1922 SEP 12 CC MINEl Sep, undo, C -_lif. Se --)t. 1:?, 19? rer-ula.c r:leetinC of the Board of `"rustees of the City of Segundo, California. yras called to o-1-der at 7 :_30 o' cloc =- on the a Bove date is t"I e Soi?:7ci Chambe ' c L the i t 1 -a11 0= saiC:. City u ,7i =_1iaL i C . L =' 'son, I.residcn'_ o-_`' the Bo--.rd. nY nAr7 `'ruatee8 re °Cnt -'.i.nd_f-', Davis, l:uer-e_ a nC - ry'son _'ruste.e.ti _ _e lc 11 o ; 1 ec__2.1 __.._ca: Rio is =ead a n d dis ,o-c:' o_ == 'ic^ted. '--(D-7,' -LA� =`I_'G CO_- T '. C e.nr_o:lT ?c? nr the f oi�rt;� �„eetin- o_ tie o"r- anilation at G1end_ 1e, Ca1fo 'ni_��., Saturdays C:e.) -enber 16, 192? . Orde_ed. 'filed. =nCi_ IC OS'' =3S J'�=� .I C1 - T L";G:10=: tl an "_vine. the Board fo_ e,_;;endinL )rivilecec to the - ost on Ser tenibei' 9, 1922. C'_'C_L'iBC- _ =- I ^IO 0- '�._._ .'- 77 „ ' =�_:S requestinr- t::e irn-,�rove- _e: ^. Of _'='_^ .1in =Lvenile frmn i,o:'_1a Vista :street to the alley hest street. �: r r_' i '_ seconded y ^ i oved by 'as .ee _.uer•er, �econr3.e.i b,,. iu s ,.ce _,ir'.r_ tie fo1lo�:in _esolution 'ne adeoted. *'r- =- - T ' , C' J „_.__L �s_ti, i G a- -nears that certain residents and _;ro -nerty o-uners of the Ci t;,, of E1 Se ,-undo ^.re , illi n- v to ray certain moneys in the sum of 66.00 ir_to the Treasury- c_"' the City of I'll Ser-undo , Californi.r, , E,nd into the Gcnera-l_ "und thereof, for the purpose or causing certe.in street ira�-)rovemer_ts within said city to be made, and, V said sus: has been deposited with the Ci t Cler': of s�.id City t,-it j. instructions to --?ay the same into sai,1 General Fund u_non the adoption of tie f ollovrinT : ITC T-__,= I'0?' , ET IT :l COLV_ That the Street Sunerir.terident be and e is hereby aut _o.'ized and instructed_ to cause the 1=- tioT. of that certain :,ublic street - ..ithin t'te CJ ty of El Ser ;undo , knMM as Eranl_lin _ivenue 1 y'_nc and bein'r, bet ;:een the alle7, ;vest of '.'hitin� Street and Loma. Vista. Street to be irn"n'..'oved b, the construction therein of the follo:-rin -, ire ,roverner_t, to --ait: A Roc and Oil irz )-_ °overnent simila.l' in char- a..Cte'_' tC t.­_e i i'r lr ove?' er'_t on Lone. Vis te. Street b,et-;-een ?rani li„ a.rd Grand Avenues. Carr_ed i,y the follorrinr- vote: --_:� ^ ��, s "'i ti. D"-vi s '; ro 1' ri 7'rzr .. .r.. =• gee _� :nd_e_, �, rLle�e ��n_. J_, sOn "oes : Trustees ' "one Ab.sCTIt. 2 ?_'_ ?stee9 Sm,i1el, n 1-,- r cc� S`3 186 D -r Trustee D .vis of the ubli c Safety Co L:i "Lee - reformed tre ? Oa.rd hat .7.E : c�Ci 11,i -: '-nes�,ed a collision of an aL'_torlobile -nd a '_"loto'_'cycle P.l 'vie role- -section of ",rand :venue anr1 , Vi_'rin -In tr e e t and SUr-r_ ested ti.e erectl c of dail -e'_'OL?S coma, -, ' ~ns ,:,'i t11 UL1e viC":. O_ .1iY:i1 -;iZn^ _fie 'OS °io'_li .,. 0'_ a.CCi (It Cn !7, .t t .0 _ O1Tht :. a-: cc'. b u °tee ::L?e,,er, seconded. b'T _. itf-- to c Dav, J t t'-_c C:. t -_ -'e 1C -- ere:, "' inst- iletpo tC - -P.,c )BS': t''e �_17tC1Ctfl�' FE C, _1c o. o __t.'c_ _ Ca.li`L ornia. to erec , _ o.ir danr_'ero- ., `FT- ns n.d jacent tC t_-'C i'_1 ";C "'S CCt10i1 of Grand - "_Vtlllle a.11r? V_r" lrii a Trustee of t ?e rublic Se-_'vice Co,=Iii:cee re-:-oi•ted 1 = ^vi il_tc_•vieT:red. :e lec.der o -.�' t'-,--,e - 1 Se- -ur_do T)anc?_ anc)� -- ecor.?- ' CnCICCt ,_h<lt t_ =e n1er1:)e_'S of the band be Corl�ensated. at the rate of ' • C?0 eac_: _�'n, three concerts be- inning this date , �'ollotiri n LI d_i sCL- .�SlonS _ t .';,.s l::oved b'r �'rt ?StCC nde_', ti GCOT1deG7_ J Trustee _' J� '_u eac1: mcril-er cf .1_C l;l ;me t ?nC�O arid, ;:1Grt1 C7.?) ?•tin in t:.e ne :_t three - oublic concerts )eginninc this date be com- ensated in the sum o-f >2.0o for eac_: concert ,artici: -)ated in, u­o_ t_•.e filin -- of } -_o-,-,er dem,,,nd_s for such service. CPr„_4 e blr the follo.rin vote: i�L.' es Trustees 3ir_de_', hc^vis, Ruer'e_ and 'coca : Trustees ..one 7- 1 S r _ -,-. ? _ s eel File; ' ustee _: ;i d.er for the - ub1ic '.'or s Conn ittee a- e,-)erted made an invest -I -ation of Collinrwood Street vest of ,011i'. _, �J_StCi _:venue f indin`: t1--p same in a condition di- f ict?lt .70r J-raf ri c t0 t= 0,vc'_'Se . T =ae ri<?tte_ O_ the tem- ,_)oiIIIry iT1?1I'OVE'- =nt of t: =15 Street was discussed aInC, it w --s also recommended '-'--at le :.,ade be establis'_-Ied, from ?sir. Street to the westerly city :.loved b�r '7rt ?Stec i':Lle�e?', seconC�ec?. bZT Trustee Davis t,..� t t' _��.,, �_.e rt- ^eet Su:_-)erinterdent be and :e is hereby authorized and instructed to remove sand fror., Collinr,:ood Street vicst of on_ta. _s to t.ven7_1c. Ca._ried 10y t =he fo11otrin-, vote. r,-- es : Trustees Binder, Davis, I,ueCer and Bryson "oes : _=steel J.one sent : Trustees Cl_liley :roved b7 Trustee rue^ez•, seconded_ by Trustee Binder tihat tlhe Ci t;, !In--ineer be and he is here -;:;.r instructed_ to establish t -'' � '1 V t from 1 } t 1 o- I ci _1 - -ra.de on Colli.nr•rrood :tree u iron I:ain Stree � to tale vresterly city lirlits. Carried by the followin`: vote: A7?*es : Trustees Binder, Davis, :ueEer and Br7rson -_ -ocs : Trustees I.one 1.1)sent : lI'ustees Sniley Ai.11J iJ_ _ .,_ aL_1 CO- 'i •� _5 = `resident of t_c Board advised havi.n - been informed ClMStea.d and GJ_llelcr_ 'I -at t"ze-- are read;;- tc _^roceed critrt t1e r:,_ _,raise l of the es-_i Stin`, 1•iate2 Cr0_. "S :rl ;ihlri the City of Se, -undo c'_' the 1aUiliCi 7G,lii :'y'. :.:oved f)`T Tul'stee s _ col.' c ' tee L._ e „le bc, and -i.e is r1 �- to ? i1,_iC_ ^•,^ v t t' r' r i:crei: iT:s .L ?cted to nog if�r Olmstead and. 'illelen to nu -C-_e an n-.- - - n't .i t, C� c lli -.,r .!- r. t'---e -n ^ .1) f r s : :,c�_�,, o��' t. e :o�,' :s and lens o� �1 �er,_ndo '.:a e Cori :,-my and t ::,.e Sauswl- :edondo 'aa.ter Cora» ny as to tiheir vali-?e to t`hc Ci o= -711 SeCundo. Cr'. =ried. by t-he follo;-rin -: vote: 71-11S tees minder, ]Davis, t L?eZe_' aan,r'_ fir;;• ^Oii T. rus"ees one - _.osent : ^_rustees 'Mile,: The City attorney reported having' tal :en t1i.e mattes' of the re,a.ir o_ i.- - I.".lone' Stree', e� r Gr .r. -a :�ver._ e u- it_: "s. =?einleiT of tree ,:e T)eop - rec•ueste� by t1ae soar;.•. "oved_ Uy Trh?stee Davis, seconded. by Trustee Rueter t :_eat suc': ^rus tees ?s can __ _. 012f --ermitted to attend the convention of th.e I_u:.icinalities to �e helC. at -a-lo Uto C 23 incl ?sive 1. 22:, --.nd t o file dci:lai_ds f able ex ^)enses incurred on account of suc', the followinL: vote: n 1.8'7 e— and the City ClerIc be League of Calif ^rnia wlifornia Se- -)tember 1'to t.ieir a ctual and reason - attendance. Carried by A,,es : Trustees E J ode,, Dav- :uer-cr anC _;r;;Tson cwl Toe._ : ^_us =ees _;one sen:: __"Ill )C•te S' 11 e - -oved b, '^--,-aste(, 'uere-I•, seconder:. b-; Trustee Davis '..later-- ►a- ���6^� IaI-_le Cit;r Attornel, be -)ermitted to attend the convention oithe LeaCue of California I.- -imicipalities, Seoter.i . 19 to 23 imllzsive 19212 and to file .►Js demand f cr one -hall of hl-s ac tuaie, cad reason - t.ble e_-:, enses incur ='e.d on account of s c_1 attendance. Carried b; t.le f ollow-*MT7 vote A;-es : Trustees Binde -_,, Davis, Rueter and ,-,;-son goes : Trustees Iione Absent Trustees Si(mler �_ �✓.:._.7 B '.'_le receiving; c= bids for urnishinr the Cit ;;T of �1 �y• '1nJc) .v:i t'i one �aSOilne ' Ot0'_' trt ?C_. C'1c, ^:pis of no' lcs ",an , -•_ - -_ o- rot le r 'L'_,.a-r t,-e : rr.teci _1.o- se Hotter :l'' _7.e'_'etOf Or e uusi iesU o ^ad fie o ? ?_ o. _ .C'i o' cloc- ._- at this meeti,z l e.nd .- 'otice to _,'2at :, _ .i l�_s !ed.. ^he resident aroVse and announced tae ; 188 D -1' �i J Of .. edO1hC10 _'Dezc_,r_), C.^„lifOrn'.u., SO,id arimoui,t beinc in e= =Cess Of =0, 1 c _O lit o'.i i'_G . .'he relative merits ol" the equipment -._;ro -posed to be i-urnished �re,�e discussed bar file Board follovrin� whicr, it was moved by T_�ustee i'.iieger, seconded b,. Trustee Davis t i.at the follovrin resolution be ado-,ted: "RESCLtr�, That all bids received for furnis_,i.n,­ the Cit, o=' 11 Segundo t'itI, one gasoline motor ti-lic:- c '-ia,ssis V of not less tl -ia.n one ton capacity and or not less t= an twrenty rated horse novicr as adve_tised be and the same ^.re hereby rejected with the e::cention o_' nro-,)o- siLion ;-3 co:_taiihed_ in the bid of . off eris __ Peek, and that t_,e contract fe_- f I ?rni s':ing the City of :,�Il Se--undo r1 said L, w:_t'� s�,ya ec?ui,�rier.;, be and ��ie same is i.creU, ; avra-rclec: to jefferis L 'eei., same to be erui-:Dped ;-ith -;neumati^ tires in rear instead of solid tires at the price quoted in their said bid. to -writ. 8439.40. A'D BE IT -"TT -, T T'_at the City Clerk be and he is ,ereb•- in- 'T structed to return the checi. of all unsuccessfulybid.clers." C� ,_•i ed b;r t1ie follow` n" vote : Ayes : ,r astees I�i nder, Davis, Ri?eger and '3rarson .ocs : ' ?rustecs iTone _-3r: ,son : Trustees : :i11ev, :-G Bi-, -I S rn ^ "he _ollov:in der.ands,having n�.d ti =e ap- oroval of the on I'inance -and -ecords, viere read: ? :. Chai-berlain 7 71.50 ' 'i . Gilbert " "15. 6C oe Rome_o 1 1030.00 S So. Calif. Edison Co. 1 1.. JC Joe Romero 7 770.00 o o a.ck Neely 6 6.0c TOT..L X2061.05 ' oved by Trustee ueger, seconded by Trustee Davis that t- :-,ese demands be allowed and via - _-cants for the same be dravm upon the General Fund. Carried by the followin,- vote: A-Tes: Trustees Binder, Davis, Rueger and Bryson -:oes: Trustees one tUsent: Trustees Sr_ii1ey Trustee De,vis o_ the Co,_1:1i .tee on I- inance and _:Ecords _ecor.xiendecl t'ie -purc112se o_ a clhec -__ ,protector fo° use i•, the Cler' -'s Oi_1Ce ^,ilel It Was movec, 7_-_'uStee uege =', SP,condeCi Trustee Binder ti-lat the Ci t;r C,•'ler+r be instructed to purchase one C ec�:; 7,iriter, it to cost not to exceed .:79.00. Carried by the follow- -I,,, vote: Ayes: Trustees Binder, Davis, Rueger and Bryson noes : Trustees i;one ,.oscnt: irustees Smiley Trustee Davis for the Tublic Safety Committee drew the Board's to a gas a^ s?: vrhica he t �ougrht advisable to add to the eoui_-�j::ent of t3ie Fire De-parti :lent - )ointing out soi..e or the needs and uses Of suc'sh a device and he requested some of the T3oard to �er'ise , --e -.1. 03ci'i')tiVe cata10,Ue rihi(I'1 A.e had 'ianded `trustee ind.ei . Trustee i_ nti-er of the ---u'Dlic :forks Committee info_,ned the Doard that the fire engine driver advised him that the roof of his apartment is lea'-:r. The Clerk stated ;.,-hat he be than the Street �ulDerin- tendent- :iad e-oaired t_he roof . 1. _ tic 1 , ion in the ?Natter was deferred, ^.endi Yhg cores illation Wit-)_ the Street S-?-oerintenaen t. ..,c) 'uit-ier business a-1,;.)e,-t--,-in,- to be transacted at t',Iis L I - u Session, it was mmvec ,. by ,--u- -Dav'S, Seconded by Trustee Stec, u tu-,ia- 'lie rn e'u-in-- adjourn unt-*-.1 Satu----cl—1 "ie 161-1-1 da— of u U., .1 Ca::-ried. Sc--)te:-.fDca7, 1922 at- 0 houl' of 11:30 olcloc- A--)nroved: o 7r, -is -"ee!:,. I ,es-,,)ec-1--fully sub:,ii '00000 e7,; 19 , nft o , C!- 1 i L Fj c t . i cc ie "-:7 o --c S of '-'I Gy 0-.L callc-(-!- to 0 C C, 11 3 IC o I c 10 C'_, c 1 e 0 - 0 0 t C4 jie o a I"- -V-'�-, '-. 4j 11 S 1000 c S c r --.-- 1) 27,Sor -Over., 1)7- 70:r '-uotee DavIls to ri 4 �l L -Davis C-ft,-- Clci-': ,ro JCerno-2e. r c d OVeC_ )-� seco7ided b7, 0 C-2rlcd C c c F3 r, c 0 e c D�,.,v i.s, t, T 0 r7 IISC Of t ^0 '_'_0C "nl 'U- 4 445 00 7i -4 cl:l -id-v` lle 41, 50 65 7� 5.06 y u S t 0 V C d 'D' Y 7!�us t c c -Milely, seconric.'O Tr i,, ee u S ch2axln oil la e C', C e (I by the follo-,,-, vote •:3 c c z Davils, nn e e e! (:1' r-- -, "- ) - 7 , , : t to t':.-ansac a u t U -. r7 I&