1922 SEP 01 CC MIN182 D :--1 Se undo Calif. t An ad Ilirne(I re- ulcer r,ieetinr• of the Boaz•d of ^rustees o`_' t__r, Cit;- of Eel SeCundo, Clalifornia tivzc called to order at t:-,elve o l clot.= noon on the above date in n the Co.1r_ci 1 C__eu:�ber of t_�e Cit�r wll of said Cit -• b, l'illiam C. Brtr o.° t �'r sident - .�_ ..son, Tl � ie Board. T , T T CPT' -_ -1J Davi S 0 -m- e'r �r __Ustes absent Binder and uecer .'oved by Trustee Davis, seconded by Trustee Srii leer V e re -ula, order of business be dispensed wit-h. Car =•ied. T ie f ollowi n- deinn,nds , having been approved by the Co -�_:.i ;tee on "finance and Reco_ds, ; :ere reed: c e -' '„ 15.00 George 'IcLauchlin -99.35 �J125.00 lliaaa C. Br.-,,,son s i c =_a rd 17. D vi 15.00 J. C. Abs_,ier s 15.00 C. Woodyard 91.52 C -'rl 15.00 '. D. Gardner 10-1.00 Alfred I'. 'Smiley 15 00 r' ,.. J . %Ienrter 69 �r- ctor D. LicC�rtii�� V 175.'�O D. S. Boo-,,, .44 70. �9 Eva :a.I 14.55 A . R . Gunli- 195 00 LS eva :._. �lse�' 100.00 C, T. Ainswort_­ 36. 80 Tate "rota 4,35 A. T. ?'filler 77.40 Curtzrriler 25.00 D. Sickler 69..11 Cl yde 71'o o d-,-.ro r t--,- 1v . 00 = . I;. Sumner 49.60 a fir. Green George A. I:idwe11 50.00 i. F. Todd 160.00 J Leavers 41.50 Tones . 140.00 TOTAL 14.06 t. a0 -roved b2r Trustee t'_�ese demand-2- be allowed Davis, seconded by Trustee Smiley t -zat and warrants for the swine be t ,e General Fund, Car- ied bar the follo•:- i n- drawn upon vote: 4;reti : `'ruNtees Davis, Sniley and Bryson, V 'roes : Trustees ;one ,bsent 'yrustees Binder and due: er, There bein; no furtier business to transact at this neeting,r, it was Moved l)y Trustee Srliley, seconded by Trustee Davis that t'he meeting adjourn, Carried. Aroroved : re ._dery B4O2.1 -d of Trustees. es- _nect�ully subnitted, City Clerk