1922 SEP 06 CC MINEl Segundo, Calif.
Sept. 6, 1922
I� reula-- .iec tiny of t le 3oard of Trustees of the City of
Jl Segundo, California was called to order at 7:30 0' clod
on file >LCJOVe date in t_'le Council C'elar'lber of the vi t .' Hall of said
cite by „`illia_, C. 3r -rson, ,esideat of the board,
:=!, C LI. .
Trustees - ._resent Davis, � ue cr, Sniley and Bryson
Trustees Absent ?inde. r
- :)7I 0~ 1_7 -rl _.7 -' -,_J n-' i.'' 1�7i_V 0U r'I'rl:. '.,•
The r.li. lutes of
r Csd, 1 O errors or
seconded b-,r
Cirri e� , v
,•e l��_ rlce ;,in _1 30 19,2)'2) Jere
oniscions beinZ noted. it wa laoved b;r Tr>>stce
Trustee '�avis t:l�.t the same be a_ proved- as read
- :li J1- L,e of t'1e adjourned regula ^ rleetin held :,e >;te:q-oer 1 , 1922
� -icre ^ead , :Jit?_,out error or O1"!isoion a-! ^ -Uea rinC. 7,_OVC -.' a „' ir' ?Stec' D.a'vis,
_ coracle i b;;' Trustee Srsi ley t la,t the sa..e be ^_ _roved. as read. Carried.
'�'r'_:s tee ?in;l:-r a:r�et-i cd at tie rleetin” at tais -point and ii=e-
diwl el�r too:_ _lis seat, the =lour vein, 7 :35 0' cloc'_
-T n -7 TneraT0)7S
°oll0:._1 cor aul_i ca.t� ohs :ere e?.r_ �d c_i s :sec. o� s :._c�.ted:
;etitioi1 f ro? -A CIIarles L c1 via ine an t± o t lsrs revues tiny tae
1nStalla, -ionoi a Street ll "'Zi, at Ellcal'.'_ ?tus Drive =:nd _ olly AVe_1Lio.
tae reading Of t�e - )etitiOn the Cler-: advised tr- Board 'U1_1,-,t
it vans t:1e desire of the -oct- itioners to have another street _light
installed at the corner of Arena, street and Pine Avenue, Loved by
Trustee ^ ?ever, seconded by Trustee Davis that t'le rea_uests of the
:letitioners for street 1i�hts at ^ -cal �tus Drive and "_olly Street
and at Arena Street and "?ine Avenue be rrr.e-,nted, anal the City Clerk
be aiv '-!e is hereby authorized and instructed to as!,: the SoL.?tllern
ryalif ornir� Edison Corinany to install t_lese li °:.ts as an addition to
t_le current stree L� li r;. tiny° contract ,Jiti1 said collpany. �. rri ed by
the folloJin -� vote
es : Trustees Binder, Davis, r:ue cr , j?ailey --rid Dr'?"son.
Noes: Trustees one
Absent: Trustees done
I'I'��' 0�' =. DC :� .TO _�� CT1C_� ? ' n 11 TIV
off 4 -ls of
-his rlanici- ali t7r �.n invit atiorl to
'pion of t'qe Le^�-ue of C _-,l ifo -n-,.a. ,nici- .lities
Alto :�e>>terfoer 19 -23 incl-.?sive, 1322, and guoti;
0rdcre' f 1ed.
i -one .
e_ :tendin,7 to the
attend t21e conven-
to be held at 'alo
1F,' hotel rates.
Trustee Rueter of the .. Libli c Service Co,,���� �_ttee drew attention
to the fact that t le defective vei`lent on :iCfrYzonJ Street has not
a_ell p`' the COntrwCtO'_'S l'J_'_0 CO21st'tL ?Cted tale s aY:1e, as per
aP_ a eCf1c?i t -:Ji t_i _. _ :� -ne re- oreselltative 1 ll
^ Ot t� a iil lte _ aVlY1" CO.
SJ,; 'Cs'ed flat tel:llorCary CeY:2ent patches be glade as
a Safeguard a.f aiYZet accidents - oendin`; reconstruction of file wor :
T.1OVed Ili' Trustee U.E �e ^, secondedI ,, `_ 'rustee 1nile�'
U __ ,_L, ,. lE ,� t r eC ,�u �e2'1n `i °.ildr :�; ^. T Cl ', S :� r .r instructed a
�e 1 _.e i __e_ eb t to
.=,treet near Grand avenue and 'j-1 e Ci t;
A-. 117 instrac ed to a -ain request t -,e :;iilite yen ,le
tc e__ped_i te 'bons t_,iction of said _ ave�:lor_t. Carried, - -
- - 07 - r C T r107
._ _. _... _ ,
?ale ('i t ' Cl er'r; '.,(, -'ncr (l rn n ,-t- -L' r r :n
c i o� er �i, ica,te o� i tle
ti is tr :_ eaSterl�' seventy, (70) feet of .Lots seven, (7)
rat- ei; a, (S) in 31OC'_ t'a'7e ?Zt�'- Ol1C', !�� Of _-C Unr':o Vented in tae
184 D
.n t'-.e City of- El SeE•undo, a muniCi'i;' -'.l cor-')oi'?tion free and cle ar
of inciu:io�rances e:_ce.;t _'w__es or t'2e fisc - - -1 7 ear 19`?`_? -23 and
con�,,itions and rest rictio.2s of record, certificate 179.s
"he City Attorney.
-r 177-
- ' -� J. L._ j
__"urS a2_It to _ J_o11S '_i2St "tCt2on^ , t_1e =tY _. t0" 2C 'cSc -, e(!
to , ie o tie fo - =n, _2ece.ssar-:, for e_ :ec,i :ion in t'2e r a�� er o`'
concerninrr t'-.e adoption of a new buildin -• ordinance
c ?eswrn? tin fire districts. . ".ction in the m:o.tter was c?e�`'erred b;r
n 30err1 ,
'__e fo1lo:: i n� deru.i2ds
, =.vin„
had t12e a_ _ Gov a1
of t-e
Cori -
Mittee on ?inc.nce and
TIecord, were
Hrold D. Dale
,7erald - 11 b1is'Linr. Co.
So . C_.li- . Edison
1 .25
I'1 Se-undo Oaro.e
C. E. 'z_i one;;r
35 55
trustees ChurcIr.,
So. C^.lif. Edison
J. E. Bender
So. Calif. Edison
-, 1
-,_ Se��li -.d -o : ;'a�e� Co. moo.
So . Calif. Edison
aCU t'ie= ii ;C.11f 7;diso'P_
Co . 2,:^) . 2) 7
S-. Cal if . Edison
98.4 _-
Ceo . 11. __i di 1eil
g. ; :. Ye ar- c r
_r ?e� i C...i� La 7 ranee ' ?ire
L. CO26 .77
_.:o-7 cd ;. - ^_,.stet T:ueMer,
by Trustee Davis t: ^w t t_2ese
der;i_.nds be allowed and
Tarrai2ts "or
t %ie szi__e be dra;n2 a -on
General Eund. Cf,._r-_ i ed b;,- t'2e f ollowi nr: vote:
Ayes : "'rustecs Binder, Davis, T:ue --er, , Smiley c.nd Bryson.
:oes : lrust�2es Bone
i )sei2 ^riffs tee _'one
^�ustee ,_ --yson d_,e t'- e 70ar_:-'s attent.nn yo the fact t:iat t'ie
_-1 S)cl— ildo 3�,rd h.. s been enter tai ni nrr the 7,1 Se -undo 'public for a
number of mon'';'2s rrit"__out co1i sensation �- nd that 'Ie believe.:, that the
org 'nization s-_ oul d be con- )ensated for the three concerts that are
;Get to be given. General discussion ensued terminating in a motion
^rustee �Ilier-er, seconded oy - rustee -nilel,, c; carried t %art the
tatter ue left in t=ie hands of '71oustee Binder, Chairman of t%