orove:ments of ::ariposa. 1_ver_ue and - Tillcrest ._t-rcet, been instructed to furnish estimates of the cost, the been comipleted this dote and that he would be Lble to a at the next regular meeting of the . oard. Pi :YIlTG :;ILLS. �r o" the rroposed on whi ch he had field work had submit his estimate The follotiring demands, having had the wpprovLl of the Committee or, ina__ce and -Records, were read_: eater -:orks Bond _,und ",. '-and P�:cific Pipe w 8up131 - 'o. 87.33 'Hersey LX_nufc.ctu-ri_,g Uo. 29 3 _Yron- Jcc'L-son Iron_ '0 o-rLs 78.53 I'acifi c -ipe ;. Co. 1.78 U. S. ast Iron Pine 7�. - -ittag w ". olger 6.50 I, oundr'T Co. 10476.76 �;o. Calif. "dison Co. 143.68 The Safe- Cc;bir_et Co. 258.85 I:L. :. F`togdill 19.84 Dave Fer_e ckle 14.88 .l. H. Doty 24.18 John :Tero 14.88 J. W. Arnold 59.52 4. 3. dams 18.00 I. U. Sumner 150.00 -.. Henderson 32.00 I;:c.-ry LLanson 100.00 9 1.23 :'.. T. Hutchins 125.00 .1 1.. '�7 General 1- _nc? .11fred L:. Smiley 15.00 :: illie C. - ;r;;Tson 15.00 John A. Gerow 15.00 -eva h. Wilsey 125.00 L:inta Curtzwiler 75.00 Carlisle Co. 5.45 Pacific Tel. Tel. Co. 41.00 Pacific- ilouthwest Ir. AL and 6a vings .Pant;. 50, 01 �'. C. I.:CCaslin 175.00 City of E1 Segundo, pater Department 33.95 J. C. Abshier h. Jensen D. Y. Nate 11. B. Gunn _. T. 1iiller C. 1 P ioodyard J. Dowell :7. A. Taylor • Doty Hawthorne Lumber Marc! Pacific Electric IRy. Co. :;o. Calif. Edison Co. ;�o. C1--,lif. Edison Co. ::so. Calif. ECUS01-1 Co. 3. T. Hutchins 125.00 15.00 99.17 195.00 87.90 86.56 62.31 64-.48 35.65 10.50 78.76 3.54 29.15 79.92 155.00 L Gdne ral .Fund Uarl IJ. Pueger Peter E. Binder ictor 11. Lctarthy Burroughs _dding tin chine ''lyde 1 Woodworth Don C. -u`itt Pacific - outhriest Trust and .Davin,-,-- anik I. :. ;. Stogdill 15.00 175.00 150.00 100.00 50.00 194.25 30.77 H. Jones 160.00 Darold D. Dale 35.00 C. E. L:cComiell 10.00' P. D. Gardner 100.00 U. _:. Adams 6.00 =:ros. 13.95 C. T. iinsworth 85.00 . D. Sickler 65.72 .7. G. henry 64.48 IV.'. Edwards 47.43 F. . insor 34.72 A. ---:,Ord 21.00 E1 Segra- do ja-rage 120.55 So. Calif. - :dison Co. 69.56 So. Calif. �:dison Co. 20.45 So. Calif. Edson Co. 26.68 Total x,,0288.91 Loved by Trustee Binder, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the demands be allowed and warrants drawn on the respective funds for the same. Carried by the following Tote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Gerow, ueger, Smiley and Bryson. Noes: hone. Absent: hone. DUTT T^,1 Ci C• SI.Li- . The City Clerk advised the - -.oard that the :'ire Chief desired a�proval of the purchase of two 21i nickel plated screw bases and two 1t" nickel plated screw bases and three 1/2 pts. of red color varnish, all at a cost not to ex :eed •,.20.00. 11 -owed by Trustee aueger, seconded by Trustee Smiley, that the purchase of these iterzs be and the sane is hereby approved and ratified. parried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees . 3inder, Gerow, ueger, c;miley and Bryson. is oe s : hone. Absent : hone. It appearing that the ccnvas floor covering recently supplied the lity has not proven entirely satisf --ctory, by general consent the oar& agreed to meet at the -ity Hall at 11:'_ -0 o'clock r:. LI. December 5th, 1923, to take the matter up with :.r. Hhodes, the supplier. The Larshal announced the uo-nointments of =.. :;. Stogdill, C. Donnally, and U. L. Campbell as deputies and recuested the Board's a�provs.l of the same. Moved by Trustee 3ueger, seconded by Trustee minder, that these appointments be approved. Carried. .oved by 'j.rustee Smiler, seconded by Trustee 3uerer, that the ?purchase of a '10.00 gasol ine coupon boor. for use of the Police - ei,artr_:ent be and the same is hereb - authorized. varried by the followir_;_; vote: Ayes: Trustees - inder, Gerow, ?ueger, Smiley and Bryson. Noes: 1s one t'bsent: hone. 9164 No further business appearing to be transacted at this meetinL, it was moved by Trustee Smiley, seconded by Trustee serow, that the meetinc- adjourn. Uarried. respectfully submitted, "pproved: President"'�T3oard of Trustees. City Clerk. J