1923 APR 10 CC MINayy,;.xir. 3, j' .:,.}.,., �erx. r.•'' r!": e` St+,'S,',F':'°*Egn.''!x'.'f's:` °�''" :''b'io._.
l.. "'iY�"4 "' -• .o-f!q? k`3,y ��: -
L1 Se: ?undo, il lOtrT, 1923.
_. regular meeting of t ze 13oard of Trustees of the amity of 1 1
Sc`.undc , California, Y.ras called to order at 7:30 o' cloth Ii, on tine
above date in the Council Cliamae�' of the i t,. -- ? , 1•r
iic,11 o_ SC id ,� 3 , by
illicr __ryson, = resident of - .-he Loa,rd.
71,110 Li, C1:LI, ..
Trustees "resent: Binder, Davis, ue2er, - Smiley and _ :ry50I2.
,rustec: Absent: Done.
_' �DT_;:" 01-1 ? Is' ?T ^_LS 0_ _ �=, GtT:., _.Ji :�IITG .
T ie riinutes o the regular meetin ; held on the 3rd day of
were recd. !JO e-l'r0rS Or omissions 2')peariri It was
rTOVed bar "rustee :- ue� -er, seconded by '_'rustee Smiley, t la t the minutes
e �oroved as read. Carried.
'he fol1c,., -inj coTm-,.,iUnications Zrere recd c.nd disposed of as
" -iT=; C =' SCLt' _" 'rT, alznouncin�, a j-in of --.id League
,V me e
o e held a,t >wnta -�crb .ra., "al i_O�'n�c,, June 7th, 8t11 a :nd 9th,
for the -UI'�OSe O= disc'. ss2nL JLactOrs essential to 1lai,2,.lonious
U' :1(: Stc ^slldiTi _)C_- 'LT.
een the Seven olorado - =us =II States for "the
d eve, l0 L!Cn CI the resources Of tr?e �OlOr' d0 _:1Ve_ . Ordered filed.
i'.�L.si_ :J • �J�11�.'DI C1' , �i'I -.�i L�T, 2 • : ry L
�.�., req- �_esting attendance
of the >oard o= Trustees of this City at the dedication of Clove'
.Field, Sante _onica _sir Drome, Santa T.onica, Ciliiornia, on April
15U- -, 192 Ordered filed.
.=r. Gosney, representing the :_ure?.a. fire ;lose Department,
addressee_ the -=oard with reference to the purchase of new fire hose
fo-r use in the hire Department. TTo action tai-.en.
Homer V-1. Glidden e:,c-)lained to the hoard the -plans for
the new building to be erected ''rest of the City -,Tall to cost
:prop :ir.Iacely
between x;7500.00 and " '3500.00. - -oved by Trustee
,ue�er, seconded by Trustee Binder, that Lr. homer Glidden,
_yrc_litect, be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to 1�roceed
with the com.-pletion of plans c;nd sneci=ications to enable the _�oard
of _rustees to advertise for bids for the construction of a new
buildin`• in the rear o" the _ity Mall. Carried by she follorri2lV
res : ��'ustec; 3
A inder, Davis, _`ue�e= , Smile, and D'ryson.
-oes : !Tone.
CsC:1t : None.
_ c
,�tteiltion was drawn to the fact that in _alm Avenue bet; :e -en
= in and EucalyT %tus !)rive, Here �.re 8 11t1mber of depressions in the
irl�_o-,ee. d_ivcv,,ny and by general consent the Street Su- aerintendent
V. irist_^ucted to rc;:cir the s1Te.
Lo.-ed " -, Trustee Davis, sccol :ded by 2rusI., :ueL e that the
e:_:_enditure of riot to e ::teed '_'40.00 is hereby authorized to equip the
O1_ice . _to_ cycle „ith a new siren and that the use of the siren
i'orl :lerl r afi'i;_ed to e 'police riot-o_-cycle on the c.utomobile of i;otirard
Jones, Eight �atnhman, is hereby approved. Carried by the following
Ayes : ^rustees - cinder, Davis, '.uege_•, S ile;r and = = yso::,
Does . !Tone,
Abs er.t : !Tone.
'_ oved by Tru
;T• jensen, As�:t•
to the lea;
follorri.ng vote:
stee F:ue�er, seconded by Trustee Smile,-, t1-Z7-
_ lu'i1JiYl lns,)ector, be Gnd he is .ere,-;.r aut:_o_'ized
radiator in she Council 1 oom. Carried - the
Aye s. T us t s a s Sr ,- -T�
a r ee finder, vi ?e er, �1ile s,._!
.1 -oes . -.one.
zbsent : 1,cne •
Ci t;;" 1t_ -torne;7, oodvro . t== re .ported that c_u=in{ t'_le - .-)ast :reel: he
has :-Jeep -�rel,Crilzg e. transcript o_" records in re 'he :pond _)roceed_ing,s
and t.wt i'.: had been com- -leted this date,
-- ity..gineer u'cliins presented to the Board rcu11 plans of
the ne;: se"�tic tan=: Land setirer s, stem to be used in connection with
the draina e of the :unicipL,l buildings and it eras moved by rustee CD
_uege_ , seconded by Trustee 1%avis that the City engineer be and he
is hereo17 instructed to nre -.a e flans and s�-ecifications for a. septic
t n_: and JC _ V cess-,,00l to be used in connection: with the drainage
syster: of the 1._unici�-al �uildins, so that the Board rla;• e enabled
to advertise =oi, bids on the construction of same. Carried.
Trustee Davis sug;ested that if" agrecable to tlhe - '-oard he
mould 1- re- -)are informative data grit_- respect to 'lie use of teley�hones
in lieu of fire 02F.rm telef-rarh systerl and by general consent he vras
instructed to proceed,
Trustee -1aV4 s drez attention to numerous core "_>laints with
res - )ec'b- to full tir.ie ar: :i:. on - 'icl -TMond Street Land sugr -ected that
it r1i7: -t be relieved if the Standard Ci.l Com_�any would arra n�,;e for
a a:.— in,; ' -lace on their ro-?ert; -_cved by '_'rustee _:ueger, seconded
by Trustee "mile;, tlh^.t the amity miler:: be and he is 'rereby instructed
to :r =te t?_e Ctundard Oil ; :it1. res_-.ect to = ermitting 1)arlhint
on their °,reriises • Carried.
:.:owed by Trustee _'.ue, er, seconded by 'rustee 2milcy, that the
Utreet -u- jcrintendent be and he is here..;,- instructed to ma. - :e or have
pale, u..o � sins ro!?crly = %aintEd and lettered, for use in front of
the ;:1 Se` -undo `'Theatre to '.Darn rlotoyi:.tS th.t :jar! =in,' is not
)ermitted -_,n opt of said t _ea.'re duri:.�; --eri7 o :. ances r, -ied
"he City :.rsliul dreg attention to t_e fact that one of the
"Dr,n7crous Corricr" signs on Virr;iniC. Street -:orth of calm Avenue is
obstrc.cted by the growth of a tree L,nd it was moved by 12rustee
_.ueger, seconded oy rustee Smiley, that the Street Su,.�erintendent
be ^,nd_ 1e is 1.ereb;- instructed to t�ir. ':,e tree or move t _e sir,n,
s c tii a- L � la�tc r will serve t_ = e �u_ _ ; ose -cr -hicly it is intended
71 e irr::_ower en or:' - -�_in Street in accordance with the _"etition
of C. ?. Tracy and others heretofore filed with the hoard v:--.s dis-
cussed at some len- ^t1)., folloC:inr' which it Vies roved by ;'rustee 1`uece-�',
seconc_cd by - rL?stee Davis, that the City - jngineer be and he is hei'eb;r
authoi-izcd and inst_U•.c' -cd t0 ;::-c7)are - plE-,ns and an estir_late of the
cost c--' ^�: i. !._r_ Ct_ eet fog its e t_re w_ U , to construct sic_e
?-bs on t-ot:_ siCtcc of said rc an:1 to construct
eiccy-roliers _.lon7 bot:_ sides of saic',_ �i- ;:ilra.lr, E.11 frog.: -;1 jegundo
'venue to Collinguood Street. -arried by the followin7 vote:
A L, Cs Triistecs ,-7 U -inde---, Davi�7, T'ueer, Srnile.y �-.-,nd 'ryson.
-.Toes hone .
Pen' 17one.
followin- dem_--.nds,
u--,-e cf t
Ion =,i ttee
on -2'inance c,nd _.-cords, .-.rere read:
eunc- `o -ncra'ion
: _eraid _ublishin 'o.
0,�: a, 2d Jones
- . . .
C . 21 - r i T I I e s
L-- i t t a in
'e ".-cLauchlin
'T C,
G A odd
G .
op e
i e r
A. 0 euto
C .
;)YI it U h
7- . Lennon
Dinwidd` e
D -, 7'a- clier
o urmis
" .
7- .
Orowel 1
-.o c 1 Co.
^,cific __]iectric 110.
I'ab e 1
"'),63. Z7
--ovc.6- _'rustee seconded I), . '2rustee 2avis, 4EIiat the
dravin on t'�-c '�encral I'und -"or the
del-,,-nds be an- w L U
3 PT!' 0 r _- i e d by t e -fo1lo,,v_`n- vote:
Ares _rustecs --'-'inder, Davis, __-.ue--er, ;3miley and _-ryqon.
:oes none.
7 - �
c .
J..:cvcd b 11'rustec _:ueer, seconded by 12rustee Smiley, that the
City- - L - -
Oier"I: be an6. he is ---Lereb-,, authorized to -ourchase one Loc::el-_
01 Carried by the
the USC! 0 .1. u, Lnr-inee_ _C.�
glue --'co'-: for 'u-I the
i o 11 o,,,..-i n,-- vote :
Trustees , [; +ees 34nde, -'avis, iuee", Smiley and 3-ryson.
does: None.
Abp ent: None.
.roved - rusU tee
ty Cl err: -be and he
cou-on joo-:s for use
-I'o 11 o7. Ir -_' n-, vote:
Davis, seconded by Trustee 'Smile',:, that the
is hereby authorized to pu:.,chase -five gasoline
of 1,-Ile -treet D--
ear"r.iont. Cwrriec. 7�.
C'-! "._-iistees Linder, Davis, _'ue--,er, Smiley c:,n6. 'ryoon.
ce-" one.
I. --- s, C ! -I t :one.
-0 7- -2ustee Linder, seconded b,., '2rustce Davis, t�na'
a c ca oc- be
-7rI-ntcd --e--l-lission to use the Council Chl-tuber
e d i a' e' y t c i m e e t i n ou-
nc. Carried.
o v
-y "Irustee railey , seconded b, '"rustec `ue ,c-_r, that the
it ler be _-ne Ine is hereb,, autho,--ized to have built a map
a C 0- t'.-O ty `10 . 0 0
- _n�--ince-.- at a cost not to e.-:ceed
'y she -followi, r- vote:
-rustees minder, D--vis, 11:ueCer, Smile-- and 'ry-on.
A-ID s e r. t IT o n e .
. .. a. .<, ..... :. � . .
/oveE {2 22QStec Smile /, Seconded by Trustee D-vis, that
tie action o£ this hoard of Trustees »ereto2ore t :en, a2t2o2i2i5p
the Scle of t"-.c olt electric 2s&2e of the ?it2 Of yl Segundo be and
t5c Same is here?, annu"le6, =2J ~that the o=1e of 52±6 old electric
?a§ /e 52 ale actin/ ja= ±±o2 on the Ct2 day o2 1022, 2o�
the sum o£ 25.00 to and the Same is 5eee3/ =yg2 \7c& z &C rati2 ±ed.
20 £22 y -e r 22S22ess a »»e =222J tc be t2s2s7.cte« ? �3_
meet£Sy, it 22e coved ? 22Qs \ \e Sr ley, Seconded 5y 2.a \te\
t .t ±5e Scet±&z aE /o=2\. C=r=ied.
, /?oveE:
2espect£2±12 sQ522ttcd,
22esi& eat, Toa=d o£ 22 =Stees.