1923 APR 03 CC MIN292 D E,l Segundo, Cal. 1 A_ ril 3, 192,,. re- -ula._ meetinE: of the _ oa of '__ _ti' ee of the 'ity o_ �l Segundo, � ali forni ,rc.s called to order at 7 : -0 0' c� oc:: - 7.- . on the abo-�e date in the .;ouncil it 1:1 per cf the amity - -c 11 0. s .id _ter o•T ly 3ryscr:, - resicd snt cf t'1e 3oard. _.0' TT l:J v1 -.i1:J "Lru tees. ,resent: 3i nder, - :ue"e� , Smiley and Eryscn. '_us tees haseilt: Ravi:,. - - r,-, -- -n I" US 7- he minutes of the ret= ulur meeting held on the _27th day o_: were rcad io errors or om�ssyons r -- -o 0 — - lr.r; I ney ;;ere u'.)o.h moticn of Trustee :Alley, seconc.'ed by Trustee 7uc -er, w: ai cl_ ca -_, i ed . C! IO _i J . '_e following, cormmunications :•were rear_ and disnoscd or as in- dicate__, —.n -,- - yep-- -,> Jn lette_ to .1}lic'. w.'. -:s ,..ttac lej. su -mi teed f0_ _ = _Oval i:c_ • E.:ECUtiOri, 2.110 +li1g Gart'_ t0 1e :;ati UGC_ [.lcnr- said o,= all`rIs 1' _.t- o_ -v :ay, nec,r t interscctien of a n a - -1 _Zon^. _ i%rE . ai;: )e =7"ilt 7aVi:. Jecn U- O4 Ed �_S �0/ �CrL1 t�,r t!'e -lt�" :'_:. erne , It 7,, ,s roved by Trustee`_ ewe -, reo_c�eii� o� ;7 -!oa�a of `i'ras Vt;eJ of tae _ i o 1 Segundo , �a lif orni c., be and :ie is here ), authorises to e,:ecute, on be l�. r `'- Sc -undo ID, e __ -erl it r-ranted unwes' date ' of . c rch 29t -, 195 o t_l e t -- of -1 Segundo a;- the aci�ic =- lectric -= ail;r� y .won e.r. r c:nd _,e_'ei'_•ed to as their File _To. ,,0964', and the ,ity Cler -: is here -y authorized to cutest the sL.me. Carried. CT=_L = --, a letter =licYi -:o . 17, sllcwring the e.aent of irly rovenlents issue of •. 150,000.00 -. ater -, or::s -ponds of the Ordered filed. s accor:y anied. n, their conteni)lated under the r0ity of -.1 Segmido. CLD D . DIL =, inrorminr• the Board that Ile i s considering the erection of a tv.ro story buildin on the Southec st corner of ?.-ain Street 7_n:'. Orand ':venue, r:hich wrill -oe designed for stores and a -)assenE :er .��;.itinE: room on t=ae ground floor, and c�rra,riged for lod- e roods anc'. o fi ces on the second floor, w:Ilich he sug;_•ested would_ permit the city to rear_ange the roods in the ::ity i -al1 L,uildin -- to accomodc,tc t e 11 .neeri1„ a C_ .:ate- � na � tr:1ents, V_ Ste. '�' 1 L o S a' V111 he cost 0_ Er EC �lil E. new; 1)uJ- 1-6111„ Or(ered file, . i;cne. o_ _ _t per. re?ort _efe_ _ in to ..c �e the uz;-- of tele; __011CS 0 -' f -? e 0:_ _ j.11 .. c _ __:int, on _.ic_II_:crid S__ :1c use i iron c_ t_c 1 ill v_ tale u 1-4—c -afety Co:.,Y ittee, _ilc reset condition of ti_e fire cn; -ine; ^.11 rm Win.-,. 1E,; to tic c.nno,-ances '7. rec :t, and tc .urc -Lasi n "-.-,o r. 0eL!,,.ndo - 'lec.t_ e d.ur_ag suc:_ tide as moo City Lngineer Hutchins advised on su_plies and equipment necessary followin7 a chec_:i.n` and co=Darison Trustee - ucgcr, seconded by Trustee he is hereb,; authorized to purchase at a cost not to el :ceed ,, "287.00. C< the Board that he had -z ocured prices for the conduct of iris office, and of these nvices, it was mcved by Smiler, that the City Merl: be and one C. L. 3erger & Sons transit irried by the follovrin -; vote: A�reS Trustees Binder, -ueEer, Smiley and rySC . _'oec : None. nbse'_it: `nruStee -Jervis• OTTeC�'J" Trustee _:uef';er, secciaded Trustee Smi1e;T, t,mt the City Cler be and '_-e is hereby aut=_orizec_ to ,urchac•e one s if_' -let; ed tripod, c.t a cost not to e: :ceed :,'93.00. Carried b;y the follovrinr- vote: '.Tres . `Trustee, rode_ , = :ue-er, Smile;; .n% 3ry'avn. IT _Toes: gone. Absent: Trustee Davis. i_OZ`ed bSr TrTastee .ueger, seconded by `�'rustee Smiler, that the City Cler_: be land he is hereby authorized to )urc..ase one 15 ft. level rod, one 100 _t-. tape and reel, one 50 ft. tw e and reel, one hand level, t__ree field 000_:s, one 6 ft. 1/2" he- -zaUon steel line rod, one i_2) x 60 dravrin,_ board ,:ith horses, at a cost not to e_ :ceed X75.00. Carried 33' the i "ollowin.E- vote: A77-es : 'rustees minder , 'ue er, Smiley and 3ryson. Toes : ITone . l- _bsent: Trustee Davis. r" he Ci -7r Cler_: filed with the .3oard this date leis quarte:•ly report for the ouarte:. endln ; _'.larch 31st, 192 "5e S?LCI .L 0 Ji_ : OI' BU-S I=SS . As the receiving P ids was made a special order of business for C-:00 o' clod: ?. =. ,,,_ resident 3rvson at the hour of 7:59 o'clock . IT. e�•sonsp _ E E ~' as = :ed if there were any Y�„w�io desired to ''ile bids for the 1,:150 , 000.00 par value of the : ...200,000.00 -3a: value City of El Segundo ater ..or-:s 3onds, Election 1922, as advertised for by the ".oard, and ,rom tl; at 8:00 o' clod: P. all bids bei n in, the - -resident .ecll.re,' the bids closed. `the 3oard then proceeded to open and publicly declare all bids redeived for the said ate -or':s Im- ,rovement .ponds, which said bids were determined by said 3oard to be as follows, to -vri t: Joint biC. of - .- illiar:: _ Staats Co . and Cyrus - eir ce C: Company,, Los _.n e -es , -alifornia_,, as follows "Los ngeles, Cal. Asril -`rd, 192:x. T:�e Monor .ble 3oard of rustees, e�L:ndo , Calif ornia. er_tl emen : !+'or L"150,000. bonds of the City of -:1 Se,-undo, Count-,,-, of Los ::n�eles, State of Cali - ornic., of the denomi- nation of X1,000 each, dated JanuarTr 2, 1925, maturing si.r of sai.c; bonds in each o-.L- the years 1928 to 1952 inclusive, bewin" ii_tcrest at the rate of 51a -.?er .nnum, payable vre will -gay you on delivers- to us the sum of :. a'_', accrued_ interest to date of delivery, and a -premium thereover of _,:318.00. -e enclose here,.. tU._ as evidence of ,.;ood fwitiz our certified check for ;7,900.00, same to be retained by you 029 as part -:,ayment in case the bonds are sold to us, other - .rise to be returned. This uid f o-- i �ae� -�"te a cce_:te._.ce and on "I'e usual cond_ti on tne.t v:e are _u_nishec full certified abstract of the -proceedings 1ha,111 to autho_ ize t:as issue sa...S- factoril-y evidcncin`� to ou_ attoi.neys the lcuality o= the s=e. m. `r ectfull� submitted, CG �hom as Also the e bid o _ _.:oulton L Com- an , Los -n-eles , Califo -n ic•,, _ as follows "Los AnCeles, Cal. A-pril 32d, 10-13, 3oard of Trustees, City of _'1 3e�undo, 1 Segundo, Cali-iornia. - entle. �o: t1,e 150, 000. c.r value CI- ' 0 - "T S - - "TrO r 0=1 - -5 55 30 ='',S , of the d�enoznination of :1, 000, dated Janu:.yz- -1, 10 "3, ^.nc� maturing G, 000 eo,c'i year fro::? Januar 1928 to Janua_�- 2, 1052, inclusive, interest �eyab -_e se- annual - o.rnu�,lly Janu ^.-ry ^,nd e :..l r F�nd, cam,. v�he r rec;.Jury �: the '" l y of �l SeCundo , Calii'o_nial we will _a- 7,ou 1150,000, being; "I-)e -oar v_.luc of said bonds, - ccrue:, inte_°est to date of deliver; , ,,oLether :i4 th a Trenium of 176. 00, :,ne - unared -eventy- 3i.: 7,rid '70 /100 -Dolla-rs . This bid is made subject to irmnediate acce�atance, and .,ith the underste),ndinE thct upon delivery you will furnish us �:ith the oprovin� opinion of i :'ess�s. :cords :ell <,: :1, the.vrs of Los An,JUles, covering t�is is,�ue, same subject to the additional approving; opinion of John C. Thompson of :e.^ York at our e,.:.ense. As evidence of our good faith, and to comely with your Notice of Sale, we hand you here.: i th Cr,.shi er' s check of the Security Trust & Savin -s 3an_: for '8,000.00, being in a ::cess of 51'o of the amount of our ofd, said chec : to be used in part payment for the bonds when ta'_:en u�) by us, oi- to be returned - _)romp_ tly in the event ue aie not au riled the bonds uncle_ the terms hereof. .es-Dectfully submitted, 3;r L. Storr,73ley.I1 .'_11 of the bids rECeiVeCi f Or the sale of .:150,000.00 r.ar value o= the -`_'00,000.00 ne.r value _;ity of =1 :Segundo ,rater ..orks :onds, ,1cction 102 as adve_•tised _or %y the - oD ord, been -.?u licly o-- ened Lnd declared, it .eras :roved ay `2rustee umi.le,r, seconded by Trustee - 'ueZer, that .resolution .o. 51, entitled: I'.'. 0. I -:SGLU`_'IG 0 ,, -,n. r- n c_��� rL s�- T:r_r__ �� JO I_:^ 7;13 0- ,1:^ _.. a� u :`�r� COI - ---.`� ri - -0: ''150,000.00 A_? VA= 000.00 _ ��i �.T_i �, CI ='Y 0�' yL S-;1tr �0 WAT'EE' ",O1C_S BOLDS, ELECTIOIT 1922, AIM ArIA:?DIITG SAID '150,000.00 ::tZ. Vl= O_' SAID 30rDS TO S. ID .; ILL? �?: _ STAATS CCLI i =ITY ;dTD 1'EI r:CL which was read, be ado7)ted. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder,:ueger, Smiley and Bryson. Tloes : None. Absent: Trustee Davis. LT' 717?_'IS: The mutter of the im-o_•overlent of ?:.-in Street from . rir)osa :,venue to Collingwood treet, as ree_uested by the pro7)erty ormers living, '.:,hereon, was again discussed by the Board and it arpearinC to be generally desired that Hain Street for its entire length from '1 Segundo Avenue to Collingviood Street be im- roved in the manner suggested in the -petition of C. r'. Traci: and others, that is by ideninr, the tho,_- ough_�arc to its entire V leCal .:i6_th, constructing sidevialks and curbs 'or the entire length of the street, and erecting, electroli.ers, it eras moved by 'trustee _ "ueCcr, seconded by `_'rustee Smiley, that action in this maattei- be deferred another glee : for _urther consideration and the _. re &ration of tentative plans. Carried. YIIG BILLS . The folloaing demands, having had the a-_..proval of the Co =ittee on r'in_.nce and i:ecords, were read: Carl E. ueger X15.00 ::ichard P. Davis 15.00 ,iilliemo C. Bryson 15.00 eter y. binder 15.00 Alfred 1% Smiley 15.00 League of Cal. L1unicipalities 20.00 Herald = ublishing Co. 75.00 Herald Publishing Co. 22.10 Victor D, HcCarthy 175.00 Neva. I% Elsey 125.00 :. "into Curtzwiler 25.00 Clyde '.00dt.orth 100.00 Don C. 50.00 So. Calif. Edison Co. 29.61 _acific Tel. & Tel. Co. 43.?0 So. Cal. Disin_ecting; Co. 8.75 George L. = idvrell 175.00 H. Jones 140.00 J. E. Leavers 95.40 George A. Kidwell 20.00 The Electric Shop 4.95 C. 'r;oodyard 32.00 J. C. Abshier 125.00 rIarold_ D. Dale 55.00 L1 Segundo 7.7ater Co. 33.70 P. D. Gardner 100.00 r, K. Jensen 15.00 A. R. Gunn 195.00 C. T. Ainsworth 85.00 ;:tiller 72,80 ;i. D. Sici:le2.- 69.44 ';i. G. Henry 69.44 _.:. Dera gisch 69.44 A. G. 3ogan 69.44 C. - Joodyard 45.88 C. Poviell 61.35 pacific Jlectric aailway 44.20 Union Roc'_': Co. 231.75 _-acific 1"lectric _!ailway 67.64 So, C 1if. Edison Co. 98.92 So. Calif. =dison Co. 32.66 So. Calif. Edison Co. 20.17 So. Calif. Edison Co. 25.09 ,80. Calif. Edison Co. 3.40 _'. ;i, lea�;er 8.00 So. Calif. 17usic Co. 3.25 X2797.58 .oved by Trustee Binder, seconded by `trustee Smiley, that the der,, .nds be allowed and warrants drawn on the General Fund for the same. Carried by the following vote: Ayes: Trustees :minder, Hueger, Smiley and Bryson. hoes: None. A', se n t : Trustee Davis. :loved by r..'rustee I:ueger, seconded bar lrustee Smiley, that the 6 clowl� rood adjoining the Council Cif 71ber on the rC -s1t be c.ssi ned to the e,_c1us ive use o� t_ _' -' _ , i t - =1s d�.te . e c n zee orl nc. �.._ Ue_ Carried. wed by Trustee .., -,eger, seconded b, �rustee arai1c,-, that the City y.rsh.:l be and he is hereb -,r authorised to .avc �,.)ublisned trice in the =1 Se, undo erc.la. a notice to the of "fect that doh, licenses a,re now due and nayaale. Corr ed b, the follorinE vote: !yes : Trus tees i nder, TlueC-•el•, Smile, and Bryson. Noes . iTone. 'bsent: Trustee Davis. moved by Trustee Smile- , seconded by `trustee uecer, that the orei�n _.'i ssiona,';r Society o= t_ze : etaodi st Jisco?Oal Ciiu, c: be and they are hereby granted -_)ermisc ion to use f if t;' of the City's cu:0s , dates , hives , for - -s and spoons on A?)ril 5ti:, l� '�, with the understandin, that the same shall be returned for the use of the re,•ular occu-oant of the iTall on said nir-I.lt not later 7.C'0 _ . said date and t.at any- of s-id articles lost o.' da.:.- ;ed be re- placed or aid. for. Cur_ -ied. further business area „in ; to be tra.nsa,_-ted at this meetinE�, i t : as moved by '-'rustee �mile�-, seconded by �'rustee _:�te�,er, that �ie �iee t in. adjourn. ;Wr -•lea. : es_ ectful1y sub.sitted, A ;roved: ?resident, 3oa.'d of Trustees. City